If you were an actor trying to make it big in film/TV, would you move to LA or Atlanta? Which has more opportunities for roles, auditions, and representation?
Hi all, I’m recording our annual Year In Review episode of my long-running interview podcast "Actors With Issues" later today and would love to feature some responses from up-and-coming actors. Question: What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2022? Leave your response in the comments and we’ll give you a shout out on our show! And if you’re curious, you can check out “Actors With Issues” on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks!
What teachers gave you your biggest breakthroughs in terms of becoming a better actor? For those of you who took a long time to book your first professional credit, was any teacher a catalyst that helped you finally become a working actor? If you could recommend any 1 teacher that made the biggest difference for you in your training, who would it be and why?
Posting this in a few other subreddits, we'll see if we have something good here. Basic idea - screenwriters on the sub post short scripts and actors on the sub perform the dialogue. Sort of like [r/DrawForMe](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/) in the "collaborative art" aspect, except in this case the requester is putting more work in. This is pretty beneficial for all sides. If you're a screenwriter, you can post a script and get someone else acting/voice acting it a few hours later - this might help you get a better feel for the script and where it works and doesn't work, and besides, it might just be nice to hear someone else act out lines you wrote. If you're an actor, you have a free supply of practice material. If you're just spectating, you get to watch interesting scripts and acting performances for free. In addition, this could help establish partnerships if the screenwriter and actor like each others' script/acting so much that they would like to work together. What do you think? Not to brag, but it I think it sounds like a pretty cool idea. Any ideas for names?
"You have to know iambic pentameter! You must!". Let's start with the text, if I speak it aren't I running into the pentameter close enough? It is after all written that way. "You need to understand the text!" No, I do not. I just need to study the text a lot. "But you need to perform..." If I'm to perform with the meter in mind, how am I not behaving like every other actor there is? That brings us back to the text, shouldn't I be good enough to form coherent thoughts out of the text Shakespeare wrote without consulting a rule book? At the end of the day words come out of mouths.
I have a very similar look to a prominent actor-enough that I rarely go a day without someone approaching me to tell me. My girlfriend has a following on Instagram and when she posted a photo of us her comments were filled with “whoa you’re dating (famous actor).” I emailed his agent (according to the info I could find online) awhile ago but I’m wondering if there’s some other avenue I could pursue? I’ll also add that I’m an LA local.
Hi, ok so when I was younger (this was pre covid) I used to be quite into performing, now I wasn’t amazing but I had the confidence to try it. But every since lockdown happened I’ve just been really scared to try to get back into performing. I’ve been thinking about joining this class for which you have to audition for however I can’t help but feel that im not good enough, especially compared to others who will probably have more experience as well as skill than me. Now im not a serious actor but acting is something that I’ve been missing a lot lately and I was wondering if anyone has any advice. Im not sure if this is the right subreddit to post this. Also Im sorry if the format is all weird im on mobile.
I'm just looking for some ideas as to what kind of flexible jobs are out there since a standard 9-5 just wont work if a shoot comes up.
I am moving to NY from Mumbai, India this coming fall. I am applying to the Stella Adler Studio of Acting and Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute conservatory programs. I'll take a personal call on the technique that I prefer (I feel every actor/actress should do that) but in terms of faculty, course structure, visas (student and work) networking, etc. which one would you suggest?
As a voice actor, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to what I could offer people in exchange for them supporting me on patreon? I'm just wondering what I could give to those who subscribe to different tiers.
i want to make a little self tape reel for my actors access but my issue is most of my tapes are from previous auditions ive done this year for tv shows, and im unsure about whether i can use them. one of the self tapes i really want to use is an audition i did for a popular show, but the episode the sides are from already aired recently. the thing is ive seen many people post self tape reels on youtube lately, or self tapes to their aa profiles. i also saw some wednesday auditions posted publicly as well even though the show released not too long ago, so im a bit confused on the etiquette now lol. can i use these self tapes in my reel if the project or episode i auditioned for has already been released?
Hey! I’m an autistic actor who’s in the process of applying to colleges. While I struggle with some other aspects, audition tapes are something I find the most difficult- Specifically, I’m having a really hard time looking at the camera, and my body language feels awkward (both of which are exasperated due to being autistic, as eye contact and body language are NOT great). I do well on stage and in performances, but for whatever reason, I’m having an absolute nightmare of a time trying to film myself. Any tips?
