I’ve always liked the idea but at the same time I feel like it’s not a thing. After the sets I’ve been on you dont really stay in touch with the other actors even though you been saying “we’re gonna hang out after this!”. Is it possible to have friends in the industry or is it just a friendly connection?
Ok I have always in my head divided up acting into 2 groups Actors and Entertainers each one being different and similar A.) Actors: are the people who stir powerful emotions in the audience can cause tears, immense laughter or anger examples of actors include Tom hanks, Daniel Day Lewis,Jeff bridges. B.) Entertainers: the people who usually provide you with the weekend entertainment they are the ones who headline the summer blockbuster ala Avengers or Jungle Cruise. They don’t stir emotions like the actors but instead keep you entertained via their charm and the movies special effects and writing. examples of Entertainers are The Rock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Will Smith, Vin Diesel Who to you is an actor and who is an entertainer? Which would you prefer to be and why?
I understand that these parties are meant for networking, catching up, promoting your work, etc... But god, I just can't do them anymore. It sucks me dry. I go in, I mingle, I meet interesting people, I get high, I drink, and then that question always comes up. Do I hang out and go someplace or do I just go home? The gang you're with wants to go over to an afterparty or someplace down in Venice or West Hollywood. You always spend more money than you want to when you go out. LA isn't cheap. Plus with all these covid regulations and whatnot, it's becoming a bit ridiculous. You have to be somewhat crazy to be an actor. The best thing sometimes is just being with your coach, working in the studio, doing exercises with other actors, attending film premieres and theatre shows with your fellow actors. These industry events and the people in them are just making me sick. I like them to an extent but sometimes the crowd there can push me down a path I dont want to go. I loved them at first but now, I'm just very apathetic and would rather focus on maybe doing an independent film or something. What are your thoughts?
I’m an aspiring actor and I am planning on moving to California for acting. The studios that have me within their talent base are located in Burbank and I want to be close by. I live in New York so I know absolutely nothing about California. In regards to an ideal location obviously it needs to be affordable. I’m pretty broke. I wouldn’t mind living in a small town but as long as I have access to Burbank through train or bus that is if i don't bring a car. Again sorry if I sound naive but I’m just a little stressed and nervous. Also I would like to be somewhere where crime rate is low. I don’t mind something small. It’s just me heading out there. I also don’t mind a roommate but prefer to live on my own. I’m hoping that there will be utilities included.
Hello, Reddit! I´d like to start by saying that I'm scared shitless posting here, because I feel like no matter how I write this, the reaction will be an eye-roll and a "Oh god, another one of those who just wants to get to the fun part and not do the work". I'm scared because I already feel that the whole idea of me one day becoming a voice actor is, at best, a dream, and at worst, soon to be an *abandoned* dream. I've always enjoyed performing, and I've always liked to use my voice in different ways to tell stories and the like. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to take acting classes or anything, and as of this weekend I'm thirty years old and have yet to make a single *actual* effort to pursue my dream. Once in a while I'll google around, start reading blogs and websites from people in the industry on how to get started and what is required of you. I might start a project, record some stuff, have fun, but I always end up feeling bummed out, just sitting alone in front of my computer, feeling like there is no way to know how to progress. I especially feel that way when proffessional voice actors write about how you need to be an entrepeneur, you need to run a company, you need to elbow your way into auditions and just keep at it at a, what it seems to me at least, inhuman capacity. I'm not an entrepeneur, I don't think I could run a company, but I'm not afraid to work hard. I just find it very hard to work hard without proper direction. I feel like I need a *creative partner*, or a mentor, or frankly, a BOSS, giving me assignments. What I'm saying is, I lack self-dicipline. So, I'm writing to explain this hole I keep falling in, to see if any of you fine folks in here has anything to say about it, if you recognise it, and if you do, what it was that got you to finally get going (and not stop again). I feel like the tiniest carrot on a stick could give me the biggest boost. It's not like I need to get booked to feel like this is worth it, because I love using my voice, but I feel like I need some kind of direction. Whenever I'm at work (I drive trains, so I'm alone in the cabin), or when I'm home alone, I'll just sit around improvising voices and scenes. I'll practice accents (I'm swedish, but I really enjoy speaking english, so I practice both swedish and english ones), try to discover new voices and sounds I can make. I have made a lot of actual practice on my voice, it's the part where I need to *use* it that feels so insanely difficult to get around to, especially on my own. I think I've managed to get my point across, and I shall do my best to prevent this from becoming a wall of text, but a quick summary: I need your advice on HOW to "Just do it", as so many creatives say that you need to do. I don't know *what* to "Just do", and I could really use a story or two from someone who recognise this kind of struggle to get started with Voice Acting (or any creative thing for that matter), and how they did it. If anyone is remotely interested in my latest try at the VA-thing, I've started a website ([link](https://havoicie.wordpress.com/)) where I try to collect the things I have done to create some kind of a portfolio (there are things in both swedish and english). Any constructive criticism is of course welcome, in addition to general tips on how to get my butt in the booth (which for the moment is my Rode NT-USB on my desk. I have plans to get better stuff!), and what I can actually do there. I hope I didn't bore you to death with this post, and I am thankful for any response I can get!
