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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Brian Timoney Actors Studio? Is it any good? by bobstarrr  •  last post Mar 11th

Hes doing these Timoney Method Intensives and they aren’t too expensive, wondering if anyone here has done them or knows whether they are legit or not, thanks.

story time/drama (advice welcome!) by mildhot-sauce  •  last post Mar 11th

our story starts out very simple. Audition, get cast, record my lines. Easy job. This was 6 months ago. Yesterday I get a email from on of the voice actors, to every voice actor in the project. " the "director" you are talking to is a imposter. There is no movie. I'm sorry". And then links us to a video. Of the ACTUAL owner and director of the show. A simple video warning people of a fake in his community. So we all contacted him and we now get mentioned in the credits in a future video. And we got offered roles. A troll, trolled us . and made us trade a 100 view job to a 300k view job. The imposter had all his accounts destroyed and or reported. I do have one worry now. What is this person using our voices for? Ive heard about some of those deepfake ai stuff before. (My lines were super simple but the others I worry more about) Your collective wisdom is very needed

What is the audition climate looking like right now in L.A. with your reps? by SeverePilot  •  last post Mar 10th

So I’ve been signed with a great mid tier agency since October of 2021 and I’ve gotten some great auditions out of it. But, sometimes I feel like it’s a bit slow, especially now. Sometimes I get 4 auditions in a month, other times 3 auditions in a week for big networks.It’s super random. To also give you insight on my type, I’m a young Black and Asian actor who’s in my early 20’s. My actor friends in LA too say that it’s a little slow with auditions in the industry right now. Same with my actor friends in New York. Anyone else feeling this as well?

Can’t get any roles by Ok_Manufacturer_1272  •  last post Mar 10th

Hey guys! Beginner actor here interested in film acting. I got a backstage acc and have been auditioning all around for student films, short films, etc. but have gotten nothing, and I’m at uc Berkeley so I feel like there’s not toooo many audition opportunities that I can access at least in SF? Also in a theater class but my prof is not of much help. Can anyone offer me some advice?

Any Toronto Actors have any experiences with these agencies in the city? (OAZ, ART, Hero, Compass, BRB, dacosta and more) I'm a new actor and don't have much insight to agencies yet! by illiterateliterary  •  last post Mar 10th

Hi all!!! So, I applied for agencies a few days ago and got some emails back from: Oscar Abrams Zimel (OAZ) Amanda Rosenthal (ART) Hero Artists Compass Artists (CAM) DaCosta Talent Newton-Landry Talent Butler Ruston Bell Amy Hines Choice Talent Valerie Carr/Exposure Talent Glickman-Alexander Talent Premier Artist Carrier Talent Management Edna Talent Management ​ If anyone has had any experiences with any of these agencies- I would love to know. ANY guidance or insight would be so helpful for me as I am a new actress to the business and most likely am missing out on a LOT of common sense industry knowledge when it comes to agencies /getting signed etc. Thank you all!!!!

Acting For 10 Years Without Improvement - Advice? by throwaway24124850127  •  last post Mar 10th

Using a throwaway because I don't feel like going on main. I've been an actor for 10 years. I started when I was 15 years old and while I hadn't had many resources, a turbulent financial situation, and an unsupportive family who wanted me to quit from day 1, I'd studied from acting books and attempted to remain in shows. I started taking classes at community college roughly around 6 years ago. I took every single acting class at the schools I've attended (I've transferred between three schools) and attended all outside acting & improv classes that were available to me considering my financial situation (one acting class at an outside studio and 4 improv classes). I even attempted to study what was in the free Reddit acting class. Despite all of this, my acting skills only slightly improved. And I say slightly. Before then, my performances 10 years were IDENTICAL to my performances 6 months ago. Think over-the-top Disney Channel acting. Obviously, I do not have a reel or representation. I booked once a year before the pandemic hit, when I began creating my own content. Everything I've found so far shows most people at my stage would quit. And everyone, even my own brain, is telling me I don't have "it". But here's the thing: I don't wanna quit. I truly love acting. I'm sad and discouraged and I feel scammed by all those teachers, because I walked away from their class without learning anything, but I wanna see it through and I genuinely want to improve my acting skills. Has anyone been through a similar situation where their acting skills barely, if ever, improved for a long period of time (5+ years) and how did you break away?

