hello! about a month ago, i took a break from social media and when i came back on youtube my favorite voice actor Fox VA was gone. i couldnt find his channel and his videos were all deleted. to give some more information he would usually do danganronpa voice acting, mha voice acting, and more fandom stuff like that. can somebody please explain what happened to him? thank you (im not sure if this is the correct community to go to, though)
Hi!!! I know that it’s not completely rare for agents to take on new actors, but I have literally no experience! (OFC I’m going to take acting classes soon, I’m saving up rn haha!) But I’ve never been in a school play or anything, and I’m a bit nervous about being able to land an agent. I know they have you submit a reel and headshots(?) and a general profile, I think, but I’m really nervous as to how I go about that and make myself stand out, especially when my experience really is lacking. Does anyone have any advice? Much appreciated!!!
Im a highschool student and i am pretty nervous for my upcoing theater class coming up, my acting seems less realistic to me, as I dont feel its conversational like it would be in a movie. Do you think theater class will help me get over my nervousness and make me a more realistic actor or do i need other resources?
I'm not sure what to search for online, or what I'm exactly looking for but I'm sure someone here knows. I'm guessing like, examples of an actor speaking the same lines with different moods, like confident vs not confident. Nervous vs calm, etc... Different accents. Something I could imitate and learn so I can consciously break the habit of my natural dead pan, flattened voice.
Hello I am 16 and I really want to voice act one of the characters I want to play is Denji or Yuta Okkotsu, I have looked at the videos on how to get a mike and all that, but I do not know how to find a role and I really want to be a voice actor
I got an audition from my agent at 7PM last night through Actors Access. The deadline for submissions was 10am this morning. I sent in my audition at around 10:30PM last night through actor access, and my rep has to "approve it" for it to be sent off to the CD. Well he never approved it, and now the submission deadline has passed by hours. I'm new to this. Does my audition not get sent to the CD now or, if as long as I submitted it to my agent before the deadline I'm fine?
I've been on the interwebs since I can remember. Watching people do voices on stuff either shooting the shit or making people pissed. The good ol days. To be honest i watch voice actors like P.M. Seymour, ProZD, Gianni and any voice oney ng can cook up and after a while I thought I should give it a try. I have a arm mic i used for streaming i use to record myself, so far i tried doing game quotes from series i know well and web comics, and well it didn't turn out well. Felt i was faking it? Maybe I'm just breaking myself in. Neither the less i come seeking advice and honestly tips for doing voices. Like Kermit, skellator and the lovable broken Japanese English. But I'm a 18 year old male with a voice a bit on the higher pitch side
Hi friends, I’m looking for voice actors in the Central Florida/Tampa Bay area for a few projects I have cooking. This will be paid work, of course. I’m looking to build a trusted team/troop that I can collaborate with.
based on the amount of crazy people I have met in my life... I really prefer to fly under the radar. I was concerned for a while about whether or not social media was "necessary" for acting, and based on the quality / amount of auditions I've had, even though I haven't broken through yet, I can confidently say that you don't need to do instagram / social media to be an actor, so that's a relief for me. however, with IMDB, I have a ton of short films / some Webseries but I haven't booked any major tv / films, yet. I used to have pictures of myself and screen shots from all the shorts I've done, in addition to my representation listed... but I don't really want to do that anymore. My gut just tells me it's "trying to hard", so I'd prefer at this point to not have any pictures on there, not even a headshot, until I book that first co-star, or honestly, not until I have a few co-stars and a recurring or major role. My reps have all my materials which they submit to breakdowns they receive, and all my shit is on actor's access. I honestly don't even want to famous, I just want to be a working actor. I don't want to put pictures of myself into the public domain until I have money and a lawyer, to protect myself from the absolutely insane amount of crazy people that exist. I may be a bit paranoid, but living in a place like New York, I've had like multiple strangers randomly video tape me with their phone while I'm just simply walking around minding my own business, and just too many encounters with crazy roommates, etc. etc. plus just the general state of the world right now and the direction things seem to be going. I see other actors on my reps' rosters that don't have pictures posted and some of them are like me with only short films and stuff and some have some co-stars, and the TOP actors, the series regulars or guest star actors that have been doing this for 10+ years only have professional photos from major tv/ film projects and publicity stills. that's it. I'd rather fly under the radar until I have that kind of content to post, and perhaps a publicist is doing it, not even me. how do you guys feel about this? for me, I feel like it's more genuine with who I am as a person, my personal values, and how I want to approach this craft longterm / present myself to the industry. Low key, about the work, and not about "trying to be famous", or whatever, you know what I mean. but if it will hold me back by not having my reel posted or a headshot, like if industry people actually scope you out on their beyond your rep's pitches and I will "lose out on work" from not having pictures posted... then yeah I guess ill put my shit up, I'd just really rather not
An actor I worked with said IMDb profiles are only for if you have 3 or more SAG credits. I didn’t know that, I’ve seen tons of profiles for people who have done even just their own self-made projects. She said yes but they won’t be taken seriously by anyone in the industry because it’s unprofessional to let yourself be on IMDb without 3 sag credits. Is this true? Now I’m worried because I’ve been on IMDb for a while. I’m not the one who made my profile, a short film director put me up and put up my photo and everything. Could this hurt me?
