Just curious as to what the community thinks of this personal website: https://jeremydmcgowan.com/
As of now, I am focused on internalizing my choices so they show throw my eyes/facial expressions. But what’s with the bold choices?
Hello! Hello! Given lockdown and the time spent cooped up indoors, it's enkindled my inner creativity on several fronts! Which, sadly, life and its business tends to quash. But, I'm looking to get back into doing some projects! What I'm trying to focus on, is an idea I had many many moons back of using video/recording - where natural expression is to be seen - and to take from them still shots, as opposed to sole photography where everything is 'set up'. If you're a Brit (Hello!) you are more than likely familiar (to a degree) with the old Thunderbirds show, and of one of its chief characters, Lady Penelope. I would like to look to re-envision a re-enactment of her scenes using the style mentioned above. If one is interested, please feel free to message! \^\_\^ But, if simply reading, I am grateful for your doing so too! =\]
The vast majority aren't screenwriters so why would they need a literary agent? Just curious.
I am a beginner actor. I only started to pursue it within the last couple years and have been in class training on and off. Prior to COVID, it was with relative consistency. I’m in Toronto and its still kind of a shitshow. I haven’t been able to find any in person classes for like eight months. I tried online but its just not worth the money and I really struggle to take much from the classes. Right now, the only thing I can really do is look for short/student/independant films on Backstage, Castcaller, Facebook groups, etc but the opportunities are limited. I am also a writer, working on a short script that I would act in, but I want to build my skills as an actor a little more. If Im putting time and money into making a short, I want to be a good enough actor to do it justice and I worry that I’m not. I’m not sure how much of that fear is realistic and how much is just self doubt. One of my main goals is to build a strong reel. I don’t really have any scenes from previous acting classes or shorts that I’m super happy with, that I think are a good enough representation of my skills. I have one self tape that I think is good. Should I add another self taped monologue or does that look too unprofessional? I am also currently looking at PA jobs—I know its not acting, but I want to be more immersed in the industry and I felt like it would be a good way to make connections and have some experience working on a set. I also thought working a job, any job, in the industry with help me stay motivated and excited to keep acting and writing. Is this a bad idea? I’m just really lost right now. I am 23 so going back to school is a possibility, although it would be difficult. I have a lot of admiration for trained actors, I know the best way to learn is just to act, but I worry that I’ll miss out on valuable/essential skills and/or knowledge that could be gained through classical training. What was your path to becoming an actor like? Am I taking the right steps? Where else can I look for acting and training opportunities? What else can I do to build my reel? Should I look for an agent to help me find jobs or is it too early? Workshops? I know this is a tough industry but Im a very driven person, I love film, and honestly, I don’t think I could do anything else. Any advice, knowledge, whatever you have to offer is appreciated. Thanks.
Was thinking of signing up for the online class, it's twice a week for 2 hours, and supposedly actors work for majority of the class. Has anyone taken their scene study class? If so, anyone know how it is? I couldn't really find much info about this place.
Recently, our original server was expanded to become the Creatives Community. We have since branched off everything acting and recreated the Actors Network. Come and join us in the new server! https://www.discord.gg/YFtpZtzaCc
Hey all. Just wondering which actors now a days you all are inspired by and who by watching or following makes you a better or more in tune actor? For this, I must go with Jeremy Strong who plays Kendall on Succession. I feel confident in saying he is the best actor on TV right now. He is also a very interesting and smart person and actor as seen and heard in his interviews. I really like him and he inspires me. I hope to work w him some day. Who working now gives you positive acting feelings?
Ever since Idris Elba got casted as knuckles I've seen people have a pretty mix reaction to it, some saying he'll be great and other saying he only got casted because of his celebrity status. Personally I never really cared along as the actor in question does the job well and who's to say they weren't casted because they did the job well? Only have a problem when a preexisting cast is replaced with celebrities (ie the Lego Ninjago movie and scoob) for the sake of money or when the VA is exploited (the Robin Williams genie situation). And I've noticed that after the scoob, space jam 2, VA race debate of summer 2020 that alot of consumers, voice actors, and what have you are tired of this practice and that they should move away from (slowly seemingly they are) from this practice since apparently the age of celebrities is over. But what are your guys thoughts on this?
There is a list of agencies for Chicago talent agencies. I’ve had a fair amount of experience working on set. Most of the time as a background extra, I know that doesn’t always translate to acting experience, but I have to imagine that the jump would involve signing up with one of the agencies. I’m not with SAG, but if I get enough regular work I would be willing to join. Anyway there are a bunch of agencies in Chicago listed that do film/tv, I just want to know if anyone know which one is best, or if I should just apply for all of them. I don’t mind admitting that I’m new to this, so I’m willing to learn all I can. Also what kind of things should I expect to have for applying to an agency, apart from the headshot and work experience?
Known SAG members traveling from LA to a smaller market to work on a non-union film taking work from the local actors in the area. Said union members have done this 3 times in the last calendar year. Is there anything that can be done? Should be done? The producer knows but he HATES the union and this doesn’t really hurt him at all.
Not sure if this has been asked before but is it true that atlanta offers many roles but the big and lead roles can be done only from LA? Did your agent ever gave you an audition not from atlanta?
I work as a casting director who mostly does commercials but I'm dipping my feet into film casting recently. An indie film I recently cast is shooting at the moment. The director recently came to me because they were disturbed by the onset behavior of the film's two leads (a close to middle aged man and a young woman who is college aged). The dude is married with kids but the two leads are behaving in ways that might indicate a more than professional relationship. I'm curious to hear whether this sounds like normal touchy actor behavior to you or something more? Since I'm not really part of the film world, I don't have a clear sense of what's normal. The two leads are in a romantic relationship in the film, but the director says that whenever there's a scene that doesn't have kissing written in the script, they still end up making out, even when they are told not to. Additionally, apparently the costume person has noticed that when they say goodbye on set, they kiss on the lips. Not sure if it's a peck or something more but the costumer person is weirded out. The director also finds them "cuddling" in the costume room between takes. The director says they are inseparable on set. Finally, the male actor is constantly telling the director how special he thinks the actress is, how she's a future star and even called her "the one" at some point - he seems semi obsessed with her. By all indications this actor is in a happy marriage with kids, which is why this is so disturbing to me and I'm hoping it's nothing nefarious. For what it's worth he's a generally flirtatious/affectionate person. Thoughts?
So I'm trying to give voice acting a try. I've always loved making weird goofy voices and I thought this might be a great way to use my playfulness as a career (or at least a side job). Can some one suggest a good starting microphone that's not to expensive?
Super Mario and Sam and Max? yes please
How can i know if i can be an actor and what are the ways that i can improve my acting skills Thank u already
This got marked as spam before so hopefully this time it goes through. Using a throwaway just in case "By joining SAG-AFTRA, members also agree to abide by Rule 9, which states that members of one of the affiliated performers' unions (Actors Equity (AEA), American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA), American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA), (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) ) will not accept non-union work in another union's jurisdiction." This is something most of my actor friends had no idea about. If I'm in SAG, technically I cant do any non union theater work. and if I'm in AEA i can't do any non union film work. I personally think it's bullshit, whats the point of having separate unions? What are your thoughts? [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/p3of65)