so im wondering how much i should charge as a brand new voice actor
1. What does an avail check really mean? I read a wide variety of numbers from 5-20 actors being pinned for a co-star on a network tv show, for example, to only 3 actors being pinned. What is the truth? 2. If you've been pinned / avail checked by a CD, what does that mean for the future? They must be aware of who you are at that point, yes? Do they just basically keep you in the rolodex of their mind when the right role pops up? Or, in the case with my reps, they are still submiting me repeatedly, so getting repeat audutions that are not callbacks are not so much casting seeking me out so much as casting say "yes, ok" audition when my reps submit me 3. If you're getting repeat auditions from CDS, like you have gotten 3/4/5/6/7/8/13 auditions from them for over a period of months or years, that has to be a good sign that your acting is on point yes? Or maybe you're acting is not on point, which is why you haven't booked yet? Or, again, casting is just so lazer specific that you just haven't gotten the right role yet. But 13 times? What gives?! 4. Why can't casting show producers other tapes they have of you from other auditions? Wouldn't that simplify the casting process so much and cut away so much unnecessary auduitioning and save everybody so much time? Like it's kind of crazy to audition for like more than 5 different co-stars, in my opinion, like you know what you're going to get from an actor. You can imagine them saying a different 2 sentences based on all their previous work! Or am i crazy? 5. I was pinned for a small suppporting role in a high profile directors feature last summer. I thought i would start getting more auditions from that CD all the time, or something like that. Nothing really happened. FInally got another tape from that same CD almost a year later, for a 3 episode recurring guest on a killer show, so that was cool, but there has to be some sense behind this, some reasoning, why this role as opposed to others, why not anything in the past 12 months? or is it really just random? 6. If some offices give me auditions for primarily co-stars, and a few other offices give me tapes for larger roles, is there any way to capitalize off of that? target certain materials or cater materials towards the CDs differently to be appealing for both co-star+ above at the same time since all kinds of eyeballs are on my materials? 7. For those of you who auditioning for a lot of CD's for a long time, before booking your first co-star... when you finally did book that first co-star... did the rest of things sort of "catch up", since you had already auditioned for so many CDs for so long prior to finally booking? Like a snowball effect? I can't imagine things not increasing in pace once I finally start booking, like more auditions, more bookings, etc. if it doesn't i really just don't understand lol. 7. More to come as I think of them! thanks guys. i thought it would get easier as i "go" but i'm just getting crazier instead.
Howdy! I’m just hoping to hear some successful or generally happy acting-related stories from fellow trans actors right now. I just moved to college from my hometown where I was really struggling to get cast because of a transphobic director, just to be rejected from a community theatre that claimed to really want a diverse cast— And then released the cast list with a statement that two male *ensemble* roles were still TBA Performing is genuinely my one true love, and it would be nice if… I was allowed the chance to do so instead of being stashed away until there aren’t enough cisgender men to fill the principle spots. Anyways, my frustrations aside, PLEASE tell me about your LGBTQ+ wins recently, I need to know that there are trans actors out there that are better off than I am, ahah.
Hello! I’m a young-ish actor located in massachusetts and am going to start taking more classes. I’ve done quite a few plays since i was in fourth or fifth grade, one musical, and some theatre workshops / classes. I’m more interested in the film / television side of things now that it’s becoming more accessible, and was wondering what types of classes would be suitable for the level im at. (scene study, camera work, general introductory courses, etc) thank you!
Hi Karma! Here is NEW MOVIE : CHASING HOPE check for CHASING HOPE From the world premiere of “Chasing Hope” this weekend. It's been a great experience in a beautiful environment!
