I'm a pretty new actor and I'm about to take my first technique class, in Chubbuck. Has anyone tried different techniques and found they didn't vibe with any of them? Or if you did choose one, why do you prefer it to others?
For the most part, it seems like there are two types that I see in completed productions and in casting calls. It’s either the IG music video baddie type Latina, or an older and hardened cop. Just gotta get that off my chest lol please feel free to share your experiences with this as well I don’t have many other Latina actresses in my circle.
I was on a show that was really dark and darkly lit. It made me look a lot older than I am. I am a WOC and when I saw people in real life they said I look a lot younger in real life. In the same year I was in a short that made me look much younger (late 20's). My question is now I keep getting sent in for older than what I am by CDs and agents because of the dark show I was on. I feel if I am in my 30's playing 40's there is no where to go but up in age from here. Are there any actresses here that play a wide range - like play 26 in one show, then 37 in another show, then 32 in another show? Or do you keep aging up?
I’m just curious what you actors are doing during this pandemic world for supplemental income? I lost both of my very trusty side hustles bc of COVID and they won’t be coming back, unfortunately. I’m just truly lost and with such a saturated job market it’s been really difficult for me to book an interview! I’m open to any thoughts or suggestions or if you’re dealing with the same issues and how you’re getting through! Thanks :)
Acting? Reading nuance? Editing? Equipment? Voice? Environment?
Hi there are people younger than me that do voices different from their own, is this a genetic thing or maybe they did it since they were younger? Any ideas
[Alex S. Kramer | Voice over actor | Voice123](https://voice123.com/alexkramer) How can I write something that's more descriptive of my vocal range? You can listen to the demo. Plus I have no way to prove my apparent credentials so that's a concern.
I could really use feedback from actors on this. I'm thinking about renting a small apartment for when I need to shoot in LA. I would NOT be living there. It would be set up as a studio only. There would be no furniture or personal items in it. Just lights, cameras, a set, and loads of food in the kitchen for actors. As an actor, would it deter you from taking a job? Since I know someone will want to point out that it won't work out because you can't have a bunch of people in a residence or make noise, I want to mention that all of my "shoots" involve one actor only. I make cutscenes for video games and my scenes are all monologues. There's only me and the actor on any set. Look up Her Story or The Infectious Madness of Dr Dekker if you want examples of the type of games/shoots I'm talking about.
I noticed that it's rare for famous actors to talk about their training, if they had any. I feel like a lot of them do take classes/have coaching but don't reveal that publicly. I think if more actors revealed that it would make acting seem less magical, and more grounded in hard work. What do you guys think?
Admittedly, I'm a bit of a lurker here. I'm a documentary producer/director who is making the move to scripted work. Let me tip my hat to each and everyone I've seen post here. Reading your posts has proven to be inspirational. I thought my job was hard, but comparatively it's not. There's no way that I deal with the sheer amount of rejection and not-knowing that you deal with daily. Keep your chins up! I am in awe of everything you do.
Sorry for ranting, but I'm getting tired of casting directors acting like one Black person makes their cast diverse. I've seen like two listings that include MENASA and two that include Native Americans, in 10 PAGES of listings. If a character's race isn't specific to the plot of the story, why does he have to be either Black or White? What purpose does that serve?
Hi folks, I'm a new actor and am trying to create a call list of fellow actors available to help each other out as readers for self-tape auditions. In the past few weeks, my wife has been: a coma patient waking up to my doctor role, a cannibal getting ready to kill me, girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, etc. She's had enough. I'd like to find a few other actors willing to lend a hand (remotely) for self tape auditions in exchange for the same. Thanks!
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I feel anxiety and i feel a bit too much. Do all artist and actors especially feel this, such as every emotion is zoomed in? I really want to know from all of you guys because it sometimes get very difficult for me to manage my emotions. Though i really relate to Al Pacino's quote "an actor is an athlete of the heart, my personal life suffers" Do all of you also suffer in real life? Do all of you go through these things? One more, so acting needs imagination and reacting to an imaginary circumstance with full honesty. This makes me imagine sometimes some stuff and i get gloomy and all sad even in real life. Because your brain starts taking imagination seriously, coz that is our job afte all. I really need to know does that happen to all of you too. And is it the part and parcel of an actor's life?
Anyone knows if this site is actually as trustworthy as Backstage, Casting Frontier and Actors Access? Any tips about what to avoid in that page or it’s pretty much legit?
