Today, Stage 32's Head of Community, Ashley Smith, and Community Manager/Writer's Room Producer, Kay Ross, went LIVE on Instagram @Stage32 and @Stage32Scripts for our weekly Community Wrap-Up!
Hey, everyone. How do you get ready? Do you go over your lines, reread the script, get into character, mingle with other actors, relax, etc.? Are there any things you avoid doing when getting ready?
As the wildfires continue to incinerate homes, Annette Bening wants those who work across the entertainment community to know that the Entertainment Community Fund is here to offer immediate short term help.
Hi to our community based in Canada. What are your thoughts about this new agreement? How does it compare to the SAG-AFTRA agreement?
‘Canada’s actors’ union has reached a tentative deal with indie film and TV producers…“This agreement reflects the collective strength and determination of our membership which we could not have achieved without your continued support and unity,” ACTRA National president Eleanor Noble and Marie Kelly, ACTRA national executive director and chief negotiator, said in a statement.’
Is Acting Work Dead? Here Are 3 Proven Tips That Really Work
Don’t miss TODAY'S Stage 32 Community Wrap-Up LIVE on Instagram with Head of Stage 32's Community, Ashley Smith, & Stage 32'sCommunity Manager/ Writer's Room Producer Kay Ross! You can tune in on the @Stage32 or @Stage32Scripts Instagram accounts every Friday at 10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET, to keep up to date on all of the wonderful things happening right here on Stage 32!
Go to Instagram NOW to make sure that you're following the @stage32 and @stage32scripts accounts so that you're ready to join us! Or click here to set a reminder for yourself:
Hi All,
The Table-read for The Tattered Book is officially set for Jan 27th, 5:00 PST. I need more actors! Please join the growing group of actors and producers who will be attending. I can’t wait to see and hear this charming and unique screenplay read by you. I adapted this from a novel I wrote in response to a demand for a book in which “the main character falls in love with the reader.” Type it into the web and you’ll see it’s almost a cult following.
This month, you have the chance to learn from knowledgeable industry executives, award-winning writers, producers, directors, cinematographers, coaches, consultants, authors, actors, and representatives who worked on or represented such projects as JOY RIDE, NOW YOU SEE ME 2, OH, CANADA, CARD COUNTER, A SONG FOR IMOGENE, SMALLVILLE, and many more!
Which actors do you think will win SAG Awards this year?
This Famous Actor Actually Deceived Me – Really Shocking
An original monologue, me trying some romantic comedy, let me know what you thing! :)
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Armie Hammer now has to turn down work because he's getting so many offers.
He got massively #MeToo-ed during COVID and had not worked in acting since. As the producer of the movie that facilitated his return to acting, Frontier Crucible (referenced in the article), I can say he was quite professional and charming during our entire three weeks of shooting.
In the below video, the Corridor Crew are joined by Stunt performers Gui DaSilva-Greene and Anis Cheurfa to breakdown action scenes in movies! What makes them good? What makes them bad?
Start off the New Year with a dope game plan! This webinar will be taught by Treisa Gary, Actor, Author & Coach. You may have seen her on Grey's Anatomy, Physical, A League of Their Own or NCIS, and then some. She's bringing the truth about acting as a craft and a business, requiring clear steps, preparation, and consistency to succeed. By learning the realities of the industry, how to build experience, and what tools are essential, new actors can avoid these pitfalls. This webinar bridges the gap between dreaming and doing, ensuring that students step into their acting careers with the confidence, preparation, and knowledge they need to thrive.
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How to Avoid Career-Ending Sabotage in Acting