I cant work out where it says the submission deadline is
I was told by a fellow actor who’s been in several notable productions that a lot of the time nowadays, a selfie is asked for when submitting headshots rather than actual, professional headshots, presumably due to COVID. Is this really true?
I recently deleted insta, but I wonder if that was a bad idea. I want to pursue acting as a passion, and I wonder if it is important to have Instagram?
Obviously, within context, and not adding in completely irrelevant emotions.
Can you cry on demand? Seeking actors and actresses who are able to shed tears in front of a camera. This is a paid gig and production will be done remotely (a lot of the film will consist of various Zoom conversations) so don’t worry about location, though we are based in Houston if anyone is wondering. If you are interested, simply send an audition tape of yourself looking directly at the camera and crying. Nothing else. Please no introductions or additional comments, as we will not consider any videos that include talking (unless you are talking to yourself). The video should be unedited and include the entirety of your process/buildup, as well as everything that comes after your tears (deep breaths, calming down, whatever you do to gather yourself). Basically, we want to see everything from the moment you press record to the moment you press stop. If you are recording an audition on your phone, please make sure it is in landscape mode (turned horizontally). If you have any questions let me know, otherwise you can send your audition video to the email listed below. P.S. If it takes you a couple attempts to cry, that’s okay! Don’t hit stop. We want to see EVERYTHING. We’re not looking for who can cry quickest or best, we’re just looking for actors we think are interesting. So send us everything. The more embarrassing the better :) loafgren@protonmail.com
Getting new headshots after 10+ years. Back in the day, I was advised to have shorter hair. Is that still a thing or have times have changed and there’s more flexibility for hair? I’ve noticed that many black male actors have shorter hair—at least from their headshots when they first started out.
Hey everyone I was recently cast in small community theatre project. I wasn't too psyched about it but yanno it's more experience and more work means more exposure blah blah... But then a few days ago I was approached with some long term, paid work. I want to take the paid work but it may mean having to let down the other production. I feel if you're not paying your actors you run the risk of this happening but I do feel bad as they're a nice group. It hasn't gone into rehearsal yet but I'm not sure how quickly they'll be able to recast. What should I do? Thanks everyone
I am an aspiring actor and my end goal is to break into Hollywood. I love acting so much. I genuinely can't wait to finish school to fully focus on this. But lately I've been seeing g a lot of posts that Hollywood and entertainment has gone "woke" and "dying" and that gives me a lot of anxiety seeing this stuff. I am a Hispanic and I do not want to see people shit on me being cast in something or say it's "gone woke" simply because I am Hispanic. I don't want to be race swapped with some franchise character either I just want to play cool characters. I get the "just ignore those people" argument but I just want to be universally liked because of my skill and not loved or hated because of my race. Thoughts on this?
I've recently wanted to start acting again (I did it when I was younger) and have started practicing lines for self-tapes to post on instagram. One particular scene i'm doing [(here)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXjgfXZbnr0&ab_channel=MyMadFatDiaryFan) contains the character crying/breaking down. I really want to recreate it as I love the actress and the show, but i'm struggling with the emotional part. I don't really cry much irl which is probably a reason (like, at all) and I did want to try out for villain characters too but I can't really think of any monologues / scenes apart from Killing Eve but I can't do accents very well. If anyone has advice for someone just starting out, that would be great!
Hey everyone, I'm looking for two voice actors for my small project. I'm also looking for a casting assistant, a Caligraphy Artist (Occult symbols / runes), a Test screener / ''beta viewer'' / Reviewer. For those positions you can apply with your portofolio only. If you're interested you can find more information about each position & apply here: [https://www.castingcall.club/projects/voice-actors-needed-youtube-horror-web-series-arg](https://www.castingcall.club/projects/voice-actors-needed-youtube-horror-web-series-arg) **If you're selected, I will always pay you before you start working, so you can be certain you won't be scammed** Voice actors payment: 30 - 50 US dollars / hour worked or 10 - 15 cents per word; Keep in mind this is a small web series so you won't have more than 1 - 2 hours of work per month, at least until the series picks up. I prefer to pay via patreon. You can select ''upfront charge'' and you'll get the money the moment I send them. I'm also open to trying other payment options, but patreon is definitely the best, easiest option **A short description / logline for my story:** * A mentally unstable teenager is left to die in a vast, foreboding forest. Helpless and alone, he decides to team up with an odd, mysterious stranger in order to survive.
