Just felt like letting it off my chest … I’m back at school and living with 9 other people in a house. I barely can do self tapes from home so I book study/meeting rooms at school at obscure hours to do them, but I can’t help but think of the people who get coached for everyone audition and go to a studio to have it done I’m doing whatever it takes to film auditions so I can be a professional actor but knowing that there’s always people with a leg (or multiple legs) up is disheartening Like I can bet most people in my pool don’t have to do this
I just discharged from army and back to my civilian life (Still adjusting to it). I auditioned last week with NO ACTING EXPERIENCE and got accepted to the Academy of Film, theatre & Television Bachelor of Creative Arts (Acting) course. I smashed my Shakespear and a scene from Vikings Monologue! This made me so happy!! Acting is just something I’ve always been drawn to. It is something that I am deeply passionate For. And I have decided I will pursue this as a full time career! I love the way an actor can relate to the characters they portray. My goal is to be an actor who embodies the characters and roles they land with authenticity and realism. I understand that this is an art demanding passion, dedication and hard work. I believe I have shown commitment and motivation to be continuously learning and trying to improve myself in all aspects. During my time as an Australian soldier, we lived values of courage, teamwork, Respect and initiative and with these four core values and the support from my family and Fiance, I believe it will help my passion to succeed As an Actor. My course starts in a month, is there anything I should study to help my life in the school easier? I actually can’t freaking wait!! any advice would be appreciated thank you
I (14F) started highschool recently and decided to take some sort of action in a passion of mine. I've always been interested in the IDEA of acting but never tried to gain any experience. I joined drama class and if this continues to interest me, I plan to take professional acting classes but since I'm young and have a tendency to switch interests, I want to hold off on potentially wasting money until I'm sure this is what I really want. In the meantime, I really want to LEARN about acting. Business-wise and what my future would look like. I also want to learn some extra skills that may pose themselves useful and what they may be. All in all, useful skills people look for in actors, things I should know and where I should learn them, and future classes that would be useful to take. I know acting is a VERY hard and competitive career so I want to push myself to learn as much as I can before I waste money on training for a career I don't know the ins and outs of, so I can be aware of the work I have to put in and the negatives of this career. Mostly in a way to attempt to scare myself off and see if it's true passion and worth my time.
No offence, I do not mean to offend anyone by how I say this. But I am a firm believer in the fact that if we’re hoping to become “successful” in this industry relying on talent isn’t enough. What do I mean by this? Let’s take for example another lucrative industry like the music one. The knowledge I’m about to share on how record labels operate comes from me personally knowing an employee at Capitol Records. They only sign on new talent once they have picked up traction and have an established fan base and it seems profitable to sign them. Otherwise they don’t even look at the “talent” people claim to possess. Doesn’t matter how good you are, you need a profitable fanbase. Look at artists such as Tekashi 6IX9INE, absolute GARBAGE, but he has a very strong fanbase who for some weird reason like his music. I saw a post by some guy complaining about Harry Styles getting roles. Imagine the starving amazing musicians in LA who aren’t making a name for themselves but 6IX9INE is. How do I translate this into the acting industry? Pretty simple, you as an actor need to build your fanbase. Not go to auditions 24/7 and have a “lucky” breakthrough. But you need to make your own content and make sure it’s being seen. Take for example Issa Rae, Emmy nominated actress. Many people think Insecure was her first gig, but if you study her story that wasn’t the case. She had her many web-series on YouTube which led to her following. She then came up with her breakthrough show titled “Awkward Black Girl” which had a massive following. In fact it became so huge that it needed a fundraiser and ultimately had Pharrell Williams as an executive producer for the second season. This led to her rise to fame. No auditions, no “Hollywood is based on nepotism”just her building a solid fanbase and a show. If you’re on this sub and you’re “trying to make it” based on auditions, I’m afraid you have to do much more than just audition. You need to create and push. I’m starting my campaign soon, you’ll only understand once it’s too late.
