Being an actor for Film/TV is absolutely brilliant, but gods do I miss my home!
I'm not an actor. I'm just curious. Are those trailers actors get on sets only for chilling when they're not needed or do they ever sleep in them overnight?
A while back I posted a narration here that I did as my collage assignment, and luckily, I was able to start narrating horror stories for a big YouTube channel. I was wondering, what is the usual payment for new voice actors such as me who does these types of work to strengthen their Portfolio? I want to know where I stand next to others when it comes to salaries.
I look up stuff on the internet, but it seems so complicated: get an agent, have a home studio and apply for roles. I don't even know how to acquire said things. So, is there sites I can go to? Places I can go? How can I practice? Just any little piece of advice will be useful.
I have heard a lot of advice here that turned out to be wrong. I am not saying they are wrong for every market, but it didn’t work for me in my city. So here are the advice you should not always listen to. “Having an agent is better than being self-represented” I get way more work, including roles on union productions, by myself. I have a lot of contacts, have time to give myself priority, know what I would be good for, answer really quickly, and am good in negotiating. I tried finding an agent in my market and even the recommended ones who were interested in me either said they couldn’t get me as much work as I get by myself, didn’t answer quickly enough to get me the job, or didn’t receive as many breakdowns as I did. I understand that the vast majority of actors will get more work with an agent, but it has been the opposite for me. « You can’t find legit breakdowns on Facebook » I booked my best gigs thanks to Facebook, including union work on big projects. I personally feel like I stand out a lot compared to average people when I apply on Facebook compared to when I am submitting myself to confidential breakdowns when I am competing with hundreds of professional actors. « You need professional equipment to record a self-tape » I used to waste a lot of time buying and using professional equipment. It turns out that I book more gigs with my cellphone and the sunlight. I am also able to record more self-tapes because it is easy to use no matter where I am or how much time I have. « You need to dedicate yourself to acting every day » I got better at acting once I started over practicing and just actually lived in the moment and adapted myself to the situation and the directions. Some of my best roles were the ones for which I was booked at the last minute. I also became a much more interesting person once I started focusing on other things that acting, which helped me earn more money, be less anxious, be more successful, develop special skills, gain life experiences, and network every day. « You need to become a better actor to get more work. » I personally see that being a good fit for the character is way more important than being the best actor. I am a good actor, but the reason why I am booked is because I have a special look, a special skill, am part of a certain type of diversity, or know the right people. The key to my success is finding what makes me stand out and focus on roles that need that. When I am the only one who has what it takes to do the role, there isn’t much need to compete. I am not necessarily saying those who think otherwise are wrong, but they are not always right, and I believe it can be more helpful to some people to not follow these advice.
*We are looking for volunteers, who identify as professional actors or are training to become a professional actor, to take part in a virtual focus group where you will be asked to discuss your experiences with mental and physical health while acting and as a member of the entertainment industry. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and it will last approximately 90 minutes. Participation also includes a short questionnaire that will last approximately 5min.* *To learn more about this study, or to participate in this study, please follow the QR code below in order to complete an interest and availability form or please contact:* *Principal Investigator:* *Madison Oberndorf, BA* *201-889-5632* [**]( *This study has been reviewed by the Pace University Institutional Review Board.* interest and availability form link: [\_aVK0oxH2XxOFTjE](
I'm trying to get a gift to an actor friend/writer. Every year I gift him a writing class. This year I'd like to give him something different. But I'm out of ideas
That title sounds horrible lmao Im trying to make a MCU style intro and I just need a bunch of different people to say 1 line so I can overlap them. I checked in r/recordthisforfree but it seems like a pretty dry sub. Would any of you happen to know of a active website I can go to and post a advertisement on?
I’ve lived a fucked up life. I had to act in order to survive. Not in a professional sense but as a literal way to survive. Act like you’re happy. Act like things are okay. Act like you like people. Act like you love. Act like you know. Maybe I do though? Maybe I am though? Are there any famous actors who’ve come from fucked up lives that made it? I can be anyone I want to be. Especially if I can relate to them. Where do I start? I have access to NYC and I could always move to LA. The difference between me and many is that acting wasn’t a choice for me. It might be now in a technical sense but I’m starting to believe that it’s one of my strongest skills and I’m thinking of pursuing it. Who knows, maybe I suck at it. Which would be ironic and hysterical but something tells me my ability to fool everyone in my life, even the closest people to me, might mean I’m better than I want to be. I love film too. But fucked up roles would suit me best.
