Hey since you guys are all actors , I wanted to know your experiences doing this, you know what I mean? From your ups and downs and frustrations. Not to pry but to know how the life is firsthand
So I keep my ear out there, and I’m privy to some insider information occasionally due to being on the other side of the camera in the industry. So my question is, are some of you vets out there telling your agent/managers about projects you’ve heard of, and pitching that the CD knows you. To possibly have them look at breakdowns to submit you for. The reason I ask is I always hear, part of the actors job is also knowing what’s going on. Being active. Which leads to one more question. How do you properly communicate that to your agent/manager?
I signed with my commercial agent about 6 months ago. I was fresh out of college and felt as though I needed to be signed IMMEDIATELY!!! I was super excited because I felt that the meeting went well but, over time I started to feel as though this may not be a great pay. In the 6 months of being signed with her I’ve only gotten 6 auditions (so one a month) and 4 of them I KNEW I wasn’t the right person for the job. For instance I’m a short plus size woman with fun big curly hair and gap teeth and she’ll send me auditions to be a bellhop………….. Anyways, there have been two instances were I felt disgusted by her. Four months ago there was a death in my family and I hadn’t checked my emails in two days. She needed me to add my sizes. She emailed me again and when I finally responded I apologized saying that my cousin had passed away and I’ll never let it happen again, she ignored me. Then a couple of days ago I submitted myself for a commercial and got the audition. She sent me an email confirming the audition. I was working my job at the time and as soon as I saw the email (1hour later) I responded! But, after that she got snappy with me saying I need to be on top of my emails and confirm much quicker. Is this normal for how agents communicate with actors? I’m not able to constantly be on my phone at work checking emails especially when she mainly sends me ONE audition a month. Also I’m not trying to seem ungrateful it’s just some of my peers get way more auditions than I do. One of my friends says that her agent always sends smiley faces. It’s just the way she talks to me turns me off and makes me feel like a child.
I opened a center a few years back for the town to have a community center. They have shows, festivals, concerts, etc. I basically run the venue. Anyways, I know pretty much everyone who gets the space personally. A guy who had it last weekend is a HS friend. We are right, he’s a good man. However, he was very upset because the lead or his play no showed and didn’t contact. The play still pushed through, but he felt it grossly underachieved. Anyways, the lead called and said she didn’t come because she received word that the grave of her deceased best friend(and likely her ex-gf) was tampered with. It was thoroughly vandalized, although the casket was untouched. Anyways, she basically said she was traumatized. This was verified by the mortuary that her friend is at. Anyways, my friend who directed the play wants to bury her. He wants to have her blacklisted to everyone he knows so she never gets another role. I have met this lead actress, don’t care for her much. However, I do feel terrible about her friend. If I were to talk to him, he’d likely ease up and just let it go. Should I or nah?
I have been so busy with seasonal work and traveling that I have not had the chance to perform or audition for anything. My local community theatre is holding auditions for a production of Rent this weekend. There will be a singing portion as well as a dance portion to the audition. I know that I would not be able to commit due to work, however I think it would be a great chance to get some audition experience and connect with fellow actors in my hometown. Would it be wrong of me to audition knowing that I won't be able to go to rehearsals?
I asked my manager for a submission report and they responded that they do not send out reports. They are with a well respected office, but I was under the impression submission reports are information actors are entitled to have. Is this something that has changed recently?
I was just reading about Gabrielle Carteris and how she said she was 21 to get the role on Beverly Hills 90210 when she was actually 29. And then she was told later if they knew her age they wouldn’t have hired her! Which I think is ridiculous because she was obviously good enough for the job, so it bugs me that age seems to matter especially for women. So do people still do this/can they get away with it? Do you keep your age on the down low or know people that hide their age or say something different for the sake of roles? Is there anyway that people hiring for something could find out your age?
I’m starting to think me focusing on creating memories for the character can be a waste of time…like is it better to lay off on the actor side a little bit and get on the writer’s side? AKA the story?
Hey everyone, I’m considering an erasmus exchange next year in the upper mentioned university. Does anyone have any experience with the schooling process of erasmus students there?:) Thanks a lot, I hope everyone is having a good time wherever you are! Best of luck from Czech Republic.
Yes, I’ve made (somewhat) peace with it. I know it won’t change. I know I should just completely forget about the why:s. YES, I KNOW THAT IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS! IF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH, THE TIME DOESN’T MATTER! But WHYYYYYYYY would a CD send out an 8 pages 3 scenes FILLED with dialogue and give less than 48 hours deadline? WHYYYYYYY? It’s for a big supporting role in huge feature that’s had a long preproduction and it’s still not set to film for another couple of months. So WHY did you decide to punish the actors by giving TWO days? Even 3 days would’ve been at least a bit more merciful! Thank you for letting me vent.
