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We have found 19,377 posts across 4 actor forums:

Can a non native speaker succeed in this line of work? by Abohani  •  last post May 3rd

I am a non native English speaker and I am thinking of putting some effort into becoming a voice actor or preferably an audio book narrator in English. I am wondering if it is possible for non natives to make into this field which seems niche and artistic. I am not trying this because it is my life's dream but because it seems like something I could do by freelancing and that I may be fit to do if I work hard at it. I just don't want to work hard at something impossible. Link for a recording I made reading an excerpt.

Is it possible for a person become a on-screen actor in Vancouver without taking acting classes except a drama class in high school? by Fluflohee  •  last post May 3rd

I’m a 22 yr old female in the Marketing program. Having doubts to spent money on acting classes that will also delay my studies.

Worldwide Work - Advice Needed by thedogeisout  •  last post May 3rd

Trying to find paid work worldwide, how does one do it, where does one do it, and how does one showcase their ability? I am an actor, who is struggling during this time and I am trying to make ends meet and am in urgent need of work. I am not US-based. I need help to understand how to get the ball rolling. I would appreciate any advice.

Does doing commercials/being an extra work against you long term? by Substantial-Ad7819  •  last post May 3rd

I’m relatively new to acting, but wanted to know if people who do commercials and work as extras on set really make it to those substantial roles in tv/film. I’ve seen quite a few people getting put into this box of doing commercials or extra work for a long time after having started. Additionally, looking at the backgrounds of quite a few actors who have made it into bigger roles, a fair amount of them didn’t start out doing commercials/extra, or sometimes if they did, they didn’t do it for very long. I know those jobs pay the bills and as actors we certainly need to be able to survive, but do you think that in the long term, those jobs could actually be setting you back? Eg: Would casting directors find it difficult to picture you as a lead or costar if all they’ve seen you do is extra work or commercials? Apologies if it’s a dumb question. But it seems to me the best way to go about it is doing that type of work to get equity/sag card, then stopping that and dedicating all efforts to getting better roles on tv/films. But please let me know what you think. Thanks

Acting Webinars by qcue44  •  last post May 3rd

Hi! I'm from the Philippines and recently turned 15 and I have developed a strong admiration for the arts since I could remember! My parents don't really mind with this and they're perfectly fine with me possibly becoming an actress in the future. I was hoping to learn more about the fundamentals of acting and learn more from actors' journeys through an educational webinar but I have not found any -- then, I found this blessing of a subreddit! So, are there any upcoming educational webinars about acting?

What I've learned from 95% of my audition being self tapes. by banananuttttt  •  last post May 2nd

This is more about my personal relationship and journey with the craft instead of the technical aspects of how to produce a quality looking self tape. Been Acting in l.a for 7 years. Man how to the game has changed. Now basically all auditions are either Zoom or self tape. Some people love self tapes, others hate them, it's complicated. I for one used to hate self tapes -- I loved how with a traditional audition I could get in there, get out, and my work was my work. Now I have the option to work the same piece for hours, take after take to try and get it just right. It's a luxury, but also the pursuit of perfect can be dangerous. Gotta stay fresh. Now I hate self tapes a lot less. What changed for me? I've come to accept what my work *is* and what I bring to the table. I don't think I'm an incredible actor with a huge range of character ability. I think I'm a GREAT actor at certain archetypes. And i think I've gotten a lot better and just owning that. Now when I get material, I honor the words, the writers intentions, but I do it for me -- I do it how *I* would perform that character best. I put it into MY body, and own that 100%. Most recently I've turned down a couple of auditions -- Purely due to me knowing 100% that I will just look like a shit actor if I try to be that far out of my range. I just know I'm not that guy, and that's okay! So many things we book in the beginning are just a shade of who you are as a person -- you're either the guy, or you're not. Nothing personal. Before this recent breakthrough, I subconsciously was trying to *hit* what *they wanted*. We all know this is a bad idea but I think we do it on a very unconscious level because of course we want to book the job. Which is such a trap. Curious if anyone else has gone through this metamorphosis? My self tapes are WAY better, they are so natural, it's easier to memorize the words, and It's way easier to make every time we roll a new take completely different from the last. I'm truly in a state of play - bringing my pure essence into the performance. It's what makes a person castable. I've booked with my self tapes in the past -- but holy shit doing it this way is far more gratifying and genuinely fun.

Vancover Actors Alert Auditioning after you get your 1st agent????? by Pure_Category6813  •  last post May 2nd

Hey, a local actor from Vancouver just got an agent just wondering if any of you guys when you were new to the industry how long after you got your first agent did you start getting auditions. Info would be so so so very helpful!

College Advice by flaming_john  •  last post May 2nd

Hi everyone! I’ve wanted to be a voice actor for years now. I love creating characters and doing voices. I’ve recently gotten into, and completed a play. I’ve also been doing a bit of voice work on a website called I’m also doing classes and trying to really hone it. I’ve recently been thinking about what I’m going to do after high school. I’m a junior now. I have a rough idea, and that is that I’m (hopefully) going to attend college for something in voice work. But I’m not sure what college would be best for that. I’ve been looking, but I also wanted advice from you wonderful people! Any advice would be much appreciated.

