Hi, I started acting and I heard plays are good, for learning. What plays should I read? How should I read it? And how does it make me a better actor?
Hi, I’m a new actor and was wondering what the best strategy to get more roles might be. I have gotten maybe 3-4 extra roles since starting a couple months ago, but I want to move up. I recently got callbacks for my first 2 leads and was wondering what I can do actually get those. I have auditioned maybe 3-4 times ever but didn’t get any of those roles so far. What could it be that’s causing me to not get cast?
This is my first play after lockdown and I've been assigned a role which requires high emotion scenes, my co actors say that I'm doing well but I want to get better. For reference, it's a street play and we're going to be surrounded by a lot of people.
anything i should know before doing it? are some agencies better for newer actors? im really looking into getting into movies/ tv also wtf is the difference between an agency and an agent
You know, there is a "working" actor and a "non-working" actor. What about the actor who is in the in-between. I feel like we should normalize the consistent SAG-AFTRA full budget production auditioning actor as "auditioning actor". That way people outside the acting world don't have to feel so awkward when they ask, "So what are you working on, right now?" "I am an auditioning actor." :-)
I'm a perfectionist. And as a perfectionist, you can imagine how frustrating it is to be an actor with so many factors left to chance. But I love it so I do it anyway lol. Since the pandemic, I've noticed, as I'm sure all of you have too, a huge spike in self-tape auditions. I love in-person auditions since I can get in, do my thing, and bathe in the comfort that every actor only got one chance and what's done is done. With almost three self-tape auditions a week, I'm kind of drowning. I do way too many takes. Then have to suffer deciding which one/s to send. I was wondering if you all have any tips on how to select a take and any psychological support you tell yourself when struggling to select one.
I don't have a naturally 'distinctive' voice, a la James Earl Jones, Richard Kind, Will Arnett, or even the VOs from the Headspace app. Now, I know the former are celebrities so that's a different ball game, but what I mean is mine isn't (naturally) particularly deep, goofy, flinty, or soothing to have ever warranted "you'd be a good voice over actor" remarks from anyone. What has warranted those remarks, though, is my natural ability to DO voices that sound like the above, accents, and the like. I've enjoyed this since a kid and it's one or those things i feel I need to explore or I'll be upset at myself - so VO is just a hobby I want to pursue, but generally speaking, if I ever wanted to "make it" is that a hindrance? I've read the stickies and googled this but haven't seen much so thanks for any advice you can offer!
Hello everyone! I've been a voice actor for over a year now, and my resume has just 2 original animations and 3 indie games. The rest is video game mods and fan projects. I've only just dipped my toes into the professional side of the voice-over business, but today I somehow got a callback from one of the biggest production studios in the world to dub an anime movie! I have very little experience with dubbing, and I have NO experience with auditioning for a studio of this caliber, so what should I look out for this time around? What should I change about my audition and the way my email is structured? I usually don't slate, so do I slate this time around? I would really appreciate your advice, because this is a HUGE opportunity for me, and I'd like to nail it!
(UK, South England) I'm turning 26 soon and realising that I've pushed aside my "true passion" for too long (sorry if I sound like such a cliche
So im visiting Atlanta in a little bit. Im planning on maybe moving soon. I wanted to know where in Atlanta are most of the auditions held. I would want to get an apartment near by. Where would you recommend?
[actors access](https://resumes.actorsaccess.com/reesefast) [website](https://reesefast.com)
I'm looking for actors who have been in rehearsal with playwrights to guest on the playwriting podcast Theatrically Speaking. The more experience with living playwrights, the better. Rewrites, changes during production, how to use them during rehearsal, etc. Bring your experiences. Recording schedule can be flexible, around 25 minutes. Guests are paired. You would need a microphone and a quiet room.
I just got my first LA agent a few months back. I don't get sent out by them very often, and all the things I've booked, I booked on my own and give them a cut of the money. For the last three years, I've done Universal Studios Horror Nights as a scare actor. Its more of a "day job" for me, then a legit acting gig, since I focus more on theatrical and commercial. It pays my bills during the fall, and I've done it for years. It doesn't interfere with other acting gigs/auditions, and I can take a few nights off if needed (if I book something else). Am I going to have to give my agent a cut of this? I was thinking of just not even telling them. If I give them a cut, I'll have to go out and find another day job during this, since my bills won't be covered by the paycheck after I pay them, since its basically minimum wage. My contract states that they take a cut of Film, TV, commercial, print, and legitimate theater. But then says "and other acting jobs". So that could mean anything. Thoughts? Of course, if I tell them, they'll say I have to give them a cut, since they're never gonna turn down money. But I talked to other scare actors last year and they told me they absolutely do not give agents a cut of their weekly check from scare acting.