We can discuss details in the DMs of my account
So, I have noticed a habit that I have. I have ADD, so that might factor into this as well. The habit I have is sometimes, I’ll get bored with a show that I’m doing, and even if I’ve got a decent-sized part in it, I’ll just hit this phase where I’ll think about another show or something else I could be doing. It could be anything; stage combat, guitar playing, painting, acting in another show, etc. And I worry that it’s taking me out of being enthusiastic about the current show that I’m in. Not to say that it takes me out of the moment during scene work. Maybe I’m just overthinking it and making myself anxious. But is this usually a common thing most actors face?
Any advice for an adult actor who has to play a 'smart' 10 year old boy on stage? Its difficult to find a middle ground between well-educated and childish as some of the dialogue is quite mature for the age. I assume its mainly changing energy levels etc but any other advice is appreciated! Thanks
A while ago I got cast in a play at my drama school. At the point that I was cast, the play itself hadn't been written yet, it is newly devised and we only new the subject matter. It sounded really promising though and I was really proud of getting the role! As the weeks went on we started rehearsing, got the script etc....and the play sucks. Like, it's really bad. But I've accepted the role, I really love the people I work with and so it's ok; especially as an actor at the start of my career I know that I can't be too snobby and I wouldn't leave a commitment. We were supposed to perform in May but it was incredibly badly organised (nobody was advertising that it even existed we hadn't even rehearsed all of it, the script kept changing etc.) and we ended up having to move it to September. The director has big plans; after the performances she wants to try to get us into local festivals and more. Unfortunately I have been ill since March. But I was determined to go through with it. But I'm not getting any better and so I'm seriously considering leaving the play. I'm not contractually obligated to stay and I wouldn't be the first to go; it's just that I've really gotten close to the actors and the director there, we're friends and I don't want to disappoint them or be known as a bad friend and a bad actor for just abandoning the play. The only thing keeping me there is them, and potentially being seen by teachers, agents etc. who have been invited and could potentially cast me in their own stuff or take me on. But the play itself is still really bad and if I do go through with it my health might take a turn for the worse once again. I don't know if it's worth doing. A friend advised me that technically to my knowledge I signed on to something that was supposed to end in May so it's no longer my responsibility to stay but I don't know.
Whats up guys, Hope this isnt a bad question. I don’t have a reel just yet but i want to shoot a monologue for practice and to have it ready. I’ve seen a lot of other AA actors my age (24) do the same fresh prince monologue ( my dad doesnt love me scene) so I want to try something completely different than others. I want to be able to try something that shows a whirlwind of emotions but that fits me and can really show what I can do. Any advice?
For those considering an MFA or even just continued training after college, please be meticulous in your research of certain organizations. It is imperative that you understand what you are getting yourself into, especially if, like myself, you are putting down your own money to attend said institutions. I specifically want to \*\*WARN\*\* students/actors/writers/directors/ AWAY from the "Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University." Here, you will certainly not be getting your bang for your buck. You will be spending your entire life paying off an education that is not respected in the industry, nor an institution that even CARES about you. Let me start off by saying that there ARE some great teachers at this institution and there are classes in which great training will be presented to you, HOWEVER, great institutions go beyond this, they foster diversity, a safe place for artists, present opportunities, they respect their students, are transparent with them, hornet with them, invest in student's futures, have an amazing leadership that can be trusted... these elements were not found at "ASDS at Pace University." The root of The Actors Studio Drama School's problems (it's disrespect for students) begins with the school's only purpose of being a money making machine. This money making machine is to the benefit of funding Pace University and its parent institution "The Actors Studio." Students are promised a finalist status after their graduation at the historical Actors Studio, which is a huge selling point for the MFA program. However, The Actors Studio is critically misguided.... the members are rude to students and alumni, the "maternal" figure of the studio ( an Oscar winning actress) is a belligerent bully who especially enjoys going after young women, and the acting space is NO "safe place," let me tell you, it is toxic, vile, and that stage is used for intimidation more than "artistic exploration." Also, if you have attended the Actors Studio Drama School (a school that pays for that institution to stay alive) they mock you for having gone "to that school!" The hypocrisy is WILD. So... imagine if this is your parent institution...the ego, the mistreatment of performers, and more is going to trickle down into your CASH COW...oops, I meant "school." Further, PACE has no interest in the school and does nothing for it. They tried to take the three year track and make it into 2 years to save money for themselves... and were confused when students demanded "black box rehearsal space." The new Chair of the school is a hot mess who lies constantly and does not think students deserve the truth or common decency. You don't get to perform in a full play, NO single play is EVER put up except in your repertory season, which they have been trying to shut down or drastically minimize since 2021. It's all about saving money. I honestly could keep going on and have so many examples of how students have been disrespected and flat out LIED to.... but really this is a warning, do not waste your money and above all, your precious time. I want all actors to THRIVE and unfortunately there are so many institutions willing to exploit your eagerness to be an artist. Do your research (not just google, but asking people, current students, etc) All the best, A concerned artist <3
If anyone else out there uses actors access does it randomly freeze the listings sometimes? Like my breakdown services hasn't been uploading new projects for a couple days now it randomly just freezes then a couple days later it starts back up? That can't be a coincidence even across all the different coasts. Can anyone explain? Thanks!
