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We have found 19,369 posts across 4 actor forums:

Worried bad acting will ruin my film by redsushifellow  •  last post Aug 9th

I'm making a film, just a casual project, but I want to make it as good as possible. I'm acting in it, as well as another actor. I'm worried that our lack of acting skills will ruin the film. Is there anything I can do, or should I just accept that it might lower the overall quality of the project?

Actors Access or no? by TomKunzman  •  last post Aug 9th

I’d love to hear peoples opinions and experiences with Actors Access. I’m considering renewing my account. Thanks!

PR by correctstatement2022  •  last post Aug 9th

Hello! When should actors get a PR team behind them? Does it help up-and-comers get more roles/visibility - especially if they aren't in a current show or movie? I have worked professionally in film, TV, commercials, VO, but I do have solid rep. Auditioning actively for high profile projects and waiting for that series of roles to has propel me into the public eye. Any opinions?

Casting Philadelphia for a 5 to 8 minute POC by Steve Sacavitch  •  last post Aug 9th

I am currently casting Actors in the Philadelphia area for a 5 to 8 minute POC. It is a story that takes place in South Philadelphia during the mid nineties. You can contact me via email for character breakdown and more info. Thank You. Steve

Please Help! Getting IMDB Rating Bombed Due To LGBTQ Content! :( by Scott Butler  •  last post Aug 9th

Hi everyone, I am so sorry to have ask this, but is there any chance any of you could help us out. Our new movie we all worked so hard on, "Hypochondriac" is sadly getting 1-star rating bombed on IMDB, most likely due to it having an LGBTQ couple as the leads and this is all happening outside of the US (it's not even released outside the US!). It is such a wild, raw and beautiful movie delicately portraying a story about mental illness and how it affects so many people around us, and has a truly beautiful ending with a powerful message. We're not trying to over-bloat the rating, just to try to fight against the review bombers (a similar thing just happened to the movie "Lightyear" due to having an LGBTQ kiss scene) and get it back to where it needs to be to at least have people take a chance and go watch it on Prime, Vudu and iTunes. The movie has had great reviews and audience reviews, so the 4.8/10 score on IMDB right now, I really feel is not indicative of it's true rating, (more like in the 6's at least imo). Here's the IMDB page, please rate it between 7-9 please (not 10), many thanks!: Here's the Rotten Tomatoes page to see how well it's rated in normal circumstances: And lastly, here's the trailer if you'd like to check it out: Please reply here or DM me and I will do the same for your projects right away! :) Many thanks for your time, Scott Butler ("The Wolf" - Hypochondriac)

The reader/actor of my Zoom Audition… by Wolfchile  •  last post Aug 9th

So the other day I did a zoom audition to test my chemistry with the main character (who they have already cast). The actor was dead pan and missed multiple lines each take or said them early etc- I improvised through it. But it was rough. We were meant to be flirting and they gave me nothing. I’m shortlisted and worried that they will take this into account that we didn’t have chemistry but I really did my best and was happy with what I did but sad about the situation. Do you think casting will notice she was deadpan and not punish me for it??? I’m just confused at why she didn’t really try.

Submitting Twice? by joesatmoes  •  last post Aug 9th

Hi, So I just saw a listing for an acting role on actors access as well as in my inbox from a separate company. Is it in good or bad form to submit through both means?

How do I know if I'll make a good actress? by omg_its_apple_juice  •  last post Aug 9th

I have wanted to be an actor since I was like…4 years old. I suppressed it because I thought my family would disapprove. Now that I'm 18 I want to take steps towards getting into acting, but I just don't know if I would be any good. I'm not emotionless, but I do struggle with portraying the right emotion a lot of the time, and I know this is a big part of being a GOOD actor. Is this something that going to acting school can teach me? Or should I give up while I'm ahead. The other thing I worry about is that I'm not conventionally attractive. I'm not saying that for attention, I've just accepted the truth. I may be attractive to some people but I'm just not the blonde hair, blue eyed, clear skin beauty that society prefers. I have very masculine features for a woman and I have a very imperfect face. I see a lot of actresses out there that are conventionally attractive and not many at all that are similar to me. I'm not the type of person to blindly jump into something with little proof that it will become a success, so these doubts are the only things preventing me from starting college for acting/drama. I just need advice on if it's worth trying.

