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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Casting by PuzzleheadedFix1487  •  last post Jun 13th

As I progressively continue to add credits to my resume on Actors Access, I’m just wondering how accessible the resume actually is. When submitted for projects on AA, do casting directors automatically see our resumes along with headshots and clips? Or is that something that they have to actively search for?

Any good Meisner classes in Bristol? by RentBoyDave  •  last post Jun 13th

I'm just about to leave BOVTS and I'm thinking I will probably stay in Bristol. Do any Bristol-based actors know of any classes?

Submitting to Agents by Haunter_Gurl  •  last post Jun 13th

Okay... I am nowhere "new" to acting. I've done some films, commercials, TV, and voice-over. Nothing major mostly featured and local aired, alongside award-winning theater performances. Enough to have signed me with two Detroit agencies over the years. However... those agencies both become dross, or basically lame. Auditions only once every few months, instead of weekly, and paying too low to bother with (avg. $250) So at least voice work has supplemented what live projects used to. But since this pandemic, it seems it's been catch-22 confusion on how agents operate anymore ... or how to submit to them for representation now, outside of Actors Access and Backstage. I've submitted to several Chicago-based agents, but have heard nothing. And my headshots are newer. My resume current. So, perhaps I'm out of the loop on what's going on??? Do actors even submit to agents anymore? Or has this become old school? Most agencies have website submission. But it's been pulling teeth on how to do a cover letter/email body. Or skip that altogether. I've seen other actors/talent posting this similar query on social media, including Facebook. Looking for answers, because it seems the "apply to this talent agency" has become old school. Somebody help! What are we actors doing wrong, who want to reengage in films, primetime TV, and/or commercial work (without a current agent)???

Questions for actors who studied theater/acting in college by Terezzian  •  last post Jun 13th

Hey! I'm a high school rising senior and looking to double major in Theater/Acting and something else in college. I have a few questions for you guys to help me narrow down my college search. 1. Where did you go to college? 2. How would you rate your experience? 3. Did you get an undergraduate degree or a graduate degree? 4. Do you feel like your education helped to set you up for a career in acting? 5. Do you know anyone else who *also* studied acting or theater in college? Where did they go and how was their experience? Thanks!

Weird question - can I follow you on Instagram please?! by 23333110400957  •  last post Jun 13th

I’m a 26 year old aspiring actress in London and just started a new Instagram to share reels/acting challenges and for whatever reason not ready to share with my own (small) acting network until it’s more established. Can you please drop your handles so I can follow some actors and start to build my page? Not expecting anything in return. Thanks in advance!

Should I Go For Plastic Surgery? Can't Get Rid Of An Insecurity And It's Holding Me Back From Acting And From Feeling Comfortable In My Skin In General by Corn_Snakes_Are_Cute  •  last post Jun 12th

