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Question about the percantages by MisterJose  •  last post Jul 22nd

They talk about how few actors 'make it', and I often wonder what is really implied in that statement. Of all people who decide to pursue acting seriously, what do you think the percentages are that... Become giant millionaire stars? Genuinely 'make it' big time, as in they're someone who is a known commodity in many roles you've seen and has a great career to be proud of? 'Make it' in the sense that they manage to make a living and pay their bills acting, and maybe you've seen them in a thing or two? Find a niche in Holloywood that wasn't their dream (voice over, writing, production, etc), but was a path of lesser resistance than superstardom, and they have a career out of it? Try and try and try, but never land any kind of break whatsoever, and wind up going back to their home town, or working their service industry day job until they retire? Edit: I know I spelled percentages wrong in the title.

What percentage of attempted voice actors do you think wind up making a living at it? by MisterJose  •  last post Jul 22nd

Title says it. Of all the people who decide to give a try to becoming a voice actor as their career, what percentage do you think ultimately find a stable job out of it?

HIRING 2 by Young-Blood14  •  last post Jul 22nd

Another hiring actors inquiry. A different Netflix show which will be recorded in America but your location does not matter we need a diverse cast and travel expenses will be paid for. It is a teen show so the main characters will need to be aged 16-20 however some characters have younger sibling and parents if you want to act as them. Reply if you are interested with your strengths and weaknesses in Acting or just give me a DM

HIRING by Young-Blood14  •  last post Jul 22nd

Hiring actors for a Netflix TV Show. Official Statement will be coming out soon but I have a big job and want to start early. I need teens and adults. The show will be around Football/Soccer but you don't have to play the sport to take part. Reply if you are interested with some strengths and weaknesses you have in acting.

In My Area by WatcherLL  •  last post Jul 22nd

I recently moved to a completely new area. Does anyone know a good way to connect with actors and theatre people in my area? I'm auditioning and trying to get involved with theatre but haven't met anyone new. Any suggestions?

Do I have to work at restaurant/bars to have a stable income whilst going for auditions? by theysquawk  •  last post Jul 22nd

Whenever I look up on how actors today are providing for themselves while doing auditions/seeking gigs, I see how they’re always hosting at normal/fast food restaurants, bartending, and doing like 2-3 jobs. Please don’t get me wrong, I absolutely admire those people who do. I’m just wondering if that’s a true necessity or they’re doing it because that’s the only other type of job they’re able to get. Right now I am working a managerial role (I’m taking acting classes now but plan on focusing on it fully from 2024), so in a year I will be making double I’m making now. To give an idea, I’m making just enough to pay rent for a 1 room apartment and also save about 30% of my income. I would like to know if I’d have to leave my job. The timings are pretty flexible, just gotta clock in 6 hours a day anytime. I can still allocate the timings once I start going to auditions. Or is it like, when I go to auditions, it’ll be too much to have a full time job on a contract basis? Please help.

Complete beginner with a dream by throwawayjobseeker7  •  last post Jul 22nd

Hey everyone. So I am 24 but growing up I’ve always enjoyed animation and video games. I was always the type of person who would point out a voice actor whenever I heard them in something new. So much so that whenever I went to some place like comic con my siblings would always joke about how I would be the one to point out voice actors cuz I know what they look like and would be more excited to see them than like A list celebrities. I would even joke around and try to imitate characters like Roz from Monsters Inc. or the chocolate loving old fish from spongebob. It’s enjoyable and it’s something I’ve thought about for a while. Just the thought of being part of something and hearing my voice as a character makes me want to try. I’ve started reading Dee Bradley Baker’s iwanttobeavoiceactor site and it’s so good. But I want to know more and hear from other people’s experiences! Some of my favorite voice actors include Tara Strong, Grey Griffin, Joe Zieja, Cree Summer, Kevin Michael Richardson, Phil Lamarr, Maurice Lamarche, EG Daily, Carlos Alazraqui, Mark Hamill, Adam West, Billy West, and so many more. Sometimes I think that voice actors don’t get enough credit for the fact that they are the ones who make childhoods. And it’s not even just children. Shows like Family Guy and Simpsons are iconic for their more adult audiences. This is all just tv and film, but voice over work is pretty much everywhere. So yeah, not that I’m trying to like prove that I am interested or something, but it really is a passion and I’ve even said out loud to my family that voice acting just sounds like so much fun. When I was in HS, in my last year I moved to a new school and wanted to audition for a play, but after talking to a friend who was into acting who told me it was like group auditions or whatever, I sorta chickened out. Then in community college, I took a theatre arts course and we had to go to my professor’s production of hairspray which was so exciting. Personally, I had a reference point having seen the film with John Travolta so I think that contributed to my enjoyment; being able to see a play come to life with so much dedication to be as great as the film with major actors was incredible. Then in my last year as an undergrad I took on a minor in television and film arts and just loved this screenwriting course that taught me the skeleton of screenplays and even wrote my own treatment for it. I sadly couldn’t finish the minor due to not being able to get to the campus for the courses myself. But yeah, I haven’t said too much to my family but I’ve definitely developed a love and interest for all of this. The reason why I want to voice act is because it is what I grew up with and I want to be a part of the future of animation that future generations will grow up loving. The other reason is that I sorta want to learn to love my voice. This might sound very weird but my voice is one of my least favorite things about myself. It’s something I’ve been made fun of growing up so I want to learn to love it and use it well. So yeah, anyone have any advice on how to really start? I don’t have any like professional equipment so I guess this will sorta start as a huge hobby of mine until I can invest in this, because I see it as an investment. Thank you all and have a great day/rest of your day!

