Hey guys, new actor in training here and I’m currently taking a 3-year drama course - this course can be done within a year if I’m able to meet graduation standards in that time frame (something I aspire to do) How much time a day do you feel I should focus on acting training and practice or better question, what what you consider ‘too little’ or ‘too much’ time and effort Thank you
Hello there! I have a client who is looking to fill the role of a female audiobook narrator. The male narrator has already been cast. **Specifically, she is looking for a Black or Afro Latina actress.** This project will be done as a dual-narration (not to be confused with duet-narration). Please, only submit auditions if you are experienced with audiobooks. RATE: $100-300/PFH, rate is negotiable (punch and roll recording, audio must be clean with a noise floor not exceeding -50dB) EMAIL ME FOR SIDES: antoine@antoinebandele.com with the subject line "The Rat King Audition" GENRE: Dark Romantic Fantasy CONTENT WARNINGS: Consensual Sex, Attempted Rape (she kills him before it happens), Violence/Death on the page, language. **\*\*\*AUDITIONS DUE BY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 23:59 (11:59 PM) PST\*\*\***
I've opened an account with Backstage and Actors Access. I'm extremely new to this but wanted to give it a try. How would one make a resume when you have no experience? I was told I had to have an agent but then I was told I didn't. Thoughts? Advice?
Maybe I’m just a terrible actor cuz there’s something about public speaking (not even just giving a big presentation to a big crowd, even just giving instructions to 2-4 people) where I can’t even control my reaction, I just freeze up and lose all train of thought, the one thing ur not supposed to do in improv. Do other actors feel this way? Or am I just a shitty actor? I guess maybe I’m just supposed to “act confident,” but that contradicts with the advice of “being yourself.”
I’m a SAG actor who has lived in LA for five years as well as a couple in NY — in truth, I’m not a big fan of life in either city. I’m way happier in smaller towns. Meanwhile, in the two and a half years since COVID began, I have had ONE in person audition. I’ve booked a guest star and multiple co-stars solely off tapes/Zoom auditions. I want to find out how feasible it is to stay competitive in these markets if I were to move to a different state where I can really enjoy my personal life. I have friends that I can stay with in both LA and NY, so what’s stopping me from self-taping as a local hire and, if I book a job, fly out to work it and then leave? I understand it’s probably not the wisest thing as far as networking goes, but the only time networking has ever really worked for me anyway is when I’m making friends with the people I’m on set with from my booked job. No random run-ins with other actors at a bar or in a class has really led me to gaining any footing. Has anyone done this sort of thing? How has the experience been for you?
What kind of roles am I looking at ? Also, what's the competition like for roles specifically for brown people?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hi everyone. I’m surprised there isn’t an acting sub just for the NYC market where we can help each other with resources. (Or is there??) I was in LA for a long time and through luck found affordable casting director workshops at a place called ITA. Here in NYC, I’ve only found One on One and Actors Connection, neither of which are particularly cheap. (Especially considering so many of the workshops are now on Zoom, I’m not sure why they’re so expensive?) Are there other NYC casting director workshop sites that an actor here should know about? How about on-going once a week acting classes at under $200 a month? Online or in person. Thanks in advance!
The one thing we all talk about as actors is “being in the moment” The challenge is acting teachers, directors , casting directors and other actors will often tell you… “ just be in the moment…” but what they are not understanding about acting is … Acting is not REAL life … everything is done under fake / imaginary circumstances … Without understanding this massively important reality , they’re expecting actors to create TRUTHFUL human emotions and responses without ever actually teaching the critical skills that make it possible to BEHAVE TRUTHFULLY under imaginary circumstances. What do you see or hear from people that either helps or makes this a bigger challenge for actors ?