Hey! The title basically says it all. Since I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress. Nobody in the family supported that idea, cause well, I have no connections, can't act (they said that even though they have never seen me act and it's a skill that can be improved), and I'm not pretty enough, especially my nose. I've never been insecure about it until my closest people said that, and they'd repeat it throughout my whole life. Later my nose also became bigger. Nobody has ever pointed out my nose but them. In my country beauty standards are crazy, but when I go abroad, let's say the U.S. I'd always get a lot of compliments and attention, random people coming up on the street to me, asking me if I am a model, etc. Some people stare and straight-up tell me that they love my face and that I'm pretty/beautiful. But I guess that this insecurity had been ingrained in my head so hard that I can't get rid of it now. Believe me when I said that I've tried to get rid of it and love my nose - God knows I've tried. But I can't. I simply can't. And it's not deformed or anything, it has decent symmetry, it's a straight Roman nose. It's bigger than your regular one. And when I film myself on tape, I like everything but my nose. I'd love it to be more refined and smaller, so it won't take up so much space on my face. I just want to look nice from every angle and from my profile too. I don't want a nose job that will make me look like a brand new person, nor do I want someone's nose. I want it to look as natural as possible, so if anyone sees it they would never guess that I had a nose job. Think about Blake Lively's nose job. In my country, I can get it done way cheaper than in the U.S., but the quality of it isn't worse, it's about the same. I know, I know - everyone's beautiful in their own way, actors have to look like people and people come in different shapes/sizes, etc. BUT you can't tell me that looks don't matter when it comes to acting, especially when it comes to women. Men in films can have different looks and noses, they don't get judged that much and if anything, it adds character. Women on the other hand are criticized so hard, think of all the actresses that are beautiful yet were told multiple times to get a nose job by producers, etc. I know that it would be better to do a nose job before getting into acting, considering the story of an actress from the "Dirty Dancing". My plan was to study acting (first on my own - books, youtube, interviews, practicing at home, learn how to memorize, etc), save up for a nose job, get it done, and then get more serious about acting. **Would I still want to get a nose job even if I didn't want to get into acting?** The answer is yes. I think that even if I were to become a teacher/lawyer/fitness trainer, I still would want a nose job. It has been my biggest insecurity forever and I just want to get it over with. It stops me from doing so many things that at this point it's way easier to get it done than to try and love it for what it is. What are your thoughts on this?

Trying to do a female voice by Discipline_Decent  •  last post Jun 12th

So, im trying to do a female/feminine voice, but idk who's speach pattern i should try to replicate? Is there a certain actor, VA or Youtuber that has a speach pattern that is easier to learn?

How to get feedback on auditions by UnlikelyPhilosophy13  •  last post Jun 12th

Obviously not from the CD, I know they don't respond unless its that they want you- but how can I get feedback on my auditions? I know I shouldnt post them here since that probably violates actors access rules right

Are there any Female Actors, VA's, or youtubers who have a speech pattern that is easy to learn? by Ecstatic-Struggle-77  •  last post Jun 12th

Hi there! I just discovered that there is a subreddit for VA, and i cant believe i never thought of it before. But anyways, i have been doing VA for a while now. I can do a decent amount of impressions and stuff. But now i kinda want to get into doing female voices. I have heard that one of the easiest ways is just doing them like any other impressions. Just learn their speech pattern, and change the pitch? But im having a problem with the speech pattern part. I really dont know who i should try to do an impression of. Are there some people who's speech pattern is easier to learn?

Help! Hollywood agent asking questions about my offer to their celebrity talent and I don't know the right answer! by SwimGood22  •  last post Jun 12th

Hey all - currently in talks with an agent for a celebrity actress who stars on a major Netflix show. All seems fine with the rate and material but they're asking what **card placement on credits** will be and **if their can be an invite w/ a plus one** to the premiere. ​ My project is a SHORT-FILM (15 minutes) I don't know or plan on having a premiere at all...this is a story wholly created to release online and festivals. We could aim for a small venue in LA to hold a premiere, but this isn't anything with press and not meant to be designed that way. It's designed low budget so it can be MADE and released into the world. ​ The actress' role is a reveal at the end of the film. A good friend of mine from Pixar directed a short-film and they got Jude Law to cameo at the end via a relationship. Since this actress isn't the lead and only plays a character at the end - I'm not sure how billing would work in the credits. Does she get first billing even though she's not the lead? ​ Any help would be appreciated!

Best graduate schools for acting/theatre in the Midwest? by Abstract_Corduroy74  •  last post Jun 12th

I am interested in attending graduate school with a good acting program (MFA program if at all possible) after I graduate from college next year to continue to learn and strengthen my technique/craft before I go out and try to make it on my own as an actor. I would like to stay within the Midwestern states, as that's where I currently live, but I am not opposed to possible graduate schools a little further west or perhaps east. I am trying to do my own research on grad schools with good acting programs, but I'm open to suggestions if anybody has them. Thank you!

Do you date other actors? Why or why not? by samwitwer69  •  last post Jun 12th

Is it a shitting where you eat situation? Are you ex’s with someone who is insanely famous? What are your thoughts of dating someone in the industry? Any regrets?