A discussion about background work by Impossible-Wind-987  •  last post Aug 9th

hey, i want to be more serious in my training as an actor. I do training and background work at the moment. Extra work has been my income but it doesn’t satisfy me. What should i do? Any tips

Is Momentum Talent a good agency? by throwaway2872253  •  last post Aug 9th

I see they are stationed at Warner Bros and have a couple positive reviews, but I can’t find anything about their clients/projects/success online, and they don’t post about their current actors on Instagram like other agencies (which makes me wonder if a lot of their actors are working). I would greatly appreciate if anyone could share anything they know!

Agency "double dipping?" by SexysNotWorking  •  last post Aug 9th

I'm just trying to gauge how common this is. In my area (a medium market), it's common for a contract with an agency to include a clause saying they're entitled to their 10-20% *in addition to* the 20% that productions will often tack on. To me, it seems like in adding an "agency fee," the production is trying to allow the actor to get the remainder, but often agents will take that 20% as well as 10-20% from the fee. Does that make sense? Sorry if this is unclear. It's legally accounted for in my contract, so I'm not asking about legality. Just wondering if this is normal elsewhere so I know what kind of bargaining power I have if I try to negotiate it out. Thanks!

Help by Dirttheif_offical  •  last post Aug 9th

I need a female voice actor for something for my YouTube channel I can't pay

Actor's Training Pt. 5 by Matt-Pipes  •  last post Aug 8th

Hi! I wanted to hop in and let you all know that I've started a YouTube Channel. [\_E]( ​ [Actor's Training Pt. 5]( I was feeling a little tired of the expense of acting classes, the lack of continuation in my training, and realizing the parallel between athletics and our craft, and the importance of "putting in the reps." I'd love for you to check it out. I've gone through and finished Ivana Chubbuck's *The Power of the Actor,* and through this short series I delve into a few of the concepts. Also, this is a great format for putting in the reps. ​ * Pull any scene, big or small that you've scene in TV, Film, a Play, or even a Book (write it out) * Script Rescourses * []( * []( * Choose a character and begin delving into them, through whatever technique you've learned or want to learn (Always good to explore different tools) * Find any reader, I literally asked my family for help, my brother, my mom, my dad, ask a friend, even asking someone to zoom call/facetime. Just get someone to read with you * Film your performance, any device works * Review. Be honest, and also export for notes. Ask your family, even though you know they don't know as much about acting as you, they are consumers of TV and Film just like all of us. Simple questions are; * Did this interest you? * Did this retain your interest? * At any point was there a moment when you were most drawn in? * What do YOU think I could do better * Any notes a gift, interpret/sift through what's useful, apply, and REPEAT! ​ **I did this** little five week program myself, and wanted to share as I felt I really benefited. I'm not going to continue with a bunch of different scenes but I'm currently playing a lead in a new musical, which I'll be focusing this exact work on, and I'll get to see how it's applicable to a professional contract. Much love Ya'll. Keep up the good work!!

Tips for holding auditions? by FerrariCar12345  •  last post Aug 8th

I know this sub is for acting rather than people who hold auditions, but I would be interested in hearing tips from actors about auditions. I’m a filmmaker who is about to hold some virtual auditions for a short film, and I’m wondering what your experiences with virtual auditions have been like. It’s my first time doing auditions so I just want to make sure I’m doing things right. My plan is to make a post on a local Facebook acting group page and then ask them to send me auditions based on a short scene I wrote. Does this sound good? Or should I send them a scene from the script? A concern I have is about choosing actors. So should I send them to the full script first and then ask them if they like it before or after they audition? I ask this in the scenario where I choose someone to be in the film but then they don’t like the script or something. Thank you!

Is This Pay Too Low? by username698085  •  last post Aug 8th

So there is a horror film looking for actors for $150 a day for a production company that has put out a dozen movies on major streaming services like Amazon Prime and Tubi. Does that pay seem to low to you? It doesn't mention anything about residuals, does anybody have experience working on something like this? They say their latest feature is currently trending in the top ten on Amazon's horror category. It just seems odd they have distribution deals already set up but are paying background actor rates for the lead characters.

Karmalacity Pro Chromebook extension by Dante Salerno  •  last post Aug 8th

Support told me to click on the chrome extension tab on Dashboard and then the K icon on the page it leads to. Nothing happens when I click on the K.

I've seen a lot of experienced actors that'll befriend their producers/directors for the sake of networking. Is it bad if I can't do it? Will just relying on my talent be enough? by catfelinemeow  •  last post Aug 8th

As an actor, I know that it could be very important for us to socialize for these 2 main reasons: 1. To build a bond with your fellow actors 2. To network with the right people But as a person who is literally very very terrified of people, I don't really know what to do to overcome this situation. I do so badly want to make friends in this industry and I do also want to show people my true personality. I so badly want to be remembered by the people that I work with and I do want them to like me enough to want to work with me again. I'm lucky to still be able to get casted by different production companies but I doubt I'll be able to work with the same people again. I think I only truly exist to people during auditions. That existance will slowly fade as the project goes on and will disappear at the end. So yeah, I recognize that networking can be very important especially when it could largely help with your career. But is it really bad if I can't do it? Will just relying on my talent be enough?

Actors Access Question by kananiakina  •  last post Aug 8th

Don’t Wait for the right conditions to get started by Kaleidoscope-Vision  •  last post Aug 8th

To those who need to hear it, There are a million “reasons” your mind will come up with to delay fully committing to the craft: “It’s too expensive. The odds of being a working actor are slim. I’m not talented enough. My headshots are not good enough. I’m not good looking enough. I don’t have a demo reel. My part-time job isn’t flexible enough.” I’ve struggled with the idea that everything has to be in place before taking action. I was convinced I needed to wait to lose a few pounds before I took headshots, get the perfect self tape setup, have the ideal day job. Blah blah blah. I’m here to remind you, there will never be an ideal time to start. This kind of thinking exists to protect you, to keep you in your comfort zone. That perfectionistic defense can be paralyzing, leading to wasted time and opportunities. I want to be clear, it IS fucking hard. Many, many aspects of this industry are out of our control. On top of that, each actor faces their own unique challenges, which makes it even more critical that you shift your focus on to things you can control and take things slow. If you jump in too fast (we’ve all had the idea that we’ll suddenly go from doing nothing to running a side business that will fund our career all while reading 10 plays a week, meditating 1hr every day, working out to look like a marvel character, etc.) you WILL burn out and it will affirm any false beliefs about yourself around failure or inadequacy. Success in any area of life takes time. Take small steps each day, be creative with the resources you have and celebrate your wins. DO NOT berate yourself for perceived failures or imperfections. Each win will stack up and before you know it you will start to see results. EDIT: clarified a few points

How do you drop an agent? by Euphoric-Tune-6997  •  last post Aug 8th

As the title suggests I’m about to drop my agent. I haven’t received any roles for films in the past 5 months (since that’s when I first got them) and they told me during the interview that that’s the roles I’ll get. All I got were commercials that gave some very “interesting” breakdowns that made me feel less of an actor. I don’t know if it’s because I’m not in LA or something (which I told them I can commute to) or the fact that I’m auditioning for shows and films myself and have booked something during the time I got my agent and now. It’s just difficult to be productive when it feels like they don’t have your best interest in mind. What would you suggest?