Hey! I would really like to move to USA and become an actor. That has always been my dream. But my question is how difficult is it for a Norwegian to move to USA? Would it be difficult to move there? And can i do acting in USA even tough i dont come from there? I know its expensive
Hello! So I am in the process of applying for apartments, and one of the documents needed is a *"Letter of employment stating salary, position and length of employment (If self-employed, a* *letter from your certified public accountant)"* I am currently making a living wage off of my acting jobs. I'm currently working on a film that will provide a generous cushion for the next few months. I don't know what my next acting gig will be after this, (who's to say if I'll book again in two weeks or 8 months) so I'm just not sure what to provide in terms of proof of employment. I have bank statements and the like to prove I can afford the places I'm applying to, but just trying to find the best way to describe the line of work I'm in, and show that it's actually my career and not just a side hustle. I can get a 'letter of employment' from this movie, but work on this stops at the end of the month. I have an accountant that does my taxes, but I'm not quite sure what I'd ask from him to help supplement my application. Never done this before! Last time I was applying for apartments a few years ago, my financial and acting situation was incredibly different. Thank you so much :)
I have done a lot of nudity and intimate scenes for TV and films, including many roles as a sex worker, and posed nude as a model. (Not porn) I have never been ashamed of that and don’t think anyone should be because I haven’t hurt anyone - unlike the stigma that is hurting me. I didn’t mind being type casted when it made me work, but now, I am not called in for these roles anymore. I am trying to go for other types of roles but am afraid I will face discrimination because I have done those types of roles before. This has already happened to me when I was cast as an UNRECOGNIZABLE EXTRA in a SEXUAL HEALTH commercial and they wanted to fire me because I had PLAYED sex workers on screen (and both of my union agreed that it was discrimination and were willing to fight for me). I want to keep acting but I am wondering what I should do to avoid slut-shaming and discrimination. Here’s what I have been thinking about. A) Apply on anything I want hoping that people won’t judge me and ask my union for help if I am facing discrimination again. B) Focus on roles for which my past doesn’t matter, probably for roles requiring nudity or intimate scenes or maybe smaller roles for which I am unrecognizable (which I don’t mind about as long as I’m working). C) Focus on voice acting/voice over since they can’t recognize me from my voice. Or also working as a host/actor in person is often better because we are not seen by as many people as we do on camera. D) Be proud of my decisions and stand up for the cause so things will change and people won’t be slut-shamed anymore (I already volunteer in an organization that helps sex workers and could maybe be more open about it in the media) E) Any other idea? I am not looking for more slut-shaming or « you deserve it » comments. Hating a woman for her sexuality is totally sexist, the industry needs to change and I am asking for help now, not judgemental comments.
I have taking a years break from acting to focus on what other interests and the studies I have so I don't just have one interest. In that year I've figured out I am very interested in politics and become politically active in a party in Denmark. I have considered running for Parliament or something of the like in one of the coming years. The thing Is in Denmark we have positions that are only part-time I already have gotten myself quite a high ranking position in the party. I still love acting and want to pursue it. I have already gotten quite long in acting with extra work. So should I solely pursue my political career and leave acting behind or is it still possible to balance things?
Thank you for your comments!
Hi everyone, I’m getting started as an editor after spending the last year or so learning the ropes. I hope this post doesn't go against any rules or anything here, but I’ve been looking to start cutting actor’s reels and came across a post recently where a new editor was offering to cut some for free. Essentially I want to offer the same thing - a free reel for any of you that might be looking for a new one. I think the editor in question said they were happily surprised with the number of responses so hopefully that means I’m not treading on any toes and taking potential work from them, but also that there’s still possible interest out there.
I am working on a YouTube video that will be a rocket league anime parody. The script is already written, but it is currently being translated into Japanese. I will translate it back into a readable format to speak and act on. No rocket league experience is needed because we can have body actors too. Certain characters will return in future episodes, so I cast you as a main member you can expect another job in the future. I personally will also be voice acting and directing. You will also be credited in the video after it is made. I'm not sure what the industry standard is for amateur voice actors, but I believe $50-100 is fair. This is an important project for me and means a lot to me. Prices are negotiable, and it is only one episode currently so not too many lines especially depending on your character. Please just uovote, comment and or DM me and we can start discussing it!
I have a friend who likes me more than a friend, he’s accepted that we will never be more though. But he has trouble accepting me possibly having romantic scenes. I have explained to him that it’s fine and there’s nothing to be upset about. But he keeps asking me to ‘ask the director’ if I could do something differently if I ever had to kiss another actor. I told him I didn’t want to do that because I didn’t want to ruin my future as actor by asking to change the script for the comfort of somebody else. It feels like I have to choose acting or my friendship with him at this point and it’s starting to stress me out…has anyone else had to deal with somebody like this?
