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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

I want feedback by DatTolDesiBoi  •  last post Aug 17th

So, the first thing I should clarify, is that I'm not a professional voice actor. [I just saw this video, and thought it would be fun to voice the characters.]( For reference, this is an animation of a fight in the manga/webcomic One Punch Man. If you want to look up the characters, look up Garou, Darkshine, Gyro-Gyro, and Puri Puri Prisoner. Since I don't speak Japanese, I tried to emulate their English Dub voices. [This is how it came out.]( What do you guys think?

How much to charge for private acting lessons? by worldtraveler9700  •  last post Aug 17th

A mom approached me and asked about a lesson or two for her daughter to prepare for an audition but I don't know what to charge. I have a degree in Theatre and am a professional working actor, and 25 if that makes a difference. I'm thinking of charging $40 for an hour? Is that reasonable or am I lowballing myself? I live in the Washington DC area and am in an affluent county as many people make a lot of money due to their government work, thanks!

Armenian Voice Actress Needed ($64) by chwippy  •  last post Aug 17th

Our team is working on the pilot episode for an anime series we plan to pitch to some networks. One of the characters is Armenian, so we would like her VA to be Armenian as well. She is a rich and popular high school senior who is mostly likable but somewhat stuck up. The series is takes place in America and is in English, so it is NOT necessary to speak Armenian. Simply being of Armenian background is sufficient. Having an accent is okay, as long as English is fluent. The character has 16 lines in the episode, some shorter than others. The rate is $4 per line for a total of $64. Hope someone who fits the criteria is interested!

VA discord by ItsJordy__  •  last post Aug 17th

To any voice actors who wanna be in a community with other voice actors join the voice acting discord! (This is NOT the discord for this subreddit!) [VA discord!](

Blurry actors access thumbnail by skay28  •  last post Aug 17th

Hey guys! So I’m trying to add new pictures to my account but the thumbnail isn’t as clear as the actual picture. When I click on the headshot and it opens up, it looks great though. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

How to work with more experienced actors? by yellow_psychopath  •  last post Aug 17th

They are really inspirational and there are so many things I could learn from them, but how do I also not feel as intimidated around them and worry that I can't catch up during rehearsals?

My very first "acting" role by ebookroundup  •  last post Aug 16th

I have never gone to film school. The only education I have received in acting was way back in high school in drama class which pretty much consisted of goofing off. I have always wanted to see what it's like on a real movie set and lucked out as a major movie started filming few months ago. With much perseverance, I successfully landed a background actor spot on a film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Brendan Fraser and some others. Was very hard work but I would have done it for free or might have even paid to do it as the experience was extremely valuable and one I'll never forget. The biggest surprise was how hard actors/film crew work. I will never, ever make fun of Hollywood or Hollywood types again! The biggest lesson I learned from the experience was something along the lines of... if you want results in life put an incredible amount of detail into whatever you are doing. Whether it's a hot dog stand, a YouTube channel, a book or whatever. Don't get lazy/sloppy. The amount of detail with the set design and lengths the cast/crew went to for each scene was incredible. Scorsese doesn't fool around... no detail is too small. Do the same with whatever you are doing and you will eventually succeed.

What do i do? by Localnetflixguy  •  last post Aug 16th

Okay so this is not going to be a usual post like “I just got a role in a movie” so prepare yourself. so I am a 13 year old boy who is going into eighth grade in two weeks and then five months after that I’ll need to write an entrance exam to a school, and because I wanna become an actor I want to go to a school that has acting classes, but I recently realized I know nothing about acting. That is because when I was like 7 I loved watching movies and so i decided that I want to become an actor and since then I’ve never actually thought it through. Im also not American, so even if I do get into this school, I’ll have to act in Hungarian. so my questions are: 1. Should I go to the acting school or just choose a regular one and think more about it? Although, I don’t really wanna do that because when I go to university, I’ll have to pay a bunch of money and I don’t want to do that if I’m not sure about acting. 2. Should I take acting lessons on YouTube and see where I get? I don’t know if these lessons even work, but I definitely don’t want to take real life acting classes because one, my parents prolly wouldn’t want to pay for it (I mean they would pay it if I asked them but I don’t want to waste their money if yt lessons are good) and two, I’m probably too shy to act alone in front of a teacher, which leads us to question number three: 3. what do I do about stage fright? this one isn’t urgent, but I’m sure once I’ll end up having to act alone at an audition or even on an actual movie set. I could probably overcome it if i stopped panicking and actually did something, so give me tips if you know some. and last, question number 4. is acting different in different languages? so as I said in middle school I’ll have to act in Hungarian, which is probably harder, because my brain can process the things I say much faster, and I’ll start panicking about how it’s not real and im just acting and my acting will be bad. But that’s not the important part. So if I “master” acting in Hungarian will i have to do it differently in English? I know this seems like a stupid question, but I feel like it’s going to be like that. Thanks for reading! (And please don’t answer like I’m a two year old because that’s what most people do)

Why was my eco cast audition closed early? by LivinLaVidaBrooka  •  last post Aug 16th

Hello! I had an eco cast audition that was due today (Monday) @5pm PDT. I live in New York so I converted to deadline to be 8pm my time, but when I went to upload my video at around 7:30pm EST, the eco cast said that my deadline passed. It’s pretty disheartening after going through the process of recording and editing my video just for an audition to close early like that. Does this happen often with Actors Access? Should I just follow the timing that’s given on the page despite time zones?