i want to get animation and videogames mostly, i heard a while back that because of covid the requirement of living there might be a thing of the past and people can get good recordings from their homes, i dont know much about it honestly. I'm quite the beginner in this and i don't really want live in LA but i will if i don't have much choice
I’m well aware that NY is theatre and LA is film/tv, but I’m curious about the challenges/differences/practicality of seeking film/tv work while living in NY. My HS-junior son is an aspiring actor/screenwriter and wants to move to LA after graduation to do the typical wait tables while doing creative work thing. However, although we currently live in Austin and I work remotely, the center of what I do is in NY and I would actually like to move there. My son has no connections in LA and both cities are, of course, outrageously expensive. It would make more sense for him to simply come with me. He likes theatre, but he’s not a singer/dancer. He likes drama and (to some degree) comedy. He doesn’t want to go the traditional college route but he *does* want access to workshops/coaching. I feel like there might not be enough of that for writing or acting in NY with a focus on the screen. Thoughts?
I've been recently thinking about taking a break from acting. I'm 21, a senior in college, and have been lucky enough to be involved in pretty much every mainstage show in my university's theatre department as an actor since I was a freshman. I'm going to audition for the upcoming mainstage Shakespeare play and if I get cast, I think that might be the last show I'll be in for a bit. The reason I'm thinking of taking a break is because * I feel like I'm starting to be burned out * Low on creativity/inspiration * My own love of the craft and my craft is dwindling, and it needs to be rekindled. * I've got to shed my negative mindset about "I have to be a good actor because if I'm not, then I'm not worth anything". I feel like I have to develop a more positive mindset towards acting. I've been wondering if maybe if I stepped away from acting for a little bit, then maybe I will recharge, be re-inspired, my creativity will be fed, and maybe when I return to acting, my craft and creativity will be richer and my acting will be more informed, specific, and hopefully more authentic and truthful. I've also been getting advice through comments from some people on this subreddit. I've come to the realization that I don't have strong friendships and relationships, and that I don't have much of a life outside of acting. Maybe I need to find a purpose/value/joy outside of acting, so when I return to acting, maybe my acting is more informed and richer. Although, I am worried. I'm afraid if I take an intentional break from acting, my craft/skills won't be as sharp or I won't be as skilled when I return to acting as opposed to if I didn't take a break. I'm afraid if I stop the grind, I won't be as good as I could be. Like I'm afraid of not doing any active work to help make me better as an actor, such as monologues, reading acting books, sh\*t like that. It's almost as if I value my potential success more than my own personal overall health. Is there/could there be any objective truth in my conclusions? Should I take a break? Any advice/positive affirmations? Words of wisdom?
2 months of 'Actor Nerd' coming up, fellow thespians, as I take you through the invention of a Human Being in the person of Shakespeare's greatest Villain. I do not foresee any packed houses, so I'm looking at this time as the almost orgasmic joy of rehearsals, with any actual bums in seats as a 'cherry on top'. Now...I'm off to learn the Ghost's role, too!
I have an interview coming up with them next week and wanted to see if I could get the scoop from some fellow actors. I know they’re not considered one of the bigger agencies in the city but that’s fine since I prefer boutique agencies versus bigger ones. Does anyone have any experience with them or know someone that does? Thanks in advance!
(CW: depression) So long story short, some recent heavy events in my life have led to me being prescribed an antidepressant. This will be my first time taking any form of mental health medication. While I'm optimistic at the prospect of feeling like myself again, I'm a little nervous about potential changes in my emotionality - wonder if there are any other actors that have experience with this? Did you notice a difference in the emotions you were able to access while acting? Maybe no difference at all? Thanks in advance!
