hey again! what websites are considered the best to find voice acting jobs on? i'm not looking for websites where i have to pay a membership, and i tried covoco but it's really not good imo, so is there any other place? \^\^ any help appreciated :) ​ i've seen that there's people searching for voice actors on here, but none of them are looking for ppl like me so far :)
Disclaimer: I have no prior experience making short films. This is completely experimental and mostly for fun. Looking for an actor who can do a very good French accent (or is a native French speaker), is between 18 - 32, is athletic or slim, and is clean shaven. If you're interested, I can send you the script for the scene and you can try recording yourself acting it out, in a virtual audition. If you'd like to do a live video call with both of us on camera, that's also possible, as well.
Hi all!! I’m very new to all this; so new that I’ve never actually acted before, not been to acting school, not had any form of drama school experience or anything. All I know is I see plenty of actors on screen and think to myself “what a job”. Portraying someone else and bringing characters to life seems like a very rewarding career and something I’ve always toyed with. I’ve recently signed up to Casting Collective and Mad Dog 2020 here in the uk who are agencies for extras/supporting artists to give me an idea of how a set works, what to expect, if I could enjoy the experience etc etc. I guess I have a few part question for the community off the back of this information: - am I starting in the right place? - am I too old to just get into this? (37) - do I need the experience of drama school or acting classes? On a final note, I have seen the website Starnow which looks like an ideal platform to start but does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you so much for taking the time to read my questions/post.
Willis and Ford are both known for being a bit disinterested over the last few decades. So you think they'd ever go meta? Do something really weird and give them a renewed voice? If this is an FAQ, I apologise. I don't think I have some great original idea, I'm really just curious what it would look like putting these two together in some kind of meta way.
reply with your instagram and i’ll add you to a group chat and we can all chat.
Hello! I am an actor . I currently live in Madrid , Spain. I am originally from Canada with Latinamerican roots . I should also add I am black. There are a lot of international movies, TV shows shot in Spain. Its been exciting to see it grow more and more. In 2017 I went from theatre to solely focusing on film and TV. I basically had to start from scratch but I am trying to be positive. Its true that Spain is not a diverse country when it comes to actors you see on TV. Most of them tend to be white. I have gotten a few roles . I got an agent in 2018 and we have been finding good auditions for mayor TV and movies. However I have been paying attention to entertainment news and everytime I hear something is being shot in my city and I haven’t even been called to audition it breaks my heart. Even more frustrating when its an American or British TV show . Most recently I was watching a Tv show on prime “Soulmates” and they shot it in my city with plenty of Hollywood actors and Spanish actors. I didn’t even hear of the audition for this. I keep taking classes, trying to change my reel,stay on top of things. But seeing all those missed opportunities go by makes me feel impotent. I just want to be given a chance to audition . I would love to ask for advice. Sometimes I wonder if its time to change agencies.
Did you get any work before hand? If so how much? Did you not work but took classes? Did you have zero experience and got an agent? What’s the story to your story?
Hello ! I’m trying to develop my acting skills by studying different method actings, and I see a lot of Rufus concerning the "actors studio" one. Some says it’s the best to learn, some says that it defies the whole purpose of acting. What are you thoughts ?
hey everyone (: i've always wanted to voice act because i'm an actress and largely active in the film and theatre industry. ever since i was young i've been able to do many accents and voices, and i'm also a polyglot and have been exposed to many cultures over the years. i'm doing well in terms of money and all that, so i'm not desperate for any jobs and know that many starting projects might not have a large budget. i wanna help out! i love all forms of art. my specialties usually tend to lie in more serious, emotion-driven or seductive roles, but i can do whatever you need, and i can go pretty high or raspy and low with my voice. thanks for reading and considering! dm me for any proposals x
What are some obvious (and not so obvious) red flags that actors should be aware of? Asking because I’m curious about others experiences, and since I think this could be useful for new actors who are eager to get their feet wet and may be willing to overlook shady behavior...
I want to make this movie (crime, thriller) that is based around a school class. Can’t say to much but it has to be a 7th grade (12 or 13 years old). Not because I need kids, but because I need it to be a 7th grade, it has to say that. I did some research and man these people are young. Just kids. Most of the boys have light voices or voice cracks. Do you guys think I can cast 14 and 15 year olds to play the 7th grade? It’s crime and thriller and I want something closer to teenagers, I don’t think kids would do it. The tricky part is that the transition from 12/13 to 14/15 is huge, thinking about puberty. What your take on this?
For the purpose of making myself a better actor, what are some of the best screenwriting books out there?
My husband (25m) has been acting on community theater stages for 15 years. He’s been cast as Captain Von Trapp in The Sound of Music, and he’s having such a difficult time getting it memorized. He’s had wayyy more demanding roles but he says this show is different somehow. I personally think it’s because the theater company had an issue and had to cancel the whole first week of rehearsals. They went from having 4 weeks to 3 weeks of practice, and the rehearsals are so chaotic. They can’t even finish a single scene all the way through without stopping and starting and changing things. I think not being able to run scenes uninterrupted has made it hard for my husband to memorize. Being dyslexic, he memorizes through acting it out rather than reading from the script and quizzing himself. But all we have is the script to work from since rehearsals are chaotic. The show opens in less than two weeks. I was wondering if anyone had any foolproof memorization methods?
Using backstage, I'm curious about whether monologues from movies or tv shows is frowned upon. I'm very interested in screen acting and I really like the styles of certain movies.
So I’m directing a short that I wrote. I graduated film school and have been using Backstage to find actors. However, one of the actors that I really like, only read the first scene when I requested a self tape with the sides, which had two scenes. Then on the callback I requested him read the other scene but he only read the main monologue from the scene. Is this normal? It wasn’t an issue of communication with the other actors that sent in tapes. Could he be new at this? It just seems odd and gives me pause about his ability to follow directions but I’d like to hear actors’ perspectives.