To day player actors by Intelligent-Oil241  •  last post Aug 16th

Since I heard that shooting lasts like 12 hours or more. What do you do to pass the time? I doubt your character would have too many lines to rehearse

Self submissions on casting networks-- not sure if I should make a self-tape with the script that is provided in this instance. by Pearlet2  •  last post Aug 16th

I found a role in a short film near me that I find very interesting, and fitting to my type. The casting director requested a self-tape in the breakdown. I have a self-tape from a past audition that has received excellent feedback, but I am not sure if I should use dialogue from the script when I respond to this casting on casting networks. They linked a pdf with the script along with payment details, and then said: **Requested Media** Audio, Video, Photo please send a self tape I would normally just take the time to make a tape, but the problem is that the script they sent only has about 4 lines in it (mostly silent film). It is not something I can really make a tape for, as I am acting out stabbing another actor and saying these 4 lines. I suppose I could get creative and try to make a tape for this solo, but I am not sure if that is necessary as they did not specify whether or not this tape must be from the script they attached to the breakdown. I am new to acting, so this may seem like an obvious answer to some, but please bare with me. **Is it okay for me to use an old tape in this instance?**

Central Casting Rates by _justabe  •  last post Aug 16th

Hello, I am curious if there is a pay bump for non-union actors who are asked to drive a vehicle on set. I drove on set which required driving around talent, camera, and essentially through the shot for several hours. Is that considered a stunt on set? Thank you!

How to find theatre auditions? by ThrowRABadBoi  •  last post Aug 16th

Hey all -- I'm an L.A. actor trying to decide between LA Casting, Backstage, Actors Access, or something else. My primary goal will be getting local and equity theatre auditions for plays and musicals. Does anyone know the best way to go about finding these auditions?

when Actor A is way more famous and successful than Actor B by ReKang916  •  last post Aug 15th

I'm not in the business myself, but I've often wondered why a reasonably well-known actor A reaches a certain respectable level of fame, but doesn't get to the point of starring in big-budget movies. I often wonder why Actor A never gets cast in those spots. Sarah Chalke (cast member of 'Roseanne', recurring character on 'How I Met Your Mother', voice actor on 'Rick and Morty' and 'Paradise PD', co-star of recent successful Netflix show 'Firefly Lane') is someone that really comes to mind for this one. I looked around on Wikipedia to find someone that had a similar start to their career as Sarah Chalke, and Amber Heard came to mind. Ms. Heard went from being a moderately successful TV actress to being cast as the seventh bill in the very successful 'Magic Mike XXL' (2015) and also in 'The Danish Girl' (2015), to being cast as friggin' Mera in multiple DC Comics' movies. So when you look at their two careers, is there any reason that you think that Amber Heard has achieved way more at the box office than someone like Sarah Chalke? In the opinion of everyone here, what do you think are the differences between having a solid working career versus being a leading cinema star?

acting class vs acting workshops by whoiskaylaaa  •  last post Aug 15th

what’s the difference between acting classes and acting workshops? and what’s the best option for a beginner actor with no experience (besides a few fundamentals classes)?

Native US speakers needed (not just voice actors, everyone) by StArsenkov  •  last post Aug 15th

We at Linguistix Tank Inc. seek American natives (males & females) to join a short term project ​ Here are the main details: \- The task is to read and record short sentences (5-7 words each sentence) \- You will record 480 utterances. \- The task can be done in 30-45 minutes \- The task is done using an online system that we will provide and explain how to use \- The deadline for this project is the 19th of Aug, 2021 \- The pay rate for the task is 15$, paid after delivering 100% of the task with the quality required ​ Requirements: \- You must use any Android device (iOS and iPhone are not accepted) \- You must have an Upwork profile in order to process the payments \- Users must be adults (18 years of age or older) ​ \- You can refer your friends, colleagues or family (There is a $2 bonus for each accepted referral) \- The referrals don't need to have their own Upwork account, we will process their payment on your account \- More than one user can use the same device ​ \*Payment will be processed after your delivery immediately with no delay! ​ \*You will be required to record on voice sample first and then proceed after it gets accepted. ​ Please fill out this form if you are interested: [\_O\_557\_3BRo6woxWIT\_Q/viewform](

i feel real discouraged and scared by frances_said_ha  •  last post Aug 15th

it was my first day ever on a movie set today. i got the position to shadow the director, and also be an extra in some scenes. i originally auditioned for a main role, but didn’t hear back. in the presence of the set, i felt almost sick to my stomach. all the other background actors were talking about how they didn’t have much to do today, so they signed up as backgrounds. in the middle of scenes, the directer would ask us to talk casually. however, my scene partner would smile and nod awkwardly as i was talking to her, have absolutely zero engagement. then after the scene she would just leave. at lunch time, i got to eat with the main characters (all my age, 17), and absolutely none of them want any future in acting. the character i tried out for, and the person who did get the role is almost a complete opposite to me (which i find rather comforting as opposed to upset for not being cast). however, it was just so difficult to feel such a burning passion to be an actress, and be ready to commit to it for life, and pursue film school. but when i’m in these environments, i can’t help but feel less than ordinary, and out of my mind. i guess what im trying to say is that i’m terrified that these experiences of feeling invisible will discourage from believing there’s a chance for me to make it in the acting world. and when i’ve put so much energy into believing this path is the one i should pursue, not having things work out is scary. it’s so disheartening to know how prevalent a hierarchy exists on set. being an extra basically made me non-existent.

Studying Under Larry Moss by Norma Jean  •  last post Aug 15th

You'll all pardon me if I sound like a giddy little school girl, but I got accepted to study under Larry Moss!!

Evil Lives Here by Ethan Mathias  •  last post Aug 15th

The episode of Evil Lives Here that I filmed will be airing on Discovery on Sunday, August 22. If you are in the western part of the US, this week I took over the role of Lawrence in the regional professional premier School of Rock at Tuachan Ampitheatre. The show runs thru October 22!