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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Is Actor's Access giving you a 500 error code? by NameActive  •  last post Dec 8th

I had the same issues as everyone else yesterday not being able to upload auditions and now today, I can't even sign in. Anybody else? Also, this sucks having three ready to go tapes to submit :(

Good presents for voice actors? by acailo  •  last post Dec 8th

A friend is just starting out on voice acting, is there anything that would actually be useful to him besides a mic? Any recommendations appreciated ty :)

Actors Teeth by chrislabel  •  last post Dec 8th

How important are actors teeth? and any advice (option) I've recently had a few teeth extractions from the side of mouth so it's not super noticeable but it is if i did a massive smile or on camera. I want to wait till my gums have healed to get implants which the whole process could be 6 months to a year and then pursue acting work... Is this silly that I am worried about my image on camera? It has been the biggest kick to my confidence regarding acting.

How to truly understand your character? by actresswhowrites  •  last post Dec 8th

I’ve decided to start watching movies and shows analytically to see how some actors analyze their characters. Currently I’m watching The Assassination of Gianni Versace and I feel that almost half of the time Andrew’s (Darren Criss) motivations are unclear. This made me think, when playing a character who’s more unstable and doesn’t have motivations that make sense to most people or the motivations are just unclear in general, how should the actor play them? I hope this question makes sense lol

Failure Anxiety by Apprehensive-Hawk-67  •  last post Dec 8th

my parents are really successful in terms of living comfortable, I am growing up upper middle class. I want to act so bad but I am afraid of 1. not being able to support my current lifestyle and 2. being a starving artist. Being an actress just seems so out of reach… any tips?

Current studying/aspiring actors who aren't vaccinated by Eureka_00  •  last post Dec 8th

To those who aren't vaccinated (for medical reasons, etc.) It appears this field -like many careers- is giving the boot to many talented folks who haven't gotten the jab. How are you aspiring actors keeping your faith in pursuing this career?

filming progress curiosity? by c4pricornsun  •  last post Dec 7th

hi all, quick little question for you actors, how long does it usually take to film a scene as a small speaking role? a few hours? a few days? i landed this audition that will film for 6 weeks and it’s just a very small speaking role? what does this mean?

How do CDs contact you after submitting on Actors Access? by coolintlkid  •  last post Dec 7th

I responded to a casting call on Actors Access. I don’t have representation. I know it’s a long shot, but how do CDs contact you if they want to see more from you? Phone/email? Message on Actors Access (lmao)? If they call you and you miss it, do they just move on to the next person on their list and never call you back? This is my nightmare scenario i would much prefer email tbh. Would like advice on what to look out for!

Actors Access stuck on processing? by ghostyears  •  last post Dec 7th

I know we're all having problems uploading to AA right now because of the AWS issues - are anyone else's videos stuck forever on processing? Can I submit a video that's uploaded but is still processing (ie. will it continue to process after submission)? Thanks :)

How do I create a demo reel without on film acting? by Micahxfranco  •  last post Dec 7th

Hello actors! I wanted to create a demo reel when I get headshots since I wanted to submit to agencies but I don’t have any on film acting. I’ve been doing theatre since my freshman year of high school (I’m 22 now) but none of them have been filmed except for a short snippet which is bad quality that I wouldn’t want in a demo reel. What should I do to be professional to great agencies other than having a good headshot? I am wanting to take an acting career seriously now and would love tips. What should I do for my demo reel ? I love the show Chucky the TV series so I wanted to submit to the casting agency that does that show as well as other ones I could find. Thank you!

How much do series regulars (non-leads) make on Netflix series? by lovetempests  •  last post Dec 7th

I’m UK based so it might be different over here. But I heard that Netflix pays a minimum of 3000 USD a week (!) for the smaller roles, and upwards of 20k for leads. I’m an actor but I’ve always been curious about salary and how that works on Netflix, as I’ve done mostly theatre.