Possibly cast without an audition? Should I be hesitant? by DancHunt8  •  last post Jul 22nd

Got a call and email and script from my agent today that a producer reached out to her and is interested in casting me for his 3 million dollar movie as a major supporting character in it. I have a conference call with my agent and the producers tomorrow. I read the script and it’s not bad but it’s not great, and it seems legit (they have a production company and financing company attached names Buffalo 8 and Bondit Media) but I’m skeptical for some reason. Should I be hesitant? Or is this not unheard of? I’m not a known actor by any means and have struggled to get work the past two years. I dance as well and can speak Italian and can pole dance, and they specifically need a girl my type who can do all of those things. I do fit the character perfectly but I haven’t even auditioned for it?

Resume is so empty! by Geeka_Zoid  •  last post Jul 21st

So I have an audition at a dinner theater in a few days and though they say all levels of experience welcome they still want a resume brought in. Problem is I've never acted in anything other than a professional haunted house and I've been told by other aspiring actors that it doesn't count. I already added the improv training from the company down but there's literally nothing else besides my name, #, and physical traits. Is being able to work with horror elements (or just not easily squeamish) something I can add? At this particular moment I have no note worthy skills to mention.

Actor's Equity Association will open up membership to anyone who's worked in theatre tomorrow. by futurebro  •  last post Jul 21st

Source: []( Crazy! Anyone wanna contribute to the Pro/Con list im making about joining? I'm an unrepped actor in NYC with 5 EMC points. I'm thinking of joining!

Thought this was cool for all us auditioning actors! by CaliforniaStoked  •  last post Jul 21st

British uk accent women only movie trailer type by poppunklives  •  last post Jul 21st

Hello! I’m assisting an artist on an album, the artist wants a uk voice over actress (near london accent) for a movie trailer type script very short, simple, and fun, it’s for a rock album 18-33 actresses Let’s discuss pricing willing to work with you,

I am directing a short film and by Electrical_Ad_7194  •  last post Jul 21st

>!i could use some actors to play DnD players. DnD is code for dunegons and Dragons. !< :D is anyone wants to come to East Orange Friday or Saturday and read a few lines and be on camera please let me know. :D It's unpaid. will submit to festivals. and can send actors footage. raws or complete, whichever ... :D My names' Gerhard Patterson and I can send u previous work if requested or feel free to look me up. As far as the scene it's an opening scene to introduce a main character but I just need "extras" although they'll be speaking. ROB. TIM. MARIA. These are the characters DnD friends.