Is it possible to be a successful voice actor with limited life experience / social skills? by KobeKastle  •  last post Mar 10th

I feel like voice actors should have regular social lives, should have a lot of life experience where they’ve met all types of different people and personalities in order to be a successful voice actor with a long lasting career.. because if you don’t have that how on earth could you produce compelling and interesting performances ? This is one of the things that discourages me in my pursuit of voice acting.. I’ve been bullied and socially outcasted for most of my life.. and have developed social anxiety from it so I avoid people. My social skills have drastically dwindled because of this. This seems counterproductive for a career like voice ACTING. It’s weird because I’m so fascinated by it and feel like I want to do it but what if your performances will always be lackluster because of your upbringing and possible disorders? I just consider most successful voice actors to be very outgoing, social, intelligent and have had many of experiences interacting with people so that it helps them bring their reads to life and make them more dynamic.. What do you think of this?

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback by AutoModerator  •  last post Mar 10th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

i think i just got kicked off the movie by sp00kysabrina  •  last post Mar 10th

if you saw my 2nd to last post in this sub, an AITA, you would know that i accidentally missed 2 table reads that were virtual and felt bad about it. you would also know i was only notified about the second table read 2 hours in advance and the 1st table read not at all, they just called on skype and expected me to answer. i was napping for both and didn't get neither notification. now, last night, i see a post on their instagram. this company KNOWS i always see their posts, because i worked with them once before last year and we always comment and like each others posts and just generally support eachother. they know i saw this. their post had a list of roles still available in the movie, which they often post. However THIS time, upon reading the list i was SHOCKED to see MY characters name, "sydney", to be one of the new names there. i keep trying to rationalize it in my head and be like "maybe it was a mistake" blah blah blah, but no, i really think they kicked me out of the movie and didn't even care to notify me through email, or skype, or instagram dms, yet. everything else is normal, actually. I'm still in the movie's cast/crew groupchat on skype. they still follow me on instagram, hell, the older post they posted about me being the actor playing sydney is still up and not deleted. but they posted that post everywhere, on their timeline and multiple times on their story, they would have had to have saw if it was a mistake. so i'm a little confused. this just sucks for so many reasons. this would be the end of a great network relationship i made. they were always lovely to work with before, and i'd like to believe they thought the same of me. in our pasts movie table reads they always gave out the date/times around a week in advance and i was ALWAYS there, early. i wish they remembered that. this was going to be my first feature length film ever after all short films, and i was so excited. and overall it just sucks to be kicked off a film when it's so hard to even find credits in my market, but it would especially suck like this, not even properly notified, for something i don't even think is my fault. maybe i'm just being a baby about it. can someone reassure me that it's not my fault? or just tell me if you think it is.

first day I really feel like giving up by Front-Chemist7181  •  last post Mar 10th

Long story short. I got tired of not getting the roles I wanted so like any actor you write. I worked with production companies for free for 2.5 years on the last moments. So I already put my script through a script doctor, handmade the costume, got it created. Have photographic proofs of my tv streaming show with photos and now I'm working on getting video. Showed my idea to several dozen working screen writers and counting who loved my idea and logline and offered to script doctor my pilot for free because they loved the conversations we've had. I wanted to make just a few min of my script and the companies I worked for ghosted me when I am putting up X,000 amount of my savings to produce for proof concept to pitch and to show a literacy manager. Every single one of the people even some I just acted for free for their passion projects 2 weeks ago, Ghosted me. I did 30 hours for free last month for skills I paid thousands to obtain in acting. I already have 2 SAG vouchers. Legally I am a working actor taxes wise. This industry is so ***** stupid. Why is everyone think they're too good to be nice? I woke up everyday angry that the money I am putting up for a few minutes could help someone change their life and I can't even get a decent response from anyone, but they always expect me to memorize lines, showup, communicate and work for free on a drop of a dime for their projects. Im angry, upset and honestly so spiteful. This is the most hate I've had in my heart for years of my life.

SAG Voucher Question by Spuhnkadelik  •  last post Mar 10th

Hey there! Brand new to this world, and wondering what the hell a SAG Voucher actually is for background actor work. Is it just a paystub that you'd get from a payroll company? Is it a special form of some kind that gets filled out and given to you in addition to a paystub? I see a lot of conflicting information, saying it *is* the stub, that the stub isn't enough, etc., and that you don't always get one even if you do background work on a production. If it *is* the stub then that makes no sense, so I have to imagine it's something else... But I can't find a damn thing! I just want a picture of someone holding one lol Any help us much appreciated!

