Hey there, voice actors! Looking for some talent for a new audiobook project. Rate starts at $60/PFH for narration only (no editing, mixing, or mastering), but the client is willing to hear out everyone and their rates. Client notes on role: >The character is from Detroit, Michigan born and raised. Mid-30s. Hispanic, doesn't need an accent but "just a hint" of one would be nice but not necessary. Investment Broker at a top firm. He is confident, sexy, suave, and overall down to earth. Relaxed not uptight or stiff nor too formal. E-mail me at [antoine@antoinebandele.com](mailto:antoine@antoinebandele.com) if interested. Make sure your subject line says "In Between Chemistry"
Hi so it has said that Lewis has 2 voice actors and I kinda wanna know if Jordan Fry voiced him all the way or Daniel Hansen? And also he has an adult voice actor too? But my real question is why does he have 2 for most of the film? Did they want him to sound young? Just my thought?
Someone from Scribe Audio reached out for an audition to join their voice over team and I’m a little skeptical of their payment model. It seems like a content mill for audio, but I would love to hear if anyone else has had experience with them or could shed light on whether I’m being overly cautious here. “Scribe Audio is producing audiobooks of multiple genres, both fiction and non-fiction. Our payment model is not per hour based, rather on the revenue a book generates. Payment is scalable to all the books your voice will be narrating. That is, payment will depend upon the number of audiobooks your voice is producing instead of the sales each book generates. We have a huge volume of books and each voice actor is projected to get 3000-4000 dollars per month in revenue.” My worry is that this may be a scam in order to get inexperienced voice actors to sign a contact promising a steady paycheck but demanding perhaps an unrealistic amount of audiobooks to be produced a month in order to meet that kind of income target.
Digital Spy: Schitt's Creek star Annie Murphy nearly quit acting before landing Netflix role. http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a36878271/schitts-creek-annie-murphy-nearly-quit-acting/ It's actually not that unusual in the industry to hear stories like this, but it is worth sharing them when you do. While of course not everyone is going to get that 'big break', it's worth remembering that it can and does happen. Earlier this year, I said to my wife that I was done trying to make headway as an actor. Various factors had simply left me tired of the frustration and disappointment that affects so many actors, at so many points in their career. I had made my mind up and was ready to move in another direction and was just going to walk away. But a few days later, I got a call back from a movie that I thought I was never going to get an opportunity on. It was a small but substantial role, so I took the job, still thinking it was going to be my last. But during filming, the director and crew made me feel valued, and they appreciated my work as an actor (something other productions I've worked on just didn't do.) It was enough to encourage me to not give up, and in fact double down on my efforts to create my own opportunities as an actor. That movie will be out in a few weeks. Now I'm not saying the role itself will change my life, or that anyone in the West will even see it, but it will be a huge deal where I'm based, and that at least has the potential to improve my career prospects, if only for the fact that it reminded me that not every production has zero standards and some do value the effort you make. I know there will still be more frustration and disappointment in the future, it's part and parcel of being an actor. But if you love what you do, and value what you do, keep believing that you will get to a place where at least your work is valued and brings you joy. Personally, that's what the movie I filmed this year brought to me, and I think that's a good thing. Of course, you still need to eat and pay rent, and not everyone can be rich and famous, but if you at least have joy and satisfaction in what you do, that's a good place to start, IMHO. From my personal experience, even if you're suffering, as long as you're getting at least one meal a day, and have a roof over your head, keep pushing. Yes, it might suck, yes it might be painful, but you have to keep pushing if this is the life you want, the life you need. Double your effort, do whatever you have to do (without causing suffering to others) to get opportunities, or just do whatever you have to do to create your own! We have a saying here, to Eat Bitter, and if that's what you have to do, do it. No one will judge you if you walk away, of course, and you have to do what's right for you. But if you want to be an actor, IMHO, this IS the right thing to do. So if you make that decision, and decide this path is what you want, make it your own and just keep going. You never know when the next audition will be, or where it could lead!