I want to preface this by saying that I love my acting class. It has helped to drastically improve my acting. My teacher is incredibly kind and supportive, and never misses an opportunity to tell me how proud they are of me when I book something. I feel a little conflicted currently tho. It's an ongoing audition technique acting class in LA, and each session is 4 weeks long. I've been at this studio for a year now. Continuing to renew after the 4 weeks is up. Its a group of 10 of us in class, and its a solid 7-8 actors that renew and enroll every month, so I'm around the same group of people for the most part. I'm fairly "new" with the group, since I've only been there for a year, others around 2-4 years. So they are all friends. And I'm friends with them too, we just don't have as long of a history... These last few months I've been feeling that class has become more of a social hour. Students memorizing the scripts right as we get to class VS the whole week we had prior. As a class, we get off topic a lot, and tend to talk about unrelated things for a good 15 minutes, a few times a class. A lot of students have been friends for years, so they'll sometimes go off in little groups and talk about personal lives. And also a handful of students aren't pursuing acting seriously, they are doing it more as a hobby? We only have about 3 of us in class who are booking things. Now I don't mind the extra banter and off topic-ness, cause I'm guilty of it too. But thats exactly my point... I feel like I'm too comfortable in class now. I put in the work, and memorize my script, and make my choices, and perform, and 95% of the time I'm happy with my performance. But these last few months, I feel like I'm plateauing. That I'm not having any breakthroughs? Is this normal? Is it time to switch things up? Get comfortable with being uncomfortable again? Will the same process happen when I enroll in another class and continue to go month after month? (Also, this isn't my first acting class. I've studied at a few of the big schools in LA. This is just the first acting class that I loved enough to keep continuing, even after the initial session ends)
So I’m still a relatively new voice actor, but I was wondering if since the pandemic the industry has since gone back to studios, or is it still possible to get gigs remotely? I want to find out before I move and that’s *if* I move in the first place. So, would I need to stay put? Or could I still have some potential security?
Love acting but I hated drama, I dropped it in S3. Acting is fun, I love it, I’ve wanted to be an actor and stuff. My mum said that I can’t because I’ve not taken drama for the last two years. I’m now S4 (Year 10?/11. Grade 10)
This might sound like a dumb question and on its face the answer is probably yes, but I guess I'm wondering how big of a difference that makes. And before I get a bunch of "your skill as a voice actor will determine your success" comments I want you to assume I'm good there. I specifically want to know if having a well treated home studio with industry standard VO gear and the ability to professionally edit my own audio will be a serious selling point or if it will help only marginally. Thank you in advance for the feedback!
So hello. I’m going to give you a quick introduction first. So we had singing auditions first, which I believe I actually did quite good(I am NOT a good singer but my voice was blended in.) I’m not bad but I’m Not Ariana Grande. We had dancing yesterday, which I absolutely… FLUNKED. I kept messing up, I didn’t know the dances, people were in my way etc.. And finally, today we had acting. I got up and I was a small roll and she asked us to do it a second time. And commented that ours was the tiniest bit slow. I only had 3 lines and I tried to show it with emotions and made sure I didn’t over do it. She asked me and a couple other people to exit the room, which I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing and she had a little chat with the others, one really good actor came out with me. I don’t know if it is a good or bad thing, I asked a couple other people who auditioned and they said I was really good and that I just needed to project my voice a little more. I don’t want to wait till next week, advice please?
Depression can play a factor too. There are times when people who want to be actors but never really pursue it, audition, or anything will get a big part in something because their buddy is a director. Not saying I wish that person didn't get it, but it's just frustrating is all. I'd never wish poorly on people, but I guess I find it hard over the years to be "happy for everyone" all the time. I try to stay off social media and just focus on myself. I just turned in last night a 10-page self-tape with high emotions for a feature. I swear, it was like a one-act play. By the time I was done filming it (physically and emotionally), editing it, and sending it to my manager I was exhausted. Then I read someone I know got the lead in a "big feature" (which who knows what that means), but they are staring with one of their best friends. So I know they were cast by who they knew, but it's just frustrating because I know this person doesn't pursue auditions. No agent, manager, or even updated headshots in like 10 years. Every role they've gotten has been through a buddy or something. Again, nothing wrong with that, but just kind of makes me pull out my hair when it's 1am and I'm trying to send in my tape to be seen the next morning--most likely with no response. Sooooo, I'm sorry if I sound a bit negative, maybe this was a bad time to type this, but I think I just needed to rant. I hope the sub reddit here is understanding. Again, I'm so sorry if it's too much, I hate feeling this way, but what advice do you have to deal with stuff like this?
