Remember those old commercials on TV with CD compilations of music? I need a deep game show host / radio voice to announce a fake CD commercial for a project I'm doing. It doesn't pay well, but I can pay a small something ($15) so you can buy yourself a few beers. lol.
I travel back and forth between the southeast USA and Calgary/ Toronto for family. I have a southeastern USA based agent. Are there any Canadian agents you recommend? I am a dual citizen, with Actors Access/ Casting Networks profiles/ reel/ modeling portfolio/ training etc. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hello everyone! I've been acting since 2016 and prior to COVID I had a good mixture of self-tapes and in-person auditions; I think 70% of my auditions were self-tapes and only 30% were in-person. So when COVID rolled around in 2020, I was pretty comfortable already doing self-tapes. Since COVID, it seems like everything has shifted to self-tapes. I know that some actors have had in-person auditions, but they seem to be rare and I personally haven't had an in-person audition since COVID. I know that some callbacks and screen/chemistry test will require in-person, but for initial auditions, they seem to all be virtual. So my question to every actor out there is: has anyone had an in-person audition since COVID? Sorry for the long post and thank you! [View Poll](
I know this girl, let’s call her Kate. Kate and I are in an acting class together. She tends to be competitive for no reason, and is the type to gatekeep/not help others because she is concerned they could take her job. Since I’ve met Kate, she signed to this manger and boasted about all the progress that came from this. She’s now signed to commercial and theatrical agencies in just about every market. I can also see from her, her agencies page, and IMDb that she is booking work. Her manager reached out to me, so I asked Kate about her experience and she claims that her manager hasn’t done anything for her. She said she’s a nice lady and talked about that, and then otherwise said the manager hasn’t gotten her anything. I need to make a decision with this manager. I feel like I need to turn down the offer now, but Kate could also just be lying? I’m really torn right now. Does anyone have any advice for me?
Hey hive, I just moved to NYC last year and I have been struggling to sign with an agent for months now. I have been self-submitting to agencies on websites, DirectSubmit, through email, and I'm about to start sending in hard copies. I am am experienced stage and screen actor with a BFA and extensive training. I'm also fight choreographer, intimacy director, scenic artist, and have worked in the industry professionally for over 6 years on majors, tiers, union, and nonunion jobs. I am booking a lot of work through self-submissions, but I am so sick of weeding through casting calls and non-paid student films. I find myself very marketable, yet I am getting radio silence. Is there something I'm missing or a specific thing I need to do? I'm not sure about these agent showcases I see advertised around - they seem like a scam, and I've been told to steer clear from those, but does anyone have a positive experience with that kind of thing? Is there a specific one worth looking into? Any advice here super appreciated!! Thank you!!
What does your [voice actor website ]( to include to help casting directors make their decision - and hopefully convince them to decide on you? [](
Our characters are each other's love interest. It's a short film. 15 minutes. Were based in Mumbai, India. The film is being made by our friends. We're all beginners, filmmaking enthusiasts. There are no intimate / kissing scenes, except one where were in a bed sleeping together and we switch off the alarm clock rolling over the other. The friend who wants to cast us is aware of this. So is the one who will direct this. Regardless of the nature of the acting or visuals involved, should we work together or should we not? (Family and friends among others will definitely come to know about this film and they might watch it. I need a serious answer. Please ask any question that you may feel necessary.) Please recommend another subreddit that you feel is more appropriate. My friends who are directing this intend to approach film festivals if it does well.
How to deal with actors who identify too strongly with role? Hi All, I’m directing my first short film, which is a small one location shoot about a home invasion by an escaped felon. The entire film takes place between said felon and a work from home married woman. I’ve shot everything but the ending and am regrouping with my cast and crew to shoot the final scene later this month but a problem I am having is that the main actress identifies too strongly with the housewife character snd refuses to play the part as written. I’m usually open to suggestions on how to improve the character but she wants to transform the portrayal from a character study into a sort of female superhero which I think is based on her own personal history with stalkers and obsessive men. This is affecting her so much that she basically is refusing to take direction or even say any of the dialogue. If I knew this before I probably wouldn’t have cast her but since we are almost at the finish line, I don’t want to go through the headache of a reshoot and would rather finish with what I have and was wondering if any of you have had any problems like this/have suggestions on how I can solve this. Thanks!
My kids are booked as COVID backup for commercial. shooting is on Wed. ( As back up so they don't need to go to the set unless other actors got covid positive results) Then I and one of the kid won an audition for another commercial as principal. That was yesterday. Their shooting is from Tuesday to Thursday as they shoot different stories one per day. The scene that I and my kid will be on is scheduled on Thursday. But the first refusal mail stated that casting want actors to be available all dates from Tues to Thursday. So there's a conflict on Wednesday. And it sucks that Wednesday is just as a covid back up. They probably won't be called in but who knows. The commercial we got booked is principal. Their original schedule for us is on Thursday so I hope casting still book us. My agent's assistant said he'll notify tis conflict. I worry if we lose a chance. During and right after the audition, they really liked us so I got very good feeling we nailed it. And it'll be our first booked work as principals. Have anyone had similar experiences? What would casting do?