I’m working with a well known actor, and they’d like to occasionally run lines with me. I’ve done it a few times, but I’m never sure how to do it properly. Do I read as if I’m reading for a self-tape audition? Muted and no acting - just reading? And what do I do if he messes up a line? Do we keep going? Do I stop and give him the line? What if it’s just one or two words off? Anyone have tips for this?
Hi there, I reside in Cape Town, South Africa and I finally quit my job and want to follow my dream to become an actress. But I have no clue which acting agency I should join. I am looking for some advice please? Thanks in advance.
What do actors do to make themselves look younger when playing a teenager for a role? Like when a 22- 23-24 year old man is cast to play a 16-17-18 year old teenage boy what do they do to make themselves appear that age? Make up cover up beard shadow? Fringe hair style? What are y’all thoughts on this?
So this is a discussion to gain perspective, advice or just opinions. The year 2020 gave me great perspective and I went through a period of intense self development & growth. It was a chaotic year but it was one that I needed. SO much introspection and all aspects I thought thoroughly on. The one that stood out, chasing my dream. My dream of becoming an actor is only now in effect. All my energy and focus is centered on it. However, considering how Covid decided to screw over everything on a global scale, I'm looking at things logically. I'll be pretty new to the industry which has suffered greatly due to this virus. I'll most likely have to take some time searching for a decent agency to represent me. I'll be competing against a lot more experienced and seasoned actors and actresses. How many opportunities will be available to me. Now this doesn't really chip away at my determination to pursue acting as a career. BUT these are questions I have to ask myself. So for those in my position or who have recently been in my position & those who have experience, what are your thoughts on this? (Oh I'm 28 and I have a background in Architecture. So I'll be completely new to the acting field. I don't doubt my ability to achieve what I want though).
Hey all, I moved from LA to the NYC area during the beginning of the pandemic and I’m starting to jump back into acting now that things are getting back to normal. I’ve noticed that there seem to be less New York breakdowns posted on there than LA. Just curious, is this just because of the nature of “less” work and stuff going on in the area? I know Backstage is much bigger here, but are there a lot more postings compared to AA? I know there are some sites listed on the sidebar but I didn’t know if jobs might be double posted or if there’s enough work circulating to justify the subscriptions for other sites. Any other sites you’d recommend for the area? Thanks!