Hey guys. This is long and I’m not 100% sure about posting this but I had a freaky scam happen to me the other night. I’m wondering if this has happened to anybody else, and I want to let people know that there is weird, creepy stuff that goes on out there. If this is inappropriate, I apologize! I got a text the other night from an unknown number that said they were from a theatre that I did a show at 3 years ago. “She” (who knows who this person really was) said that they had a fashion mogul friend working on a big budget studio feature about ballet, and that she thought of me. This was a coincidentally convenient front, because I did a monologue workshop at that theatre in which I danced. So I figured it was someone who was there and that I didn’t remember, who remembered me. Anyways, she said this man, “David Emmanuel” (a catfish, I realized too late) was talking to another actress at that moment, and wanted to skype with me once they wrapped up. She said to get some outfits ready, told me to ask him to keep me in mind for other projects if not this one, and wished me luck. About 10 minutes later this man calls me, and though he doesn’t have his video on, asks me to turn mine on. I do, and things seem fairly normal at first. We got to know each other a bit, and talked about the movie, with him saying it’s a feminist film shedding light on the ballet world and how sometimes dancers get taken advantage of by teachers and coaches. And how dancers are underpaid for how hard they work. He said they wanted to show how toxic the environment can be for the dancers and that it doesn’t have to be that way. He said they wanted to collaborate with the cast and take their experiences into account. Things gradually started getting weirder and weirder, though. After asking me to do some ballet, he started talking a lot about sex, eventually talking about sexual fantasies of women he knew, and stories about successful actors and how exposing themselves in different roles helped them be successful. He was using very explicit language, excusing himself as he did so, but it made me feel so uncomfortable. At this point I was thinking “okay something is really off” There was a lot of coercive and isolating rhetoric, telling me not to trust my friends or family because they would get jealous. And that I shouldn’t be tied to a partner, because I need to be free, love life, and meet different types of people (with the intention of sleeping with them, was what he was implying). He said it was a beautiful world, once you make it in the industry. He asked me what my fantasies were, after telling me all these sexually explicit stories. I was extremely uncomfortable at this point and I kept trying to change the subject—I wish I had felt calm enough to just get off the call but it all happened so fast. He kept interrupting me when I tried to steer the conversation to an appropriate topic. There was a lot of other weird things too, but this is the short version. After an hour and a half of talking to his disembodied voice (he never turned on his camera) he finally wrapped things up. He gave me a number of his to text after, to reach out so we could schedule another call and speak more about the film. He gave me another contact as well, of a woman on Instagram who was verified and could “connect me”, but after some research about who she was that seemed very odd as well. I hung up feeling very upset and violated and freaked out. After, I messaged someone from the theatre where the first woman claimed to have met me. My former cast-mate said they’ve never heard that woman’s name — so I texted her saying I didn’t buy it. She said that I was being paranoid and tried to convince me I was overreacting. It was all just very odd, because they had to have been actively looking at my resume to see where they could pretend to have met me and personalize their approach. I’ve never experienced a scam like this. I’m guessing they were recording me the whole time my Skype video was on, trying to get me to say something sexual or embarrassing or whatever. Best case, it was someone who gets off on messing with people. Worst, it’s a blackmail ring/pornography ring/cult recruitment weirdness. I guess I’m wondering if anything like this has happened to anyone else on here, I also just wanted to bring awareness to these types of situations. I wish I had set boundaries, though it seemed real enough at first. Kicking myself now because it really freaked me out and I felt terrible and stupid afterwards. And I feel so gross that they probably have video of that whole conversation. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. This was definitely a lesson for me in advocating for myself, not being afraid to say “no”, or to say that something is making me uncomfortable.