Hey guys, I'm a male actor, 18-24 range , and I have longer hair (medium-ish length, up to my upper lip) in my current headshots and demo clips. Anyways, I'm planning on getting new headshots soon and to also start sporting a shorter cut, think crew cut/buzz cut territory. So in your own opinion, do you think it would still be a good idea to submit with my current demo clips until I'm able to update it with the shorter haircut or do I have basically start over again collecting clips? (Ah, the good ol' need clips to get cast, but need to get cast to get clips conundrum.) One other option is to self tape a few scenes for the meantime. P.S. I currently don't have an agent to consult, but I'm thinking getting one in the next 6 months or so. Thanks in advance!
This is a long post but hopefully it will help other actors here. My agent (One of the bigger commercial agents in LA) hit me up about doing a non-union (I'm SAG-E) digital spot for a toy company. The agreed upon terms was that it would be for digital broadcast only with two years usage for a $500 flat rate. I show up on set and it turns out it is a huge production for one of the biggest toy companies in the world promoting arguably the biggest film franchise in the world. I get covid tested, drop off my wardrobe, eat breakfast, and go through hair and makeup. While in the makeup trailer I hear a producer say that this will be on TV. It turns out that this is a National TV Spot. So I ask one of the producers if this is digital only spot. She acts all coy but immediately grabs a talent release and asks me to sign it. The talent release says they can use my image however they like in perpetuity. So I call my agent and he tells me not to sign it because the agreement was for it to be just a digital spot for that rate and he tells me that he will call them. So I return the talent release to the producer and I inform her that there must be some confusion because the agreement we made was for a digital spot. She tells me that she will talk to the higher ups about it. So I'm sitting in an RV for awhile when this producer comes storming in and tells the other producer to pull up the casting sheets because, "it is for TV and we aren't paying anymore." He then walks right out without acknowledging me. I call my agent back and he tells me to stand by because they are trying to work it out. He then asks me what I think is fair in terms of payment. Since it is a national TV spot I say that there should be a buyout of some sort. I ask for $2000 on top of the session fee but let him know I would settle for $1000 since I'm already there. So I'm just sitting there twiddling my thumbs when the big boss comes over and says,"Hey, man. I'm sorry but this client sucks and they refuse to pay anymore money." He goes on to say that the original agreement was a miscommunication on their end and that it's only a couple shots that they need me for. I tell him that I can't agree to be featured heavily in a National TV Commercial for just $500 and he releases me from the commercial and then informs me that they won't be paying me for my time. I contest this since I have already been there for three hours and have brought wardrobe, been tested, and had makeup applied to my face. He says that is too bad and that my agent will just have to fight it out with the toy company. This is not the first time a large corporation has pulled a bait and switch on me. Earlier this month, I negotiated a higher fee for the whole cast when I read a contract and realized they were using a spot for TV when they said it was only for digital use. So the big lesson to take away here is that you should always read your contracts and make sure your agent gets the contract beforehand. I am also seriously considering biting the bullet and joining SAG now even though I work a lot of non-union commercials. So would you stick to your guns and walk away from a job or would you keep your mouth shut and just do the commercial???
I think this story is a really telling one about how competitive the acting industry is in Hollywood. This guy has been acting for years and it seems like the industry is uber-competitive and there are no hopes of it getting any easier. Even as we see a proliferation of new content platforms and studios, the trade just isn't providing a stable enough income for so many of those pursuing it. What does everyone think about this? Original Post [Here](https://uncomfortablybrown.com/my-parents-were-right-i-should-have-chosen-engineering-as-a-career-choice-not-acting/)
I'm nearing the end of animating a film and need voice actors for multiple roles. This is my first ever full length film I've animated and gotten voice work done professionally so I don't know how much it will cost. For some more info I have roles with just a few lines, but I also have the main characters with a significant amount of lines. Is there a way to know about how much it will cost based on the amount of lines? I'm new to this sub, so sorry if my format isn't quite right.