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the movie Boiling Point by EstrangedHippo  •  last post Feb 16th

have you guys seen this movie? done in one take, it has some of the best acting i've seen in a long time. it's like an incredibly intricate play with dozens of actors and props. ive seen a million plays but something about all of these actors hitting every mark perfectly for 90 minutes was wildly impressive and totally new. [would highly recommend checking it out]( i'd be curious to hear anyone else's thoughts

Getting started by mute759  •  last post Feb 16th

A couple of months ago I got a vr quest headset and as soon as I went into vrchat for the first time people told me I had a wonderful voice. It was always funny to do a deep voice just to do a complete 180 on them and blow their minds. After some time I made amazing friends and everyone told me I should try to become a voice actor, even if it was just as a hobby. To try and start that I purchased a surface laptop go and a basic mic setup. I now have my laptop and I am still waiting for the microphone to show. Until it does I would like to ask questions like what voice recording software would be good for a windows 10 laptop and how would I try to get my name out there? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for listening.

Acting Program Scene Partner giVing mE NOtes by DasherDiva  •  last post Feb 16th

I think I’m already over it. But it took a bit of processing the boundary crossing. But it makes me think for the future how to prevent this or stop it right away. Should teachers/schools have rules in place about directing your fellow actor? Should actors have this talk right off the bat-like hey I have a rule for myself and I wound like to request it from you. I don’t give you notes, you don’t give me notes. If something isn’t working I’ll take it to the director, and I request the same from you. I read an article that said a sure way to stop it right away is to say to the actor giving notes: “Thank you for the note.” But I’m not sure that fits for me, is there something else to say? Or do you accept notes from your scene partners?

Voice acting for a motion comic, 3 actors. by Kapittoshan  •  last post Feb 16th

I wanna be a background actor in Dune Part 2 but have no idea how to by maifyre  •  last post Feb 16th

Just for some quick info about me: hi, hello! My name is Megan, I'm 19 (20 in April), and I've thought about acting my whole life, but it just never seemed like a realistic, stable career, so I never let myself pursue it. At least, that was until I read and saw Dune. I saw the film 3 times in theaters because I loved the directing, acting, cinematography, all of it so much! Ever since then, I think and dream about some way, somehow being on the set of the upcoming part 2 every day. If I wanted to be REALLY ambitious, I would love to play Princess Irulan. I think she and I share a sense of grace and wisdom/maturity beyond our years (or so I've been told), and I'm confident I could deliver her 3 lines of the book well. But, since I have literally only auditioned for one thing in my whole life, and don't even at least have headshots, I'm focusing on trying to be a background actor lol. Nonetheless, my biggest quandary, so far, is: I have no idea where to even start the process of fulfilling this dream of mine. I know background actors don't need any experience or to even audition to be casted, but with Dune being such a huge film, I have a feeling the background casting process won't be that easy. Should I get an agent? (Yes, I am serious enough about this to pay for an agent just to get this small part). Could I just submit an audition on a site like Backstage or Casting Networks? Would a film this big even post to sites like Backstage or Casting Networks? Is there even a real chance of me being casted for this? (I mean one scene in the book calls for 10,000 people, and I know they're not actually going to get 10,000 people, but still there's a lot of room for extras). Any advice, guidance, opinions, whatever feedback you're willing to give is very much so appreciated! Thank you, guys.

Any New England area actors in this sub? by deadairdennis  •  last post Feb 16th

I see there's a lot of info in this group about New York, LA, Atlanta, and Toronto, but little about the acting scene here in New England. With Massachusett's tax credit and the number of productions here, I would like to see better representation.Although, my experience up here is most of New England is very xenophobic, I'm not surprised to see little interaction with a more national scene.

Help with accents. by Joshyboy2911  •  last post Feb 16th

Hey all, I'm an aspiring voice actor, but I'm Australian. So I have a pretty noticeable accent. How would I go about learning a good American accent in case I want to voice in a show mainly based around American accents in the future?

MFI 2-week actors program (NYC) by Opening-Race6586  •  last post Feb 15th

I am looking for an acting summer course in New York and found out that the Manhatten Film Institute offers one where you will shoot two short films and wanted to ask if anyone has experience with them since it‘s on the pricier side. Thank you in advance for answers :)

What does (actor) and (supporting) mean in a casting call? by Fatcheese2360  •  last post Feb 15th

I’m looking into a casting call and I saw those titles beside two different characters. I’m still very new to actually going out and auditioning so I’m just confused as to what they mean. Any help is appreciated.