Hello I am a 18M, my question is what are you doing with your life other than acting I know many of us aren’t full time on being an actor and have real jobs. I’m 18 i’m close to signing with an agency but my question is what to do with my life ? it sounds pretty stupid but i know we aren’t going to get bookings left to right after signing with an agency or agent. I am currently in rolled for Business Admin in college for a back up but it’s been consuming so much of my time that i can barely even practicing acting, or take classes anymore. Should i just drop out and work a full time job until i can work as an actor full time ? What if i don’t become an actor full time ? There’s just so many questions I have. (sorry if this isn’t the right place to put it)
Has anyone else been asked to submit for many different roles to this film?? I have FOR TWELVE and I find it totally unprofessional and stopped after SEVEN. Does anyone have any info about this production? Paul Sinacore is the CD. I know of several other people who have been asked to read for at least seven roles. And then they keep extending the due date week after week after week. It’s really frustrating and weird and amateur. Anyone else? edit: now the entire project has been pulled from Actors Access
I’m still in college (in the USA) and have two years left of my undergrad. I recently started taking acting classes and absolutely love it. However, I also love my field of study (which is in mathematical sciences) and wanna pursue graduate studies in it. I’m aiming for a PhD program in a big city which should have plenty of opportunities both in terms of my education and acting endeavors. Does anyone else has experience with this? Is this sustainable or even possible? I know graduate school is a *lot* of work and being a successful actor requires devotion so I’m wondering if its even possible to balance the two. I’d appreciate any input :)
Positive venting here because, sadly, I'm at a point in my life where I don't really have that many people to spread good news to. Long story short, I'm a 21y/o who dropped out of college in March of this year after a mental breakdown. About a month ago, I auditioned for AMDA (the American Musical and Dramatic Academy) in NYC. It was mostly intended as a "hail mary," just to say I did it. There was literally no reason for me to do this. I was certain it was a fruitless endeavor. But I got in, with a $10,000 merit scholarship. I hadn't acted in any capacity since 2019. Three years. I honestly thought I'd never touch a stage again. Now, to keep things in perspective, AMDA isn't like, "the Harvard of theater" or anything like that. But It's the real deal. A significant portion of their graduates end up as real working actors. The LA campus where I'm going to be studying is like, right in front of the Hollywood sign. Two blocks away from the walk of fame. I know this is partly because I'm young and my ego is the size of Jupiter right now, but this feels like The Moment. Every young actor thinks they're going to "make it"- we should, in my opinion- but this does feel like the start of something special. Anyway, it'll be an honor to be among the make-believers again. In bacco al lupo.
Is ‘character actor’ a relevant term in Theatre or is that mostly just for Film and TV?
Hi all I'm a professional Actor and Musician who is trying to transition from theatre and into the voice over world. I have a decent audio setup (Focusrite Scarlett 2i2) and I'm looking to create a more professional environment to do voice work from home. I don't really have the space (or funds) to create a full blown vocal booth or sound-dampended space but I did find this: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/XTUGA-Sound-Absorbing-Noise-Reducing-BURNER-PRO/dp/B096FQLLQZ/ref=asc\_df\_B096FQLLQZ/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=570738427158&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16394100255954142841&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9072494&hvtargid=pla-1536459690623&th=1](https://www.amazon.co.uk/XTUGA-Sound-Absorbing-Noise-Reducing-BURNER-PRO/dp/B096FQLLQZ/ref=asc_df_B096FQLLQZ/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=570738427158&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16394100255954142841&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9072494&hvtargid=pla-1536459690623&th=1) ​ Can anyone a bit more experienced in this field tell me whether this is a worthwhile purchase? I imagine it will provide some decent level of sound-dampening but obviously won't create a sound-proof space. Is this worth the investment or am I better off buying something more substantial? ​ Thanks for any thoughts you all have. ​ Cheers! Phil
The fact that Harry Styles can just make his debut in a Christopher Nolan film, do a Marvel movie, and now have 2 back to back films to top it off with acting award talks?? I call BS. I understand the game and how unfair it is/the fact that Harry is a popstar and therefore has an audience to profit from but this makes me sick to my stomach. Just venting here as I think this kind of post is more welcome here than the harrystyles community PS - I have not seen any of the films he was in so I am not judging his acting. Edit: Not about me, I know the #1 acting sin is comparing yourself. The guy just came out of nowhere and there are professional actors who deserve the work. But I get the game
Does anyone have any quick tips to edit over the dialogue only on video clips? My goal is to create a demo reel impersonating some of the greats and see how horribly off I am, accepting the wake up call that I can never be a voice actor and just focus my ass back to my day job. Thank you