Dual Degree in Acting and Biology by lamelodiedelalune  •  last post Jun 12th

Hi, I'm an incoming high school junior and I really want to pursue acting as a career and a craft. I want to go to a university and get a BFA in acting, however, my family has said that they won't support me if I don't at least get a dual degree in acting and a STEM major like public health or biology. Are there any schools that allow this and do you think I can still get make it as an actor even with having to focus less time on acting? I was thinking of working as a pharmacy tech while also looking for acting gigs.

Preparation for Actors by tinyshrubb  •  last post Jun 12th

Ok, guys I kind of have a "bad actor" question that will probably make me sound dumb, but it's been burning at the back of my mind for a while now: It's about the preparation for film work. I have tried a myriad of different techniques like *A Practical Handbook for the Actor* Objective, Action, "As if" approach. I have tried Harold Guskin's "Taking it off the page" approach. At the moment, I am using *The Lyndon Technique* 15-step process to break down a script. But each time, no matter the prep, the words still feel foreign when saying them out loud for the first couple of times, like I just don't trust myself. Usually, this wouldn't be a problem for theatre or rehearsal but since film is such a fast turnaround time I worry about this flaw for future work. I have tried practicing saying the words with emotions but then I feel like that gets me stuck in a certain way of saying things and when I say them in monotone I feel like I am not incorporating the emotional prep work that I worked on before... Anyway long story short is: how do you guys approach this?? Do you find someone to work off of, go on set with a ton of emotional prep work and hope that that carries you, or something else? I guess in short: does anyone have any prep work that has worked well for them? Thanks guys!!

Hello, need to hire a voice actor to do an entire book for Audible, how much does something like this cost? by icweiners69  •  last post Jun 12th

So I have a book that eventually needs an Audible done. 130k words, 355 pages. How much would something like this cost?

I'm struggling with the resume (trans actor, FTM) by CinderQuill22  •  last post Jun 12th

How do other trans actors deal with a resume possibly being reflective of roles of your gender pre-transition? Do you just own them and answer honestly if anyone asks or do you abandon them and start completely over? Especially if your roles are older than a couple of years. In my case, I stopped acting before 2018 for a lot of complicated personal reasons, but I'm finding myself missing it so I want to try again. I'm just not sure how to handle answering the question on an audition form about previous experience or, by extension, how to even manage a resume. Any advice would be appreciated. I'm confident in how I'm going to handle just about everything else, but this one is a struggle.

Acting by Sonnyydayyz88  •  last post Jun 11th

How do I get started as an actress?

Getting into acting (for fun) without a theater background by Mysterious-Sand-3310  •  last post Jun 11th

I’m 22, about to graduate college really soon. I really never had hobbies growing up, my only constant has been media. I love movies and tv, also youtube and musicals and have always been interested in acting. I wanted to be an actress/ singer as a child but like most people, those dreams became more practical. I was told I’m not a good singer, I wasn’t pretty enough for tv and I was supposed to go on multiple disney auditions but never did because my parents couldn’t spare the time. My high school didn’t have theater and I didn’t know enough about it to try to start one. After so many disappointments, I just stopped caring. But now, I really want to get into acting for fun. I just have no idea where to start since I don’t have a bg in theater or acting like most people my age who are already heavily involved with it. I also know people out their blood, sweat and tears into their dreams of being artists and don’t want to minimize the seriousness of certain spaces. Does anyone have recommendations for where to start?

Will acting still be alive and popular as long as our generation lives? by machennii  •  last post Jun 11th

I’ve always wanted to be an actress however I’ve also considered the fact that entertainment is changing… drastically. Now you become an ‘actress’ on TikTok without showcasing the full skill of the craft. Now, anyone can learn from simple YouTube video. So, will it be worth pursuing now that we have this new technology? And will it be an advantage for actors or perhaps a downfall?