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We have found 19,369 posts across 4 actor forums:

UK Equity Actors - How does membership affect international acting gigs? by AJDon82  •  last post Aug 6th

I'm a UK actor, but am not currently based in the UK. I have been working on developing my career this year, such as working on my materials, updating my IMDb page, looking for an agency etc. Now that I have most things in place, I want to join an official union, and Equity seems the most suitable choice. I won't be able to travel to the UK for any gigs in the immediate future (as the borders of the country I live in are currently closed) but looking ahead 6 months, I hope things will be better, so I want to start planning ahead now, rather than just waiting until everything reopens. I already have everything needed to qualify for membership, but what I'm wondering is, how does membership affect work done outside of the UK? I know SAG has some kind of rule about working on global projects, but what about Equity? Are there any rules I should be aware of, or does membership only apply to work done in the UK? Any advice or experience in this matter from Equity members will be very much appreciated.

Looking for an agent by just_ice523  •  last post Aug 6th

I’m looking for some advise from actors who have agents on how you were able to either find them, or how they found you. I am wanting to just submit myself blindly, but I know that option might not be as good as others. I’m also in the process of moving to LA (will be moving around February/March of 2022) and don’t know whether or not to put effort into finding a local agent here until then, or if I should wait to even find an agent once I’m in LA. Please let me know your thoughts because every day that passes that I’m not auditioning for something or am not active in my community, I feel like I’m wasting time! I’ll appreciate any advice I can get.

What do you guys think of Marc Maron as an actor? by JediBlight  •  last post Aug 6th

Silly question I know, but it's been bugging me for weeks now. I've seen him in GLOW and a very minor part in Joker and thought he pulled off the roles well. However, being super familiar with the guy before he began acting, I can't help but think, 'he's good, but is he just being himself?' Now I know that different actors take different approaches, nothing wrong with that, just curious as to the general consensus. And if there are any roles he played that I'm unaware of that proves/disproves etc. Thanks.

Is using the Limiter effect redundant when you normalize anyway? by Flindercinders  •  last post Aug 6th

Hi guys, Amanda here again. I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of audio recording\*, but I needed a quick 'cheat sheet' on using Audacity -- so I took notes from some voice actor's YouTube video. The workflow is: Noise Reduction (get sample from recorded track) --> Compressor (with threshold set to -14 dB and noise floor set to -40 dB) --> Limiter (Input Gain 4.00, Right channel limit (dB) set to -3) --> and finally Normalize to -3 dB. \--------- My question is: does any part of this seem redundant? And is anything missing? Do I need to OK the Noise Gate at -40, a separate effect, if I've already got the Compressor effect using -40? Why do I need the Limiter step if I'm Normalizing to -3 anyway? My (limited) understanding is that a Limiter is rather an extreme sort of function, more useful to loud rock bands than voiceover. Any insights would be appreciated. I should point out that this isn't a question about adjusting my voice electronically, in terms of boosting one frequency or lowering another. I like my voice just the way it is : ) \*And plan to read ReaMix: Breaking the Barriers with Reaper, as well as the Audacity Manual, top to bottom. Even though I'm using Audacity not Reaper right now, the first work is considered a useful audio education.

Future of acting by Ill_Detective_5905  •  last post Aug 6th

Recently a new movie trailer starring an influencer was released with some mixed reviews. It got me thinking of the future of acting and the film industry. Millions of talented people have gone through years of intensive training in acting and influencers with huge followings and zero acting experience (or acting talent) make some calls and land a leading role with little effort. As social media begins to increase its role in the entertainment industry, the line between genuinely talented actors and influencer actors become more faint. In my personal opinion I fear for the sake of this industry, people will be unable to distinguish real acting with these influencers finding ways to be more famous. I would like to hear some of your opinions and thoughts regarding what the future of movie making and acting may look like.

Actors - how often do you rehearse? by xoaku  •  last post Aug 5th

For when you’re not committed to a project. How often do you rehearse a week? Do you just use random sides and record yourself? What about an audition - how often will you rehearse before filming a self tape? I’m currently taking meisner classes and I try to rehearse repetition as often as I can but I feel I should rehearse scenes in my free time as well because I feel like practice is the best way to improve as an actor.

The Veil Riders: Light-Male voices needed (Paid) by Guardbeardia  •  last post Aug 5th

I need lighter male voice actors that can do a range of accents from Irish to Afrikaans. These videos are youtube original audio series that are getting published when they are done. Please contact me at Guardbrosky #7614 or contact in DMs for auditions. Pay rate is going to be at minimum 10 us dollars plus any donations directed towards you via paypal. When I say 'light male', I mean on the lighter side with less deep timbre.

Looking for actors and investors by LordOfAllPopTarts  •  last post Aug 5th

Me and afew others are doing a live action Under the Red Hood. We have Red Hood, Batman and Black Mask taken but we need money for the budget and actors, we want it to be amazing! Let me know if interested.