Hello everybody :) I fancy myself to be a decent actor, knowing full well my limitations and what I need to work on. Right now, I feel like my biggest weakness is expression. I can say the words how I want them to come off, move in a way that adds to my character, but my face seems paralyzed. I’m not very good with the nuances of human faces (social difficulties lol) so I know the /why/. What I can’t figure out is /how/ to fix it. Other than hamming it up, I’m a little lost. I could go the route of overacting everything like I’m doing theatre, but it’s harder to stay grounded that way. If you look closely, you’ll see my emotions come out, but it’s not enough for the layman to notice. I’ve gotten some wonderful tips from the actors in this sub, so does anyone have any for this? Thanks y’all
I’m working towards being a professional actor, but I really really want a tongue piercing. What do you guys think? Is the ball in my court or should I not get it?
I am an NYC resident who wants to start a youtube channel for *something*. What's that something? Not entirely sure. All I know is I have some experience behind the camera, and I need some people who *want* experience in front of the camera, and then some! So if you're interested in starting something, do not(!) hesitate to PM me! Lets do something great. Look forward to making some new friends (: (I will likely not respond to comments).
I know lovely people who have used the word to describe what actors do, but I hate it. I want you to hate it too so it will go into disuse.
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hey guys iam an international aspiring actor who wants to get into a acting school in the us and pursue acting as a career. so can you tell me what skills should I need to get into an acting school and what skills should I have that would make make me stand out in auditions like gymnastics or stuff like that
Hello everyone, hope you're having a nice day. I'm a 16 year old who wants to be an actor in the US. But it's impossible for me to be an actor there as I live in Turkey and don't know anybody there. So, I've come to the conclusion of being an actor here first so I could gain some recognition and maybe get an agent in the US. I'll move to Istanbul as it's where the film industry is. I'm sure it's going to be hard as hell but this is what I want to do with my life. Wish me luck!!
Hello everyone, The desire to act has always been within me (by always I mean since a few years) but it is also terrifying me, especially that I know practically nothing about this world except from what I hear in interviews and read on internet. And living in a third world country makes it at the same time extremely complicated and promising And I have been thinking about joining a theatre club or a drama school, but whenever I see their work it's absurdist theatre(idk if that's what it's called but you got me, masks and screaming and hidden/obvious messages and cryptic lines... ) and it's not exactly my kind of acting So the question is: As a not-even-considered-beginner yet actor should I be ready to do all kinds and genres of acting, even those I don't understand/feel comfortable with? Sorry for the long text
Hello, guys! I am an amateur actor who enjoys doing theatre/improv for fun, but I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I have a character that I want to depict who is a total sweetheart, but dumb as a bag of rocks. I want to play her in a comedic way, but I have no clue how to approach making an unintelligent character funny. I've tried before, but it is so much harder than it looks. If y'all have any tips or anything I would really appreciate it.
Would Drama School be considered a "waste of time" if you already have an agent? I was fortunate enough to land an agent at a young age, which meant that I could get away with having a smaller resume than the standard. My resume only consisted of studio classes, and I am still regularly taking them. But, despite that and the auditions/roles that I have been getting, I still feel like my training isn't good enough because I didn't obtain it formally. I don't know if that is imposter syndrome or not. Even though plenty of actors hone their craft through independent studios and coaches (myself included), I still feel like formally trained actors get prioritised because the industry is old-school. At least, in the long run, after you age out of teen "CW type" roles. Is that true? So, I'm considering going to college and getting a BFA. But I don't know if it would be worth it, considering I am already at the stage of auditioning professionally? I have heard people say that a BFA isn't necessary unless it's coming from one of the top (acting) schools. I feel like most people go to Drama School for the contacts that the teachers give them. It would definitely take up a lot of time in my life, and it might even annoy my agent. Would it? Could my agent drop me because I am taking steps back? Considering most actors go to Drama School and then find an agent, not the other way around. Should I just be grateful for the position that I am in, and keep working on my auditions? Or should I go to Drama School when it might hinder the momentum I have? Has anyone ever landed an agent and then went to Drama School for 2/3 years?
If there’s already been something like this made then I apologize and I’d gladly take a link to it and take this down I’m just trying to find some examples to learn from so if you have any clips you love of actors doing a particular thing amazingly or just nailing a scene. Doesn’t matter what genre or who it is like I said I figured this would be beneficial for educational purposes feel free to link what you like below