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How do you get off work? by dajje123  •  last post Jan 8th

I’ve always wanted to be an actor. And I regret not getting into it in high school, even though I wanted. Still haven’t tried it. Anyways, my question is, those of you who have roles in movies, theater plays during the day etc. how do you get off work? I can’t imagine a manager letting you leave earlier because you have a play, or maybe I’m wrong? Just something I have been wondering. Thanks and I hope you all succeed!

When a cartoon character burps does the voice actor really burp by Silver-Taro-594  •  last post Jan 8th

When a cartoon character burps do the voice actors really burp or is it just sound effects and if you want to become a voice actor do you really have to learn to burp is it hard or simple to burp by yourself

Feeling down and needing advice. by International_Bag946  •  last post Jan 8th

Little backstory: Ever since I was a kid, all I wanted was to be an actor. My dad got me a few opportunities to pursue that dream when I was a kid but my mom always shot it down because she didn’t want me to grow up in that lifestyle. Everyone in my life, except my dad (who is no longer around), told me I would never make it and that it wasn’t logical. So I’ve gone through life trying to find my passion and here I am at almost 25 and I still can’t find a single thing that makes me feel fulfilled even slightly. I know 25 is still young. I just have this constant feeling that I was meant to be an actor. Movies have always been my distraction from life and always help me through dark times. I want to be able to do that for other people too. The dilemma: The thing I’m down about, is that I’ve gone and gotten lots of tattoos. 1 partially finished full arm sleeve and one partially finished lower half sleeve on the other arm. I know this will severely diminish my opportunities at making it as an actor and I can’t afford to remove them. Not really sure that makeup would fully cover all of them though none of them are color. I’m also a 5’4” guy. Just looking for any advise that anyone is willing to offer. Should I pursue acting? Are my chances good? Should I keep searching for some other passion?

No acting auditions coming my way, and now I'm considering a slight alternative by SwimOk6842  •  last post Jan 8th

So I'm not getting auditions (dramatic/serious/sad etc. kind of roles), life itself is getting more and more frustrating (covid,living expenses, just waiting/looking for auditions) BUT, recently I thought, why not try actual stand up comedy, there are open mic nights all over even with covid restrictions in place. I know I may be able to do comedic scenes on film/tv, but I feel that stand up comedy is in a sense for a "different type of person"...Also once you get noticed in comedy, good luck getting any dramatic roles (in other words, once you start comedy,there is almost no switching back)...I know theres Adam Sandler,Tina Fey,Dan Aykroyd and a list of others who became succeful after stand up. But also, comedy is not what it used to be, there are too much stuff you can NOT mention/joke about in 2021/2022...I think thats whats really making me question trying/starting stand up... **I'm sorry for this confusing rambling...but are there any other actors on here that had this same thought, if so, how did it work for you? or what are your thoughts on it ?** **OR, should i simply just do background work (extra) instead?**

Self tape audition? How? by WaggingNub  •  last post Jan 7th

I applied for a role online. I was selected for the next round of auditions! Now the director wants me to submit a self-tape audition. He sent me a script to read. **Question: the script has dialog with other people. In my self-tape, do I just pause as if other people were speaking, or do I enlist the help of family members to read with me?** Family are not actors. That could be a train wreck.

Complicated stage fall? by GraceyLIKEABOSS  •  last post Jan 7th

In a stage play I'm doing, I've got a bit of a tricky fall to do and am struggling to coordinate it without hurting myself. In the context of the scene, the "ship" crash lands and us actors are propelled off our seats towards the front of the stage. I leap forward off my stool and am supposed to clip my right shoulder on a set piece in front of me, then land on my left side. I keep landing on my left hip which is now quite sore

Thoughts on Affinity Artists Agency in NY? by futurebro  •  last post Jan 7th

I did an email blast of new materials and one of the agents that reached out to me is Affinity Artists Agency. I'm not familiar with them, but I also realize I'm not at a stage in my career where Abrams or CAA are gonna be fighting over me. I have a meeting with them today, and I cant tell if they are legit. They are bicostal with 270 clients on IMDBPro, which seems high but maybe not if they are bicostal. They seem to not have any big names but it looks like some of their people are working a lot (its hard to tell when an actor has a manager and an agent, who is helping them the most tho). The only thing that gives me pause,. is their website is pretty badly made and seems like they use models a lot which always makes me think a place isnt a real agency. Im probably over thinking this, but if anyone can give me any tips on how to determine is an agency is legit? I'm an early career actor, so Im also wondering if any agency is better than nothing at this stage.

