I've been trying to get into acting, and I've wanting to sign up with casting sites like Backstage and Actors Access. I've read both TOS while trying to sign up, but I'm wanting to ask this question: Is it ok to use my stage name, or do I have to use my full legal name? Because they don't really mention anything about stage name on their TOS, so I've been holding out until I could get an answer. So, am I ok to use a stage name on a casting call website?
It would be interesting to do some work in film as an extra for riding/horse handling scenes. I have a lot of experience with horses (have a lot of horse experience) but was more so wondering how people even get into that line of work. Like the training of horses specifically for film and the background actors riding in the film. Where do they go to find those opportunities and what is typically the focus for experience. Often, I watch movies or shows and see the main characters riding poorly (what’s kinda expected of newer riders who went through an intensive crash course), but see the extras riding really well, so I know that’s an experience based thing. Just not sure how to get into it. It would be fun to take stunt riding courses too.
In my subject I mentioned "Teen-20s Asian Actor w/ Improv+On-Set Experience Seeking Theatrical Rep" and for my body I put "Hello {{firstname of agent}}! My name is (blahblahblah) and for the past few years, I have built on-camera/on-set experience with short films I have worked on and improv experience through on-stage performances. I am *always* enrolled in acting classes/programs, and have trained in several techniques such as ***Meisner/Realism/Chekhov*** and continuous scene study classes. In the past year, I have received wonderful feedback from my acting coaches and teachers, specifically about my duality and expressions. Coaches have told me that I have a young age range, and a varying type range where I have been typecast as a Sarcastic Best Friend to a Sensitive Jerk. I am currently enrolled in on-camera classes at Graham Shiels, taking Muay Thai classes simultaneously, and in progress enrolling in more scene study classes. My updated headshots are below, as well as my resume, and I can provide a demo reel at any time if needed! I would love to set up a meeting with you to see if I can be a good fit, so feel free to contact me!" Is there anything I could change or any suggestions?
I have a showreel, but it sucks. I want to make a new one, going the *"write and shoot a few scenes specifically for this"* route with the help of director and actor friends. 2 or 3 30-second scenes showing "range", i.e. the first one would be my type, the second would be not my obvious type, etc. So first question, what *is* my type? What do you see me as? What would someone cast me as? Here are some headshots: [one](https://gabrielgambetta.biz/img/headshot1.jpg), [two](https://gabrielgambetta.biz/img/headshot2.jpg), [three](https://gabrielgambetta.biz/img/headshot3.jpg), [four](https://gabrielgambetta.biz/img/headshot4.jpg). Second question. I've done almost all of my acting in English, but my native language is Spanish, and I also speak Italian. Should I show this? Perhaps replacing a 30 second clip with two 15 second ones, in Spanish and Italian? Thanks in advance!
Hi, I'm fourteen and I have been taking acting classes for a year now. In my class everyone is in there 20s or even 40s, and sometimes we have to do romantic scenes. Like you have to play a couple or flirt and stuff. I am still underage and told my teachers how this bothered me. However they all say is that being an actor means I have to get out of my comfort zone. This is true but doing these scenes make me uncomfortable. We never have to kiss or do anything physical but it seriously bothers me. What do you think? Am I overreacting, or do I have the right to not want to do these scenes? TLDR: I'm a minor and I have to do flirty scenes with an adult.
Hello! I'm an actress based in NYC and I think it might be time to get an agent but I'm not sure. I have been the lead in four student films, the lead in one 90-minute feature film, and done a comedy sketch for an indie filmmaker. Do I have enough experience? If so, how do I go about finding an agent? Thanks!
TW: Mentions words “racism” “rape” and “homophobia” (not in a destructive form). This question has struck me a few times this week, but since there’s a play I auditioned for about a historical event, it made me wonder, how do we play and get into character for characters that are racists, rapists, homophobic, and other horrible characteristics? For example, I was just watching Philadelphia and watching Miller (I think that was his name?) be incredibly homophobic made me cringe, but a character like that had to be played in order for the movie to have its proper plot. Now I know, if an actor is incredibly uncomfortable playing these parts, they can simply just decline the role. However, I want to be able to perform almost every role possible, even the nasty ones so we can “show the ugly side” but I don’t want to just use that ‘excuse’ and play these characters. How can we be comfortable performing these characters while still being true to our beliefs? What can we substitute? Can we substitute? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey there guys! So I'm a 28 years old designer living in NYC and I finally want to take the first step in trying out Voice Acting. I read that it is recommended to take classes and such for those who have no acting experience and I want to make as much progress as I possibly can to get myself in small projects. Ultimately, I want to aim for animation/anime and games but newbies can't be picky. ​ Here's the real question. I've looked around ALOT of schools/sessions in NY and while they all seem cool and nice, I feel like some are much better than others and can help you grow more effectively and efficiently. For Actors/Voice Actors in NY, can you guys give me any recommendations on which classes/schools to enroll in before I throw my money at random scams? ​ Thank you!
So basically I was looking through actors CVs/Resumes a few days ago and they all played loads of sports and could do loads of accents. I have to admit it made me feel a little embarrassed since I don't have any of that! Plz help
When is the right time to take an acting masterclass and how much training must you have had in order to do so? And what is the generell difference between a masterclass and a regular class? Is it just an advanced class for very experienced actors?
