Are there any updates on this? I've seen this idea being tossed around in the past, now with their yearly rates almost reaching $300 a year it seems inevitable. The website is a mess and the customer service is either non-existent or outsourced. I really wish casting directors would just boycott it and use Casting Frontier or Actors Access. The problem would be resolved so fast.
Hello im a 17 y/o and i've done a couple of voice acting videos or even voice overs, but i think im missing le coup d grace. I think my voice acting skills could be a little better so if anyone is willing to give me some tips i would gladly appreciate it!
Hi all — I’m a filmmaker currently in talks with people at CAA and UTA to cast a few actors for my short. I have several incredible actors that want to read the screenplay and their agents are asking for an offer. That said - is it fine if I mention the other that are reading and may be involved? As long as I'm truthful and share they haven't locked in fully yet? I'm just not sure the "rules" of courtesy, but I do know if were an actor I'd have more hope for a project if I knew others that might be part of the packaged project.
Hey there, I m curious to know if there's any truth to this rumor I heard about film studios in LA/ US not recognizing 01b actor visas from Canada and only hiring you if you have a green card? Can anyone elaborate on this if there's any truth to this? Thanks
Hi Reddit, I’m a 32 year old woman considering getting an MFA next year. I’ve auditioned for programs a couple of times, will be getting a coach and working my bum off to get into a program in 2023. I would love to hear of any other older actors especially those identifying as women and your experience completing your MFA in your early-mid 30s? Also, how you balanced other commitments like family, spouse, ageism etc. I know it’s possible. Would love some first hand experiences! Thanks!
My whole life I told everyone I wanted to be a mechanical engineer. My parents know I am going to become an engineer, and have already taken the A-level subjects that are for engineering. However I have just now realized my potential, my talent and my passion for acting. I have not done any acting activities in or out of school, but I feel like I am naturally good at acting. I am also a bit afraid to open up to my parents about this, because I feel like they will try to talk me out of it as it is a risky path to take. I want to meet new people in the acting industry and strive with them. This is my dream. What should I do? Should I tell my parents about this sudden shift in careers? Should I continue with engineering for income to invest in getting into acting, for example work as an engineer to help afford drama school, etc. I am very passionate about this and I know I am going to succeed. Thank you so much! :)
I am not an actor or actress However I had to post this Why is it that actors feel the need to stutter, especially during dramatic or emotional scenes?? Its so overdone imo that I get kind of annoyed watching it. It just lunges out of the screen - an “I’m acting btw” giveaway… especially when it’s not only one actor doing it in a scene but multiple I feel a bit triggered whenever I hear something like “but I- I-“ ,” bu-bu but “, etc.
How has it affected your acting? I’m trying to get mental health treatment and I think I’m gonna start medication and I was wondering how it’s affected other people and their work? Tbh I’m scared how it’ll affect my work, but I need to get on medication to live like a functioning person. Is there anyone who has experienced this? I’m afraid of fogginess, lack of creativity, and the weight gain people talk about.
Casting call! I'm looking for actors for an upcoming YouTube video series about paranormal activity caught on camera. It's not a paid gig but it's super fun, quick and easy. The videos will be along the lines of the videos you can find on "Slapped Ham" YouTube channel, basically people encountering and filming ghosts, aliens, creatures, and other scary things. You simply record it yourself and send me the footage to edit and do some movie magic. DM me for more information.
Just wondering if it’s possible or am I just holding onto a bad dream.
Hi all — I’m a filmmaker currently in talks with people at CAA and UTA to cast a few actors for my short. I’ve written to specific agents sharing the person I want to cast and a few have replied back saying they need it to be “an offer”. What’s the difference between saying you want to cast an actor and “an offer”? Aren’t they the same? Do I literally have to say “offer” or does that include a list of what the package would be for them involved in the film (pay, dates, etc)? Also, this will be a SAG Signatory film for anyone that’s wondering.
I turned 18 a few months ago, I've always wanted to become an actor and experience what I've seen others do on the shows and movies I've watched. Ever since I was little I've wanted to become an actor but I was shy and couldn't even imagine opening up about that sort of thing to my grandma or mom, they haven't even done anything remotely close to acting so I would have to start the journey from the bottom which is super fine I told my grandma about my career and she was excited for me because I never had a direction for my career in my life I was 15 going on 16 and really looking forward but then Covid hit and I had to do online school and sit in the house all day this let me to really look at my insecurities, I have insecurities about my face, mainly my nose which is somewhat deviated and my smile and teeth as well as my jaw which are a little bit shifted to the right side of my face, I can live with my teeth and mouth but my nose really bothers me and I feel like the only comfortable way is to speak to a professional about it. It took a lot for me to post this on here but It also feels like I'm lifting a weight off my back I'm not really open with my mom or grandma about said insecurities but it did feel good to post this :). I have no acting experience other than watching a ton of movies and tv shows I really want to get a start but I have no idea how too will anyone help me with any of my questions I live in Florida but may be moving back to New Jersey depends how I feel I do plan on making a youtube channel to express my passions in my life and become an entertainer as well because I've had a passion for gaming as well in my life and I now want to make acting a new passion. Can someone give me some Direction for my start <3? Anything is Appreciated If we can talk in the comments that would be great :).