i need help about acting by idk0709c  •  last post Jan 7th

Hello everyone, i am an high school student and i am in my last year ,which means i have to choose where i want to go professionally but here is my problem ; i cant figure out what i wanna do later .Acting has always been present in my head, but I always told myself that it was impossible for me to manage to make a profession of it. I know that I want to do a job in the artistic field, and cinema has connected me a lot lately (several months).And btw i'm in my highschool drama club,i did theater shows for like 4 years in school.I'm totally lost because i would like to be an actress,but i don't know if i'm good enough for this job. I have a shy personality in front of people,but when i'm alone in my room at 3 am,i'm able to show and play emotions.Actually,i'm quite ashamed to show it in front of people because i'm scared of their reaction,and i don't know in the moment if i'm doing it right.I have a passion for british cinema and it could be a problem to fit in it too,because i'm french .My english is not too bad i guess,so i'm not really scared of that,i'am just worried about the fact that i'm french and it would be a brake for it.The french cinema is not attracting me as much as the british one. my theater teacher told me that i have a "presence" when i play ,but i'm not confident enough to express more emotions,and i'm really frustrated. Whatever,if some of you have advice or could just help me ,it would be really nice and helpful of you . You're basically my last hope lol. Thank you for taking the time to read it and sorry for spelling mistakes :)

Signed actors only please. How did your career change before vs after having a reel for film / tv by actorchan  •  last post Jan 7th

Have been working on shooting my own, just wanting to gauge different people’s results, etc

Random question by Ligma_duck42069  •  last post Jan 7th

Hello! I’m a voice actor who’s wondering how to do a certain style, in my script a character gets their wisdom teeth removed and Is very loopy, so I was was wondering how do I get that sound of being woozy thank you! (P.S should I put gauze or cotton balls in my mouth for the sound?)

Self-tape thoughts from a director by annndaction12  •  last post Jan 7th

DGA director here currently casting 8 roles for a 3-spot comedy campaign. All the initial casting submissions I review to make a callback list are self-tapes now because of covid, so I'm evaluating probably 150 clips from different actors. Probably 5 will only do an intro and not even tape the scene (?). A couple will use a terrible background filter that will be distracting (just use a white wall or solid backdrop). Many of them will only do one reading of the scene. I assume they've rehearsed, made their choice, and taped it. I think this is a mistake. For this to work, they've got to have just the right look to nail the role (something no one can control, it's just luck and being typecast). For 95% of actors out there, that's not you. Sometimes you're just starting out, or you've only worked with shit directors, or you don't totally understand the role, or you get nervous, you've got diarrhea, whatever. Everyone has bad auditions. Acting is fucking hard. This advice is for those of you who don't fit the typecast look of the generic dad, brother, prom date, girlfriend, etc. That's good. I hate typecast, generic, forgettable shit. I want people who are believable in that role, but feel fresh, unexpected, and memorable. But agencies don't have a director's vision and clients don't have a creative hair on their bodies, so you've got to win over a hell of a lot of people with a great performance. One thing I'd suggest is to send 2 takes, maybe even 3 if you see fit. If you think the director could possibly want more energy in the scene, do another one with a little more energy. But both times, make sure you connect with the material. If it's comedy, you figure out what the joke is and why it's funny (or supposed to be. Most scripts are as funny as colon cancer). For that and all other genres, make sure you really connect with whomever your scene partner is during the taping, especially if it's imaginary. If it were me, I would literally take a stand and tape someone's face to it and use that instead of staring off into your kitchen. If it's your spouse, tell him/her to get into the character, give you something to play off of. Direct them to help you give your best. (I can hear the wives and husbands in the background just reading the script flatly.) For example, let's say I'm casting a comedy scene that takes place during a crime in progress. The joke is two actors are arguing about something mundane while they're being shot at. The vast majority of tapes I get will have actors playing the scene urgently with their imaginary scene partner, but they'll be so focused on the lines that it's not funny because the comedy hinges on them being in danger, not them effectively arguing about the mundane topic. Now imagine you only send me one take of that and I don't think you've got the look the agency is going for, and I've got one take of you not understanding the scene as well as you could. I'd have to pass on you. Now, if you sent me two takes and in the second one you pushed it just a little further, you played up the danger of the scene and made it feel more like a movie scene than a commercial, you've got my attention. You're willing to try things. I can work with you on set to craft a great performance. To be clear, I'm not talking about submitting something radically different because your initial instincts were hopefully pretty good. I'm not talking about "going big" and hamming it up. I'm just talking about going a little further to make the scene and performance more believable and give you more than one chance to woo people. I've never taken an audition workshop with a casting director so I've got no idea what you've been told. I don't know what your agents tell you to do. And let's be honest, this self-taping thing is relatively new and is here to stay, so who really knows anything yet. People are making shit up. Perhaps they tell you how to stand out to casting directors more, and I'm sure much of it is great advice. I'm only telling you what I like to see when the casting director emails me the self-tapes. Hopefully this can help some of you book more work, or at least get a callback. If you've got any questions I'll try to answer them over the weekend.

