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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Is it possible for South Asians to have an acting career? by Mobile_Kaleidoscope6  •  last post Jul 5th

Hi everyone! I’m ethnically south asian (think india/pakistan) but I was born and raised in the US. I’ve always loved storytelling and became interested in acting a while ago. I’m attending a few classes and I really like it so far, which has made me wonder how viable acting could be as a career. I know it’s an extremely tough industry and takes a lot of hard work and luck to succeed. I’m willing to put in the effort, but the lack of south asian actresses in hollywood kind of discourages me. Growing up, I barely saw any type of representation in tv/film and things haven’t really changed too much now either. Does anyone have any experience being south asian in the industry or advice? Thank you so much!

Separating Self From Character by justintimeforstuff  •  last post Jul 5th

i’m an amateur actor and was basically just wondering how you separate yourself from the character. for example, if you need to portray strong emotions because a character is in a very dark or intense situation, how do you do that while preventing yourself from losing yourself or getting into that dark of a mindset? I don’t know if i’m making any sense at all lmao but this is something that kinda scares me basically i just want to know how to embody a character while staying mentally safe and healthy (and maybe some resources like books if possible)

London Acting Classes - Actor Door Studio by LucozadeBlue  •  last post Jul 5th

Hello Internet, I wanted to see if anyone had any experiences with Actor Door Studio in London? I'm in my late 20's and I'm looking into joining an acting program that grants membership to Spotlight (which this one does). I've taken classes on and off in the past few years, but never pursued it seriously until I moved from Texas to London recently. Have you studied at or know anything about the studio above? Or do you have any recommendations for other programs around London? I'm a working professional with a somewhat flexible working arrangement (workday ends at 4:30, senior so control my own schedule, can disappear for an hour here and there as I work remote, etc.), so my criteria are the following: 1. Acting classes that offer a route into Spotlight 2. Program that offers an organized curriculum 3. Classes that are in the evening/weekends so I can do my day job The only studio I have found that offers membership into Spotlight, has an organized curriculum, and is catered for adults with day jobs is Actor Door Studio, but do you know of any other similar places? I take classes on and off at City Academy on the weekends as well, depending on the offerings. Quitting my job to do one of the full-time day programs is not currently an option due to current personal circumstances, so I'm trying to find other routes. Any thoughts, experiences, or advice? Thank you! :)

I made a really bad decision that could ruin an amazing opportunity in my career. by Rainingsun15  •  last post Jul 5th

Alright, here’s the (abbreviated) story. I am a 19 year old actress and I just wrapped a movie where I think I did a good job acting wise and was fun to be around. I worked really hard and never complained. The director gave me props and told me he is considering me for another project (that I really want to be apart of). I wrapped a week ago and they flew me back for the wrap party 5 days ago where I had a good time and people were happy to see me after a week away. Everything was going so well, I was networking, and the director brought up the new project again which really excited me. The party was over and all of the adults were going to the bar. Someone offered to give me a fake ID but I decided against it. Then me and the 2 other underaged people were offered alcohol (gin) from one of the production people. I haven’t drank in 2 years (last time I got a concussion) and I don’t go to college (so I don’t usually have these opportunities) so we accepted the alcohol and headed to my hotel room (that production paid for). We just chilled, listened to music, and drank for a while. Not entirely sure what happened next but I got sick (again, I don’t usually drink) and the other girl's mom called the police. Yes. She called the police on her own daughter. So the police were at the hotel and they threatened to send us to jail. They didn’t end up doing it and I slept outside my hotel room because I couldn’t find a key. Fast forward to the next morning and someone (well meaning but nosey) told the production team. I got a call on my way to the airport from the line producer and he asked me if I had a rough night. I told him exactly what happened because I’m not a liar (just wanted one fun night because I usually live at home) and he acted fairly casual and even a little jokey but said “this isn’t the behavior we expected from you”. That broke me. So I know that the line producer and producer know and from what I've pieced together, neither of them are SUPER angry about it (both have made a few jokes) But still it makes me seem like a liability I'm sure. Also the director most likely has heard about it from them. Anyways that basically it by I would love to know is it a normal reaction to still be thinking about this a week later? Just a recap, They loved me and my performance A LOT, made a serious offer to test me for another project (din writing), I got drunk and the cops came to my hotel room, and production found out. So I’m just curious: 1. How big of a deal is this in the long run? 2. Will they be understanding about the situation? (I'm sure they've had their own nights like this) 3. Will this affect my standing on the other project they're (mostly the director) is considering me for? 4. 4. is there any action I can/should take at this point or it it better to just leave it alone? I sincerely appreciate any advice on this as I have been tearing myself apart over it since it happened. I swear I’m usually a good person I just made one mistake and now all my hard work could be for nothing.