There was a post about this from 8 years ago, but there's a lot more people here now as well as different medication so I thought I'd ask this again. I got prescribed for 150mg of Wellbutrin daily and I'm super worried that it will dull my emotions and make emotionally connecting in a scene harder. I'm already not very sensitive to emotions compared to most actors. I'd love to hear about anyone's experience using anti-depressants.
Hello, I want to ask a question... Due to personal reasons (Reasons I do not want to disclose) I want to ask if some voice actors (not all) accept rev share as payment? Again this is for personal reasons.
Hey everyone! I'm Adam, I'm 17 years old (18 in 2 months) and and want to begin voice acting in a somewhat professional setting. Ever since puberty hit, everyone has been telling me that I have a great voice and that I should pursue voice acting in some form. If I had to describe my voice, I would say relatively deep (nothing crazy like Morgan freeman or something, haha) and slightly raspy, but still sounding like a teenager/young adult, with a standard American accent. I've made YouTube Videos in the past for fun and even accumulated 10.000 subscribers so I know a thing or two about video and audio editing. About two months ago I set up a Fiverr Gig to try to get into voice acting, however I only ended up getting one client. Does anyone have any recommendations on how I could start voice acting (semi) professionally and actually get clients? I would appreciate any advice! :D \[If you are interested, I use a scarlet 2i2 audio interface/microphone + a pop-filter to record my voice.\]
Hello! I'm a non-union actor without an agent on hold for a digital promo spot. The pay is pretty low (a couple hundred), and the audition didn't state the intended usage or the buyout terms up front. I probably should have asked when I sent in my callback audition, but kept assuming they would tell me at some point during our correspondence! Now they've asked me to hold a few dates, and I still don't have full information on the booking. Would it be inappropriate to email the production company and ask for intended usage/buyout information before they've officially booked me? I don't want to be rude or seem like I'm assuming I'll book it, but am also worried that they'll finalize the booking very close to the proposed shoot dates and that the contract will be problematic, and I'll have to pull out last minute - which also doesn't seem like a great look. I've considered trying to contact a commercial agent to help with the negotiations, but for a deal that's only a few hundred dollars I'm not sure they'd be willing to work with someone they don't rep. Or is that untrue? I did research on the production company, and they seem legit otherwise. Any advice would be very welcome, thank you!
Hello! I was just casted as Angie from The Wedding Singer and was wondering if any actors/actresses had any advice on how to properly characterize her so I can get a head start over our Christmas break!
Hello, My name is Marilyn, and I'm a 17 year old trans girl. I came on here to talk about something that's been concerning to me. I've been researching locations of some of my favorite shows and I saw a few filming locations that were anti LGBT. So I wanted to ask, in the event that I end up in a series like this, would I **have** to travel to these countries? Would they replace me if I can't? How much do they care for my safety? Thanks in advance!
Hey Everybody, So, I'll be on "Fantasy Island" on FOX this Monday, December 20th at 8 pm. Well, actually, it's a 2 part episode, and I'm only in the second part, so actually 9 pm. But I'm on!
Hello, I run a YouTube channel in English and I am looking to start the channel in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. I was wondering if any one would be interested in working with me on a long-term project and voice acting the videos. I will send the scripts to you in English and It will be your job to voice narrate the scripts in either one of the following languages Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. This will be long-term and I am looking for someone who is reliable and ready to work. \*\*Don't apply if you only do voice overs in English If this sounds like you please let me know how much you charge per 1000 words, I look forward to working with you. Regards Josh
I just saw a post on Casting Call Club requesting "Meticulous Voice Actors" for an AI character voice library. Doesn't list a link to or name of the company's site, but the username who posted was "\[name\]\_at\_replica". Googled "Replica AI," and found them: []( Listening to the demos, some of these are pretty terrible but there are more than a few that are passable--good enough that if you dumped them in behind a bunch of sfx and music most people wouldn't second guess. Just thought this was interesting--there have been a few posts here regarding people's opinion of AI in VO work, but I wasn't sure how many people had heard what they were up against.
Hey guys! I am a fan of the VA world AND the band Walk off the Earth so this cross-over is amazing to me. I heard about this project that the band Walk Off the Earth is doing that’s super cool. They’re making a movie that’s funding itself one frame at a time with NFTs and casting all supporting roles within their Discord community! A few days ago they announced that TARA STRONG (yes, THAT Tara Strong) is going to voice directing everyone in the movie which is totally nuts. The director is super legit as well - looks like he's done multiple big-name animated features. Just wanted to share as I know there are lots of people on here looking to break into the VA/animation world! I don't think you have to purchase anything to audition, so could be a good opportunity to get involved in the pro-voice acting world. To join the community, go to Tara's Twitter thread linked below or google "The HolidayVerse Discord". Here is a link to Tara's Twitter announcement: [](