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Need advice on how to become an extra or have a minor role. by icepick_jay  •  last post Mar 6th

I’m interested in roles such as a henchman or something similar. I’d be open to leading roles too but I’m not going to be too hopeful since my looks limit me, mainly because of my tattoos. I just don’t know where to go or where to look. Any advice would be helpful. A little about me: Im a 29 year old Caucasian American. I’m a really specific looking kinda guy. I’m 6 ft, in decent shape, and can change my body type quickly. Can grow any facial/head hair combo. I’m of Russian decent so I look really Slavic, can speak a little Russian and German. I have extensive firearm and hand to hand training. I’m covered head to toe (not my face) in tattoos, a lot of them Russian. I can do multiple dialects really well, accents across the board. While doing sessions with acting friends, I’ve been told that I’m very much a “Method Actor”. Lastly, I’ve been told I’m very photogenic. Currently based in Salt Lake City, UT. Would travel. Any kind of tips would be really appreciated.

I want to become an actor by CompetitiveLynx7570  •  last post Mar 6th

I believe I would be a terrific actor, screenwriter, producer and director. I am looking for help to find my path and connections in the industry. Any help would be much appreciated. I’m from a small Canadian town so it’s hard. Thank you.

Ryan Kelley gives the real talk on becoming an actor. by BoiledEggs  •  last post Mar 6th

Confused about Union vs Non Union VO work and rules. And are we allowed to do a Non Union project if SAG? by princesspretzelnose  •  last post Mar 6th

Hi all! I’m in SAG and know I’m not allowed to work on Non Union film/tv projects, but does this also apply for VO? Bc non union print work is ok...but very unsure what the VO rules are. Also, I had an audition recently for a big corporation who’s commercial is non union and I didn’t understand why when they have the funds. What constitutes a Union vs Non Union VO? And how do they each affect the VO actor?

Is Discord usually required? by neji_byakugan  •  last post Mar 6th

Are Discord calls expected of a voice actor? I was cast for a role on an online website and I had to provide my Discord, but will I have to call? Because I can’t call with Discord because it doesn’t work on my phone. So have any of you had to record your lines over a Discord call before? And if so, how often? And what should I do if I’m supposed to do that?

How would you break into the acting industry in 2021 if you have years of theatre experience, but little film work, and you now have time and money on your side as a middle-aged white guy? (Serious) by nibblet787  •  last post Mar 6th

I know this is a very specific question to be asking, but I have no other way of even coming close to answering it. Basically, my situation is this: I live near LA and, after years of thinking that an acting career would be pointless to pursue professionally, I've actually come to the opposite conclusion. The reason? I believe Covid has likely wiped out many actors' careers because of the unprecedented financial crush. Most actors were struggling already, I imagine a lot have had to call it quits since all this began. So, now I'm older and (hopefully) wiser. More importantly, I have access to resources that I never would have had as a younger person starting out. And those resources are plenty of time and money. How would you use those two things to put yourself ahead of other people also starting out in my age range? I know I need to pay for a demo (film/commercial/Voiceover), fancy headshots, workshops, and memberships to online booking sites (e.g., Backstage). But, for example, could I also use money to pay for an agent AND a manager? I know they are only supposed to take a cut of whatever I earn, but they probably won't even look twice at me without more film experience.

Asking for advice/ranting. by Alexisbettethanyou  •  last post Mar 6th

I've been acting my whole life for as long as I can remember I've been acting, signing up to acting classes, doing everything I can and I cannot see another career path for me at all. I feel like I'll be miserable in anything else other than something to do with performing (Granted I do have other performing options but being an actor is the dream) But my parents make me feel like I shouldn't ever try, I know I'm not bad at acting as my drama teachers and classmates have told me I'm good, but they know how much acting means to me. I just don't know what to do. I'm in year 10 and I'm worried about doing sixth form and what I should do after. I really want to go to drama school and stuff but I honestly just don't know. I'm not sure what this is more of a rant than anything, but any advice of getting As in drama, doing sixth form/college, anything I can/should be doing as a young actor because I don't know what else I can do with my life if I can't be doing this. I don't even want to be a fucking hollywood actor, I'd be happy acting in a small stage show group in small towns putting on shitty christmas shows you know

Anyone have an experience with an abusive/bully teacher? by OkCombination7141  •  last post Mar 6th

Luckily I’ve never experienced one until recently. I thought I might be mad for a day or two and then be over it, criticism doesn’t typically bother me that much (the healthy kind) - but I still keep thinking about it (I quit the class after the first day). To be clear, this wasn’t constructive, it was totally destructive and demeaning. Apparently it did more damage than I thought, my confidence plummeted to an all time low and hasn’t inched from there since, even though I KNOW in my mind they’re a bully and I’m not a bad person or bad actor but was pretty dehumanizing. Any tips on getting over a bully of a teacher?