Teleprompter or... by ActivelyLostInTarget  •  last post Dec 7th

I am considering a teleprompter for my callbacks (commercial actor). Can anyone offer thoughts on what they recommend using? I would want something sturdy yet affordable that can read from 10' or so away- my vision isn't the best. I get callbacks often enough to justify it, and self tape with a phone/ring light set up. The amount of dialogue requested is starting to increase and I would love to be able to hop in and tape quickly without memorizing the finer points of humidity thresholds for poorly sealed windows. I use a teleprompter on shoots often enough to feel confident in my fluidity. I am eying a glide gear tmp 100.

Journalist looking to speak with actors and their experiences navigating early career in NYC. Currently focused on casting director workshops: scams, triumphs, financial burdens, etc by WritingShoe  •  last post Dec 7th

I am a journalist based in NYC and am writing extensively about the experiences of early-career actors as well as the industry that supports as well as profits from them. I'm excited to connect! Hoping to hear from different perspectives and new voices and tell your story. I'm not just parachuting in - full transparency here! I moved to NYC in my early twenties to pursue acting, so I am familiar with the hustle and heart it takes. Actors have my admiration. I am new to reddit (figuring it out still) and so wish I had this resource when I was starting out! I am happy to help where I can. Thanks for letting me be a part of your community. My current reporting is focused on casting director workshops. Do you have an experience you want to share? Have you experienced financial burdens because attending CD workshops or related coaching? Did you get a big break through a paid meeting? Felt scammed? Felt transformed? Please DM me!

How do residuals work? (ACTRA) by onethatgotaway_  •  last post Dec 7th

It’s hard to find simple information regarding fees and how it all works. If anyone knows of a guide that explains it in “actor language” that would be great to know lol I worked on a movie (principal role) that released last year. I got a cheque for it this year and it replayed on a different TV network for the first time yesterday. Will I be getting another cheque? If so, based on your experience will it be significantly less than the cheque before or is it the same?

9 to 5 vs freelance/gigging by whatadragXX  •  last post Dec 7th

I’m a new actor in LA. At the moment, I’m working various “side hustle” jobs (random freelance entertainment gigs, substitute teaching, etc). My question is, is it generally considered a good idea to be on the search for a more full time position while I’m new and starting out until I pick up more work, since self tapes are the common audition practice anyway? Or, is it smarter to keep my current arrangements for the flexibility they provide? Thanks!

Anyone else having trouble uploading auditions to Actor's Access? by ChiIntl  •  last post Dec 7th

I can't figure out if it's my computer/video that has an issue or if it's the site. My audition clip has no issue uploading, but I get an error message when it tries to encode it at the end. I know the log in page has a small alert warning about AWS (Amazon Web Services) currently experiencing issues, I wonder if that's what may be causing this. I've tried to upload another random video, but it has the same issue. An error at encoding. I figured it may help to know if anyone else is having this issue.

ActorsAccess submission uploader down? by VoiceOverAndMocapGuy  •  last post Dec 7th

Is anyone else having trouble uploading via ActorsAccess? I do see they have a nationwide alert on their main page with technical problems regarding AWS. Did anyone else have problems uploading today?

Going to be starting an Informational Youtube Channel "About Acting". by banananuttttt  •  last post Dec 7th

Similar to Audrey helps Actors, but in video form, I'm a visual learner so I prefer this style. I'm an actor in los angeles and although I am not a "name". I've been several co-stars, guest starts, commercials, and a lead in an indie feature. I finally feel that I have some sort of 'voice' when it comes to my experience and journey in this town. Topic ideas include: * What you should know before you move to L.A / New York * Common misconceptions for newbies in the industry * how much it costs to be an actor * inconvenient truths * actor red flags and things to watch out for * everyones path is different / there are no rules * what is SAG, should you join? * are influencers going to take actors jobs? Curious if you would find this to be helpful? It would be standing / vlog style with graphs, numbers, and digestable information.

Thoughts on MFA programs? by monkeypenguin47  •  last post Dec 6th

I'm looking to further my training and learn more while getting a chance to continue to act but my question is are they ultimately beneficial to your career? Like I'm sure they help hone your skills and make you a better actor (which is what I'm looking for) but beyond that I'm just wondering if it's not a good financial decision or if it really helps your career as an actor. I've gotten plenty of roles without a masters in acting, just through my resume and past training. I feel a bit conflicted about it and any thoughts would be appreciated