I've been having a hard time finding gigs these days. Backstage seems full of garbage and I haven't had a booking in a while. What have y'all been up to?
Short version: I have a brand new actor cast for a role next week. Most of the cast is seasoned professionals, but I decided to take a chance on this person. She has no experience and isn't even in the union. This job is going to be her Taft-Hartley. I'm regretting it. She's seeming less and less professional as time goes by. I'd say there's about a 30-40% chance that she's going to no show for her shoot. If she does, I'll be paying everyone else, as well as paying for the rented set, with nothing to show for it. I'm fine with her shooting if she actually shows up. What do you think I should do? 1. Cross my fingers and hope for the best. Do a better casting job in the future. 2. Hire an understudy. Basically, find someone willing to show up knowing they will get the job if the first actress no-shows or get paid a nice sized fee (probably $200) and get to go home if the actress does show up? 3. Replace the actress. Pay her a cancellation fee equal to what she was promised for the shoot and tell her she's not needed. 4. Replace the actress. If she doesn't show up, don't pay her. If she does show up, pay her for the full day and send her home. 5. Something else I didn't think of? If I left out any details you think are relevant, just ask.
Do you think foreign actors in UK have to live in London or not? Or any thoughts?
Only mass born in and after 1995. Compensation: £25 Amazon Voucher Amateur actors, studentactors, newly grads will be considered as well.
I have a photoshoot coming up and while I have some good headshots, I need more full length pictures of myself. I plan to pose with a stool. But I'm looking for other ideas for inspiration.
I'm considering studying acting. What kind of things do actors learn in college?
Hi everyone, Does anyone know of any trustworthy agencies for actresses in the Kissimmee or Orlando area? Also how is the performance scene in these areas? I know there's a multitude of theme parks, but do they pay enough to sustain a living wage? Any answers would be greatly appreciated! :)
If you book a role and aren't given any instructions about makeup, how would you show up? No makeup? Foundation only? Something else? In case it matters, suppose it was a one day union role.
I have been self-represented for a couple of years, receiving the vast majority of confidential breakdowns and submitting myself on them. I used to get one professional role per month doing that, but haven’t had anything through confidential breakdowns for a year, so I was considering getting an agent instead of paying $500 a year for the actor collective. However, I already work full time on a contract basis as a host/emcee on special events (and sometimes on radio) and I love that job. I can’t cancel those gigs to get an acting gig the same day. I also still find a lot of paid non union work on my own and can easily get union background work from social media. I don’t think a good agent will understand that I am already finding a lot of work on my own so I won’t always be available and she can’t manage those contracts I already have (my clients don’t work with agents). But I see no other way to get access to union roles on professional sets. My other option would be to go with my ex-agent who is not as good, but still allows a lot of freedom and flexibility so I can still manage my own career. In any case, I was thinking of giving my future agent access to a Google calendar so they can automatically see on which day I am already booked so they don’t submit me for something the same day. I have a phone meeting with the good agent tomorrow. How do I talk about the fact that I already get a lot of work on my own and that I don’t want to lose that?
I want to direct and, having taken some acting classes, have developed an increasing interest in acting over time. The way I see acting is in two main layers - internal elements like identifying with the character and playing that role and the external aspect of physical communicating that to the audience (voice, expression, etc.) The problem I've had recently is that I am a terrible actor in terms of all the physical/external things. It is simply that I don't have enough range in my voice, control over my face, etc. I mostly wrote this because I was curious on people's thoughts on acting as a talent compared to physical skills associated with it. Can you train yourself to be better at these things or is it mostly natural?
Hi fam! I am from the US, dual citizen to Australia, my close friend in Australia, also an actress (a dual citizen to Ireland with fantastic British and Irish accents) wants to move to London OR Ireland together. It’s either this or I move to LA. I guess I am wondering if anyone has good information about the film industry in the UK/Europe for Americans. I will certainly prioritize working on my accents, but is there accessible work for Americans, is there any benefit to being someone with an American accent, does this mean a smaller pool of people going for the role or just a smaller number of opportunities? Also, I must do my research on cost of living
I'm looking to get another agent. I took hiatus for few years, and former agent passed. .I wouldnt mind freelancing for a bit, go in for some u5's at least to get back in groove...any ideas out there? (pretty decent reel, like 30-35 credits on imdb, 'mature' equity actor and singer)
What would be a good start for a new voice actor's pay? I'm trying to set up a sort of portfolio or resume, but I'm not sure how to list my rates.
I'm curious what you consider a "known actor". I'm also curious what you DON'T consider to be a known actor, like, what's the cutoff in your opinion? Suppose an actor told you they just worked on a project with three known actors. You then find out the three actors were: * Timothy Rose who played Admiral Ackbar in several Star Wars movies. * Jim Cashman who plays Jamie on the Progressive commercials. * Larry Thomas who played The Soup Nazi on Seinfeld. Would you consider their statement accurate? Are any of those examples not known actors? Where do you think the cutoff is? This seems highly subjective and I'm curious how different people perceive this.
I used my driver’s license number and images of it in the initial application. The background checking company said my check is on hold until I provide my SSN because they can’t complete the check without it. When you fill out the Backstage application it alleges this is optional information. I’m just super vigilant about handing out my number considering leaks are so common and I know people who have had serious headaches from identity theft. I didn’t even want to give them my drivers license. By the way, I was posting a project to get actors to apply for a role so I suppose this is great news if you are applying for any on Backstage. I can understand the principle.