Hello, I am 20 year old guy who is quite interested in becoming an actor. To give some useful context about me, I am currently living in Toronto (a city with a strong entertainment industry) and am in my second year of university studying film production. Starting at age 13, I was a background performer in various films and television shows in my city (though stopped because of the pandemic). When I was in high school, I acted in various school plays, having both minor and major roles. As a film student, I have gained some on-set experience as a crew member in a few student productions. During this period, I came to realize that I enjoyed performing in front of a camera and creating my own stories instead of doing sound or camera work. Therefore, I enrolled in a theater course as one of my electives during the last semester. I ended up having a blast in that class, as it allowed my goofy, eccentric personality to flourish in the form of monologues and speeches. I have also auditioned for my university's theater club this academic year. I ended up landing a major role, allowing me to return to acting after a pandemic-long hiatus. I feel very lucky to play a character that suits my persona and am enjoying every minute of it. Now, after much encouragement from fellow classmates and professors, the acting bug has bitten me once again. Minute by minute, I am becoming ever more intrigued with the notion of pursuing a career in acting. My motivation here is NOT fame at all. If I end up becoming an A-list Hollywood actor, good for me. I want to become an actor because I genuinely enjoy the craft of portraying characters and entertaining an audience. Making others laugh and feel emotion is what drives me to perform, both onstage and via my goofy demeanor. My goal is to land a major role in a Canadian TV show by my mid to late 20s, and by doing so, make enough money to lead a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle. To give an example of what I am aiming for, think of actor Paul-Sun-Hyung-Lee (one of my idols) when he was playing Kim's Convenience. I have come up with a few ideas of how to make this ambition of mine a reality. The first thing that comes to mind is to start a YouTube channel with my film friends in which we produce a series of comedy skits/films. This will allow me the opportunity to practice my acting, screenwriting, and storytelling skills, and quite importantly, to build an online presence. Having exposure on the internet would make it easier for directors and other people in the industry to see my skills and therefore, ease the process of networking and landing roles. On top of that, I will volunteer as an actor in as many student films as possible. Considering that I am a film major myself and am good friends with my fellow filmmakers, the barrier of entry for me is quite low. Other ideas as to how to "put myself out there" is to seek additional roles within my university's theater club, audition in my local community theater, and return to background acting. As I gain more experience, I will obtain professional headshots and assemble an acting resume/demo reel. Once I have enough credits under my belt, I will sign up (or audition) for an agent. Having an agent will help me find more opportunities for professional work, which will advance my career. Now, I understand that acting is not a stable or highly lucrative career for many who are starting out. Therefore, I will have a day job/main hustle to provide a reliable source of income (you cannot live without money). One idea I have is to start a hot dog stand (a low-risk low-reward small business), though I am unsure of how realistic it would be for me to balance this and an acting career. I am also considering learning a skilled trade and turning that into my lucrative vocation. This is the part where my plans come to an end and now seek your advice. I am looking forward to any useful suggestions or bits of wisdom that may aid my journey of becoming an actor.
- What teacher gave you the biggest breakthrough in your training? - What teacher was the catalyst for you becoming the best actor you could be? - Who challenged you the most out of everybody you studied with? I'm based in NYC and I'm not fucking around anymore. I can't afford an MFA or multi-year conservatory financially nor logistically because I'm a working class adult and it's simply not feasible and it will never be feasible for me, and I can't torture myself about that fact anymore. It is what it is. I've always had to piece together the best a la carte training I can possibly find (and afford) and I need to step my game up and do better. I prefer in person classes, but at this point, I'll settle for some overpriced zoom nonsense. - Who helped you become a working actor and start booking? - If you could pick 1 teacher to study with above anybody else, who would it be, and why? - Bonus question: Is it worth paying for private coaching for co-star auditions if you get pinned for them randomly & get repeats from casting but you haven't booked any yet? And if so, is there anybody you would recommend that would be worthwhile for smaller auditions like a co-star?
Hi! TL;DR I need monologues that portray strong emotions, but I am also open to any that you have/ recommend I (F16) compete regularly in drama competitions and eisteddfods and have been wearing my materials pretty thin for the past few years. In 2023, I will be doing more competitions and performances than I have ever done, therefore I will need as much content as I can acquire. my competitions are all on stage and I find that my competitors are very theatrical, though I have never been one to 'over-act', and rather use the Stanislavski method. My forte lies in performances that portray strong emotions, such as the slow descent into insanity or madness. I would like to challenge myself with this by having material that some are too scared to touch out of not doing it justice etc. I intend on doing this as I do not compete to win, I compete for the experience. it is my dream to be an actress and if I want to accomplish my dreams, I need to put in the work. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. ​ Thank you all so much!
i want to make a little self tape reel for my actors access since i dont have any performance videos on there, but my issue is most of my tapes are from previous auditions ive done this year for tv shows, and im unsure about whether i can use them. one of my self tape auditions i really want to use was for a popular show, but the episode the sides are from already aired recently. the thing is ive seen many people post self tape reels on youtube lately or self tapes to their aa profiles so im wondering if i can add little clips from these self tapes to my aa if the project has already been released, or is it not okay to do so?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. ​ For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hi, has anybody used talent link and doesnt live in LA or NY? will agents still reach out if i dont?
Someone I know asked this question and I’m curious about it.
So I’m relatively new to VO and am wondering how I should go about making a fiverr profile as I only have 1 role that I’ve done for a YouTube series that isn’t an official credited production and my Commercial reel that I just finished about a month ago but that’s about it. I don’t have a strong resume to submit or showcase on a VA website… what’s my best course of action do you think?