I don’t have any previous experience with acting and I’m 17. Most actors have been doing it from a very young age, took classes etc. Is there any way to get into the industry with little experience at my age?
What do you recommend for a beginner actor? I've been considering bartending and being a nanny. I'm very introverted and get burnt out if I don't have enough time to myself so I feel a bit anxious that I won't be able to pull it off...
I'm almost always on my period, a bag of nerves, frustration, anxious and honestly just an emotional wreck. My skin also freaks out as a result so I look terrible both on camera and in person. I have hardly anyone to turn to to record self tapes with me which I really stress over because my mum is impatient and gets angry after like 2 takes and anyone else I ask is too busy as I don't have any reliable actor friends. I feel like it's so unfair getting people to self tape especially so last minute. If it was an in person audition at least there's a guaranteed reader and I don't have to go round scrambling and feeling so desperate for someone to so kindly take their time out to help me. I found out today and only have tomorrow which I've had to take the whole day off of a course I'm doing just for a bloody tape. I'm really not okay. Been trying to make a go of acting as a career for over 3 years now and the last year has been pretty useless and now coming out of it, there's so much unreasonable pressure with the deadlines.
So I've primarily done all theatre up until a year ago. Ive done ALL the self tapes this year and all have varying quality. I tried taking a few classes on better self taping and getting all the tech with limited success. Either way in general I feel like Im stagnant in my progress as an actor, especially in film. I want to get better, but I'm struggling with exactly what else to do I haven't already done. Even in theatre I see my friends get cast in stuff, or asked to do stuff and I always feel like im on the sidelines which makes me think I suck and then feedback loop. I dunno just looking for honest, helpful advice.
I was thinking of having a stage name/ partial stage name, nobody in the industry actually has my surname, its just my first name is very common and already used by a few actors, so thats why I was thinking of changing it. I actually plan to just use my FULL birth name, but for the last couple days, I was thinking, why not use a stage name or a partial stage name ... so, it would be ( ??????? + real surname) If I am changing the first name, should I just change the surname also (EX. Vin Diesel : Mark Sinclair ) Or just change the first name ( EX. Tina Fey : Elizabeth Fey ) I understand having a catchy stage name can help you in the beginning of your career (or at least it used to help you "stick out" in the past years) but what do you guys think of stage names nowadays ? Is it still worth doing? Or do you just come off as "trying too hard" ( I personally think using any type of stage name its trying too hard, but I also may be too critical/judgemental on that thought and thats why I want your guys opinion on it)
I know LA, NYC, and Chicago are prime locations. But does anybody know anything about the boom film in New Mexico? Is there really a thing such as a “must live here to be an actor” place in this digital era?
Hey everyone, I'm an actor in Los Angeles and I recently signed with my first theatrical agent. With episodic season approaching I want to make sure I'm absolutely prepared to receive co-star auditions and actually booking those roles. I've been in Los Angeles for the past 1.5 years and this will be the first pilot/episodic season where I am represented.. so I really want to make the absolute most of it. What can I do to ensure I receive as many co-star auditions as possible between August and November and how can I ensure I win some roles? Thanks!
hi I'm norjia and I wanted to ask what would be a fair rate for me to charge a client? I am not a professional voice actor (though I am good at narration) and I'd have to guess it would take about 4 to 5 hours of recording and editing time, depending on how much work it's gonna end up being. I'm a bit slow with regards to editing though, I do most of the processing during recording so stuff like EQ and compression as well as a noise gate are already applied when finishing the recording. it'd be for a video of at most 15 minutes in length (going off of the conversation with the client stating they were working on shortening the script to about 10 minutes) ​ I use the Rode NT-1 hooked up to the Rode AI1 and sit in a full vocal booth I had to build myself fitted out with 60mm thick Rockwool and black fabric on the inside and some hard plates on the outside. so quality in terms of audio is definitely present. the only thing I'd have to take into considerations is my pretty obvious non-English accent comprised of a mix between Dutch and German given all of these factors, what would be a fair rate? last time I got over 100$ for an hour of recording and editing which, back then I already thought was too much for a meme recording based on a niché game. ​ sorry if I sound too formal or weird in any way, I'm not used to Reddit and its community.
