A while ago I posted I wanted to direct a short film and a lot of people reached out. But the script wasn’t finished but now it is It’s a classic story about a boy & a girl but it’s not a romance. It comes from my strange and weird mind and I love it and would love to bring it to life. ACTORS NEEDED Lead Male is aged 18-22 Lead Female is aged 18-22 I’m only sharing the script with people that are serious about being a part of the film. Disclaimer: I don’t have money. I’m not rich or anything so there won’t be money to make. This is just for the love of film I am located in the DMV area btw
Hi all, Im an aspiring writer/producer and I wanted to find some aspiring actors in my city who would be interested in creating ideas + filming them for YouTube. Any idea where I could look to network?
Hey, I've heard somewhere that A-List Actors, or elite A-List Actors like DiCaprio, that they sometimes or often have prescriptions or over-the-counter medication given to them that was designed for conditions related to dementia, even though they don't have dementia. This medication gives you a boost in the area of the mind that helps with memorization with respect to long-term memory, and how it triggers something that basically perfects one's photographic memory. I often use the traditional method in memorizing my lines coming from the theatre tradition: mainly the blocking technique more or less. But regardless, I have been taking over-the-counter drugs to help with this after taking a brief hiatus, and this was at a local Walmart Store in my area in Jax, Florida. BRAIN PERFORMANCE dietary supplements, of least 100MG. But anyway, anyone care to help me out? I would really like to try even a controlled substance geared towards those who have dementia to help with my memorization skills tenfold.
If I had to sum up the “secret” to creating Attention grabbing performances that make people forget their watching an actor and authentically builds the skill of being in the moment, it would be this ditty I was taught years ago... Only deal with MEANING. Which means how does it make you FEE? Very simple principle. Definitely not “easy” for most because... A lot of actors struggle with connecting with their character and creating truthful emotions because they tend to focus on creating a STORY about their character... But when you realize connecting to what the circumstance MEANS to you EMOTIONALLY And truly ALLOW yourself to FEEL it and EXPERIENCE it... You’ll see meaning is way more important than THINKING about the story . Take this circumstance for example : Your alone in your room and your turning the place upside down looking for lose coins... ...And the REASON your looking for the coins is because your desperate to scratch together enough money to buy drugs. For an actor connecting the meaning that NEEDS to be there is the most important thing... Allow yourself to Imagine how you might feel if this situation where real .... Maybe your imagination goes to clawing through filthy trash just hoping to find a penny ... Or... Imagine tearing your roommates room apart for the money .... For me the meaning of this circumstance is ... look at how pathetic I’ve become . When I allow my imagination to connect with feeling so pathetic and defeated by drugs - I begin crying at the shame and humiliation of this circumstance . Instead of creating a story that’s loaded with intellectual mumbo -jumbo cut to the emotional guts of your circumstance... What does this mean to me emotionally ? It’s an emotional question with an emotional answer.
I don't know how does it works, but I would really like to get into background acting, if anyone knows these things please leave a comment.
As an actor what are some notable advantages of paying for Pro rather than the free membership?
hello everyone! so I'm a 19 years old guy. I love acting, though I've never done it outside high school plays, but being an actor has always been my dream, since forever. Thing is today I'm applicating for college and I'm between *Dramatic Art* and specializing in foreign languages (English & French). Thing is I don't know what the hell to decide, because...please don't laugh of me...but I wanna be a Hollywood actor and I'm not American so I'd have to stick to getting a student VISA to there...that's not the main point anyways. ​ The thing is is acting isn't that profitable in my country, and as I said, it's always been my dream. ​ What would you guys say? Should I try it? Thank you :)
I personally thought she did an amazing job in this movie and she definitely deserved her Best Supporting Actress win, but I wanted to know what other other people think?