I’ve never had so much anxiety in my life. I’m 29 and just deciding to try and follow my dreams of film/TV acting. I’ve wanted this since I was young and always found a way to talk myself out of it. Now I fear what if I’m wasting my time. The odds of a 30 year old female actress getting into anything notable are very slim. I’m currently in Arizona with the most supportive husband who can let me travel and/or relocate if needed. I also have 2 small children under 2. Is this even logical? Have I missed the boat? Where are you located? What’s your story? How have you seen success?
Hi, I have literally no experience in acting but I think I truly want to become an actor. I have had many and I mean MANY different things I have wanted to do in my life but this is the only thing I have considered that I think about all the time and believe in my heart I truly want. I am having a hard time finding classes that I can afford and I am having trouble finding somewhere to build my acting skills (bc they probably suck at this point in time). Also I have social anxiety and am quite shy so I have a bunch of hurdles to jump to make this dream a reality. How could I find classes that are not just online in my area? Or is master class or online acting classes worth the money?
I feel like all I get right now are bad opportunities that I have to say no to while I can’t even get the good gigs I am interested in. Sometimes, I am even booked as an actor and I have to cancel when I find out that the project is illegal (according to covid restrictions, we could be fined thousands of dollars each), that it is non union (even though I told the casting director I was union), or that it pays way less than it is supposed to (they lied to me about the type of production). I even see student films that are dangerous in time of covid and ask actors to do nudity and intimate scenes for free in a story in which an abusive relationship and sexual harassment are seen as romantic, what the hell? And then, when I try to get good opportunities (I mean, sometimes just what I usually had before) I don’t even get the gig... or it all gets canceled because of covid even though many other projects are still taking place. So I have almost never been working as an actor for months even though I used to make a living out of it. I never had to cancel that many projects before and I’m scared it will affect my reputation. I am being too picky or am I just unlucky? Should I say yes to the not so good opportunities so I can at least work a bit? Thank you.
im not looking for sympathy. everything is perspective. I'm at the point where I am just so burnt out with this. I resent the fact that I've spend 8 years and I still feel lost. I resent the fact that I can't seem to get respect / an honest answer without paying somebody to bullshit me. I resent the lack of feedback from casting. but most of all, I resent the complete sporadic nature of auditions and the fact that I still, after 8 years, have no idea how to increase the frequency of which I receive them or whatever. somebody will of course attack my attitude, but you know what, any sane human would feel this way after this experience. I need to know from people who know what they're talking about if whether or not, based on my info, things are heading in the right trajectory or if Im just still no where even close to booking work. because since nobody tells me what the hell is going on, ever, with anything, I have no idea. I started with training, students, films, working fore free, making my own stuff, finally landing low level agent, would get handful of auditions a year, fast forward to last year I get 27 self tapes across a couple low level agents, and now, 13 since the new year. but 0 bookings. In fact, I haven't booked a professional job yet. It's like nobody wants to be the first one to cast me. I have had a bunch of CDs give me repeat auditions, some for the same show, but these are all tapes, so I've never even spoken with or met these people, and who knows if it even is the CD, or just the assistants. who knows if they're even watching these fucking tapes if they're getting 1000s of them! who the hells knows anything!!!! and thats my point, I can't keep operating like this. it's not right. If I am good enough to be given auditions, then why can't anybody take 2 seconds and tell me what I could be doing to improve, or whatever. But to leave me in the dark for years? I don't get it. and even if I book a co-star, finally. what would that even change? it's still gonna be the same bullshit slow slog. it doesn't even pay that much! I've never been able to work a full time job chasing this because it's ALWAYS taking all of my time. I have lived in shit for years busting my ass in these expensive cities and now, everything has moved to tape, and apparently THAT is why more of us are getting auditions. so maybe I can't even read into these auditions as progress.. because maybe it's literally just because casting can now see 10000X more actors. I'm just nauseated by all of this I really am. I don't know how I can be expected to put my all into this when I read a post about some kid signing with his first agent 2 months ago and ALREADY books a major role. It's just fucking warped man. it's fucking warped. I'm tired of living this 2nd class citizen fucking poor person alienated acting journey. it's fucking awful. its so so awful. please do not come at me for having a bad attitude. there's always some asshole saying "well maybe casting can feel how angry you are". I'm fucking venting. because 8 years and all of my passion and heart and hard work for what? to be dicked around left in the dark and taping shitty 1 liners in my tiny over priced nightmare Brooklyn bedroom with no reader. I just... like... I dont get it