Hello everyone! So I need to know this because I’m most likely moving out to LA to continue my career acting, dance, and personal training. I also teach acting and dance classes so that helps too. That being said, I’d like to know how many jobs you worked initially to get your SAG card.
Hey there, voice actors! Looking for some talent for a new audiobook project. Rate starts at $50/PFH for narration only (no editing, mixing, or mastering), but client is willing to hear out everyone and their rates. >Hello, here is the next project that is basically ready to go once casting is complete. > >Duet (one male one female) > >**Female Choice - Aure Nash** > >**Male- Would like open casting call.** > >Genre: Contemporary, romantic-steamy romance. > >Word count - 45606 > >Male background-38 Black Male whose profession is a crime/horror/thriller novelist. He has found himself sharing a cabin with another writer by mistake as they are both on long writing retreats trying to finalize their latest books. He is blunt, and has a dry sense of humor. I'd say gruff and prone to saying whatever comes to mind. He's confident and self assured. E-mail me at antoine@antoinebandele.com if interested.
So, just a little backstory, I live in NYC. I have a bachelor's degree in opera performance and will be beginning a second bachelor's in accounting in the fall. My first degree is in the performance field, however, it won't lend much help to voiceover since it was primarily based on singing and languages. I know the former will definitely be of use down the road. Another thing is that it allowed me to gain a lot of confidence and comfort performing in front of people. When I return to school in the fall, I plan on using the free resources on campus to gain some acting experience. There are a few productions that my college performs throughout the semester, so I'm hopeful to learn by being surrounded by more experienced actors. In the meantime, do you have any tips? I know things are a bit weird due to the pandemic, however, here in NYC, it seems like things are nearly back to normal. Thanks!
I’m so exhausted mentally. I got an audition the other day and worked on it a lot. I then selftaped it two days ago, and didn’t get satisfied until like 25 takes later. Though, it was solid all the time, I’m just very critical and want it near perfection (yes yes I know perfection doesn’t exist). I sent it to my manager, he liked it but gave me some directions and so I retaped it the morning after (another 20-25 takes before satisfaction). But it was worth it because it turned out really good. He then gave me just a minor direction that I was confident I would get in just one take. I got home after a 14 hour work shift and was excited to film it and get it over with, but all of the sudden I was terrible. I had become a robot. The natural and organic flow that I had had previously was completely gone. After like 1 hour of trying, I gave up and went to bed. I woke up 3 hours later and tried again. This time I was, if possible, more than terrible. Every single word and life in the scene was nothing but fake. It was all bad bad acting, no real connection anymore. It took me literally three hours to finally marry that little last note he gave me with the full scene without any of it being absolutely horrible! And tbh, it was kinda by chance I even made it happen, literally thanks to the step by step directing from my poor roommate who was helping me tape it. She literally had to tell me facial expressions to make for it to look real. I couldn’t believe myself. That is not acting! But it worked out. I’ve felt like a horrible actor all day because of this. But then I look back at the first version and second version that I taped two days ago and yesterday morning, and I was actually really relaxed and truly in the moments in those takes, so I kinda feel like maybe I’m too hard on myself and maybe this kinda thing happens when you tape a scene 100 times over two days. Has this ever happened to any of you?
hi! a small management company posted on their Instagram that they were accepting extras and commercial actors to be signed. I submitted but I’m not sure if I should sign? I think they are just signing anyone, is this typical practice for extras and commercial management? Their emails are copied and pasted. They don’t ask for fees, just fees to pay for online casting websites which I believe is okay. I’ve read the contract and it looks good. However, they seem legitimate. (Howell Management) Moreover, I am also a full time student so im not sure I should sign if I have limited availability, and maybe I should wait until after studying. However, I don’t think the roles would be huge anyway since they are extra and commercial roles. This would be my first agency, so I apologise for being a little cautious. Thank you!