Making characters unique? by azulalovesyou  •  last post Mar 6th

Hi all! I'm a first-year theatre acting student in (hopefully) a BFA program and have been fortunate enough to get work outside of school! I'm currently starring in two professional productions right now and after some rehearsals/character analysis, I realized that there is a lot of overlap in my performance of the two characters. They are both young people in the same age range. I know the motivational differences and backgrounds of each of them (Uta's 6 Steps stuff, y'know), but I further realized that I may tend to subconsciously blend a lot of characters together in my work for the sake of "being natural". I think it is far more important to be authentic to a character and I also think lot of characters I play tend to just extensions or alternate version of myself. (You know those actors that always play themselves, not the character? Think Tom Cruise.) I value my craft and don't want this to become a habit. I am going to reach out to some of my instructors for more thorough advice, but was wondering if anyone on this subreddit had some methods in which I can make my characters more unique, so I can act as them, not as myself. Thank you!! Edit: spelling

Shouting in front of a crowd. by Awkward-Ideal  •  last post Mar 6th

I know theater actors project their voice to reach the entire audience. But when acting on camera, do you need to be as loud when your told to shout in front of a crowd. How do film actors go about this?

Questions about last names, social media, and applications by sunriseoctober  •  last post Mar 5th

I'm in my 20s and today I just found an application for a project that specifically focuses on people in their twenties, especially actors with little experience. I've just started out and I'm trying to fill out the application and update my resume but I'm struggling a bit even after reading the posts on the side & info. online. I'm white and mixed and Latinx and I have a hyphenated last name. I was just talking to a friend and they mentioned not including my Hispanic last name because of discrimination. What do you all think about that? Also, I found out about this project through a drama professor at college. On the application it asks for age, our name, email, mailing address, and Instagram. Is it normal for applications to ask for your mailing address? I guess I feel a bit hesitant to give it out, but it is for a legit theater company and my prof. told me about it. Also, as I'm just getting started, I just have a private insta for friends with 0 posts and very few followers. Should I bother putting my @ on the application? If I don't put it, do I leave the slot blank or but N/A? Also, when filling out a resume, if you played a different part in each act in a play, how do you write that out on a resume? Thank you for your help

Posting a Character reel for constructive thoughts.. by summersofresh  •  last post Mar 5th

I'm confused because I saw several actors have posted their character reel on here for helpful advice from others in this group. I just posted my reel and it was removed right away. Can someone explain to me why this is?

How much acting do you actually get to do in your acting class? by UnencountersOfUnkind  •  last post Mar 5th

I recently audited an HB studio acting class and it seemed that people really didn’t have that much opportunity to actually act or do scenes together? The first hour (around 55 minutes) was literally just people talking about why they want to act and how they “always knew they were actors” and that they “were always acting since they were kids” - so that’s almost half of a two hour class that’s like $250 a month, and you haven’t done any acting yet. Then there was maybe a 5 min breakout room session followed by monologues, each about 5 min, followed by more talking. Then when it actually got to some solo scene work, one person took like 15 minutes to do theirs theirs and then maybe 2 more people did 5 min scenes and that was it, class over. Most people didn’t even get to do the solo scenes. It seems like you really don’t get to do that much acting in a class like this. When I compare it to an improv class where there’s maybe a 10 min warm up and then just nonstop work until the class is over, it doesn’t seem like “regular” acting class has the same returns. Especially when you could easily pay for 1 to 1 coaching for the same price. What do you guys think?

I'm scared. by Toast-WithButter  •  last post Mar 5th

I want to be an actor so I'll be going into acting classes when covid has gone a bit. But I'm scared people are going to judge me for what I look like because I'm from a rough area. Also because I don't don't have the best social skills and my confidence isn't that good so I'll look and be awkward. Any tips to get over this fear would be very much appreciated. Thanks for reading.

I need help and guidance from you fellow actors and filmmakers. by ItsJustALameUsername  •  last post Mar 5th

Hey. I’m from Turkey and about to graduate from high school soon, currently 17 years old. I have always wanted to be an actor blah blah blah... How cliche. Actually my passion has always been filmmaking. On camera or off camera, doesn’t matter. Since acting is a huge part of filmmaking -although many people won’t agree- I am also interested in acting. My acting experience is limited to theatre stuff we’ve done in school. I was planning on taking acting classes and getting into the local theatre in our city, but then boom, Covid-19 hit. Damn you, Covid. I am such an introvert with no friends. I like it this way tho. I don’t even have social media accounts, which is pretty unusual for Gen Z. I even created this account on Reddit only to post this. I am not craving for fame or attention like most people who say “I want to be an actor”. Most of them only want to get famous. But no, I won’t shame them for wanting to get famous. Like, it is not a crime. You are free to do it, but it is just not my thing. I don’t think I will ever have social media accounts unless I want to promote my work, social media is hands down the best tool for promotion in the age we live in. Most of you people are from the US, no suprises there. But can you actually guide someone who is outside the US? I don’t want to make it into Hollywood, or make it big, or go to the US... I like Turkish cinema. No, I don’t mean those Turkish TV soap operas with no passion which they produce only to sell them to Southern America, Eastern Europe and Middle East. We don’t watch them, you guys out there shouldn’t too. Maybe they can produce something that are actually creative, if you don’t. Turkish TV industry is the second biggest TV industry, after the US, of course. Pretty suprising. I like Turkish cinema. I like our directors who are passionate in filmmaking, not only caring about money, like Nuri Bilge Ceylan, if I had to name one. I am going to attend to college soon. I hope things will go well for me. Starting with acting, and then directing films. Good plan tho.

