I've listened to several interviews of voice actors who said that when they were kids, there were online communities for fans of anime to get involved with fan dubs. I was wondering if similar things exist nowadays?
I’ve seen many comments on other platforms saying the worst thing a foreign actor could do is pack up and move to the US for acting work. So in that case, how would a foreign actor work on productions in the US without actually moving there? Is that even possible?
I'm going to be a freshmen this year :eek: and this is the first year I can go out for the school play in the fall. I mentioned this summer that I really wanted to take drama class and audition for the play. My dad said there was no way he'd let me do either. He said most actors are Satanists, that to audition I'll have to kiss all the boys and backstage everyone is undressed. I realize there's a lot of bad things in Hollywood but I live in a small town and its just a play. I told him that its school sponsored but still said no. What he says isn't true is it? My friend was in a musical over the summer and didn't say anything and I don't think she would lie. I feel like most of his concerns are silly. His not right is is? I don't know how to convince him acting isn't what he thinks it is?
I've done some background acting. I've never done regular, principal acting. Do principal actors get vouchers or is that just a background thing? I'm curious.
While I was on set waiting to go through the next take someone on set (not in charge of the bg actors) asked for my name and the name of the bg actor beside me and wrote it down on the side of his paper. Does this mean anything? Like could I be asked to come back and work another day? I have no idea and am extremely new to this so any ideas if any would be much appreciated. Sorry if this is a dumb question. Thanks :)
Hi guys! I was wondering if its true that agents will go to classes and scout actors? Is it more common in theatre or in classes? Is it a common thing to do, or is it kind of rare? ​ Thanks for your help! :)
How do I know If my acting teacher is good or not? I started an online zoom acting class a couple months ago. Before I took this class I did a different zoom class with this acting studio. It was just a 4 week class. After the class ended my acting teacher asked me to join her on going meisner scene study class. I felt so happy that she asked me. Usually you have to audition to get into that class. I enjoyed my first couple classes, but then I started to have a negative experience with my teacher. I feel constant pressure to impress her because she's so picky. I feel like im always getting negative feedback in class even though I know im a good actor. When I first joined I was 3 classes in before she pushed my scene partner to the edge and she broke down crying. She has one women in the class who she definitely favors. She never gives any negative notes to her EVER only praises her. I told myself I would not cry outside of a scene infront of my class, but I did...I broke down. I felt like I wasn't good enough. I worked my ass off on my last scene practicing my despite dealing with my dog being very sick and having to take care of him. She makes me feel like im not good sometimes which is sad because I have confidence in myself and my passion. During my breakdown she told me I was a great actor with a great emotional life. I have been acting since I was 12 and have been to so many acting classes and I've always felt encouraged and happy going. I have never broke like this before. I'm nervous to go back to class next week. Is this a normal experience for some? Is this just tough love? Im not one to quit something once I start. Should I just suck it up and do my best for myself? I'm Female and in my early 20s
I tried looking for ideas on how casting works, but literally the only thing that comes up that isn't a blatant scam is Backstage. Even then I'm kinda weary. I've loved movies since I was a kid. To make it brief, they make me feel like I can fly. I took two years of Drama in school but wasn't a "Drama kid" type. That's as far as my formal training goes. Growing up, I used to never take my eyes off the TV. If I was watching alone I'd rewind and rewind studying the actors faces and movements. Then I'd recreate them in the mirror. Then I started watching real people. When I was angry I'd look in the mirror to know what I looked like when I was angry. When I was sad, happy, neutral, anything. I'd do the same. Same with tone of voice. I'm talking down to how an actors eyes twitched. I would stare in the mirror and try to convey emotions without moving my face. I've always wanted to audition for something, but I don't know where to start. I'm around Seattle and Portland, I don't know if there are any opportunities around there. Bout a two day drive to LA. Maybe I could try some voice acting? That could be online so... I don't know. What do you guys think I should do? Should I go with backstage? Is there a better way?
i really like his voice and the characters he has, is there any way for me to sound like him
"I'm excited to announce that "A Tear in the Sky" is now listed on IMDB and in Post Production. This is my first feature-length film and shows the extreme efforts a group of Ph.D. scientists and researchers take to identify the phenomenon which has the Pentagon, US Military, and Social Media in a row with Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. *UFOs" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15120486/?ref_=wl_li_tt
Hey! I just moved to LA after living and working as an actor in NY for 5 years. I’m 24(F) SAG-Eligible and I have a website, headshot, all that fun stuff. I used Central Casting back in NY, are any of you with a background agency you like more, or should I just go back to the tried-and-true route? Thank you!
I realize to get bumped up on actors access submission you need a reel and/or a slateshot and because I don't have any credits I was thinking of filming a monologue from the play prodigal son. Is this a good idea and if so do you think that that is a good monologue to choose?
(Cincinnati office) How often do their film/TV actors get auditions for larger streaming platforms like HBO, Hulu, and Netflix - or SAG feature films? I see they do a lot of commercial and model work but I’d like to stick with just TV and film acting if possible.
I know that WME owns IMG Models, but what other talent agencies own/are partnered with modeling agencies? I worked in NYC as a model for 3 years, but I just moved to Los Angeles. Since I am now seeking rep as a model here, I am prioritizing signing with a modeling agency that has a talent division or partner. I know this won't be a free ticket into a talent agency, but I want to have my foot as close to the door as I can since I am actively building my credits as an actress. I am not familiar with the modeling agencies here and am unsure which agencies have strong talent partners-- can someone point me in the right direction, please?
So I'm a college student, and let's say I've been cast in a production that shoots during the semester. Are they going to pay for me to go back and forth between the shooting location and where I live?
Hi! So I recently got a message from a post in a Facebook group from Patty Chen about the Image Powerhouse Agency and Prestigious Models and Talent. I looked them up and they seem to have mixed reviews on Yelp. They ARE SAG-Franchised, but I don’t see any major or even decently large success stories. They have and IMDb account and are ranked in the one thousands. They are also located in California, and on the Better Business Bureau, they have a pretty clean score. Patty who reached out said that they do have success stories, and they mainly represent Asian American Actors. How should I go about this? They seem sketchy, but also seem fine in other aspects. Does anyone see any red flags with their agency? And if so, can someone please tell me if this is a scam? I’m usually good at determining it, but this is very difficult to determine. I have not applied yet btw.
I know that watching good movies helps actors, like sometimes with noticing the way the characters walk, talk, hand gestures, etc. So I was wondering if anyone here knows some good movies that could be of some benefit like with good acting, I’m starting to train myself for acting right now and I feel like one of the best things that I should do at the moment is watching good movies, observing different behaviors and stuff. Thank u, have a great day :)
Hello, many of you urged me to talk to my reps and report back after my post about abuse : physical/bullying from another actor to me on a SAG set. I emailed both reps (on same email) and had a lawyer friend look it over to make sure it was a well-written, professional email - then sent to both sides. One rep responded immediately and said they were very sorry to hear, and that they are very proud of how professionally I acted. The other I heard absolutely nothing from. They did indeed send me an email 3 days later but it was for an audition, no acknowledgement whatsoever. Would love to any insights. Thanks. My original post is here - https://www.reddit.com/r/acting/comments/osspsv/is_it_worth_letting_your_rep_know_about_abuse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb