I'm looking for a studio as a somewhat experienced, union actor in LA that I can grow creatively in through scene study, on camera work, business classes, and casting director workshops. Beverly Hills Playhouse seems like a good place to try but I also have ONLY found positive reviews of it which somehow makes me skeptical on it (because nowhere is without it's faults). Does anybody have their own insight on whether Beverly Hills Playhouse is a good play to work and grow within? ​ Or is a place like Aquila Marong a better studio for working creatively and leading to more TV work?
Can a natural actor/actress make it big in this industry without training or experience or do they still need to train and practice? Because if an actor/actress has an innate talent he or she won't really need any training because they were born gifted. I don't know that's just how I think. feel free to drop your opinions or correct me as well
I want to act and it seems fun and expressive as well. But to be honest with you, I don't want to be the next Robert Downey Jr., Patrick Stewart or Leonardo DiCaprio trying to making it too major. I rather appear on YouTube and Television before making a big transition to the big screen and even if the latter doesn't happen, I would still be grateful being apart of escapism and entertainment and not go too far beyond that. I have no problems with big names like Dwayne Rock Johnson, I just want to be less famous but still make somewhat of an impact.
How would it happen? I know it’s very hard but are there any “steps” (like going to an US acting school for a while) that would make it easier? I really don’t understand how it works with the visa and stuff
I say a lot of woo woo crap around here and I'm pretty sure it's this book's doing haha. But I see people asking for recs and this one is by and far my #1. THE YOUNG ACTOR'S NOTEBOOK by Dennis Hilton-Reid has been a cornerstone of my work since 2018 - and I've only worked through ten pages so far. It's a book that challenges the actor - young or old in age or experience - to analyze themself and think critically about their practice and presence. I have personally benefitted from this book by learning rehearsal/company etiquette and using it as a journal of progress - if I take a note in it, I leave the date. I write down any notes and quotes related to the prompts and now have a great resource of my own making, of years of thoughts and encouragements from myself and others. The book is available to ship and it's comparatively inexpensive. I suggest it for stage folk who are starting to turn out for things, and anyone who wants to keep track of who they "are" as an actor and worker.
Kind of like how content creators create podcasts, how about a place where creators/ voice-actors narrate the books they want and users can look up an audiobook, filter through all the narrations available, and rate the audiobook they end up choosing so the narrations are ranked. For the voice actors — it’d be a place to build a portfolio, get feedback, and put their work out there, etc Is there anything remotely close to this? Whatre your thoughts on a platform like that/would you join?
I have a Discord server set up for fellow voice actors where we hold each other accountable for our individual marketing goals each week. We have a virtual "huddle" on Monday mornings where we post our marketing goals for the week, and update how we did against the previous week's goals. There are 3 slots open for new members. (We're keeping the server small by design.) If you: 1) are a working voice actor (i.e. you have been paid at or near GVAA Rate Card recommendations for your voice work) AND 2) are actively marketing your services to grow your voiceover business AND 3) can commit to the huddle schedule ... send me a DM and I'll send you the invite link.
I have a background in radio, I have done a few commercials here and there in a larger market. I have a few friends who are voice actors as well, and have access to a quiet professional studio to record. What should I do to go about finding jobs and projects to do?
So, I've ways wanted to be an actor, and due to many reasons I was never able to do the normal suggestions like joining the local theater or joining students films in the area. However, recently I was able to get the truly amazing opportunity of being an non-speaking extra in a pilot episode of a show, which is something that doesn't happen in my area AT ALL, and I fell in love and I know it sounds cliche af, but I have never, ever felt anything like it and it just solidified my passion in wanting to act. I have signed up for backstage to try and apply for my roles, but I just don't know where to go from here. It's not economically possible for me to go to a city with more opportunities, and I'm beginning to feel so stuck. Is there any suggestions or things I can do to get in contact with more opportunities? (Like, I've never felt more happy then when i was immersed in the magic of the set.)
Hello! I'm collecting some information on how actors use casting sites for a personal design project. Privacy and data is important to me so I want to tell you: I am not affiliated with any casting service. Nor is this information being sold or anything like that. I am not collecting personal information, only ways actors use the sites. The survey is hosted on SurveyMonkey, which is a fairly popular online survey tool. There are 10 questions and it will take about 2 - 5 minutes. Some of the questions are yes or no responses but I have given the option to comment, this is purely so you can elaborate if there is more to say about it, but you certainly don't need to. I appreciate your time! The more people who answer the better! I will add a note to this posing when the survey is no longer active. Thank you! [https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TTHTKRV](https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TTHTKRV)
Curious how the boroughs are separated into what. Looking for an area good for actors, dancers, creatives/artists etc.
That provide things like bookkeeping, taxes (for self employed actors or artists) etc?
I'm your dime a dozen newbie voice actor with a Blue Yeti USB mic and hopes for the future. Lately I've been struggling with lines that have me shouting. The Yeti doesn't have any compression settings so whenever I speak loudly my settings speak like crazy. I turn the gain down but then the part of the line delivered in a normal speaking voice are far too soft. How can I fix this? I'm not experienced enough in audio editing to figure it out yet.
Quick question. My contract is ending with my agent and I’m looking to transition. For some of my blind submissions they are asking for actors access profiles. Obviously my current agency is still listed. Is that usually a problem? Or can I just simply explain it. I hear different things. Thanks!
I haven't really seen much on this topic, so I decided to ask. I understand that in America there are certain regions like NY, LA, Atlanta, and Chicago where you can try to establish yourself and your skills as an actor, but how does it work in other places, in particular London? Would it be a good idea for an American to pursue a BFA in London as opposed to a drama school in the states? What are the differences? Do actors/actresses from London transfer to America at a certain point in their career? I'd love to hear input from other regions that have a prominence in theatre/film as well, though, I'm not too familiar with them at the moment.
I love the idea of being a voice actor and I have two websites and a few blogs made for uni and I just find the idea of voice acting really interesting for the last 7 months, but struggle since that business is really, well, american to say the least and where I live influencers are still this new shiny thing that people dont take seriously, at least not as the west takes so seriously. I also am a bit worried since despite english being not my native tongue, people sometimes point it out and I feel a bit embarassed since I have learnt it for 10 years, even though some natives don't know the difference between there and their, but it still feels embarassing especially if you want to be a voice actress, should I like search on instagram or facebook and hope some stranger likes me and interviews me? How does that work, I apologize the question probably sounds really dumb but I feel really lost, thanks in advance
Are there parts of town where working actors, below the line personnel, and other creatives tend to live and congregate? Safe places for single young women? ABQ is a huge land mass and does not seem to have clearly distinctive neighborhoods like L.A., New York, or Atlanta that someone looking in from the outside can tell much about. This sub needs something like the Moving to (insert major market) threads on the sidebar since it may be about to blow up as a destination for new actors. I once asked this same question on the ABQ subreddit and got accused of celebrity stalking and downvoted into oblivion. lol
Hi, guys
I’m gonna explode. I haven’t booked since my last guest star and it’s been driving me nuts. I know, I know… like, I know - problem is I realllly thought my last booking would change things.. and well, it hasn’t really I’ve since become, what seems to be, a *new favourite* of a CD who I’ve read for 13 times with 0 bookings. They’ve called be back again - for a guest star of another unreasonably popular show. This is it dude. Mentally I have to book this or I’m gonna break (not actually, just like metaphorically err yeah) I guess my point is two fold: I want to complain a bit and get some virtual cheer, and it’s become clear this whole circus is a grind from co-star to series regular Ps: I came across this new podcast called 10-1. It’s pretty solid and a great listen for Toronto based actors - and probably any actor anywhere