Symptoms of a Narcissist Actor by CuspChaser111  •  last post Jul 21st

**Been researching this for a bit, and many articles say all performers are narcissists, but I don't believe that's true.** I really can't see someone like Laura Linney, John C. Reilly, Molly Shannon, or Calista Flockhart being a raging narc - at least they don't strike me that way. After coming off (yet) and other set with a terrible narcissist yet some amazing other actors, I've been a series reg, a guest star, in plays, a co-star, here are the signs I'd say to watch out for: 1. **Will only talk to/fawn over those much higher up/more clout than they are/have and then give you the silent treatment.** I totally understand the importance of getting a producer or director to like you, that's business, but snapping at and shutting down around a day player/co-star for no reason is also a telltale sign. If you have 13.1M IG followers they'll be your bestie. 1310 not so much. 2. **Shutting down a 'lesser' - around a day player/co-star - the opposite also holds true.** You can be nice and then if you're SO inconvenienced by them attempting to say, "Nice weather" to you - you can say you need coffee - or hell just politely smile - and retreat cushy trailer 3. **Over-exaggerating your abilities, looks, connections, houses, bookings.** If you are on set talking about how many parties you attend very loudly or how you won such-and-such for the millionth time, we get it. Oddly enough the Meisner classes pay off - a well-trained actor almost has a 6th sense when it comes to this, we know you're over-compensating. 4. **After talking about many 'said' connections, throwing a fit if they hear others were hanging out without them.** The narc will suddenly get very quiet and exceptionally sulky for 'no reason' and act like a child with an occasional 'meh' shoulder shrug. They love it when people crowd around them asking, "What's wrong? Awwww....." A grandiose will have a massive fit. A covert will go lock themselves in their trailer or just go sit by themselves until everyone is comforting them. 5. **Will have no problem helping themselves but rarely tries to help others.** If they DO help another, they will hold it over their head til the day that person dies. Or that actor's starmeter hits 312,212. 6. **Will pull manipulative/Machiavelli-type moves like complimenting everyone else around you on set in a very over-the-top way and then breezing right past you without a word to make sure you feel bad.** All narcs love manipulative moves and backhanded compliments. This is true for acting very much so. "Oh that's your costume? It. . . looked so cute in wardrobe. (Pretends to be concerned for you.) Maybe it's the lighting." Or: You look tired today. 7. **Mocking others behind their back.** A day-player came up to us confused on set (totally ok! I've been there) and the narcissist says something exceptionally rude about them right after they leave. This is also a great sign not to trust the narc. 8. **Envy. Sabotaging you if someone else compliments you.** This happened as well. The narc went out of their way to mess up my close-ups because one of the stars had come by and complimented me on day one. For the rest of the shoot, the narc sucked up to the star so much that the star (unfortunately) became enamored with them. My mantra is, earn your compliments. People will notice you from there. 9. **Fake Empathy.** Again, the nice thing about our training is that we can tell if someone is being surface-level or fake. I told this narc a story about a relative that was sick (true) and you could see how fake their empathy-level was. It looked like they were trying to 'act' the part of caring. Another huge red flag. 10. **A History of Bad Breakups.** Everyone encounters breakups and divorces, and those are awful, but I find a narc will have a history of overly-dramatic breakups and friendship endings, etc. They won't crack jokes and go into a dramatic production about their latest relationship ending unless they are craving some kind of attention from it. A person that is really classy and NOT a narc won't publicly air their dirty laundry on set in-between takes and only talk bad about the other party. No matter what it always takes two to tango and narcs cannot own that. &#x200B; Your best bet, in my humble opinion as an actor, is to protect your energy and know what these red flags are - are there tons of narcs in the industry? Yes. But there are also really good, kind-hearted actors too and those are the ones I choose to be friends with. When you meet a narc, don't tell them too much about your super-personal life. Otherwise they will use it against you.

what are some daily practice you do as an actor by Ill-Measurement-4966  •  last post Jul 21st

360 type of contract deals in acting ? by Royal-Ad-3535  •  last post Jul 21st

**I am just a TV/Film actor only, I do not ever want to be a singer. but I found a type of contract that I thought to be a bit scary/risky that is offered to singers, and I wanted to know if any such contract exist for TV/Film actors?** In the music industry there are 360 contract deals. *Below is an example of a 360 deal :* *Danny Goldberg, President of Gold Village Entertainment-- which represents artists -- is quick to say, "a 360 deal is not something that has a precise definition. But in general, what it means is usually a deal with a record company in which the record company also participates in the income of all of the other aspects of the artist's work, such as songwriting and merchandise, in addition to making money off the records."* *Below is my understanding of this deal:* *Basically anything you do (that has your name attached to it), they get a cut. ANYTHING YOU DO,lol (ex, Youtube profits )* &#x200B; **So, do any actors know of, or have come across, or even worse signed a deal/contract similar this ?**

Telling parents by jackeeboii  •  last post Jul 21st

Hey, so I’ve told my parents before about wanting to become an professional actor and my family knows but I think they think that it’s just one of those dream jobs that’ll go away soon ( like a 7 year old boy with a dream to be a famous footballer) but I don’t think it’ll go away soon. Can anyone help me ? 13 yr old from London btw and sorry for the long question that’s not really linked to the title

Has anyone been up for two roles at one time? by monkeymick71  •  last post Jul 21st

Hey everyone, I am writing this because I am in a very conflicted mind space. For the past month or so I’ve been rehearsing a small local theatre production and we open in 2 weeks. It appears to be that an opportunity has risen to work as one of the leads in a known director’s new independent film. My goal is to be a film/tv actor and this opportunity would both a bigger pay day and more networking opportunities. With the theatre show opening in 2 weeks, I feel conflicted whether to stick with my obligation or take a leap that would potentially get my name out there more. I know I need to make the final decision, but hearing from this wonderful community would be great :)

Good monologue resource? by wmegla  •  last post Jul 21st

Hey Reddit family! As we all hear (all the time), “Every actor needs to have a monologue in their pocket!” Well, I would love to update my pocket monologue but am having trouble finding material that I feel connected to. Does anyone here have a good monologue resource? As always, I appreciate the feedback!