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Can we as actors get into modelling? by shugarshlong  •  last post Jun 28th

I'm mainly asking because i know with acting theres hundreds of courses you can do, but i cant find a single one online, im sure im not looking in the right place but still... i cant find any uk based modelling courses where they teach you how to pose and look confident and all that stuff, can anyone help?

Currently Filming "Killers of the Flower Moon" by Norma Jean  •  last post Jun 28th

I am playing Vera in this epic new film by Martin Scorsese. If you are unfamiliar with the story, it focuses on the Osage Nation (Northern Oklahoma) and the Oil Boom of the early 1900s. There is far more to the story which I would encourage you to find online. My character Vera is the Head Housekeeper of the main characters, Mollie and Ernest Burkhart, played by Lily Gladstone and Leonardo DiCaprio. Working with these two continues to be a great experience. I have grown and learned so much from them, truly. It is our collective hope that you will see this film and that all of us have done this story justice. We are very proud of this film and I surmise it will be “One for the Ages.” Thank you for your support. Please keep an eye out for the release date, we will be done filming in September.

Hey, I'm looking for a possible older German voice actor to voice an English script for a video overview of a Game Mod. Estimated around $50 Dollars Canadian, can possibly go higher. by UberEpicZach  •  last post Jun 28th

The script takes place as if you are an Elder Heinrich the Lion of Saxony / Bavaria *(disposed and 56 years old), and the script is formatted as if it is you, The Lion - is speaking in his later years to the viewer at a taverns table, as he goes over more a-less the features of the Mod I am creating for Crusader Kings III. The audio itself is going to be accompanied by a video and used together to advertise the free to use, non-profit mod, which will also shown off at a virtual event showing off large community Crusader Kings III modifications in order to raise money for Charity. Link to info about that: The video itself is a stylized feature overview style trailer and is around 800 words written, calculated words to speech online for a time around 6 and a half minutes, but can extend to 8 minutes max. The reason for wanting a German, is I was hoping for a more authentic German accent to fit the character but to also be clear enough English speaking that most English speakers would be able to understand. I was aiming to pay around 50 dollars CAD, but i am willing to go a bit higher if necessary as I've not hired a VA before.

Background Actor Acne by BMCA2001  •  last post Jun 28th

Do productions apply filters on an extra when their face is shown on camera and they have skin issues?

I want to be a background actor for a comedy movie or TV show. by Bubbly-Sentence-4931  •  last post Jun 28th

I am a full time employee at Amazon corporate (in finance) but I would love to be a background actor on a movie or TV show. I said comedy above but I am not opposed to anything else. I really have no acting experience but when I saw an ad for that Ms Maisel was looking for background actors, I did not think for a second and applied. After looking into it more, I messaged someone on Reddit and this person told me to go to the Facebook page for Grant Wilfley which was something I did not even think of. So, I did that and I submitted my "application" and offered to fly wherever on a moments notice. I did not hear back but I would jump at the opportunity to do this. I am not looking to get paid for this, I want to be on camera though. To summarize, this into a question, how do people get acting roles? Is it an application where you just wait? Did you figure out some way to get the role? I just want to try this out.

Need help finding a scene to act out solo in a hotel room. by wannabemustang  •  last post Jun 28th

I am taking a short summer film appreciation class and need to recreate/act out a short movie/tv scene. The problem arises, however, when I am out of town for training and thus need to complete the project inside a hotel room. I don't know anyone in town and am most comfortable just acting out a solo scene. I was told by the professor to try to find a scene with one actor that also takes place in a hotel room. This seemed like a lazy solution from their end and I don't anticipate this being an easy project to complete. I first thought of this scene from No Country for Old Men []( but hotels to my knowledge aren't really designed with central A/C like that anymore so there isn't a vent I can open. Thank you in advance for any help.

Appreciation post! by Iceycat1234  •  last post Jun 28th

Hey acting Reddit I started my acting journey a little over a year ago I can’t believe it but it’s actually coming together more than I could ever have imagined and it’s all thanks to this sub! The amount of things I’ve learned on this sub have made me the actor I am a year later! I didn’t even think I would make this long term but now it’s apparent I want to go full time acting In the near future. Anyways this is a bit of a rant but holy shit thank you to every single person who has ever given me feedback, replied to my post, given words of advice, encouragement. Thank you from the bottom of my heart this has been a great year for me, recently I acted in a short film Friday and I was just like holy shit what a year! So again thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single person who’s helped me in this short journey, I hope to be doing this forever so I really appreciate everyone in this community acting truly has been amazing for me this year!

I want to be an actor by GabeOnReddit9  •  last post Jun 28th

Yeah, I know that's such a generic title so I'll explain what I want to know. I (M23) live in Italy and I'm working in a sweets factory. I started working right after finishing high school because I needed money. Now it's been like 3 years since I noticed that I like cinema and mostly the acting part of it, so I basically decided that this is the only thing that I want to do in life and that would make me finally happy. That said, my problem is that I have literally no experience with it and I'm also afraid to go to an acting school because they're not cheap and the money I saved won't last forever. So I wanna know if there's someone of you who started late, risked it all and how it worked out.

Dry Spell after Major Project?! by Goat_Disastrous  •  last post Jun 27th

tl;dr: I shot a season of a confidential huge new series on a huge streaming platform as the lead, but haven’t booked anything since. I’m a 20 year old male actor who’s been acting professionally for about three years. I was cast as the lead in a HUGE project that will be releasing on a HUGE streaming service later this year. I am under NDA and it is very confidential so I really can’t say much else about it. I shot from January to March on location, and am now living in Los Angeles. Before I booked this role, I was going out for small co-star roles, maybe getting three to four auditions a month MAX. Now, I am going out exclusively for series regular and recurring guest stars and am auditioning sometimes three to four times a WEEK. This sounds great but I have yet to book anything since getting off of my show back in March. My manager is ecstatic at the tapes I’m sending in and is telling me that I am acting 100x better than when he signed me and that there is nothing I need to change, and I believe him because he is not a small time manager at all and represents MAJOR actors in the industry, and has always been honest with me since signing me a couple years ago. I’ve been invited to participate in workshops and classes with very large casting offices and the instructors have all given me tons of praise on both my acting and appearance and pretty much no critique on my performance while giving the others in the workshops tons. Everything points to me doing everything right, but my booking rate since shooting my show has been about 35-0. I don’t understand what is going on? Is it because I was suddenly thrust into casting offices to audition for series regular with only “Lead in Confidential (Streaming Service) Series” to vouch for me? I’ve been called back only three times, but I’ve noticed the same casting offices are starting to call me in more often. I just don’t know how to feel. I was catapulted to the very top of the industry with my show, and once it comes out it could very well be a career launching pad, but for now I just feel like I’m failing. It’s hard for other people to relate to me when I share my doubts about this because they just say “Dude c’mon, you just did that huge thing, I WISH i could be having your problems.” and I feel completely alone. Others from my cast (We were all plucked out of different pockets of the world as non union actors because they wanted to introduce new actors for the series) are working a lot, albeit in small non union projects since none of us have been forced to join SAG, but my manager deals exclusively with SAG projects and so that’s all I’ve been going out for except for the few non union roles i’ve gone out for on my own. Seeing them all working, even though it’s student and low budget short films, just makes me sad because I’m itching to be on set again, and it makes me question whether the path I’m on is the right one. My manager has said “You went right to the top as a lead in a HUGE series, I want to keep your momentum there and keep you on that SAG series regular level, so we are going to hit that hard.” This may be all over the place but I’m just sitting here in my apartment wishing I was on set again. Any advice? Am I doing something wrong? Do I just need to be patient and have faith in what I’m doing?

