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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

How do I get voice acting work in the UK? by innalandan  •  last post Jan 19th

Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my post, any advice is greatly appreciated. Voice acting has been an interest of mine for as long as I can remember and it’s something I’ve always really enjoyed. Recently, after feedback from friends and family, I’ve taken the plunge and invested in a home recording studio. I’m fully aware that I need a voice acting teacher. (If anyone knows of any voice coaches based in London please do lmk). BUT, my question is … Where do I find the jobs? A bit of research has led me to think that my options are casting call club, backstage and audiobook narrating … am I missing anything? I want to make sure that I’m utilising all platforms as I’m just starting out. Also, is it the same process for a voice actor as it is an actor? That eventually I’ll create a portfolio showcasing my strongest work and send it out to voice acting agents? P.s. I am an actress with experience in both stage and screen, I am taking frequent acting classes, lessons, workshops etc. However, I’m really excited for this new venture, I think it’s a super fun craft and I’m so keen to learn all about it!

how do young actors get star roles in such popular shows? by cjw021  •  last post Jan 19th

mainly like gotham with young bruce wayne or the kids in stranger things i always wondered how they got their role in that and if they wanted to themselves or their parents led them down that path?

Union vs Non-Union Voice Acting by devllen05  •  last post Jan 18th

I have a quick question. If I'm a member of SAG, can I provide a Voiceover for a commercial that features non-union actors on-camera? Thanks for any feedback!

SE Z5600a II for Voice Acting by DeclanPDFFlannery  •  last post Jan 18th

Hi all, hope everyone's having a great day! So I've been a keen amateur voice actor for a few years now. I'm also a professional musician by trade and recently decided to bite the bullet and learn a bit more about music tech with the aim of setting up a home studio (I'm a classical musician so that's a bit different from my usual ballpark). This'll included amongst other bits and pieces a high quality condenser microphone. I've chatted with various friends who know their tech and production and have been recommended the SE Z5600a II. While the main use for it will be recording music I would also like something that'll work well for voice acting as well. My (albeit) very limited understanding is that condensers are perfect for both uses so I can't imagine there would be any significant problem but thought it worth asking in case anyone has any personal experience or advice to offer. Many thanks for any help and I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Breaking into Voiceover by maitakeboy  •  last post Jan 18th

Hi, I am just breaking into voiceover. I did about 10 sessions of classes with some local voice actors in the Philadelphia area, bought a microphone and DAW, have produced a decent Narration and Commercial demo and feel ready to jump in. My question is, what's the best way to get started? Which websites should I use? I see Voices123 and [](, Bodalgo, Fiverr and VoicesUS mentioned as the top ones. Looking for any firsthand info anyone has on those. Also, does it make sense to look for an agent right now? What other avenues are there besides websites and agents? Thanks!

How do I practice? by UltraD00d  •  last post Jan 18th

I am in my mid teenage years, And I hope to become an actor when I grow up. I do theater at my high school, and I'm involved with a local theater group. I have not really done anything paid or of an especially serious nature, but that's not really what I want to talk about today. I've been somewhat wishy-washy about wanting to do acting and the past, And I've decided that I want to really pursue it. Of course, with that pursuit comes the necessity of practice. But how can I practice? What methods can I adopt to achieve effective practice in-between projects and characters? What methods have helped you?

Agent won't take me on because I do theater? by poliwhirldude  •  last post Jan 18th

Had a weird experience with a prospective agent and wanted to make sure I wasn't the weird one. TL:DR at the bottom. To give context, I'm an actor with a good chunk of stage credits but a decent sprinkling of screen work as well. I recently discovered a talent agency in my region that was looking for actor submissions. They only do screen work (which is not surprising for the Mid-Atlantic region), which is fine to me, since I really only want an agent to get access to higher level film and TV auditions anyway. I submitted and, to my surprise, got a response fairly quickly. The agent I was talking to had some questions/suggestions- "you need new headshots, do you typically have facial hair or are clean shaven, what are your commitments," etc. It was all pretty par-for-the-course until I mentioned that I start rehearsals next week for a play I'll be working on until March. This is when it gets weird. She sends me an email mentioning that she was slightly worried about my upcoming production, since theater can be a large conflict (which it is) in terms of her submitting me for "acting jobs." She then asked if my doing theater was just something I did on the weekends. I followed up and explained that this was a professional gig, laid out the rehearsal/performance schedule with my dark days and let her know that my schedule would be totally free starting in April. She responded letting me know that she wanted to wait to take me on until I was "interested in acting only." As if theater acting isn't acting?? Is this normal with screen agents? Should I be choosing between pursuing theater and film? Ideally I would like to do both. I would love to hear this subreddit's thoughts on this exchange. TL;DR: I, a stage and screen actor, reached out to a talent agency for screen representation. The talent agent told me she wouldn't take me because I have theater productions coming up, saying I needed to be "interested in acting only."

Actor - Agent Relationship by Extra_Ad6054  •  last post Jan 18th

So I’ve been with my agent for about a year and a half. She’s a well known agent in my city, has a great roster and I’ve booked a few gigs with her. The first year I was getting a lot of auditions, but recently in the past 5-6 months they’d died down immensely. She’s also only sending me auditions for commercials. I want to have a stronger/closer relationship with her but I don’t know how to go about it. I also want to ask why I haven’t been getting as many auditions but don’t know how to word it. There’s a couple productions coming to the city soon that I really want to audition for but I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to ask her to keep a look out when the castings for the show are posted. I basically just wanna go full force into this & I don’t know how to go about talking to my agent about it.