A young actor I know just got cast, after a self-tape I did with him for a shoot that is happening In Malaysia. The director is called Yeo Joon Haan It feels fishy to me...Any thoughts, considering the wariness non-union actors should have about overseas projects. I've done some imdb pro sleuthing, but would appreciate any help! #### Company **Amok Films Sdn Bhd** Joon Han Yeo and Boris Kalaidjiev, prods.; Rafflesia Pong, casting mgr. #### Production Description Casting "You Are Here," a English- and Chinese-language comedy to be shot in Malaysia, which includes a sequence where Jesus drops by Kuala Lumpur to escort a dying filmmaker to the Afterlife, as a favour to the Buddha, but can't help giving the filmmaker a hard time about his religious and (un)artistic choices. Production states: "Please note, we posted a similar casting notice for this role and project last year but our production was interrupted by the pandemic. We plan to resume shooting in June/July 2021 (this year). If you have already submitted an application for this role last year, you don't have to submit again. We will consider your earlier submission and any self-tapes you've uploaded. Unless, of course, you want to update your application/self-tape. Thanks very much." #### Roles Collapse All Rolesthis is Jesus as dreamed up by the protagonist of the film; this is Jesus, who, though still a strapping 33-year old in appearance, is 2020 years old at heart; extroverted but a little bitter, loves to talk and is always one minute away from outstaying his welcome.Ethnicity: Middle Eastern, White / European DescentRequired Media: Headshot/PhotoView Application #### Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations Shoots June/July in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. #### Compensation & Union Contract Details Professional Pay: $2,500 - $3,500Pays $500 per shoot day (travel to Malaysia, food and lodging provided). It will be a five-to-seven-day shoot but actor should expect to spend 18 to 21 days in Malaysia. Production states: "This period includes a mandatory 7-day quarantine in a hotel, which we will pay for. You will also be required to take a PCR swab test 3 days prior to your flight. We do apologize for the inconvenience but these are our current government requirements. And we do want everyone to feel and be safe on our shoot. Hopefully, the requirements will be eased by June/July!" #### Key Details Seeking talent: Nationwide (Malaysia) ##### Additional Instructions: Production states: "Include videos of previous works or even of you telling us a bit about yourself would help us very much. If you're shortlisted, we will send you a script to record an audition self-tape." #### Additional Materials Director/Producer's IMDB [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2373086/?ref\_=nv\_sr\_srsg\_0](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2373086/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0) Director's Bio Yeo Joon Han is the writer, producer and director of the only Malaysian films to have won awards at the Venice Film Festival. "Sell Out!" which won the Young Cinema Award in Venice in 2008 made history by being the first Malaysian film to win at the prestigious Locarno Film Festival in 2020, 12 years after its world premiere! Michael Atkinson of the Village Voice had this to say about Sell Out!:- “Malaysia is where the shit’s happening now, as evidenced by the fresh sprout of modernism in Yeo Joon Han’s marvelicious Sell Out!, a ceaselessly inventive excoriation of modern industry and reality-show media ... it’s also a loose, rich, beguiling, sometimes sophomoric Godardian triumph” Joon Han recently made a couple of online short films in China with his Bulgarian Director of Photography, Boris Kalaidjiev. Shanghai 4AM was viewed over 30 million times within the first 3 days of its release while Chongqing 4AM was viewed over 125 million times in its first week of release on Youku as well as other online platforms. Boris and Joon Han will be reuniting for "You Are Here." Shanghai 4AM [https://vimeo.com/amokfilms/shanghai4am](https://vimeo.com/amokfilms/shanghai4am)
I'm hoping some voice directors or producers who work in animation can chime in here. If any actors in that world want to chime in as well I'd love to hear from you. Do you all have any formulas for estimating time for directed sessions? What would be your process for taking a script and figuring out how much time you'd need from each talent in the studio? Is there some sort of line count calculation that would get it into the ballpark? I'd love to hear how you all are handling this.
I have been trying to prepare an email to a team of casting directors (each on will have a different personalized one of course im not lazy) . I know that my chances are slim to nothing since the only things I have done is a school play and at home short films. My Reel only has two monologues and two short film scenes in it. I have at home taken headshots. I hope that emailing the CD will just give me the chance to send in an audition. What should I put? What should I not put? I dont want to ramble and talk about everything and anything. Here is what I have for my first email so far: Hello \*CD NAME\* ! I am sorry if emails about castings are unprofessional, that is not my intention whatsoever. I’d love to introduce myself to you. My name is \*my name\* I am an actress and filmmaker (with a very convincing british accent). I couldn't help but take my chances and email you when I saw that \*the movie\* was getting ready for a sequel. The original resonated with me a lot and I became attached to \*characters name\* story since it resembled mine quite a bit. If you are casting for the future sequel I do hope you keep me in mind or I hope I came at just the right time. I hope that this eagerness is refreshing and not bothersome. I have attached my materials thank you have an amazing day! Sincerely \*my name\* ​ \*my materials\*
I’m actually not a voice actor, or particularly interested in becoming one (at least not as a profession or for a career). However I am very much obsessed with reading aloud to my wife and upcoming child (we are expecting a beautiful little girl in August). My wife says I have a pleasant reading voice, but I personally cringe at my attempts to improv or create voices for characters when they speak in the book. I want to step up my game and truly entertain my growing audience (wife and future children). So I wanted to see if some of you awesome voice actors might have some advice on where an amateur like me could start? Anything helps, thank you!