150 tapes over 65 CD offices. This is all strictly theatrical auditions for major tv / film via reps. No commercial / vo / student film / self submission stuff included. I work with a couple low level agents and a manager. - 29 CDs have given 2+ auditions - 16 CDs have given 3+ auditions - 12 CDs have given 4+ auditions - 7 CDs have given 5+ auditions - 6 CDs have given 6+ auditions - 1 CD has given 7 auditions - 1 CD has given 8 auditions - 1 CD has given 13 auditions -9 CDs' most recent audition has been bigger than the one before (meaning i read multiple co-stars and most recent tape was guest star / recurring) - 100 tapes for network / streaming co-star - 50 tapes for guest, recurring, series reg, supporting film, lead film - 6 Pins - 3 Producer sessions - 1 Call back - 0 Bookings. (all of these were for network / streaming co-stars) Student films, i don't keep track of submissions, but I booked 4 student thesis films in supporting / lead capacities and I self produced 1 short. Trying to think of any more useful details to include. I'm excited for the future, looking back I see progress and momentum, but man it's challenging. I've put MANY years into this now, many years before i had my first agent, then i would only get a handful of auditions a year, finally it's gotten to the point where i tape about 1-2x+ a week for network / streaming co-star & above, and I really want to get to place where I'm taping every day. That's a longterm goal. I did all this with 0 connections to the industry prior to pursuing acting professionally starting in my mid 20s, 0 referrals to reps, 0 friends in NYC or LA prior to moving to them, plenty of a la carte training over the years but no fancy expensive BFA, and honestly, I kind of pride myself on this because I really feel like i'm earning this through my acting abilities, skills, and blood sweat & tears - not because i was handed the keys to the castle at 22 because i was born into a well-off family that paid my way into an expensive college. I also think my journey represents more of the way it "happens" for most people, the long grind, especially if you're not born into a well-off family, and newer actors should really understand that, structure their lives accordingly and responsibly, and not expect shit to happen overnight because they read posts on this sub from winona portman and other similar actors who had extremely lucky scenarios earlier in life because they were born into more fortunate circumstances / well-off families. I pray for the fortitude required to push forward and book, however much longer and however many more auditions it's going to take to do so.
Any actors in the state of Georgia who’d be interested in being in a horror fan film?
I'm in my mid-20s and have been pursuing a professional acting career in Los Angeles for the past three years. I graduated from college with a "normal" degree and didn't tell my professors or classmates that I was only majoring in this field to make my parents happy and planned to pursue acting shortly after graduation. I worked in that field for one year and never told my boss or co-workers that right after making my last student loan payment, I planned to move to the opposite end of the country to pursue acting. I currently work three very flexible and well-paying part-time jobs in my field and haven't told my bosses, co-workers or clients that when I'm not working, I'm taking acting classes, working with my two agents, self-submitting for roles and marketing myself as an actor. It also took me years to let my family and friends know that this is what I wanted to do with my life. To this day, very few people from my previous life on the East Coast know that I'm pursuing entertainment. I think the major reason I'm not upfront about my performing career to my bosses is that I don't want them to think I'm unreliable and end up giving me fewer shifts or letting go of me for an employee who's living a more "stable and predictable" lifestyle. I think the reason it took me so long to tell my family and friends is that I didn't want their opinions to interfere with my life. Sometimes it's fun living this "double life" because it makes me feel like I'm doing something secretive and mysterious but other times it feels quite isolating. Can anyone else relate?
I am an aspiring voice actor and I just started my own voice work a couple months ago. I know I have a ways to go but these are my two Fandubs of Broly from Dragon Ball: [https://youtu.be/s\_zQV5dJq4o](https://youtu.be/s_zQV5dJq4o) [https://youtu.be/qt-sJDiDyvE](https://youtu.be/qt-sJDiDyvE) ​ Please give me feedback on how I did and what to improve. Thank you.
Can someone please recommend reputed online coaches or classes to learn acting? I only plan to do it as a hobby and not looking to become a professional actress. I am however interested in seriously pursuing acting as a skill. I would love to explore if I have the ability to act. Also don’t want to keep it limited to acting alone. I also mean to include any additional talents an actor/actress might need, such as music or dance. How and where do I start? I live near Sfo so if there is in-person coaching available anywhere nearby, I would love to check that out too. Additionally, are there any places an amateur person can go to audition just for the experience? Update : I actually found this subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Actingclass/ that I am excited to find out more about. It looks pretty comprehensive and it seems like a good start. :)
Is it worth it putting your featured bg work on imdb if you are uncredited? Even if your character had a name for that role? I see a lot of people do it and even some famous actors like Scott Wolf as well! What are your thoughts on it?
Should I put my co-star role even if it’s just 7 seconds long? All my other materials are just self tapes and have been getting me a good number of auditions.
Good Morning Everyone, Recently, I started my acting career after thinking while also continuing my studying in my university towards a traditional degree. My university is from a smaller area, with respect to acting, and I thought it would be informative to share my knowledge, understanding, and experiences from the perspective of a college student who found joy in acting and is wanting to make it their career path. ​ I made a youtube video a couple days ago with a video log of everything, and I want to keep making videos. I really just want to know how useful you all thing the information I presented is. The video itself is meant to give general information to people looking to enter the industry, but has a more specified purpose of guide college students who suddenly took an interest in acting. Comments are appreciated but if you simply want to respond to the poll that works with me too! I am just looking for feedback. ​ [Thumbnail of the video](https://preview.redd.it/vdudmw3zuul91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=52ea5a46623f60ee309eeaa46d08399dfb241fbf) Thank you! [How to be a student actor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnVzxFqFjrA&t=15s)
I was wondering if anyone here about any agencies who cater to actors who are just starting out? A lot of the ones i've found seem to looking for experienced professionals.