FREE WORK TO BUILD PORTFOLIO by gazorp23  •  last post May 2nd

BEAR WITH ME! I have no professional experience with voice work, but I am a singer, stage actor, and musician. I have always had a knack for making character voices as well as some celebrity impressions! I am willing to do free voice work for any animator that needs it, in exchange for a copy of the work to display in my professional portfolio! I've always had a passion for animation, imagination, character creation. However I never thought until recently that maybe it something I could use my talents in, instead of being a pretty voice on a customer service toll free hotline! I am a Baritone-Tenor almost 3 and 1/2 octaves, to give you an idea of my voice range. I can do classic characters such as Mickey and Goofy, Elmo and Cookie Monster. I list those for juxtaposition, in that I have a wide range. I can do a pretty convincing Rick, but my Morty needs a little work. Please let any amateur animators know about this!! I'm looking for real work, and I need to build a portfolio and some artistic relationships!! ​ PM me if you're an interested animator or have a voice work project you need a voice or two for!! Or pass it along to your animator friends!! ​ Thank you for reading!!!!

Consolidate my IMDB profiles by permanentburner89  •  last post May 2nd

Good evening (or morning or afternoon) friends! I decided to search myself on IMDb as I am supposed to have at least one credit... turns out the credit I was promised is not there, BUT I have two other credits. Problem is, they are separate profiles! Does anybody know if there is a way to make it so both of my acting credits show they are the SAME actor and not two different actors? I have been getting back into acting lately and would like these to be consilidated. I assume this has happened to other actors before? Thank you so much for all the help you guys have given me up to this point!

[Hiring] Looking for a Black male actor for audiodrama [see details below][pays $300] by Eves-garden  •  last post May 2nd

I wrote and produced an audiodrama called The Death of Dr. Davidson, which features a large cast of talented people. Unfortunately, my main actor is now unavailable and can't complete the last three episodes (we have 9 episodes done so far). I need a Black male voice actor, age 30-50 who can approximate the style that our first actor developed for the character. You don't have to sound exactly like him, we will announce that the character is now being played by you, but I'd like to get as close to the style of delivery as possible. Please have a listen to this episode to get a feel for it. The audio is set in the 1930's, and is very derivative of Agatha Christie. It started out as a fun project but I would really like to finish it, for my sake and for the sake of the other actors who have donated their time. I can pay for this role since it's so pivotal to completing this project. Please PM your details and voice samples Thanks! Eve

What next by biggesthitonthestage  •  last post May 2nd

India based actor here !!! I just finished with my classes. I am really confused with all the online auditioning. Where do I go from here ?? Or will this be it ??? Auditioning until I get somewhere . I have never been a part of theatre as well. So how Do I approach a theatre group is beyond me . I’d love any advice at this point.

SAG-AFTRA Waiving Taft-Hartley Fines for Actors with Theatre Degrees? by onionsandradishes2  •  last post May 2nd

Is this true? Can anyone find documentation to back it up? ​ I needed a new podcast for when I drove home last night to get my second COVID jab and started with The Insiderz which I saw recommended here. There is an interview with casting director Cara Rosembaum where she says it at around the 52 minute mark: ​ []( ​ It doesn't matter to me anymore but finding ways to get union eligible had been something I had schemed for since I was in high school. I have even in the past said an advantage of starting out in the ATL market is that it is a right to work state where the fines are not enforced so you can be in the game as soon as you can get an agent. If true, it turns out I had nothing to worry about in that respect if I finished my degree and went straight to L.A. or New York. ​ Now this is something else that should be pointed out to kids asking about the pros and cons of training in a college program if it is the new reality.

28 year old looking to get started. by Dwayne_Man9323  •  last post May 2nd

Hello everyone! I'm a voice actor trying to get started on my career. But like any other starting actor, I have no idea how to get started. Currently, I got myself a mic and a mini booth box, starting listen to the voice acting mastery by Crispin Freeman, and been reading a little to practice. However, I feel as though I should be doing more. I know I have my shortcomings, having ADHD, and haven't taken any classes as of yet. Not to mention that I'm currently living with family which of course leads me to trouble, but I really would like learn more about voice acting. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear what you guys have to say. Thank you in advance.

For UK Actors- What would you say the Top 3 Agencies are? by mason_magnum  •  last post May 1st

What are the best acting agencies in your opinion?

Canadian Acting Agencies by AmetrisB  •  last post May 1st

What are the best Canadian agencies? Am an actress based out of Toronto and am looking for a great agent.

First check!! What did you buy? by B1gred95  •  last post May 1st

Hey all! I can officially call myself a professional actor as I am receiving my first check from an upcoming commercial. I am looking to buy something to commemorate the milestone and was curious about what you all may have done with your first check.

Acting and Mental Health? by justintimeforstuff  •  last post May 1st

I’ve heard about several actors who’ve needed therapy or felt depressed after playing a role. Some of which are Michael B. Jordan for Black Panther and Lakeith Stanfield in Judas and the Black Messiah Is this something we should be concerned about for ourselves