Did I Screw Up My Chances? by FurmidableCat  •  last post Jun 27th

I am auditioning for an acting job as a « ghost » telling stories to people at night in my city. That is a dream job that I really want to get. They invited me to one of the performances, which I really appreciated, but I feel like it ironically went wrong. The actor was pretty cold towards me. I thought it was interactive (since I have been asked to improvise at the audition, other ghost stories are interactive, and I had similar acting jobs that were very interactive). But when I made one small appropriate joke (that made the whole group laugh), the actor ignored it and moved on to something else. Okay, it seems like it is not interactive... Later in the performance, she asked for a volunteer. I raised my hand but she insisted on picking someone else. No one wanted to volunteer so she had to pick me. She ask me a question as part of the story: « Why were you arrested? » and I joke « For showing my ankles » (as the story was set when this was forbidden) everyone laughed but she quickly said that I was arresting for stealing instead. Okay, I am going to shut up even when it seems interactive. She kept interacting with other people but me. At the end, I wanted to compliment her, saying that I loved her performance, asking for how many years she had been doing that, that she was a great model for me before my audition, etc. But she seemed pretty cold. I told her I was sorry for participating in the performance, saying I thought this was interactive, but she said « I wanted to focus on people who actually paid. » I thought I was invited to actually enjoy the performance, no one told me I didn’t have the right to participate... And on my other similar interactive acting jobs, I love when my colleagues interact with me, that makes the performance way better, I didn’t know it was inappropriate in that setting. I feel like the actor didn’t like me and might mess up my chances of getting the job by saying I took too much place during the performance... Did I really screw up my chances? Was I being inappropriate or was she being cold? Why doesn’t she like me? What can I do to fix this? I would be really upset if this ruined my chances at getting the job...

Anthony Hopkins appreciation thread by greedytrees04  •  last post Jun 27th

Not sure if this is the right sub for this but here goes, Anthony Hopkins may very well be the best actor I’ve ever seen. He makes every single movie he’s in better and he’s just fantastic.

Acting Discord by siresaix  •  last post Jun 27th

Hey guys! My friend gathered a few others and opened up a discord dedicated to actors and connecting them to other members of production. They're pretty active in creating event's and provide resources for those who need very specfic or specialized answers quicker and often times simpler. Lots of neat people in here already! Take a look around. They weed out bots, spammers, and lurkers really frequently and want to keep those who are solely interested in their craft and advancing it. I found quite a few last minute readers in here and folks are mega responsive. Take a look! [](

NYC Actors and creatives! Hit me up. I wanna film. by ToiletPaperBowl  •  last post Jun 27th

Title says it all

strict families x acting. advice? by alleglorys7  •  last post Jun 27th

everytime i tell my family i want to be an actress i can just SENSE the disapproval and “disgust” when i tell them. it’s even worse for me because my brother is almost the golden child, he is heading towards being a surgeon. i dread anytime family asks me what career i’m going into because i hate dealing with their disapproval. i know i shouldn’t care and feel embarrassed because it’s my life not theirs but it’s not easy when i’ve grown up seeking validation all my life. i just want them to support me. they think it’s unrealistic and childish, they think i’ll just end up homeless. it’s so draining. i hate being compared with my brother bc even if they don’t say anything they like him more. i wish more than anything to prove them wrong but it’s so hard. how can i explain it to them in a way that’ll make them think “wow, i’m impressed” and not “what a disappointment”

Do you bring a present on wrap day? by onethatgotaway_  •  last post Jun 27th

As an actor do you bring a gift* for the crew or the director when it’s a picture wrap? I know some lead actors have before but is it expected? What is usually gifted?

Can a non citizen (residing in the US on student visa or work permit) work in Hollywood or American TV? by alfiecantusername  •  last post Jun 27th

I've read about the O-1 visa but that unfortunately isn't an option. Is it possible to find work as an actor in the US without the O-1 visa?

Questions about professional Voice Acting by WanderzGaming  •  last post Jun 27th

I'm a 16yo aspiring Voice Actor, and I'm not entirely sure where to start, as I am unable to be paid via most ordinary means as I don't have a bank account or credit card and am unable to get one. Does joining a talent agency cost anything? Is there any place I can start professionally without the need of a credit card and/or bank account? And is there just any general information a beginner should now that's not in the getting started post?

(Job) Need voice actors to dub animation by the_lagars  •  last post Jun 27th

Budget 75 USD. I'm looking for voice actors to dub this animation: []( Payment via Paypal. More info here: [](

Self-tape deadlines - The earlier the better? by cashmaker200  •  last post Jun 26th

I’ve seen this come up in this sub a couple of times when searching but have seen some mixed answers. Is it better hand in a self-tape as early as possible, (day or couple of days before the deadline) then it is send it just before the deadline? I’ve seen people say that CDs watch tapes before the deadline and can very well have made up their minds before the other tapes have been received and therefore might not watch the other tapes. I’d like to think this is false and that all tapes are watched after the deadline has passed, but we actors all know that it is a tough old world out there in our industry and 0 f**ks are usually given.