Any advice for beginner actors? by Tishe_O  •  last post Jul 5th

I'm 16 and I've always wanted to become an actor. I'm not able to go to acting classes at the moment due to covid, and I'm homeschooled so I can't attend school plays, so does anyone have any advice on what I can do for now (like good books to buy for absolute beginners, websites or courses). It will be very helpful :)

Comedic Character character Actor gets In·gé·nue role!!!! by prizzthetheatrekid  •  last post Jul 4th

Hey yall, so I recently just got cast as Desdemona in Othello but I'm definitely more of an Emilia. I am such a character Actor, I rely heavy on comedy. Although I still work well with Dramatic acting. I am rehearsing my lines and I am literally cringing at Desdemona saying "my dear Othello" , and "I missed you." I don't know how to say it!! Like where are the jokes! It's making me so nervous. Also top it off the guy playing Othello is GORGEOUS so he makes me so nervous! Any tips on how to exercise my damsel muscle? Tldr: I'm used to being comedic relief, and now I'm playing leading lady. H E L P.

Request post - Looking for male and female VA'S for my passion project! (Paid work!) by FluffyBed8  •  last post Jul 4th

Hey guys! This is my first time posting in voice acting so hope I'm doing everything right! I'm seeking voice actors for my paid passion project! (USD, payment through PayPal, Venmo or cash app) There are 10 episodes in total, characters tend to take turns getting the main plot line but there are a few that are relevant through all episodes! Pay is between $30 - $150 per character! All experience levels are welcome! It's kind of a silly project that is based on a MTV reality show! If you like silly things you'll probably like this! My casting call on CCC has all the information you need about payment and what the project is! Here are the links! Female casting calls [here]( Male casting calls [here](

Attending different courses/ drama schools at the same time? by Wise-Gene2895  •  last post Jul 4th

(For context, i’m 30 years old, not in the US. I have done some short acting courses through the years, but i’m a beginner) This year i would like to go a little bit deeper with acting, and i’m planning to attend to some evening courses. All the different courses around my area offer a 2-day a week programme. I was thinking of participating in various courses from different schools, to make it more intensive and learn faster. Unfortunately, I have no way to know which is the best school/ the best teacher. Most probably they are all around the same (mediocre?) level. The only reputable and well know drama schools are the national,full time, only for young people; about the private courses there’s not too much being said. None of the teachers of the schools available in my area seems to have impressive careers as actor/director, so i can’t go with that either So, do you think it would be good to do something like: . Mon and Wed night acting course (theatre) at school A . Thu and thur night acting course (theatre) at school B . (Maybe) sat afternoon acting course (cinema)at school C Would it be too many different styles, confusing? Or beneficial? (Note that there’s no mention nowhere of pedagogical style. No talk about method or meisner or nothing of the sort) Should i just focus on theatre acting and leave the camera acting for later? Thanks

Self tape vs auditions by Own_Outlandishness21  •  last post Jul 4th

Actors: If you get to choose which one would it be ? [View Poll](

Actors Discord by siresaix  •  last post Jul 4th

Hey guys, Here's an acting discord aimed at connecting actors to other members of crew. They hold weekly table reads and movie screenings as well as giving access to resources that might be difficult to aquire. It's an active comunity looknig to foster a more inclusive enviroment and get actors who've been stuck inside back on track. They have a welcome gate to locks out bots, alternate accounts, and trolls so you'll be sure to be among those who take their craft quite seriously. They even have a readers section if you're ever look for a reader and your normal ones aren't around. Give it a look! [](

About LA Casting. by chthonic_persephone  •  last post Jul 4th

I signed up about a month ago, I am usually on Actors Access. But it seems 90% of the jobs is background. And not even on feature films or anything...I only found like 5 or so films. Also no luck so far, keep submitting to stuff like photoshoots or commercials (even as background) and wasn't called. Should I cancel or is it just slow?