Do they memorize multiple versions of the same scene? Or do they just re-shoot it when the baby is calm again? I've always been curious.
I saw this thread on twitter earlier about a debate on sex scenes which I thought was interesting seeing non actors talking about it, so why not ask the community that actually have the chance in being in one some day, or maybe decline being in one. Do you think sex scenes are unnecessary? Why or why not?
I'm going to get a Commercial Demo sorted out here shortly and am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on length, how many spots, how long should a spot be.... should I write my own copy or just pull something that already exists? Also if you're an experienced Voice Actor with a Commercial Demo I'd love to hear your demo to help me figure out my own. Thanks in advance!
I’m trying to figure out how to word this question so I don’t invoke the wrath of the Reddit intellectuals… So I’ll start with a bit about myself. I’m a 30 year old factory worker from the mid west. I’ve always been interested in voice acting but I’ve never known where or how to start. Recently I decided to take a chance on myself an got a decent PC and a nice microphone and made a fiverr account to try to get my first gig. But now that I’ve done that I don’t know what to do next. What would the experienced voice actors or just any voice actors in the sub do in my position to get noticed?
After 13 years of schooling, including a year of university, I’ve dropped out. I plan to move to Philadelphia and try my hand at becoming a small time actor (with hopes of becoming more) like I’ve dreamed of and do it while I’m still young. I only have one issue, I’m not really sure what next the course of action is. Where do I start? I’m gonna start with trying out for every audition I can get my hands on but from there I have no clue what to do. What’re your thoughts? experiences? stories? anything?
I have a friend who's taught classes through Actors Connection for a number of years now and he suggested I look into their Fast Track program. I just finished up a class through Actors Connection and am trying to figure out what to do next. I was thinking of either doing this or getting into an acting class through someplace like the Barrow Group or Atlantic Acting School. If anyone has any insight into Fast Track or any of the other programs or someplace else I should look please let me know! I'm new to NYC and want to really start up on my professional career!
Wondering if buying a membership was worth it. I'm an actra member with an agent and I was curious to see if it helps other Canadian actors? I primarily use actors access, casting workbook and casting network.
I came across an old actor acquaintance on Facebook and did some digging around through their friends and spotted a name that gave me a pit in my stomach. Back in 2009, I was still in the closet and was being ruthlessly bullied by this guy who had the same publicist as me. So LA, right? As we pursued acting. He only was doing background work and had honestly not a promising career since he was not a good actor. However, he was super aggressive calling paparazzi on himself and stuff trying to get noticed but never made it as an actor. He would torment me to come out of the closet and would always put me down as a person when I was questioning my sexuality so I cut off our friendship. One night before our friendship ended, I drove us home from a late night dinner and parked my car in my gated garage at my apartment complex and later that night, I saw him walk back toward the garage. My tires slashed the next morning. He was a crazy person! Pretending to be my friend but trying to sabotage me at the same time. Well, without giving too much away since I don’t wanna deal with this guy, I read he had a successful directorial debut for an indie film and just got a big movie deal with a well known actor signed on to the film. The reason I’m bringing this up is that I have known many people like this who are horrible scum & somehow get ahead in Hollywood. Meanwhile, I’m here planning new headshots and putting together a new demo reel but was pretty discouraged and second guessing myself in the last 2-3 weeks on if I should give up or move forward with acting again. But this was just like a weird feeling I wanted to share that I’m always trying hard, I do right by people, and I never had a chance in Hollywood. Yet some asshole who tormented me relentlessly gets rewarded. It’s so frustrating :( Like do you need to be a raging asshole to succeed and can’t be a nice guy?
How strict are Florida productions with the Vax mandate thing? For both Union and Non Union. Asking because Florida as a whole seems to be overall less pushy about masks/vaccines. I see some auditions on actorsaccess claiming to require Vaccination but do they really enforce in the end or it's just a front? Any actor here who worked in Florida production been asked to show Vaccine proof or not? And while were at it, what about Georgia productions?
Akupara Games is in need of a variety of voices for an upcoming paid project relating to our video game publishing/developing work - especially native British & Australian accents + rap experience! ​ This is a long-term project we'll be regularly reaching into this pool of responses to cast, but for our initial batch of character sides we're hoping to complete casting **by June 16th** ​ Roles will be paid based on actors rates and availability, share your info at the link below to be considered! [https://bit.ly/AkuparaCasting](https://bit.ly/AkuparaCasting)