there was a role that was posted by a major casting office on Nov 30 on Actors Access looking for a very specific type of role for a streaming network to fill and I fit the bill perfectly. I applied a week after on Dec 6 (I somehow got super busy and only logged on AA a week after role was posted). On Dec 18 I got a message asking to send in a self tape due Dec 22. I sent it in and now it is Jan 5th and its radio silence. The info said the show shoots sometime between Feb and May for two weeks. But why would they be asking for self tapes right now if the show was shooting in like April or May? Surely, I think the show must be shooting that episode in Feb is more likely. Does anyone have any insight into this very specific case or should I assume I did not move up for a call back? I was told by actors that everyone was off the week between Christmas and NY anyway and they were probably not looking at tapes. But who knows. Sigh.
Saw this on IG today about 'I am ready to get hurt again' on IG OneBrokeActress. I'm curious what people think about looking up 'who booked it over you' - it's an interesting debate I got into with friends recently. I did NOT do this for the first 8-10 years in the business (for me it would've psyched me out) and I am glad I didn't. Nowadays when SO and I are watching shows and hear 'familiar dialogue' and we see who got the part we kind of laugh bc the ones that booked it are very different than what my look/essence are. I wonder if this is true for POC - like the ones that book it are totally different in vibe, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Anyway, it's been a freeing process bc the best indicator is really that the CDs keep calling you back. But curious if it helps or hinders others? I get it's a joke post but....If it hurts, why do it?
My question is, do all agents have access to the same auditions and is it just luck if an actor from a smaller agency will book a huge role? Second question, does anyone know how does it work with European agents when it comes to English movies? Not from UK of course I'm about to move to another country to pursue acting and I don't speak the language yet, but I've seen some actors from the agency I've been keeping an eye on, booking roles in movies in English, so hopefully they have a wider access to those auditions.
I just signed up for an EMT-b class. This isn’t exactly the kind of job you can just drop for an audition, but I can’t see myself doing grocery store/restaurant work for years, and I really need a confidence boost. Plus I was always interested in healthcare. Was wondering if any of you are actors who work in EMS or healthcare? If so how’s it going?
I am a SAG-eligible background actor. I book a ton of work through Central Casting as a non-union background actor. For those of you who are SAG Background actors working through Central Casting, do you get booked as much as you did when you were non-union? I'm trying to decide whether I should pull the trigger and join SAG this month.
Hi! For those of you who have ever used the Actors Access Talent Link and have had some people reach out to them, what kind of profile did you have? I have a reel and some pictures but I was wondering if that was enough to get anyone’s attention. What was your experience?
I've been told that Seattle has plenty of acting opportunies. I myself am primarily located in Spokane, and I was wondering if there are any reputable agencies or ways to get acting work in my area? Or if anyone has any recommendations for sites that new actors can use to get started.
It’s one line, that’s it. I will pay a small price, probably around $5 USD. Thank you!
I'm a newer actor (making the leap from stand up/Improv comedy) so I don't have a lot of experience on camera and nothing in my reel but self-tapes. But this evening I just got my first set of sides and a EcoCast Audition for a role I submitted to on Actors Access!! Someone looked at my headshot and said, "Sure, they look they could do this." I know it's just a self-tape but I'm really proud of myself for submitting in the first place. And don't worry, I'm not expecting much in terms of hearing back. I'm just ready to give a great performance and see what comes next. Make sure to celebrate the small victories in this journey! Keep up the great work, everyone!
So back story: I was in acting classes in high school. Like, it was an actual subject. I loved it, my favorite class. I regret not trying out for plays, because I was the slacker who just wanted to leave school at the end of the day ASAP. I wish I did. Well anyway, I knew I wanted to act eventually, just wasn't sure of what I needed to do. But, I got pregnant with my first child about a year, year and a half after graduating. I put it on the back burner to raise my baby. And I had more babies lol. I have 4 of them now. I'm blessed and thankful to have them in my life, they are my every heartbeat. I mean there were times through the years my mind wondered back to my want of getting into acting, but again, I wanted to focus on my kids and well, I was insecure of what people would think because I'd already had my fair share of people expressing how "dumb" and how much of "a waste of a degree" it was. Well, then I was about to hit my 30s and my husband and I got talking about something he held in about what he wanted to do. So I told him ok don't laugh, but I always wanted to get into acting but I thought maybe I was too old to try getting into actually doing something. He said why would he laugh at that. I think I even reached out here on reddit a few years ago and many also assured me I wasn't too old to start. I even reached out to my acting teacher to ask him how to go about things. Well then financial issues arose. So I put getting into acting on the back burner again. It took a couple years to sort out, but we got through it. And because we're good again, I started my application for my local university that actually has theater/acting majors/minors. I even talked to the admissions consultant and he said since it's been so long since I graduated high school ('07), that all they'd need is my transcripts from high school and from the community college I went to back in like 2009 or 2010 area. I didn't get a degree from there, because I actually dropped out mid semester like a dope, because I was majoring in something I thought would be an ok job for me; it wasn't something I really, REALLY wanted to do. It was something that would be "stable". It was a mistake really to enroll in that college in that major to begin with. So that's the big thing I feel such a lag in my goals in my life about, what's holding me back from getting enrolled in the university to FINALLY do what I've always wanted to do, and show my kids that they can do what they set their minds to as well (just