I figure having a thread to be proud of ourselves and each other could be nice. None of that backhanded self deprecating stuff! Brag a little. I'll start: I have worked hard to get to where I am as an analytic and gracious actor. I have what it takes to do work that I'm proud of and I look forward to growing as an artist. Your turn, go! Some sentence starters could be "Something I've done that I'm proud of..." or "I'm worth hiring because..."
The dim will be a dystopian movie about the dangers of a police state. Most of you will be background people such as protestors or police , but 3-4 will be main characters, and a police officer who will make some dialogue, along with the police cheif. If you’re fine with working in a movie called acab the dangers of a police state and are in the stl area, hit me up
Maritime Capsules is looking for an actress/personality/collaborator who is funny, charming, spontaneous and fearless. This ongoing role is in an unscripted YouTube series "Luff Life" following the trans-coastal adventures of a New England sailboat captain. Boating skills needed, an ability or aptitude for sailing is essential
how do you know if wanting to become an actor as a child isn't a phase
I started acting during the pandemic while I was working and going to school remotely. Next year, I would LOVE to attend real people college. I'm already accepted for Fall 2022 :) My problem is my acting career. Acting is my #1 but I would regret not being a real college student for a year or two. Does anyone have any guidance for balancing being a college student and an actor? I would be entering as a sophomore into a relatively easy program. Acting-wise, in the last few months, I've been pinned for recurring co/guest stars 3 times and just don't know what I'd do if I actually booked! I'm also first choice right now for a SAG MLB feature shooting in early 2023 pending negotiations
TL:DR I work full time (23y/o, married) in a steady job, would love to pursue acting but am not courageous enough to drop everything to invest in it, especially since my wife is in a graduate program. I'd love to get my foot in the door by doing small stuff on weekends, but all the casting stuff I've seen on Backstage shoots during the week. What can I do? Full post: I've loved acting since I got my first roles in musicals in high school, a small part in Aladdin (any other Razouls out there?) and then the lead in Willy Wonka my senior year. However, I went to college for an engineering degree because my brain works well in that space and it was always an expectation that I'd go get a "steady job". I wasn't able to do any stage productions in school due to how strenuous our engineering schedule was, and the one student film I was actually going to be a part of ended up having a conflict with the shooting dates so I had to back out. I looked into casting near me in the summers, but a mix of being 2 hours from the closest big city (Portland, OR) and working 60+ hours in the summers to pay for college made it feel impossible. I wanted to so badly but the fear of not working enough for school took over. I graduated, got married, and now live with my wife in Princeton, NJ as she gets a master's degree and I work a well-paying 9-5 engineering job. My job is actually fairly nice, but I still have this itch that I feel in my chest when I see the camaraderie of actors in interviews and behind the scenes and whatnot that gets me thinking about acting again and wanting to step into that, but again, the fear of leaving behind the stability of a good 9-5 job that supports my wife in school and whatnot makes me afraid to really put effort into it. Being so close to NYC now the opportunity to actually try feels so close yet so far away in a sense. All of the casting calls I've seen on Backstage are filming on weekdays, so I can't even try to do small stuff on the weekends for fun. All-in-all, while I know the prospect of acting is by no means some always-happy career with no worries and no stress (quite the opposite at times from all I've read), it still just feels so much more fulfilling in my mind than sitting at a computer designing stormwater systems every day. Being able to create with people and build relationships and do something that makes people happy is so enticing, but I worry if that's just a "grass is always greener" mindset. I don't have the gumption to risk my stable job to go all-in on it, but it also feels like there's very few opportunities to try and get my foot in the door, so to speak, while also working full time. Am I doomed to just daydream about this forever?
I'm just curious how many of you send out actor postcards. If you do, do you send them to casting directors or to agents and managers too? What do you include on the card? Do you use them to announce something eventful, or just as a reminder that you exist? What tone do you take--funny, serious? Are there good online templates to use, or inexpensive places you've found to have them printed? To you put them in an envelope to mail and print both sides, or have them printed as a true post card and mailed? Why? If you don't send them out, have you sent them in the past, and if so, why did you stop? Thanks!