Any advice is appreciated. by Feeling_Hawk_8715  •  last post Jan 7th

I moved to Los Angeles from chicago in august. To chase the dream of being an actor. At the ripe young age of 37. I have trained extensively in chicago with little luck of grabbing an agent worth a damn. When I say this she would just send me voiceover auditions. Automated ones. I also have a decent resume from the background work and theater I have done. I currently send hard copy submissions to LA agents while also doing cold email submissions from agents I believe are a good fit for me. It’s so frustrating. I don’t know if I just needed to write this to vent. Or I’m just asking for any help of people in my Demographic with success. I get no response. I have gotten 2 auditions off actors access since August. I also have and will continue to take classes I believe will help my craft in LA. I’m not ready to give up. As I feel I haven’t even had an opportunity to try. It’s like joining a baseball team and they never let you in the batters box. I don’t believe I have done anything to move forward as I haven’t had an opportunity to fail. What are the best steps to get an agent who can actually care about you? What are the options to move in the right direction? I ask all you, my fellow actors for any advice. I would just like an opportunity to know if I’m good enough to make a career out of this. No, I don’t believe I’m the next James Dean. P.S. I am very familiar with the Industry. As I have worked as an electrician for the past 10 years. So I’m aware this doesn’t happen over night. Thank you all. And best wishes.

I’m looking for deep narrative Voice actor for a short comedy sketch series! by tdnk11  •  last post Jan 7th

I’m a filmmaker starting a series for TikTok. I need a narrative voice actor. We don’t really have a big budget. Just looking for an eager voice actor that wants to collaborate on the project and see where it goes. If anyone follows Stefan Johnson on TikTok that’s the kind of voice we are looking for. We can pay $10 per video. The videos are short 30-60 seconds. Average 75-100 words per video.

Zoom / Blue Jeans audition camera issues by Patrick Higgs  •  last post Jan 7th

Twice I have had an issue on a Zoom or Blue Jeans audition where I am in the waiting room, then put into the audition room and they tell me I am sideways - which throws me off for the rest of the audition as I try to fix the tech issues. I use an iPhone, I have my camera rotation lock off. My phone is on a tripod. Video appears to be normal on my end. So I wondered if anyone else has ever had this happen or what I can do to prevent it from happening again. Thanks!

Should I Go To Agency Audition Or Get Experience First? by chiefhiccupofberk  •  last post Jan 7th

Hi, so I know this is probably a silly question but… before Christmas, I applied for a talent agency by sending my details/a photo as asked, thinking nothing would come of it. Shortly after, they asked me to do an audition for them, and the audition is tomorrow morning. They sent me a short little piece to learn (it’s only five lines and it’s someone taking to themselves/voices in their head). They’re a super small agency in London, 1st Talent Agency. However, I haven’t done any proper drama work since I completed my drama degree in 2019, although I’ve been practicing monologues etc in my spare time. I’m not very body confident because I’m plus sized and also I don’t particularly like how I look, and I’m hoping in the new year to lose some weight etc. I don’t know if the anxiety and sickness I’m currently feeling is just normal pre audition jitters or something else. Part of me is debating cancelling the audition because I lack experience, and maybe I can apply again/to other agencies once I’ve done some local theatre/classes/short films etc. There’s a local amateur dramatics club that’s holding auditions for their show next month, which I’m definitely going to try out for. But also I’m worried that by cancelling I’m not putting myself forwards and I’ll miss any remote chance I have, if that makes sense. Like I feel like if I quit then I’m taking the coward’s way out, and I really do want to be an actor badly. So I guess I just want some advice because I’m not sure what to do?

Grade 10 - Career Choice Question by apsibkn  •  last post Jan 7th

Based in Ontario. Hi. I’m a grade 10 student with a question regarding a career choice. I really want to pursue acting when I grow up because I have so much fun whenever I do it, and I’m not into it because of money. I just want to do it but my parents told me countless times that they ARE NOT OKAY with it and I HAVE to go to a college/university and pursue a normal 9-5 job but I don’t want to do that although it’ll be good to have a backup plan. We’re not the wealthiest either but not the poorest either and they don’t want me to take any acting courses or to at least be a background actor or try out student films. Honestly, I have no idea what else I’d like to do, I don’t want to waste their money on tuition either. Also, I’ve been trying to become better on my own by reading books (Respect for Acting), practicing, and watching movies so I’m really determined to do it but not having my parents to back me up kinda hurts. Any advices on what to do? Should I start reading some investing books? I’m lost.