hopefully they don't sit on it as long as I have). How am I to lecture them about doing something with their lives (a job) they love and enjoy doing if I'm not doing it too? I'm glad I was there/am there during their formative years, but who says I really couldn't have done both though? Anyway, I can't get the transcript from the community college until I pay back what I owe from dropping out. I really truly thought they just deducted it from my tax refund because that's about when I stopped receiving calls and letters. I told them needed more time to figure out how I can pay them back. But like I said, thought it was done with after tax time. Man was I naive. So I told my husband that this tax time I needed to finally pay that back and get my transcript so I can move forward with the university. I have not been so sure of anything I wanted to do as I am of wanting to get into acting for real, for real. I know there will be lots of disappointments and let downs of not getting calls of being casted, that this kind of thing can take a while, years. And I'm prepared for that. I've already waited this long, I'd like to not wait longer getting this started. I'm longing for it that it has brought me to tears sometimes. I believe maybe I'm longing for it even more now because I have a support system (my husband for starters) and I have even more encouragement and motivation than I did back then. But it's not just about my kids and being a role model in that aspect, it's me. I want to do this for me! I want to do something for me now. I'm so sorry for such a long post. I thank anyone who has come this far reading. I just really needed to get this off my chest, and I thought well who better than a forum full of actors who may possibly have been in my shoes in one form or another, who maybe felt/feels how I'm feeling? Or, I don't know, maybe this is just my own unique situation lol. By the way, I do feel a bit better getting this off my chest and out of the bottle that I bottled this up in. I know it's a lot. Thank you all for bearing with me. :)
Im almost at my 2 year mark come the end of February. I've been working as the assistant to the animation agent and will move up to junior agent of the video game division come my anniversary. Before, I'd been working 3 years at an on camera agency also as an assistant. I am writing this to see if anyone has any questions or needs any sort of advice in their careers or prospects as a voice over artist. Our agency reps about 200 people at the moment solely in the VO field. We work primarily in the animation, commercial and video game departments. Some work we do in audio books or narration. Anime as well. We rep some pretty notable people in the VO field in the divisions I've mentioned above, as well as a few name on camera actors. I'm here to help and advise or give you some insght into my job. I'll open it up to you to ask me what you would like. Cheers! -P
I am extremely interested to hear all of the current actors' perspectives in each state on how they feel about their pursuit of acting there. I'm planning to move from Chicago to one of these states 5 months from now and I'm having a hard time finding current information about the overall scene of each place. I've been doing improv/going to a lot of shows in Chicago for the past 6 months and its been mostly depressing/somewhat vacant feeling. I just don't feel like it's a good time in history to be in it. I'm not even sure where you would start to do any camera acting here besides taking classes, so moving to these different states seem highly attractive. I do have one main question though! Does New Mexico offer opportunities for actors, or is all of the casting done from LA/Atlanta anyway?
Hello! I’m an actor, I trained at a university in the Midwest, I moved to New York at the end of last year, and I have no idea what to do or who to talk to or how to get started... I mean they teach you a ton at school but none of the stuff that will actually get you in the room or even pointed in the general direction of the room. So this is just a really broad question, what do I do now that I’m here? What is the first baby step? All advice welcome! Thank you
I’m currently ISO of voice actors for a sims 4 voice over series I’m working on. I’m looking for a female and two male lead actors. You will be voicing young adults with sarcastic/goofy personalities. Please pm me for more details if interested!!
Hello guys! I’m new to this but I got picked up for a streaming service (excited but nervous as hell) and we’ll I want to bring on some actors for a show I created, as supporting or background cast to give people a chance that I got. It’s a couple of roles where you play comedic mercenaries kinda like a Saturday morning cartoon but more adult, if anyone is interested and needs more information, feel free to message me!
Hello guys! I’m new to this but I got picked up for a streaming service (excited but nervous as hell) and we’ll I want to bring on some actors for a show I created, as supporting or background cast to give people a chance that I got. Looking for men 18-35 who can play comedic mercenaries kinda like a Saturday morning cartoon but more adult, if anyone is interested and needs more information, feel free to message me! It pays 15k for supporting/background characters and that’s what is needed, can you handle violence, nudity, drugs, adult humor because it is a mature show that got picked up on hbo?
Hi, so I’ve decided that I want to become an actor and I was recently looking at some college/university programs I can apply to. I do want to save some money so I was thinking of starting at a community college first, then transferring to one of the bigger schools in the city. Do you guys know of any good community colleges for acting in Toronto? Thanks
I will become a must-join in a couple of days and I'm trying to see what my options are for finding work once I have to join the union (not being able to do non-union work at that point). I do work with a talent agency and get union projects through them, but I feel there's not enough of them. Is there any place out there that posts projects for SAG-AFTRA work? Kinda like a or something for SAG-AFTRA union members? Or do I have to exclusively rely on the agency? Thank you all for your help.
Hello! Cut a professional commercial demo about a year ago, and sort of got lazy as I'm now doing Rigging Electric in the film union. Decided to get serious for 2022 and landed my very first audition for a reputable agency in Atlanta. It's a radio spot for REI! Any tips? Vocal warm-ups etc? I took a few classes at The Alliance Theatre but other than that this will be mt very first audition. Love this sub reddit. Long time listener, first time caller here
What is the person that decides whether actors join the agency or not?