Hi Acting Community! I know there is a UK acting Reddit; but there is a fraction of active members compared to this main one; so thought my question would be better placed here! So obviously i have read the FAQs about ‘trying to find an Agent etc’ but i’m looking for more specific help. I’m a fairly new, inexperienced actor that has so far only done shorts/student films; but enough that i have a reel and headshots. I feel the next progression for me is to reach out to agents, but i know right now in my career i’m not going to sign with a huge agency, so i’m looking for a smaller setup - but that’s the question? How do i find out how ‘big’ an agency is? Like obviously when i research actors i can find their agents pretty easily, but these are all huge stars that i’m not in the same league as currently. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Howdy r/VoiceActing, hope this is within sub guidelines. So there's a specific subgenre of hardcore techno known as gabber, which is dominated by a couple of Dutch producers who both produce records and put on festivals. In the last couple of years, there has been a trend toward having what appears to be the same American voice actor with a "dramatic movie trailer" voice provide clips of often semi-incoherent/grammatical English that get mixed into the songs or used to "MC" the mixes. Here's one typical example on SoundCloud: "[A female warrior, an advanced soldier, will face true glory. Bowed by the epic sounds of hardcore, they will attack](https://soundcloud.com/djrestylemusic/korsakoff-re-style-masters-of-hardcore-2016)*".* r/gabber wasn't able to figure out who it is. Any ideas?
I auditioned for a role at the beginning of the year and they asked me about my social media at the audition. I now understand why it was important to them. I just found out that one of the most famous influencer in my city got the role and she is not even an actor, just popular on social media. I don’t mind not having the role when someone was simply better at the audition. But I’m disappointed to see that followers mattered more to them than training and experience. Is this really what auditions will be about? Who has the most followers?
Hello all! I’m in Southern California and looking to work for free to build a resume. Any aspiring filmmakers, let me know… let’s connect. Thank you in advance
Hello I'm 21 years old male and tbh ever since birth I have always wanted to be a Voice actor, Like it was always in the back of my mind and never escaped actually. every now and then Imma be like "I wanna do voice acting sooo baaaddd" like Twice a week for the past 4 years, But my problem is I have an ugly voice and I'm a very quite person, every single time I want those Impression videos I just feel Bad that I can't bend my voice in my different ways, my Voice is just typical 21 year guy.... But uglier. and another thing I heard is to Move to Los Angeles Because Its the hub of Acting and artistry and the problem is, I'm Not from America and I'm not willing to move there Either if anything I heard so many Horrible stories about LA and how awful it is, and 2020 and early 2021 was enough to convince me that America is truly isn't for me and the political structure isn't really for me lol. idk you guys I feel so many odds stacked up against me and it always Pushed me back from ever trying, However, can I truly Make it in someway? can I truly Practice and train my ugly voice?
Following my post saying that an influencer (non actor) got the role I auditioned for and that I was asked about my social media during my audition, most people said that it was normal to prefer famous people and that social media actually is important for an actor. So I guess, I should work on becoming « famous » too. I am not doing this to be liked by everyone, sign autographs or get attention, etc. But if being « famous » is important to get work as an actor, I guess I should work on this. But my question is now: HOW? I have a couple of ideas and I was wondering what you think about it: -Be known for my acting/hosting gigs only. -Be more active on Instagram and TikTok. -Use my influence on Facebook to get even more popular (is this even worth anything anymore?) -Start a YouTube Channel. -Participate in reality TV. -Get known for my work as a writer. -Start a podcast. -Support an organization and talk about them in the media. -Any other idea? By the way, I have been training to be an actor for more than ten years and have been working professionally for seven years. But even then, some people think that being well-known is more important than skills so I guess that’s what I am missing to bring my career to the next level.
