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A friendly reminder on a common term! "Cast" never "casted" by WouldDie4aFry  •  last post Feb 21st

I've been seeing a huge uptick in younger actors, particularly if English is not their first language, using the term "casted". This is not a real term and can make you look green in an audition or networking setting. No shame in using it, but now you know! If you see other young actors using it KINDLY let them know, no reason to shame anyone over it!

Need advice on how to approach my parents!! by opheliatheinsane  •  last post Feb 21st

My parents have my life planned out for me: I'll graduate highschool with awards and honors and my diploma. I'll go to a top-notch university, I'll get a good job that pays well. I'll get an arranged marriage (marry who ever my parents want me to) and then have kids with him. Live a typical normal average, mundane life. but I DO NOT WANT THAT!! I HAVE A DREAM! A PASSION! A FIRE INSIDE ME, TELLING ME TO PURSUE MY DREAMS! I want to go out into the world, I want to become a world-successful actress and singer, start my own business, I want to fall in love in the streets of paris, I want to explore everything this wondrous world has to offer! I want to accept an Oscar! I want to get drunk on a california beach under the beating sun and just scream and laugh and LIVE, I want to LIVE, I want to ACT! All I ever want to do is act and sing and LIVE oh how badly I crave for that. I do NOT want to go to university. college is not for me, I just know it. HOW THE HELL DO I TELL MY PARENTS THIS?!

Is it acceptable to be super particular about roles I want to audition for? by fighterandlover23  •  last post Feb 21st

I go out for a lot of high school aged girl roles. I am much older. I would much rather prefer to do serious roles. That is what resonates with me the most. I am a serious person and I like serious roles. I like emotion and drama. I was expressing to my family how I do not even want to do these auditions because they simply do not interest me in any way. I can barely get myself to read through the sides. They told me that "real actors would play anything." Is it bad I am so particular? My mom keeps suggesting that maybe this isn't for me because I don't have much to show for my acting career, which sucks to hear. I simply just want to audition for the right roles or create my own content. I'm overall feeling shitty. I haven't booked anything in forever either so that isn't helping either. Should I tell my agent/manager what I want to go out for? Do I audition for these roles even though not one bit of me resonates with them?

Scotland COVID Restrictions (Help?!) by Smilingtribute  •  last post Feb 21st

Hi guys. I’m 21 years old I’m an actor at college, based in Scotland. My friend who is in the same class as me, put my name forward to be apart of his friends production which he has now dropped out of. In fact, everyone from my college has dropped out apart from my self. The director lives around 40 miles away. I said yes, thinking it would be ages away as the production is in May. We are do a pantomime and I’m an ugly sister. The director is my age. I’ve changed characters twice, but I’ve learned most of lines. We have rehearsed on Zoom since January and now the producer wants to rehearsal in a studio space which is outside my council area. In Scotland, we have different areas. We have been told to stay in them due to lockdown in Scotland by our prime minster and we can’t leave our area unless it’s essential till lockdown eases which won’t be till late March. The majority of the cast, live in that area and I do not as I live the furthest away. They live in Glasgow and I live in Ayrshire. I told my parents and mum isn’t very happy. She told me to tell the producer that he is not thinking of current COVID Rules and they don’t want me fined. I messaged him and he brushed it off saying he can get someone to take me to the rehearsal as the trains in my area are blocked currently due to a landslide. Which they are. My mum is refusing to drive me to the next train station. What do I do? Do I drop out like the rest of my college class did or no.

[Alert: The Dark Knight film mentioned] Does the character that an actor/tress is asigned to, influences in how much recognition the actor/tress receives for his work from society in general? by Scadushhh  •  last post Feb 21st

*Firstly, I wanna tell you that I don't know anything about acting. I just had this question and came here.* I sometimes think that Heath Ledger recognition/success for playing the Joker in the movie Dark Knight is **partly** because of the character he had assigned to play (the Joker). Don't get me wrong, I think **the acting of Heath Ledger in that film is very good**. And I also know that he put a lot, a lot of effort into preparing for his role (In fact, he spent a month in a room preparing his character). But, I think that playing a character like the Joker gave them the opportunity to play a character that is extremely different to "a normal person", therefore a lot more fascinating and also that expresses a lot more of emotions. And that seems a great advantage respect playing a conventional character. Let's imagine that there are 2 actors (A and B). Actor A is asigned the role of playing a conventional cleaning lady who wants to abandon her job and loves her children (like most parents do). Actor B is asigned the role of playing a crazy psycopath who hates society. Even if the 2 actors put a lot of effort into their role (the same amount of effort) and they both have the same level of acting, it seems to me that actor B has A LOT more chances to be loved by the audience or even be praised for his/her acting. I know that the acting is important. But, is it possible that the character an actor plays could give them way more chances to the actor to really succeed or be loved by the general public (those who don't know about acting)?