Hi. I am currently a beginner actor, I just finished my third week of Meisner. I had a great scene where my teacher praised my acting, said I did really well, saw me acting truthfully, etc etc I had an improv scene (the knock on the door exercise) where I was supposed to ask a girl I love out. In the seen I got rejected. My teacher told me I’m a very vulnerable person which is supposed to be good. Well after the scene for a couple days, I truly felt like I lost something. The music I would listen to felt as if it would if I was heartbroken. Is this normal? Is it normal for a scene to affect you in your own life? I would highly appreciate some insight because this has interested me greatly. Thanks! Disclaimer, I’m not in love with my scene partner or anything, I don’t even really know them.
Hello everybody! ​ My child is very sociable and enjoys being in the spotlight. He likes pretending to be someone else, and his roles change all the time. For more than two years, he participated in several kindergarten plays, and everyone around, including his teacher, told me that he's talented and I should enroll him in an acting school. I was flattered and proud of my son but didn't pay much attention to it. ​ Until recently, I thought it was just because he had fun in the process, but lately, since his grandmother moved to live with us, he increasingly mentions that he wants to play in films or musicals, and his greatest desire is to be a movie star. He constantly ""performs"" in front of the mirror, spending hours practicing postures and different facial expressions. I can't say that I'm delighted with his behavior, but I can't make him change his mind. ​ I'm not sure if acting is what my five-year-old son needs, but at the same time, I don't want to deprive him of the chance to try something new and possibly find his calling. His grandmother insists that we take Ethan to a trained photographer that makes babies photoshoots and knows how to work with children. And then register my son on one of those resources that assist children to participate in the castings for movies or advertisements. ​ Many moms claim that it helped start their child's career. So I decided that I'd send my son's pictures and see what comes of it. But before taking such a step, I'm interested in how children deal emotionally with casting trips and how rejection might affect them. ​ I'd be grateful to hear from people who started their acting career at a young age or from parents that raise little actors. Can it harm my child's psychological health? How to avoid it? And also, I'm interested if you have any regrets about choosing acting. Thanks in advance, guys.
brief backstory, been pursuing acting for a few years, handful of low level in agents in multiple markets, self tape semi-consistently for major tv/film, but not as much as I want. have had a handful of NYC CD's give me more than 1 audition, that's really the one thing that gives me pause, "starting over", but honestly, i haven't really broken through yet, and the vast majority of industry people tell me there are exponentially more opportunities to act in LA vs NYC. I think because i haven't broken through yet, its still safe to move. LA has more student films that you can self submit to yourself and work on, get paid for, meet people, etc. way more than NYC. LA also has UCB & Groundlings, where you can power through the classes and if you're good, get on a team, network, have industry people scout you, etc. NYC lacks that avenue. There are more CDs and agents in LA, and industry people than NYC, so you have more self-producing and networking opportunities. Acting classes are slightly cheaper and CD workshops are significantly cheaper in LA than NYC. NYC you don't need a car. Subway is phenomenal. More restaurants & survival jobs to sustain until you "break through". And broadway, although i find theatre to be extremely inaccessible. I want warmth, i want more space in my apartment to live & more space to self tape, I want nature, I want more actor & filmmaker friends and i want to fill my life with acting & film stuff as close to 24/7 as possible, it just seems like there's way more of that in LA than NYC. I'd love to hear from established people that have lived in both, and chosen one over the other, and WHY you chose one over the other. I have a decent life in NYC but i'm ready to "settle down" and double down on acting, which I just feel like now that I have more of a "long term view", i'm ready to make the move to LA.
When people choose monologues from TV or film they almost always seem to choose monologues that were famously done very well by the original actors. This seems odd to me. If your performance has a unique spin then you'll have a hard time doing as good a job as the original actor. If your performance is similar to the original then you can be perceived as just doing an impression. My idea is to choose well known monologues that were famously done *badly* in the original work. Since people making casting decisions are often a bit older they're likely to be familiar with Star Trek. I'd say take any one of the numerous Captain Kirk monologues from the TV show and try to do them well instead of how William Shatner did them. In fairness, I think Shatner's versions were very entertaining but the general consensus is that they were very poorly acted so why not try to redo one with your own interpretation? If it's a self-submit video, you can throw on a Starfleet uniform while you're at it. It will at least make your tape memorable.
Hello everybody! I know that my question might sound stupid. You will say something that I should definitely believe in my daughter and encourage her talent. I do think that she is a very talented girl. I just don’t wanna her to build sandcastles and to be disappointed because of all rejections. I know this career is really tough sometimes, and you have to go through many challenges to achieve something. ​ I always wanted her to find a quiet office job, become a lawyer, or something in this field. But she loves acting. She has always participated in her school performances since she was a little girl. She took some acting classes when she was 14 y.o. I don’t mind her having hobbies like this. There is nothing terrible in that. Besides, she might even gain some valuable skills in her career. ​ But again, I don’t wanna hear to be disappointed because of these tough competitions. Our country is full of young and talented girls. They also come from abroad too to try their luck. I just don’t wanna my girl to be a part of them. I do believe that she can achieve some great things in life. But, about 2 years ago we went to London. We decided to take a walk in Covent Garden. Then a young girl approached us and told us they were shooting a short movie about a group of teens and asked my daughter to participate in some crowd scenes. As far as I’ve got it, they were filming a project for senior students for the London School of Film. Everything seemed pretty serious since they even prepared a written agreement for me to sign. BTW, here is a picture of the filming process. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/aav1tqlv9zs71.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a7508e9ca595dcc3cd926860ba5de0d58b4caa ​ This year she needs to decide where to apply for college and what she wants to do with her life. If she wants to pursue an acting pathway, I’m don’t wanna stop her from that. Besides, I’ve recently found one site on how to become an actor. Perhaps, she can try herself there before she decides which major to choose.