Hello, I’ve gotten my headshots done recently and I love them, I have a great commercial one and a great theatrical one, but I also have [this](https://imgur.com/a/IQzFVo9) third one I want to upload to actors access. As you’ll see in the link, it’s a more “quirky” (for lack of better words) headshot and I like it. My question is, on actors access they make you categorize the picture as commercial, theatrical, or other, which do I choose? It seems trivial, I know, but it confused me. Minor follow up question, do you need to put a slateshot on each headshot on your account? Or just one that you submit most often? Also confusing me. Thanks in advance!
I have a friend of mine who booked a project and is pretty excited. My friend has been working in the industry for a little while now and she had ups and downs but shes finally landed something substantial and I am super proud of her. She however has been a bit stressed lately. Not to go into too much detail, but close to 15 years ago, an article came out about her when she was 18 about her saying some racist jokes and using the N word. She apologized at the time, (that what was the article was about) and it sort of never was too much of an issue after from what I understand. I met her briefly after that happened and I've never seen her do anything remotely closely to that, but that really doesn't mean anything. Im obviously bias as her friend. She's been stressed because she feels like ppl will find out about her on this movie and they're going to either fire her or outcast her during production. I've tried to tell her that I don't think most ppl will care, and I jokingly told her shes not that important, but I do understand her worry, and I honestly feel a little bad. I remember we went to a comedy show one time and this guy made a pretty not so PC joke and I saw her laugh for a second and then get really uncomfortable, like she was punishing herself for laughing. I would love some opinions from other actors on what would you do if you knew someone in your cast had a controversy a long time ago. Would you treat them different? I'll be honest, I'm only going to show her the comments if I think they will relieve her stress a bit. But I'd love to hear opinions and have a conversation. Sorry if this post isnt exactly on topic for an acting subreddit. I appreciate your time.
Hello! I am not an actor, but was contacted out of the blue to potentially participate in an ad for a well known client by [https://dscastingcompany.com](https://dscastingcompany.com/). Their website seems very legitimate and I'll be talking with a casting director soon, but I am concerned this might end up being a scam, especially since I am not an actor and have zero knowledge of the ins and outs of the business. The ad is focused on creative process and I am an artist, and they seem to have found me through my artist website. Has anyone here heard of them and know if they are legitimate? Is real people casting/documentary casting a real thing? Would love some help! Thanks :)
Hey everyone, I’m a new Voice actor! I have an assosiates (working for my bachlors) in world languages and cultures (getting bachelors in World languages in linguistics). Due to this major I specialize in accents (Mostly from Europe and Asia). I also have 2 Voice acting teachers both of wich are small youtubers! I really wanna put my names on some projects with a stage name! I was raised by my Mostly Ukrainian (with some Japanese and Russian heritage) Grandma, and In honnor of my ancestors culture I wanna do a Japanese-Slavic sort of name, Since I’m pretty mixed culturally (all 4 or my grandparents being from different cultures mostly from europe) and being rased in america I have a pretty run of the mill name. So I kinda want a different stage name to set me apart lol
I recently became interested in acting, but can't imagine myself playing a happy/expressive character or anything much different from my own personality. I'm that guy who holds a beer at a party and feels uncomfortable while everyone else is dancing and having fun. Not that i can't have fun, but there are somethings that are not for me, you know? Well, i just wanna know if i can be an actor in spite of my personality.
Looking in the mirror I don’t find the asymmetry very noticeable, but in pictures and videos I do. Is it still possible to have success with an asymmetrical face? Thanks
I noticed most people submit to both union and non union projects. I was under the impression if you're union eligible, then go ahead and submit for the union projects. But if you're not even union eligible, shouldn't you only be submitting to non union projects? Clarification on this would be appreciated.
I want to be an actor, but my parents have full time jobs, and they don’t want to risk their jobs just to help me out. I am soon to be 15 and once i’m 16 is it okay for me to go to auditions and headshot appointments and meetings by myself. Another thing is, i know auditions and appointments could be online. Is it okay if I can do mine online? The point is… do you guys of reddit think it is possible for me to be an actor with full time working parents who only have saturday and sundays off? (Also, to mention I live in a small city where the nearest “big” town is Lubbock which is 2 hours away.)