Hi there, I've been living in Los Angeles since January of this year and I've been working consistently as a background performer. I expected a much slower start to my career, but have found myself able to sustain myself fairly well combining this with a few other side-hustles. Yesterday, I got my last SAG Voucher and have become eligible to join SAG. I have enough money to cover the initiation fee and I am leaning towards joining. I've heard mixed things about joining too early in my career which is why I'm reaching out here to hear some varying perspectives. The only real problem I've heard people say is that if I join with a weak resume I won't be able to be compete at the professional level. While I understand the argument that there's more non-union work, I am doubtful that any of it would be worthwhile or look good on my resume. Since graduating film school I've been involved in dozens of non-union sets to gain experience, and for the most part none of these productions have any name recommendations so I question how well a co-star role on a no-named production even looks. I'd say the majority of the low-budget films I've worked on even end-up unreleased to the point that I don't even have any credits for my reel. My main apprehension about non-union work is that pursuing that work seems like a huge gamble. Obviously acting in itself is a gamble, but dedicating years of my life to this kind of work in the hope that I'll be cast in a good role in a production with no name-recognition that somehow goes onto be successful to the point that my involvement seems like a scant possibility. And if that didn't happen, I'd have nothing except a resume listing productions that are unnamable. The benefits of the Union I see is mainly that it's a guarantee I'll be taken care of. It's always bothered me that I've never even had the same length lunch as everybody else because I work in an industry that seems to not value people unless it has to. Joining SAG would guarantee my protection by making myself part of a powerful organization. Furthermore, the networking opportunities this would present to me with industry professionals from actors, to casting directors, etc. seems unprecedented. There even seems to be lots of training resources which could be really valuable to somebody starting out with me. Above all else, something that I don't hear people talk about is that being a member of SAG is a tangible credential in a profession anybody can declare themselves having been in a school play. I may be mistaken in assuming that, but it seems to me like joining the professional organization of actors looks better than lead roles in a bunch of random shows nobody has heard of or watched. My common sense just tells me that credential a casting director would really respond more to. Anyways, I'm just wanting to outline some of my perspectives and hesitations about joining and see what your thoughts may be. I've read several threads already on this subreddit, but felt my concerns were unique enough to warrant my asking. I'd really appreciate to hear your thoughts, and I'd especially like to know if you yourself are union or nonunion. Thanks so much!
I have heard of at least 10 or more names of voice or vocal techniques available for actors. I have pretty soft voice along with shallow vocal tone and color and the inability to go high on pitch. What would be the right technique for me? I have tried Lessac and it was a great technique to add nice definition and details to my voice however, for increasing the amount of volume wise it was not enough. Your recommendations are much appreciated.
I just record for my youtube videos but since i thought it might be something that a voice actor go through i asked here, the thing is some days when i wanna read through the script it's like my mind isn't even working, i can't even read right like i can't even focus on one sentence and that's when i say maybe i'm too dumb but for some unknown reason the next night i read through the same script like eminem or something lol, without any issue, what do you think might cause this? am i just weird or is it different things i eat everyday or maybe sleep problem or something? thanks
I have a reel and headshots. I read in the search bar that you need to have Slateshots to push you towards the top. Do you need slateshots attached to all the headshots you submit with? Do you need new Slateshots when you update your headshots?
Hello everyone, this is my first time making a reddit post so I apologize in advance if I do this wrong. My question for all you actors right now did you benefit from going to school for acting and getting a degree or instead take the approach of going to Acting Classes outside of College and go from there. Which as an actor would you find more beneficial.
I am casting a ten minute POC to be shot in Philadelphia. Looking for actors. If interested you can go to my IBDB page for my email and request a character breakdown. Possible SAG low budget compensation.
Would love to hear everyone’s opinion on this. Mostly just curious… When you see a breakdown posted on Casting Networks, and it has the scene attached, and mentions to submit a self tape of you reading the scene for the audition, do you usually submit to these if you fit the type? These are essentially just open calls, since they aren’t selecting actors who submit to audition, and in my opinion it’s lazy casting. But sometimes if I read the script and like it, and if I feel like I fit the type, I submit (mostly for the reel footage), but not ever expecting anything out of it, because I’m sure they get thousands of submissions, especially if it’s paid. Would love to hear from other people!
I was asked to take part in a panel discussion at a film festival. I was given details about the festival, the point of the panel, time commitment, and compensation (travel, accommodation etc.) .. but then it ended with asking “what’s your fee?” Uhh I don’t know lol. I legit assumed this would be a volunteer thing all the way up until reading that question. I’m a nobody actor with a handful of guest stars, a couple recurring, a coupe leads on the resume, ranging from indie, to network, to studio — but by no means am I a name, nor would I say I’m recognizable Anyone here have experience with this? I’ve looped the agent in, but I’m curious what the internet says Edit: I guess what I’m asking is: should I treat this as an acting gig and go for my quote? Should I take the budget of the program into account? How about the other panelists? Soooo many questions..
Actors who reach out to casting directly - you are not entitled to a response, ever. As human beings, a principle that everyone understands is that just because another human being wants something from you, it doesn't entitle them to it. Since Covid started and self tapes and online casting have become more prevalent we have seen an increase in disturbing aggressive, hostile behavior from actors in attempts to engage in communication, get our attention, or get auditions via email / social media or other casting platforms. Auditions are job interviews for large corporations. We deal with 1000-5000 people per project, we do not owe anyone any response. If you reach out to casting do not expect to get a response.We have lives and illnesses, divorces, sick children and serious issues that no actor ever hears about, because it is our lives to live. We are not here to serve you 24/7, please understand it is not a fun experience being seen as a one way street to meet thousands of strangers needs, all the time. It's exhausting and harassing us doesn't help you. "Venting" on any casting directors social media posts is a great way to show casting that is how that person will behave on set if given an opportunity to be on one., so we note that and don't give them auditions. If you press us, harass us, keep contacting us, we share it with your agents. All of the other casting directors share this info with each other. We do not put people who cause us grief on sets, ever. This includes social media behavior. These are not spaces for you to work out your emotions and feelings of rejection, or victimization from the Casting Director that will not respond to you or give you an audition, it is highly inappropriate to demand free therapy from casting, (often these messages are downright disturbing) it's a place for business. ​