Where to watch “Inside the Actors Studio”? by aestheticeden  •  last post Aug 5th

I’ve seen some on YouTube but I’m trying to find a specific episode and I can’t find it anywhere. Please help, thanks!

Will being a victim of extortion stop me from being an actor? by Straight_Ear2996  •  last post Aug 5th

This happened to me sadly, I am a male that exposed himself sadly and I was wondering if this'll stop me from achieving goals of being an actor. It was a foolish mistake and It's not like I hurt anyone, I know a lot of celebs have done things as well just would like some opinions, thank you!

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback by AutoModerator  •  last post Aug 5th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Are good looks essential in Hollywood for having an acting career? by Professional-Deal406  •  last post Aug 5th

Some people say they are and some say they aren’t. Actresses like Charlie Theron and Margot Robbie or actors like Henry Cavill or Chris Hemsworth. Actors like Steve Buscemi or Judy Davis or even Tilda Swinton have never been particularly good looking and now in their 60s are still working in Hollywood film and television.

Im looking for a good actor by Crafty_Pride5446  •  last post Aug 5th

Hello I’m looking for a somebody who thinks they are good actors/role players for a possible scenario that i have in mind that i might need help with ,i’m open to everyone.

What is a good turnaround time? by FurmidableCat  •  last post Aug 5th

I see that many clients expect a 24 hours turnaround time, but I have other voice acting contracts that I need to work on and sometimes work as an on-camera actor/extra so I’m not able to do voice acting that day. I will usually be able to do it in 24 hours, I just can’t always guarantee it. This client wants us to work together for a year for the same rate (which is already lower than what I usually ask for) and I am afraid my life will change in a year so I will end up having more contracts as an actor/voice artist, so I’ll be less available and probably be worth a better rate per recorded minute. I am not sure I want to give priority to a client that already lowers my rate and wants me to agree to work for the same rate for a year, mostly since I don’t know what it is like to work with them. It’s for elearning. What would be a decent turnaround time? Is a 24h turnaround common and I should get used to it? Or what kind of turnaround should I offer?

What is a decent turnaround time? by FurmidableCat  •  last post Aug 5th

I see that many clients expect a 24 hours turnaround time, but I have other voice acting contracts that I need to work on and sometimes work as an on-camera actor/extra so I’m not able to do voice acting that day. I will usually be able to do it in 24 hours, I just can’t always guarantee it. This client wants us to work together for a year for the same rate (which is already lower than what I usually ask for) and I am afraid my life will change in a year so I will end up having more contracts as an actor/voice artist, so I’ll be less available and probably be worth a better rate per recorded minute. I am not sure I want to give priority to a client that already lowers my rate and wants me to agree to work for the same rate for a year, mostly since I don’t know what it is like to work with them. It’s for elearning. What would be a decent turnaround time? Is a 24h turnaround common and I should get used to it? Or what kind of turnaround should I offer?

Can the folks asking ‘Am I too old to start?’ ‘I don’t know where to begin, hallp!’ ‘I feel I’m too old/ugly/untalented/etc’ ‘How do I become FAMOUS w/o classes like *famous/talented actor*?’ ‘Do I have a chance, I’m *this certain race/financial status/we by Food_Pre-Chewer  •  last post Aug 5th

It’s getting super repetitive. First of all, there’s no right age, time to begin. Just do it. The fact that your sounding so unsure, makes it sound not desperate, but sounds like you’re not goin to give it your all. If age alone is going to deter you, oh boy, then this industry ain’t for you. There’s a lot of disappointment and rejections here. There are roles for everyone of different age, race, height, weight, look, there’s a place for everyone. Not every project is looking for the dashing leading man, Don Draper type. Not every project’s looking for a sexy ScarJo type. Just do it. Why did you go to preschool, middle school, high school when you were young? To learn. Don’t you think acting classes are the same deal? Take classes. No shortcuts. Do you think those ‘x actors’ you’re conparing journeys with didn’t have extensive training/experience prior? Those people have paid their dues and worked to get where they are, it wasn’t overnight. You think ‘newcomer’ (then) John Boyega just got scouted on the streets of London to becoming the face of the modern Star Wars movies? No, he’s been on loads of projects that you just hadn’t heard of. Stop saying ‘oh, so and so so, got their break with little to no traiining/experience, I can do it too’ The chances of that happening would be winning the Powerball TWICE. Do you have a chance? Sure. But you’re here asking, instead of dipping your toes in. How should I know if you can thrive in the industry? Maybe try it out first? Get out the do the work.

Agency Meeting by BMCA2001  •  last post Aug 5th

I requested a meeting with a theatrical agent and got offered one with a commercial agent, which I also do not have? Should a beginning actor start off with a commercial before theatrical? Should I take the meeting to see what is up?