Hello fellow voice actors! My name is Steele Bird, and I am looking to really step up my game and turn Voice-over and Voice-acting into my career. I finally have a day job that pays the bills while allowing me more time to focus on what the things I am passionate about, mainly creating content and VO. I was able to get my first demo done last year with some coaching, and I would like to hear some constructive criticism on how it sounds, I have long since upgraded my gear and I believe it may be time for another demo in the future (after some much needed coaching and classes). Also if there are any classes, seminars or courses you recommend for someone starting out I would love to see it. I have read through Dee Bradley Bakers, I Want to Be A Voice Actor! As well as taking some courses on Udemy from Peter Baker. [Here it is currently on Soundclound](, A professional website is in the works right now! Thank you all for your time!
Is this a decent going rate? Absurd? When I have looked online it sounds a bit higher than this but I’m new… “as you are new to voice over field, we will be able to offer $15 to $30 per 10,000 words of raw audio”
I gave up acting because I felt like my choice is between living where I live and acting and I’m sad… I’ve rejected so many artistic ventures in my life because they aren’t realistic and I’m trying to build a life. But sometimes I wonder about leaving it all and trying my luck in LA. I don’t want to continue a life without art but I don’t want to leave my country and do it all again
We all know how expensive IMDb Pro is and I'm not sure if it is worth keeping my profile up. I only have 2 credits. One being an indie, short film and one show hasn't even aired yet cause they just started few months ago. Is it worth it?
As an up incoming actress, I do love piercings and plan on getting tats, should I or do any of you have any reservations with getting tattoos or piercings and do you think it could hinder your career? Ps. I am not type casted as a punk or gothic type of person
I'm a really good actor, I have a strong reel, my headshots could be better, I'm AEA member. I've been emailing agents like mad and while they click and open my emails, nothing really comes of it. I did get signed with a manager who has only gotten me like 3 self tapes and they've all been completely out of my age range (I look teen-early 20s, they're 30s-40s). I also interviewed a couple of agents who only wanted me for commercials because "that's where the money is". Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there a better way to be contacting agents? Should I be mailing them my resume and headshot instead? I'm honestly losing my mind. I don't think this sub is super active, but I'm not sure where else to ask. The industry seems to be underwater due to the pandemic even on a hollywood a-list level, but if there's more I could be doing, I would like to do it.
I’m a good actor alone or with very few people in the room but when it comes to actually performing the scene in front of an audience in class or for a tape. I just melt and loose all my skill and can’t get deep into the scene and connect with the other actor. I just forget pretty much all my skills and collapse my performance. It becomes suddenly impossible for me to focus. Am I alone?
im currently writing lyrics for the undertale soundtrack there will be no payment this is just for fun and will be uploaded to youtube thank you dm me if interested