Is Background work a good side gig for an actor? by SPELDWR0NG  •  last post Feb 21st

Looking for opinions. It's pretty well known that a ton of people who are trying to make it as actors need flexible side jobs. Do you think background work is a good side gig for actors? I'd really like to hear your opinions as to why or why not. Keep in mind, the answer may differ depending on market (ie, LA vs Vancouver could easily have different answers).

Child actors by LifeOrdinary9753  •  last post Feb 20th

When child actors act in movies I am afraid that they might get hurt sometimes in scenes which are hard to deal with such as when they feel pain sometimes bullying scenes or in scenes in which they have to hold their breath for a long time for doing something how do they feel about those scenes will those things affect their future or will they get over it

What is it that makes a good actor/actress? by pinecone321  •  last post Feb 20th

I am not in this industry at all but when I watch films I always wonder what is it that sets an actor/actress apart from the others? What are the signs of good acting? Apologies for my cluelessness!

Do you think it’s harder to be an actor, or a voice actor? by randomusername_741  •  last post Feb 20th

What are actors thoughts in performing in student films where there's a sex/make out scene? by Citygal123  •  last post Feb 20th

I've read some really good scripts lately from students but one thing I've noticed is they often have unnecessary make out/sex/ nude scenes that come out of nowhere. One script I thought was terrific and then at the very end the woman ends up naked in a forest, for no reason. And the student wanted to film a sex scene with a handheld camera. I was horrified. It ruined a brilliant script. As an actor it makes me uncomfortable going for student films with this type of material because I don't know how they'll handle the scene and how safe an environment they'll make it for the actors. Why do student filmmakers feel they have to put these unnecessary scenes in? What are other actors thoughts on this? My friend thinks they put them in because they want to target a wider audience with their material but I don't know about this.

Finding who is representing a specific actor by Asker82237  •  last post Feb 20th

I am not an actor, and I know nothing about the business, but I think my question fits here. How do I go about finding who is representing a specific TV/movie actor? Is there a centralized source, some kind of directory? I'd like to contact 2 or 3 Hollywood b-listers to gauge their interest in my project. Sorry I can't be more specific because of confidentialy issues. Thanks for any ideas!

Actors access by Interesting-Permit-7  •  last post Feb 20th

Really dumb question Does actors access mail you a bill or something?

By faking a fit everytime I needed to escape a situation/needed attention, I fooled my entire family. My "performances" have been so believable that they still believe those were epileptic seizures. by buffaybananahammock  •  last post Feb 20th

Hi. I am a 19 y/o from India and I am at thar stage of my life where I am confused af about everything that there is in my life. When I was about 14 or 15 years old, my teenage harmones were a little too much bear with and my mind convinced me that acting as though I'm having a fit would save me from all the consequences of the mistakes I have made. Later on, I started enjoying the kind of care I received after every "fake seizure" and I repeated this whenever I didn't feel like attending school or whenever I didn't do homework. I put my family through a lot while pretending to be a sick child. I know it's terrible that I did something like that, but I have forgiven my younger self cuz I know she's been through a lot and it wouldn't be kind of me to make her feel more shameful. This whole drama that I managed to pull out for a year has made me wonder how good I am at acting. I mean not everyone in my family can be so stupid that they believed me if I were just an average actress. I also am a good crier. I can cry my heart out for something that I absolutely have no feelings at all. I sometimes feel like I have been acting in a lot of other aspects if life. So the question here is that I wanna know if I should give acting a go with whatever domestic experience I have or is everything that I have said got nothing to do with the profession at all? Me is clueless. This is the first time I am actually talking about it. It has been the top secret of my life and WOW it feels good to spill some beans.

Looking for actor's that live in Las Vegas by CastingRoommates2021  •  last post Feb 20th

We are makeing a comdey show episodes will be 1 to 5 minutes long. Right now we have 3 man and 1 woman in cast. Looking to add more peolpe to cast. 1:Looking for two more woman, ok with man try out too we need people, and we are all Races-friendly and LGBT-friendly and 18 and up for the age and it's no pay for now we are just starting on youtube. 2: looking for people who are good at writing and director's too Email me at to gat a interview by Google meet or zoom

Does SlateShot Make a Difference on AA? by MarieN1989  •  last post Feb 20th

Does it work as an advantage vs profiles without one? My agent has never asked me to do this (she’s a beast at getting me quality auditions), but was curious if it’s something that other actors have used and gained even more of an edge.

How to break into a bigger market. by Woahgio508  •  last post Feb 20th

Hello everyone, I am a local actor here in Seattle Washington and I’m wondering what the best way to get the opportunity to start auditioning for larger productions out of state? How do you even go about being able to see these larger film/TV casting calls? I know I have more work to do and things to get done before doing so but it would be nice to know so when I’m ready I can start reaching for these bigger auditions. Thanks in advance for any info or advice you all might have for me! PS I do currently have a commercial agent here and do frequently look at Backstage and other casting sites like Casting Network and Casting Frontier. Here is my IMDb link if you are interested