I’ve been looking at some microphones recently, and am willing to spend about a hundred bucks - maybe more. Currently I’m looking at the AT2020, but I was wondering if there were any other options that may be better?
I’m a beginner voice actor and my equipment is coming very soon. How do I get voice acting gigs and where?
Anyone here further ahead in their careers that have any advice for me on this one? Like many folks here, my SO is a non-actor and a few arguments have fueled up and I need advice - for me, because the arts is SUCH a different business pursuit, I am pretty sensitive in telling people stuff. The only person that knows about my bookings/auditions/callbacks is my SO - I have asked him not to tell people about my pins, my bookings, 'how close I got', etc. but he does. I know it's bc he's proud but he has been telling family members about my pins and then gets upset that he has 'nothing else to say to them' when I ask him not to mention it. His response is, "Acting is 90% of your life, what should I tell them when they ask about you?" His family is very results-oriented/doctors/corporate lawyers and extremely judgy - I just don't feel comfortable about them knowing what I am doing (and yes, as an actor, I am superstitious) - he says "well you tell them about my job" (I do but I keep it very vague.) It's frustrating because my booking rates and pins are private to me, and I don't feel it's anyone's business. If I am on TV, then yes sure - tell people to look me up on Peacock, or whatever show I book, but otherwise I like to keep it private. Anyone else gone through this?
Hi All, I'd like to preface this by saying I am incredibly new to acting, so apologies for any major/minor misconceptions. I'm posting this because I am searching for guidance. My goal is to build an acting resume founded on classes. I started taking classes last week and would like to learn as much as possible in order to know what I'm getting into. For context, I work a full-time role in finance and am looking to develop my acting in my off hours. I am a mid-20s, 6'6'' male with experience in modeling. I am also built and weigh 200lbs. All that said, I would *really* appreciate insight on the following: * I will take the following types of classes over the next year, but which should be highly prioritized? Acting Technique, Scene Study, Improv, On Camera, Voice and movement, Accents and dialects, Weapons and combat (Firearm, hand-to-hand, swordplay), Script Analysis, and Audition classes. * Which types of classes would suffer the least from online attendance (vs in person)? * How many hours of class per week do you believe would be optimal for me to effectively grow as an actor? * What books would you recommend for learning scene study in my own time? * What do you think is a realistic timeline for me before getting headshots and beginning to audition? (An example answer would be: Start looking for student projects 1 month in, commercials 6 months in, shorts 9 months in, etc.) I truly appreciate any and all comments. I am not naive enough to think this will be an easy journey, quite the opposite. I believe making it as an actor is incredibly difficult, thus I want to do all I can to learn. Thank you for reading and have a great day.
I don't know anything about the industry but I want to support my girlfriend as best as I can. Some things I can think of: \- I know it's an industry that's a lot about "who you know", so I support her in going to any networking events/parties even if that means we miss a date night \- It can be a rollercoaster of emotions so I'll be there to motivate her to keep going when the rough times come Anything else? Thanks so much, any advice is greatly appreciated!
I'm going to debut as an Actor, a series main for a TV series in '22. During quarantine I had time for an extra job so I started posting around here and researched what I could, and started making myself available for modeling and BG projects. A few months in learned and started S/I work. I knew it would be difficult, as even my fellow BG actors and actresses were graduates of acting schools, and years of resumes on BG and such. For whatever reason I made SAG in 5 months. In the future I will realize it was a foolish gamble. Joined Skillshare, Watched YouTube and read and followed the posts here, Side bar, and various "celebrities" and "Pro working lurkers" here that shared so much great advice. I met trained people and attended classes and workshops, Invested some money for equipment and even so, I would not hear back from a dozen auditions from various agencies. For people who have a dream, Keep it up. My reel is still nothing but two monologues, and a growing portfolio of my pictures. Everything else is BG, S/I, stunts, cm's and modeling, couple of guests and featured days. As for this one, I fit the role and they just gave it to me after a brief Zoom. My favorite quote nowadays is by Epictetus; >"What ought one to say then as each hardship comes? > >I was practicing for this, > >I was training for this. " Thank you everyone and keep up the good fight.
i submitted an audition to an open casting call by a popular casting director casting for a new series on hbomax. under the casting call they were also casting for 3 other roles and it was posted on many instagram accounts. how long do you think it would take for them to reach my audition tape or send out callbacks? additional question: is it one casting director that looks at all these or many sorting through them? do they also look at your headshots associated with actors access?
Hi all, I’m doing a play at the moment and it’s very emotionally charged, dealing with heavy topics such as grief, murder, sexual assault, etc. I know good acting is not all about crying and I’m relatively proud of how far I’ve come portraying this character but I’ve been beating myself up lately. In the past, I’ve done more screen (this is my first theatre job) and for scenes that require a lot of emotions there was always a sense of building up to it and unleashing it for the first/last time. Also with film I really like the repetition of various takes and angles to get deeper and deeper. It’s an entirely different form of repetition going back to those emotions every day. In this play there’s one particularly quiet scene I do alone onstage grieving the death of my sister and I feel like I reach an appropriate level of depth approx 70% of the time. The rest of the time a I feel like a fake or a hack. Any advice or tips? Thank you in advance, fellow actors.