Finally spoke with my manager about our relationship…need some opinions by FunneyBonez  •  last post Mar 10th

I posted here about a month or so ago about some relationship problems with my manager and how he does things, specifically eyeing to break things off. Feedback from this community is always excellent! I figured I’d post an update, get some opinions given we had a chat about how I’m feeling, and as the title mentions I still feel I’m In a grey area. Timeline with this person has been about a year and a half, solid amount of auditions, mostly commercial, little bookings. Relationship wise I’ve always treated them how I thought a manager should be treated—going to for advice, asking about connections and how I can be pitched, the whole 9 yards. Speeding up to now, I’ve just been unhappy. Communication is summed up as me asking something, and their response coming off in a “shoo-shoo now” manner (as if I’m a burden). Their advice feels not super constructive and fulfilling (they once told me to never edit my headshots…). I finally spoke to them and didn’t hold back about how I felt, about communication issues, asking if I’m being pitched by them, that it all feels off; all this while acknowledging they have a full roster they need to pay attention to, that there’s work I’m doing on my end, and yes how there’s areas I’m trying to improve on myself and know I need to do better. Long story short it feels like we sifted through things pretty thoroughly, Questions we’re answered, yet I also have this feeling that things just might not change. They told me they do not pitch to CDs or agents, that *I* need to be reaching out to CDs, to not focus on agents, basically in my eyes that they’re just a button clicking “manager” that doesn’t do the whole hands on approach. A lot of this I understand, given an actor thinking the journey is over after acquiring rep is delusional. I network to the best of my ability, I focus on my craft. I appreciated them being honest, but something feels off—that more could be done by them outside of just submitting me. It doesn’t really feel fair/make sense that I’m self submitting and booking, they get 10% of my pay, for what? It literally feels like they are doing nothing except submitting me to the breakdowns I can’t see. Dare I say I felt a little gaslit about everything that was said, maybe I’m still on guard. Our contract expires at the end of this year, with no solid wording in the contract saying there’s an out. However if I feel nothing really has changed by May, I’m going to propose we just break things off and get it in writing. I wanted to get Reddits opinion on their relationship with their managers, if I’ve unfortunately fallen in with a dud, if My expectations were too high and what the general thoughts are.

Idk What I’m Doing But They Think I Do , Help! by xthehighpriestessx  •  last post Mar 10th

Hey y’all! I ( 22 F) recently applied for a Day Player For A Feature Film, They Responded Back Immediately, They Sent A Script and Asked Me To Self Tape which I did ! Hugeeeee Director. I did one Non - Union Production before as a Featured Extra ( New Netflix series! Not out yet , Had to sign a contract, nothing about SAG ) Now I’m just waiting to hear back

Japanese Voice Actor/Actress 20 USD per Minute by magfulltime  •  last post Mar 10th

At [Memoria Studio]( we are looking for **Japanese Male and Female Voice Actors/Voiceover Artists**, mainly to record for YouTube videos. The job is to record one video per week, per client. Payment starts from $20 per minute. We make payments every week. And as we are currently closing with new clients, you'll have a larger stream of monthly income. If you are proficient or native in Japanese and an outstanding voice actor, that is skilled and flawless with recording software, please submit your CV and sample recording to my personal email: []( Subject: “Japanese Voice Actor/Actress ” **Script to record:** [Click Here]( *Looking forward to seeing your submission!*

Appreciation Post by tofucake560  •  last post Mar 10th

hi guys! i just wanted to really quickly make an appreciation post for this subreddit. i used to act in plays when i was a freshman in high school and loved it, but i convinced myself it wasn’t a feasible path and moved on. now, i’m a second year in college pursuing the medical field, and although i love that too, i’ve just felt so empty. reading this subreddit pretty much every day finally pushed me to start acting and take it seriously! i’m still pursuing the medical field as well, but i just wanted to act in some shape or form. i started actively trying again two weeks ago, and as of now have had 4 auditions and i think i just aced an audition today! from the bottom of my heart, i just wanted to thank you guys for being so helpful and actively encouraging aspiring actors. you have no idea how much happier i am now. <33