English isn't my first language. I'm trying my best to reduce my foreign accent but it is hard. I thought it is completely impossible to fake standard American accent but they say Liv Hewson did it perfectly. Many people thought she was American but she is Australian. So I found some hope if I can fake American accent at least when I act. Besides I've done some private sessions with a coach, is there any recommendation resources or tips or whatever helpful? Also, I'm looking for female actor who has standard American accent so I can try to mimic her accent when I'm practicing. ​ Thank you.
I am a Black straight male actor 21 years old from Pittsburgh but I should be moving pretty soon I’m going into my senior year of college and we are getting into showcase. Throughout the school year we have been working on archetypes and how people perceive you and what they think you would play by first look. Coming up this year we are working on showcase to get agents and I’m looking for monologues from tv shows, movies, plays that seem good for a black male I’ll post my picture in the comments if you have an archetype or what you think I would play by first glance! Instagram: @thejaychapman
Hi all! I am trying to find two female and one male actor in New York. I would have figured this would be a lot easier but honestly not sure where to start. Not sure how to access student talent either. Any advice would be much appreciated!
It seems like every chance I get to move away from my town to somewhere with more opportunities just blows up in my face. The kind of failure when the privilege of even trying is taken away from me. Of course, I will keep on trying but now it happened for the second time in the same year and to say I feel crushed would be an understatement. I was supposed to go study acting in the UK but the college suddenly raised tuition fees due to Brexit and I couldn't afford it anymore and I looked for scholarships. Then I said what the hell, I can try study theatre directing in the capital city of my country and I thought the entry exam would be in September, like it is for the acting course, but turns out it's this month and even though I began working on my entry exam project, I just didn't and still don't have nearly enough time to complete it with all the obligations related to getting a bachelor degree this year (in English and Italian), work and theatre projects I don't get paid for. I mean, I can try next year and I'm only 22 but it's so hard seeing people around me make it and already start building careers at my age or younger while I still haven't even moved away. And I try to be happy for them, but I also hate that they have certain financial or other privileges that I don't. Sometimes talent and hard work doesn't feel like it makes a difference. I'll still go to the acting entry exam in September, but I honestly hate being an actor in this culturally desolate country. And since I plan on moving abroad anyway and applying for US green card lottery this year (I try not to think of my shit luck so far when thinking of this), I'm also thinking of sticking it out in my town for another year or two, maybe even get a master's degree in translation to have a more secure profession while trying to make it, and save money for when I finally make the big move abroad happen. But I really thought I'd be out of here by now and I'm still not. I guess I can still prepare for next year's entry exam. And I know failure is all a part of siccess and blah blah but I genuinely don't feel like I'm moving despite my efforts.
I know with actor's equity, there is a minimum salary an actor can receive. Does anyone know if there are Actor's Equity rules about salaries based on the size/kind of role? I read about salaries on the Actor's Equity site, but I didn't see any specific information regarding this.
Just wondering where most of your audition notices are coming in from? For those that have agents, is it Actors Access cmail, CN, or direct email from them? For this that don't, is it just Cmail and CN? Thanks in advance!
Hi there! I will keep this short and sweet. I want to move to Atlanta for my acting career, but the surrounding area is quite large and offers a plethora of options--I'm suffering from analysis paralysis. I've heard some different arguments for which area is good and why, but only so many, and I'd like more info. Some specific questions I had in mind: how far is too far from central Atlanta? Should I be inside the perimeter? Are there any areas that aren't safe? As a starting actor, is it worth it to pay less rent, but live farther away? Thanks in advance!
Every actor from my theater dept ive talked to is all "everything is a mystery, and no i wont give any actual help" and every actor in the few on camera acting classes are like "heres what i know and good luck, its weird man"
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I think acting is my true calling. Given that Medicine takes a shit load of time to get over with I don't think I'd ever have the chance to pursue acting. With my parents constantly up my ass(they are both doctors) to become a doctor, I think there is no other way but to run away from home. But when you actually get to it, it's fucking scary to run away (I've packed my bags and hid them in my cupboard in case I have to make a move : have taken all the important documents , some money etc.) I don't wanna grow old with the empty feeling of not answering my call. Most actors have taken this path and I have a funny feeling that it's actually a major prerequisite to becoming an actor. I don't have friends to discuss this over with so I figured you guys would lend me your two cents. I'm a 22 year old male preparing for the USMLE. Thanks
So i want to become a actor but I have no experience at all so I wanted to take some classes but would like to know some good classes in nyc for a younger teen person.