Recording dialog with telephone by julian-bruckner  •  last post Mar 5th

I have written a dialog and it's my intention to hire multiple voice actors here to record that. The problem is that the setting is meant to be very casual and they will interrupt each other sometimes (intentionally), laugh together etc. Now I wonder if it is reasonable to expect the following workflow to work: They establish a phone connection to each other (I will pay that, that's not the thing to worry about) and listen to the telephones downlink via earphones, while they record their voice with ordinary equipment and also feed it into the telephones uplink. They then send me all the audio files and I sync them up. Therefore, the telephone aids them to know when to say what etc. but the sound quality will be above the mediocre quality of telephony (even when using HD Voice, which can't achieve anything like a audio CD) Has anyone tried this before? Did it turn out well or not? Are there things to make sure before? Apparently, more and more people use mobile telephone exclusively and may not have a phone line in the first place. What about latency and delay? Can this become a big issue? Are there reasonable alternatives to this approach (meeting in-person is NOT possible even without COVID the voice actors might be spread around the world). Thank you for your time and I'm happy to help by answering your questions.

How do you brand yourself on social media? What is your brand? by Food_Pre-Chewer  •  last post Mar 5th

Not your typecast at work, but your brand as an actor/person.

male, 18-30 y/o Group dialog recording request by julian-bruckner  •  last post Mar 5th

I'd like to request a voice-acting dialog consisting of two to four people which I expect to have a male voice aged from ca. 18 to 30. The dialog is in english language and contains some violence and curse words and is rather casual in pronounciation. You will get some explaination of the context to help you play naturally. The recording is intended to be made by a telephone conference (to hear the other persons) but recorded with local equipment so the tracks can later be lined up without having the low quality of low-latency telephony. You therefore need the ability to listen to a landline connection (or mobile, but I will not pay the added fees caused by that) via head-phones to not interfere with your recording and at the same time record your speech to a PCM processor (usually a computer with ordinary sound card) as well as the uplink of the telephone. A reasonable setup might be to just use a voice modem or VoIP like Linphone. Technical specifications Ca. 10 min Stereo is desirable 24KHz (48 KHz sampling rate) 16 bit or 24 bit linear PCM Payment I have no exact idea what amount is reasonable for given task, but I am willing to spend 20 to 50 USD for the request itself and telephone connection fees etc per person. If you disagree with the price feel free to make suggestions. Lower bidding will not neccessarily make me prefere you, your capabilities are more relevant. The payment can be made using SEPA transfer within the EU and other SEPA countries, bank transfer or PayPal. Other payment methods are only possible if I can deduct any fees. Delivery I want immediate delivery (within usual encoding and transmission times) at 48kbps as opus, AAC or LAME-MP3 (128 kbps) and delivery as FLAC by SFTP upload, HTTP upload or CD-R (12cm or 8cm) (CD-ROM with FLAC, not CD-DA) by mail later on. Uploading the FLAC via HTTP (using an ordinary web browser) is probably the most straight-forward way for you. The CD-R solution is mainly aimed at those living at remote locations or having to pay high rates for Internet traffic. Required information - How many record sessions (in case I'm not satisfied the first time) do you accept? - Examples of your speech (preferably those which are in line with the description - casual pronounciation, curse words etc.) in a common digital audio file format. - At which time you are usually availible (this is especially relevant for the telephone conference) - If you demand or specifically disapprove any credits (you can change your opinion after reading the dialog) - Are there other options of telephony (like Signal or Tox) you'd also use? I may choose them if all chosen voice actors agree on one they suggested.

Is a SAG franchised agency better than non franchised to grow as an actor eventually by Desperate_Sugar9954  •  last post Mar 5th

Hi! I submitted to different agencies in my state and so far got booked in 3 of them. 2 being non franchised and 1 is SAG franchised. Which is better? My thought is if I eventually want to join the union when I’m better why would a non franchised agency want me to book union jobs knowing that this would make me eligible for sag aftra and if I decided to join that would mean for them that I would leave their agency since sag members need to be represented by franchised union...? Idk if I make sense here but pretty do non franchised union really want to push for you to get union jobs? I read reviews about the 3 agencies and for some reason it seems like the franchised one isn’t that great in comparaison to the non franchised one? I read some reviews saying that the franchised one didn’t have much connexion In The industry even though they are in the union. And that they only give union jobs to their union members and not the non union people they represent. Didn’t think choosing an agency would be that hard!!!!