I signed in to Actors Access to upload some new clips and lo and behold I had 13 cMail messages from the past 8 or so weeks. I hadn't received a single email notification for any of these opportunities, most of which are no longer available. Yes, I double-checked and email notifications are turned on. I mostly use the app on my phone an have always gotten notifications in the past so I don't regularly go to the website to check this stuff. ​ So do yourself a favor and check your cMail!
Before the mods ban this question I’m aware that only I can make this choice myself. I would however love some feedback from other actors who have thought about quitting or who have quit. There’s too much to say so I’ll keep it short and sweet: I’ve never had an agent, and am not SAG-AFTRA. I’ve spent most of my career working towards theatre but made the switch to film/tv in 2020. Since then I’ve improved my self-tapes, taken more film classes, and learned a lot more about the business and have been leveling up. I have a degree in theatre and a LOT of theatre credits on my resume. I spend my down time reading acting books/researching the biz/submitting for self-tapes. However, I’m not booking anything. I can’t seem to get an agent despite submitting (even though other less experienced actors I personally know have been signed- actors who have less than a year of formal training and no credits.) And I’m working 6 days a week at a job I hate just so I have the flexibility to swap shifts when I do book something. My love for acting used to fuel me every day but I’ve been depressed and losing inspiration for over a year now. And knowing that just makes me even more depressed. I’m 26 and I feel like my acting career is over before it’s even truly begun and I hate myself for wanting to throw in the towel. Would love thoughts, guidance, anything you have to give.
Hi all, ​ I'm finishing up an MFA in the south (of America), and have decided to make a go of it in Philadelphia for at least my first year, for access to NYC and DC markets with the rent of neither. So far it's promising, and I haven't even moved yet! One thing that has worked for me in the southeast has been to follow the casting agencies and agents on facebook or on their own databases, so I am checking the needs those methods in addition to my agents, actors access, etc. Do you know the Pennsylvania casting offices I should be on the lookout for, and good agencies that might represent PA/NYC/coast to coast? Help me save some time. I've got New England and Southeast representation right now, and would consider stopping my freelancing ways for the right company with national/international outreach. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
As I'm sure a lot of you know, visualization, is the practice of envisioning the end-state of your personal goals to help manifest them into reality - visualization obviously is super popular in acting. Actors like Jim Carrey, Will Smith, and Idris Elba have all said visualization was key for them in their careers. There is an app called onRoutine ([]( - they custom build people highly personalized visualizations meditations. They have a number of actors using onRoutine today. Thought I would drop it here in case anyone is looking to build up their visualization practice to help with their career.
I remember reading an acting book a while back. I didn't get too far into it but there was a part where it talked about an actress filming something and she had to keep re-filming the scene because planes were flying overhead. She had to constantly cry as her character or energy between the takes and not lose her character. It should be near the front of the book. If you happen to know that would be great. Thank you.
I’ve been wanting to act since I was 6 years old, but acting classes and stuff were too expensive, so my parents never put me in anything. Until now, I’m 15. My mom is trying to hire a teacher for me since we have a bit more money now, but I feel insecure bc of my age. I’m 15, I know, it’s a stupid thing to worry about. But I heard that it takes years of acting experience to get into “the seat” and so far, I have none. If I started when I first started to dream of acting, I definitely would have about 9 years of experience. And I see a bunch of popular actors who had already started in a whole bunch of movies at my age, hell, even my cousin who’s my age has been in commercials before! Any advice?
I always see that there are showcases on backstage titled like „VIP Agent/Manager Showcase“ where you perform for the industry professionals (via zoom) and get instant feedback. I looked through the list of agents attending and there are agents from very prestigious agencies like CESD, A3 and many more. The cost to attend is $459 which I think is a lot. So I was wondering how likely do actors get signed from those showcases plus how likely is it that one of the really big agencies like CESD signs Someone completely unknown only from the showcase? So taking all into account would you say those showcases are worth it? Thank you in advance for answers :)
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I don’t have a passion. I didn’t know what to do in college, and I picked at random: economics and cs (since from there I can do data science which goes in different fields). However, during the pandemic (the first lockdown) I realized I loved movies and tv series, and I really admire actors and their works. The fact that actors can make you cry and laugh within 30 seconds is so fascinating in my opinion. Thats why I thought I could take acting classes and see how it went. I started in September (which marked the beginning of my college classes too), and it’s not quite what I imagined. I thought I would fall in love with acting, but I think I’m more fascinated by the idea of it, and not by actually doing it: I don’t have problems with identifying with the character but it’s difficult for me to understand what I’m doing “right” or what I’m doing “wrong” since everything is so subjective. How do actors know they are acting good? From the classes I’ve had I understood you don’t have to think about what you’re doing, you just have to do it. I’m able to do this very well, however, sometimes my teacher tells me i did great and sometimes he has a lot of comments and I don’t really understand what I did differently! I’m a very practical person, I follow the rules to get good results, so this thing that you don’t have any rule (or just a few) is so hard for me… Since I’m asking myself if I really like acting I guess I don’t like it because if you love something you know it already right? I don’t know what to do… I don’t see myself working 9-5 in an office everyday till I die. I thought I saw myself as an actor but as I was saying I think I like more the idea of it… Any suggestions? Are there any other jobs close to acting (for movies, not for theatre) which could suit me?