What's the best way to find good casting calls? by ElijahCookOfficial  •  last post Feb 15th

I'm subscribed to Project Casting, Backstage, Actors Access, and Casting Networks. However, I rarely find a good casting call that's fit for me. Anyone got any tips?

are you serious about acting? pay 10k for a course. by leebling  •  last post Feb 15th

Just saw an ad for an acting course and it was 10k!! Yes im serious about becoming and actor but 10k is a joke as far as im concerned. Honestly im thinking of giving up my passion because.. You guessed it i dont have the cash. Ive been on a couple of acting courses that were fairly cheap well.... Is £500 cheap. And i have seen some talented actors who never get seen and end up not pursuing their dreans because of the cost.

Question for experienced actors: should I loop my agent in on this (possible) booking? by Rainingsun15  •  last post Feb 15th

So I’m pinned for a SAG MLB that I found on my own. Not sure I’ll book it or not but I’m also curious about this for the future. Should I reach out to my agent to negotiate and earn commission when I’d be making $370 a day for 7 days? Is this worth it to them or better to just handle it yourself?

Director replaced me, is this normal? by randumbrando  •  last post Feb 15th

Booked the lead role in a film. Was a bit slow responding to messages (24-48 hours) about paperwork and costumes since I was busy (this is unpaid MFA film work btw), director messages me and tells me I seem too busy and it would take too long to discuss back and forth so they decided to go with someone else. I was shocked and messaged them back saying I was busy and would be happy to reply faster, but they did not reply to me (ironic!) is this normal practice, and whose fault is it more? It was really out of the blue and I’m really upset now. Edit: after hearing everyone’s opinion, I do recognize that I could and should have been more prompt in responding to messages and emails. I’m still a relatively new and inexperienced actor. I texted the director to apologize, promise to be more prompt, and asking to please reconsider. I am upset but no matter the outcome I guess this is a learning experience.

What are some must read plays for actors? by Bucketeer-715  •  last post Feb 15th

I recently made a post acting for the must see movies for actors, now what about plays to read?

Timeline question by kiniAli  •  last post Feb 15th

Hi there! Im a non-actor and landed a role for a National commercial. It was me and one other guy in the commercial. I filmed in mid-January and it still has yet to air. I’ve read around enough to know not to expect anything ahead of time regarding residuals and just be patient, but when should I generally get paid for the work days that I filmed? Is that usually bundled with the first residual? Any insight is greatly appreciated!

What are some must see movies for actors? by Bucketeer-715  •  last post Feb 15th

I am relatively new to acting and film in general. What are some must see movies that feature noteworthy performances that an actor can study?

Do you read the whole book before you record? by Stedding_Shangtai  •  last post Feb 15th

I’m interested in following a voice acting career. I’ve been watching a lot of videos, listening to lots of pod casts and lurking here for a while. I studied audio production for a few quarters in college and know the basics, could always study and learn more of course. I was a singer and actor in high school and other productions, so some basic voice and breathing method training as well, it’s been over a decade though. Considering a coach or maybe a course online for more information also. My biggest question right now, besides any advice anyone wants to give, is, if narrating something over say 5 or more hours do you read through fully before you record? I’ve always been a fan of fantasy epics over the 20 hour mark and just always wondered if they read it first to familiarize themselves with the characters. Thanks, I really like this place and the overall community outside of Reddit seems dope as well. Really willing to help newbs without judgement. Just encouragement. Awesome.

Unknown SAG Actors Who Don't Do Shorts? by WoodyWoodchuckchuck  •  last post Feb 15th

Why is it that some actors have NO short film credits? I mean "unknown" SAG actors. Like I've noticed quite a few lately on IMDb in my market that for the past like 5-10 years doing this, they only have major TV and film credits. And they're not big roles. Roles like nurse, drug addict #2, juror #8, terrified bbq party goer. Wouldn't SAG short films be a great way to be creatively fulfilled, get good footage, and sink your teeth into larger roles you wouldn't get to necessarily play on a major level? Are they turning their noses up at them? Why? Why would anyone do that. Even named actors do shorts all the time. Maybe I'm just crazy and they just audition for them but for whatever reason don't book them? I mean how do you book like 8-10 major productions and not book a short then? The competition has got to be less...

Best Acting agencies in texas by Hot-Ad-313  •  last post Feb 15th

Hey guys, so i'm a local actor in san antonio texas, I have a lot of experience acting i've done a few background jobs in commercials, 2 local films, and acted in a handful of plays in college (and all in high school) I'm gonna be going to texas state for my bachelors but my question is.. Are there any good agencies in texas i can apply to? I wanna take my acting to the next level i just don't know where to start. I wanna try and do bigger films and get more under my belt. I wanted to maybe try to apply to agencies in LA but i know that wouldn’t really work because im here in texas. Also would anyone recommend moving to LA? Like what agencies are good there? Is it worth it?

American going to drama school in UK? by yobv123  •  last post Feb 15th

Applying to a bunch of schools in the uk. Does anyone have any opinions or experiences if it’s worth it or not? Will I just be spending my money on nothing? Do they want American actors in the uk? Will finding a job in the states after studying in the uk be harder?