NEED A FILM REEL EDITED? Actor editing services offered! by AngeloActs  •  last post Jan 18th

Hey there everybody! I hope that you're having a wonderful start to the new year. My name is Angelo, I'm an actor here in NYC who has invested a lot of time over the years to video editing as well. I'm now opening that up to the masses and starting to cut reels for other people using Final Cut Pro. If you'd like to talk rates, definitely feel free to shoot me a message here on reddit, or send an email to Here are two examples of reels that I've cut together and I look forward to speaking with you! Angelo Giannone Reel: []( Zachary Sherry Reel: [](

Dan Olivo - Day By Day by Dan Olivo  •  last post Jan 18th

Hey Friends... If you are a Sinatra & Buble' fan ... Please check out my music video from my upcoming debut album

There are so many reasons to hate Actors Access by nacho__mama  •  last post Jan 18th

For Talent Link their directions are "pay the first invoice so the second can be sent to your inbox. " **BUT THEY NEVER SEND IT.**  I've never had such a hard time handing someone money for services.  I know it is necessary because it is all there really is. I have to use it not only as an actor but as a casting director as well.   And I hate both Breakdown Express and Actors Access. But I am definitely cancelling my upgraded account when it expires next month. Over the last year I've gotten two parts in feature films that I found on my own.  I live in a small market so the stuff on Actors Access is not going to be anywhere near me anyway. But what really pisses me off is I have been trying to use the talent link to send my profile to potential agents. I have heard mixed reviews about whether or not this is worth doing. But it's only $30 so I figure I will try it and then go back to having a free Actors Access account. But these assholes can't even be bothered to send me a bill  or a reminder e-mail. So I keep missing the deadline to apply to talentlink and have my profile sent to agents. ​

Platform for self-tapes by mario7911  •  last post Jan 18th

Hi, is there a website or an app where you can find fellow actors who can give you the other character’s lines in a scene in a self tape (like via Skype, Zoom or something)? I’m asking this because I sometimes have someone to give me the lines, but sometimes I don’t and so when I don’t idk what to do and think it’d be great to have someone to say the other character’s lines. Also, I’m in the French acting business, so if there are people who speak French (or just enough to say the lines in a semi-comprehensive way) that’d be even better. Thank you and have a great day!”

Is actors connection legit? by Icy-Iron-947  •  last post Jan 18th

Is Actors Connection legit? Also, would it be appropriate to ask casting directors for a reference letter after you have done intensives with them and you have acted in front of them? Just curious. (Would really love responses from actors who’ve used actors connection or have had some experience with it.) Thank you!

Should I even act? by Monopoli-Hacker  •  last post Jan 17th

Recently I've had 2 insecurities: 1. My skills, 2. My stretch marks (I'm a guy) 1. I think I can act, rather well if I'd say so myself, but I need to be in a certain mood to act a certain mood. It doesn't have to be the same emotion, but I just can't act ALWAYS. Idk it's weird 2. Almost every male actor has had at least one role where they have to do a shirtless scene. I can't even do a no-sleeve shirt scene because I have so much stretch marks. I honestly don't know where I got them from, I have massive ones in my hips and stomach, and smaller ones on my arms and all over my back... I really don't wanna show them. Ever. I know acting is my passion, but I've been really insecure about these things. What do you think I should do?

Does anyone know these actors/teachers? by username20202020202  •  last post Jan 17th

I will be taking acting classes at Columbia and have the choice between 2 teachers: ​ Tina C. Mitchell or ​ Sharon Fogarty ​ ​ Does anyone know which of these teachers is better or have any information and feedback on their teaching styles and acting techniques they teach? ​ Thank you!!

Demo Reel- Self Tape by bobbypellitt  •  last post Jan 17th

Hello, Due to covid its making things a lot harder to record a demo reel with other actors/in a studio, particularly where I live. I believe I have the right equipment to record a professional-esque demo reel, now I’m just wondering on what to include? Should I do monologue? A famous monologue? A monologue written by myself? Or a dialogue scene with a friend reciting back the lines? Any suggestions would be kindly appreciated!

Are self-taped auditions also serving as the norm for acting clips/reel footage now? by rainbowsprinkles14  •  last post Jan 17th

So, I understand how it's more about uploading individual acting clips (labeled with the type/essence that you're playing in the clip) for your casting profiles (like Actors Access and Casting Networks) versus attaching a compiled demo reel of your work, when it comes to submitting to auditions/roles to the casting director online. BUT... more and more, ever since the pandemic, I'm seeing even very successfully working actors using their self-taped auditions AS their acting clips, versus using clips from their actual tv/film work! Has this become/is becoming the norm now? I thought using self-tapes as clips was only for if you're new(er) to acting and don't have any real footage yet from booked jobs, or at least clips from a studio that you paid to shoot professional-looking scenes for your reel. Thoughts???

Sia VA demo I hired the voice actress by Hxxxgames  •  last post Jan 17th

any way to improve my microphone's recording quality? by nakcyasleep  •  last post Jan 17th

I want to become an anime voice actor, I'm decent at it but whenever I ask some other voice actors about it they say that my mic's quality is bad, my mic isn't that bad in the first place, I have some buzzing sound while recording caused by electricity, but I can easily remove it in audacity, but my voice sometimes sounds kind of robotic, I was wondering if there are any fixes for these kinds of issues, as I have no experience with audio hardware or anything related( Im short on money right now so I can't afford a new mic at the moment)

movie recommendation by boobitch-  •  last post Jan 16th

I'm looking for movies that I should watch if I want to become an actor. maybe the ones that are about it or the acting is amazing. documentary s would also work thanks