Hello! I teach English, and in trying to do some very simple recordings for my students, I've realized it's not quite so simple as just recording myself :( So here my questions if anyone could please answer them (and I'll include more info below): 1. Could you record yourself speaking naturally like you do to your friends easily for say an hour each day? Or would you still need to utilize your training (eg breathing techniques) to avoid vocal strain? (you would just be reading off lists of simple sentences) 2. Unfortunately, I have no background in singing or acting, and my goal is to sound exactly as I do when speaking in conversation. (so, I don't need to focus on resonance or enunciation and actually should avoid that) What would you recommend I look up on youtube? eg I found one breathwork video aimed at voice actors (by Voiceover Masterclass), otherwise most are aimed at singers. 3. Speaking of which - um I feel so ignorant saying this, but I've noticed a lot of these youtube videos are aimed at singers, but I imagine whether it's for singing or for people recording themselves it's the same sorts of exercises right??
I posted this in another subreddit for career guidance but I wanted to share it here since this is a reddit for creative people and I'm sure many of you have went through this I was recently separated (mutual agreement) due to poor performance. I am a copywriter in the pharmaceutical advertising space. I used to work as an IT desktop support specialist. The poor performance was due to a lack of attention to detail, understanding and following processes, and not fully learning what we were doing. I'm not gonna lie. In both professions, I had the same problem. When I'm bored or unhappy with my jobs (basically every single job I've had), I just can't pay attention to detail, and learning technical stuff becomes mental torture. I try to force myself to pay attention, or I re-read stuff over, but it doesn't work. Studying for IT certifications was a miserable experience, but so is doing technical stuff. I've taken ADD and anxiety medications before and tried both CBT and analytical psychology therapy, but it doesn't work. In my last job my manager and I tried many different methods to improve my performance and they noticed an improvement but just not up to expectation. I tried waking up early (though it didn't last too long because I became a bit depressed into the job) and I tried creating manuals and re-reading my work. I tried eating healthy. But nothing works. I've had the same problems with IT. Not following processes, not understanding the stuff (or really lack of care), and not paying attention to detail. In all of these jobs I was somewhat unhappy to outright miserable. This surprisingly doesn't happen when I'm learning complex concepts in music theory, composing and producing my own music, singing (doesn't really require that much attention to detail) or when I'm making an acting video on TikTok or writing a poem or song lyrics. I can catch mistakes and solve problems in those instances (and believe me, composing and producing music involves as much problem-solving as intuitional creativity). The only job I ever liked was an advertising internship that was a bit misleading about the nature of the work. We were tasked with creating big picture campaigns, stories, and scripts for health brands. So much of the work was nonprofit or socially impactful stuff and all they asked for was "give us ideas". I felt like an artist and a journalist because we had to convey something complex in a simple yet creative way. I felt in the zone when I was doing the graphic design part because my graphic design partner was lazy. I also once volunteered to write journalistic articles on the side as a volunteer and I could catch myself making mistakes. Sometimes I needed to be told about them) but at least it wasn't terrible. I still use Grammarly though. I know that most of us don't have the privilege to pursue our artistic passions full-time. Has anyone else been through something like this before? How did you guys overcome this? How do you get yourself to perform at a high capacity when deep down, you feel like a highly privileged waiter? For the actors pursuing acting yet somehow surviving their dreadful full time jobs and paying attention to details, how do you guys do this?
First, I just want to thank everyone in here for giving me some of their positive vibes and mojo on getting my SAG card. I JUST GOT IT!!! I swear I never thought I would. Such a relief too! Okay, my question. I've been doing the UGC (user generated content) promotions for a little while now. If you don't know what that is, think of all those annoying ads on TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram where its a real person trying to sell you something and it's not coming across like a commercial. It's a real person using or telling you about a real product that they use. My SAG orientation meeting isn't until next month and I couldn't find this on the website. I was able to find "new media" and "influencer" info but it's not specific enough and left me confused. Am I allowed to still do these or are these considered non-union? Thank you in advance.
I’ve taken a couple acting classes and my instructors pointed out an eye opener for me when they stated if we want to be big into this business, that we had to take classes, audition and network within the major cities that focus on what we’d like to work on. I’ve been watching videos and researching and to me it seems that Atlanta would be a good start for beginning actors. What is your take on this and what advice would you give?? Am I over thinking this too much? What do you guys think that have been doing this for awhile?