Voice actor for narrator of student video game project cutscenes by AeriDorno  •  last post Mar 10th

Hey there! We're a few game dev students in Stockholm, Sweden, looking to find a voice actor to narrate a few cutscene sequences for our current project. The game wont be sold, and is for internal usage of the school only. As we're only students, our budged isn't very high and we're therefore looking mostly for people who have voice acting as a hobby, sidegig or are learning themselves, and looking to practice their craft. Male or female doesn't matter, but if you're young it's preferable that you don't have to much of a "young", bright or energetic voice. Preferably you're a native english speaker, but it's not necesarily a requirement. We're looking at about 300-500 words - our budget max is $20 for 100 words. Our school retains the licence over the recorded files, and signing a contract saying as much is required. We have deliberately written a script in a sort of archaic/shakespearean manner, so if you think you can deliver lines like that with some gravitas that's a huge plus. If this interests you, please DM me with your rates and samples of your work. &#x200B; Thank you!

Union BG work as a Non-Union actor by animethrowawayyyy  •  last post Mar 10th

Hi, I just recently booked a background job and I’ve done background work before. It doesn’t appear to be featured background yet they still asked if we had acting experience and the role is listed as union. Since I’m non-union would this mean I’m guaranteed to get one SAG voucher? Thanks for any help!

Should I move to Canada or Japan? by soloveyevolos  •  last post Mar 9th

I'm just about to enter uni (in Australia) and planning on studying acting either as a minor or second major and am currently looking at my future career prospects. The industry in Australia is apparently closed off in general, like people more often cast who they already know, and Asian actors have it even harder because as I've read from some people, it's mostly white—probably whiter than American productions. After I graduate and probably earn a bit to live off of (with a 9-5 job), I'm considering moving to increase my Job opportunities and am wondering which would be better. I'm half-Japanese but I was born and raised in a South East Asian country and am not as well equipped for Japan, not being fluent in the language and knowing little about the culture (though I'm working on it). I'd probably have a better chance there than in Australia though, and I can actually focus on acting instead of prioritising how to make a living because I can live with my dad instead of renting. I'd probably be also highly valued with my ability to speak different languages and formal training along with possible experiences even in community theatre in au. I'm thinking it might be good even for just a few years to just at least break through the ice and have something to show for a reel, but then again, I have no idea how the industry there actually works, so I might just have as hard a time. On the other hand, I've read some posts that say Canada is a good place for Asian actors because a lot have been getting opportunities, at least compared to America. So I'm considering moving there as well, especially because it'll be closer to America and its productions. I'm not very familiar with the industry there too though, so I'm still not sure. But it seems like a better version of what I imagined my career prospects would be like in Australia so I *am* highly considering it as well. Experienced actors, what would you recommend? Any advice?

Going from TikTok Star to Actor...What's the best path? by EntertainmentHappy68  •  last post Mar 9th

Hi all, I am a talent manager for social media influencers. One of my TikTok influencer clients, who primarily does funny character sketches, is doing very well on the platform (3.1 Million Followers). Long-term, he is interested in becoming an actor and just expressed an interest in procuring a talent agent. He has no background in acting and has not taken workshops. Is it possible to secure an agent at this stage? Do you recommend he takes acting classes / auditioning classes before searching for gigs or an agent? Any help here would be extremely appreciated as this is not my wheelhouse!

SAG-AFTRA HELP!!! by RightAct  •  last post Mar 9th

How in the HECK does anybody ever get a dang SAG waiver!! I’ve been acting for years and have built up my resume with tons of short films, student films, feature films, plays, tons of training, low budget commercials, I’ve even done a couple of roles on tv for true crime re-enactment shows. I have a website, an IMDb, a reel, professional headshots, an ActorsAccess profile and a backstage profile. Im in dozens of local Facebook groups looking for castings, I’ve done background work on big production projects including celebrities like Kate Winslet, Jason Segel, Michael B Jordan, etc. I promise I am NOT above background work. But how in the heck am I supposed to get a SAG waiver!! A lot of people say to get it from three background roles but every background job I see is just casting NON-UNION background OR SAG background so how can I even get cast as SAG when they can just cast me as non-union background? I’ve applied for SAG roles online and never get responses. I don’t know what to do anymore. Is it because I don’t have an agent yet?