Your Journey as a Voice Actor by Royal-Protection1487  •  last post Jul 4th

Hey guys, I’m **looking for some participants for interviews** to understand the needs of voice actors.  I’m actually an **experience designer & researcher** trying to understand the different stages that voice actors go through including their thoughts and emotions at each stage to land (or not land) a project. The info would inevitably be used to **help actors like you** (especially those earlier on in their careers) to navigate the complexity of the voice over world so you can land more projects. It should only be about **30 minutes**, but I’m really in need of volunteers.  **So if you could help out and share your experience, that’d be really great!** We’d do it over Zoom so I can share my screen.  Trying to do the interviews next week or the week after.  Shoot me DM if you’re interested.  **I’d be so appreciative.

Join the Actors' Network Community on Discord! by ShiningAway  •  last post Jul 3rd

Hey there! Yep, you. If you're reading this, you're probably interested in learning all about how to be an actor, and you've come to just the right place! We are the official server of r/Acting - clicking on the link in the sidebar will take you to our server! We are also partners with servers which specialize in musical theatre, filmmaking and more. If you are a young actor wondering what your first steps might look like, we have tons of resources and working actors to guide you on your initial journey. If you're a seasoned pro who wants to hang out with a fun loving bunch that lives and breathes acting, we've got plenty of room for you too. No matter where you come from or who you are, we welcome you at the [Actors' Network Community.](

What makes someone a good voice actor? by AnnaBananner82  •  last post Jul 3rd

I’m wanting to get into voice acting, and I have definitely read the pinned post about the “how to part,” but what I want to understand is, what makes someone a *good* voice actor? What I mean is, how does a (new) voice actor stand out during a casting call? What would make a casting director sit up and take notice? I don’t necessarily mean the sound of the voice but rather - what are the things I can work on as an aspiring VA and what do casting directors look for when holding an audition? Thanks in advance for any answers ☺️

When to reach back out? by jem365rox  •  last post Jul 3rd

Hey all, I’m an actor who just moved up to NYC to pursue film/tv/theatre in a bigger market (LA isn’t feasible for me right now). I’ve been lucky enough to link up with a couple directors/casting directors through some friends in the industry. I’ve reached out and sent along self-tape clips that have gotten me cast in things (all recently, so I don’t have a ton of reel material yet). I emailed back and forth with a couple of them about a month ago. They’ve said generally positive things about my footage, but I acknowledge that it would be way better to have some actual demo clips to send instead of self-tapes. One of them said she’d look for stuff to submit me for, but not sure if she was just being nice or what. That said, I don’t want to fall off their radar. Would it be appropriate to reach back out, ask how they’re doing, etc.? Or should I wait until a few months from now till I have a more legitimate reel to show? I always get sort of anxious about the timelines of reaching out - don’t wanna bug folks but also want to stay on top of things and move forward! Thanks!

Mic Recommendations by CivilianKnight  •  last post Jul 3rd

Hello everyone good day to all! I'm still setting up my home studio as I am a beginner voice actor. I want to get a new mic, but all the videos and reviews I find are from a year to 6 months ago. is there anything recent that's broken the mold in terms of beginner mics are should I just stick with a classic Yeti? thank you!

Agent and casting negotiations by barcaelj  •  last post Jul 3rd

Can someone please explain how the negotiation process works between an agent and casting director? Also, if I’m an actor and a casting director wants me. Would my agent negotiate a contract first and then tell me I booked the role? Or would they say hey casting wants you for this role so I’m going to begin negotiating with them.

Will acting in hallmark/lifetime movies hinder your chances of working on bigger projects? by onethatgotaway_  •  last post Jul 3rd

Let’s say you keep getting booked as lead or large roles for hallmark or lifetime films.. Does it mean you need to change things up as an actor? Will big productions pass on you because you’ve been on lifetime/hallmark a lot?

Motion capture by Iceycat1234  •  last post Jul 2nd

Nolan north Hey Reddit not sure if many of you are familiar with Nolan north but I have a question about his career in connection with mine. Now Nolan north never started out as a voice actor he just naturally was being submitted for voice over work. Ok now the question I have about this is do you have to pursue solely Voice acting to get voiceover work. Personally I love acting all kinds of acting I’m not picky. One form of acting that interests me in motion capture which is exactly what Nolan north does. So the second question can I just pursue natural acting like on camera acting and just ask my agent to submit me to motion capture and voice over roles? Or do I have to pursue voice acting to get those kinds of roles? Sorry if this confusing lol if you have any questions about clarification I’ll do my best thanks guys. TLDR: I wanna do motion capture but don’t know which route to take me there