Just a random thought I’d like to discuss.. When I was in freshman year of high school I became obsessed with the idea of being an actress. I would study different roles and immerse myself in quotes by famous actors. I felt a pull to this idea, not for the fame or money, but just an urge to act, and to do so in a way that people are genuinely captivated and want to watch. After a while I decided I was being silly to think that someone from the middle of no where would become a famous and well recognized actress. I let it go. But to this day, when I’m asked about passions and what I might like to do with my life, acting almost always comes up in my mind. Whenever I see good acting in a movie; I don’t merely enjoy it, I feel an urge to be the one in that position, making others believe in a made up situation, with joy, sadness, or terror. The main thing is, whenever I think of this, I genuinely feel that I would make a great actress.. it’s just a feeling inside of me that says, “hey, I could do that! And I could do it well” maybe it’s silly or delusional, but despite not having any formal training, I think there’s maybe some gold buried deep within me, wanting to shine through
yeah, i know they say 'no stupid questions' but we all know they don't mean it, so heres mine. i've seen plenty of people do self-auditions and post them for roles they either did or didn't cast in, although they're always for big productions like euphoria or shameless. question is, how are people finding out about these auditions? i don't expect to get the roles but it would be nice to know how to access these auditions before these shows blow up after their pilot. my guess is that agents find these roles or theres a gigantic memo that all these sneaky actors are intentionally hiding from me because they don't want me to steal their roles. thoughts?
G’day guys! As you can see from the title, would love to get in touch / work with someone from the states on standard US accent. I’m an Australian film actor and in definite need of practice haha. Looking forward to some responses :)
View for View! Lets get those green numbers!
So recently I wanted to peruse a career in acting since my family has been super supportive of me doing so. Anyway, I search up some places, and started doing my thing. I had gotten a call from an “agency” John Casablancas, and they had asked if I was interested in acting and modeling and if so then I would have a zoom interview and have to preform a short commercial. Got to the Interview, was told we would be put into groups A (experienced), B (a little experience), C (no experience). I was in A and there were only two other people who were there. You would assume that for an interview it would be one on one? Yeah no, we had to preform in front of anyone who was in the group. Once I did my commercial, we were told we would get a call if they liked us or whatever. I ended up getting a call back and was told I was getting a second interview? At this point I was so happy but the next day (today) I had a weird feeling once I checked an email they sent me saying that for the second interview, we would be put in groups again of A (professional actor or model, ready to be thrown into the industry), B (need practice and will be charged a one time fee of $295), C (not interested). After reading this I was a little suspicious about the fee? So I decided to do a little research which yes, I should have done first, and found out that the $295 is to hold your spot if you are chosen and then you pay $2000 to take classes. Tomorrow is my second interview and I’m really debating just not showing up because of this. I don’t want to be in a situation where I’m told I’m an A, if I do get it and then be told, “but we do think you need some training,” apparently that happened to a lot of people where they would push them to get training anyways. I’ve seen some good reviews about how it’s not a scam and how people have actually gotten roles and went through the schooling. But I’m really skeptical, I don’t want to not show up and be embarrassed but at the same time I don’t want to sit there and have them possibly throw me a sales pitch. Obviously acting is very hard to get into and takes work and classes. (I do have 4 years of experience) I’m not sure what to do, I need the community’s opinion. Should I flake or show up and possibly have to deal with that? What would you do? Help please
Hello Reddit, I’m a black female turning 21 in August. I have no car and still live with my parents. I have 0 experience with acting. I’ve only read a few film acting books and I haven’t went to college yet(I live in the middle of Arkansas, so barley any colleges have "performing arts" majors and it’s hard to find acting classes and programs, but even if I did, I don’t have a car to get to and from them). If you were me, what would be your first step? And ANY ADVICE HELPS! (And again, I live in the smallest town in the middle of my state, which makes me want to move to California or New York, to get more of a better chance). (Also: I’ve wanted to act since I was 14, I took a drama class in 8th grade and we acted out scenarios in front of the class and it was fun, although I highly doubt my folks would want me pursuing an acting career, so I’d rather wait until I’m on my own). (And I do plan on getting a car this year so I know this would be my pre-first step, I’ve had my driver’s license for some time now, just not a vehicle).