These online class options just aren't cutting it for me and I've been dying to get back into the studio. My studio hasn't answered my question when we'll be returning so I would love to do anything in the meantime. Looking for on camera/scene study/improv classes, thanks!
Hi, Next year I will be moving to London. I am an Actor and comedic writer in Toronto currently, who has just finished a T.V. writing program at Humber. I've been working and preforming here since I was 14 yrs old. I am soon turning 23, and thought it was time to move on to a bigger pond! Besides the basics like finding an agent, has anyone done anything similar and has some tips for me? Any facebook groups, or classes over there you recommend? Anything helps! thank you!
I remember a year ago on results day, I’d been rejected from studying drama at A level(High school in the US) due to not achieving certain grades. I remember sitting opposite a friend of mine who also is an actor now, asking him what do I do? A year later, I’ve just beaten 6,000 applicants to a place at the National Youth Theatre. Never let anyone put you down. We’re all in this together.
I live in Canada and want to move to LA to act after high school but am unsure of what work visa to apply for. I want to be able to work a side job as a waiter or something like that and also work as an actor but I’m having trouble finding what work visa I could do that with. Does anyone know if that’s possible and if not what one I should apply for?
I'm a woman who has back acne. It's not super severe, but it's definitely noticeable. Does anyone have experience with having bacne but also trying to be an actor? It gives me really bad self-image issues and I'm ashamed of it. I'm afraid of people seeing it on set or if I need to change outfits or something where it shows.
I'm in the beginning stages of planning a character demo reel and I'm looking to browse some inspiration of similar voiced voice actresses. (of course I'm not going to copy anyone's voice or script, just looking to get some ideas and see how similar actresses are using their voice in way I may not have thought of.) So any recommendations for actresses I should look up is appreciated! Thanks!
Wondering what everyone thinks is a reasonable amount of actors for a single agent to manage on their own? My current agent has 120+ clients (I’m in Canada). This is all under a single agent, for both film/tv and commercials with no other agents at the agency. It seems like this is a lot, can my agent really have time for me with this many clients? Or is this a common and manageable amount of clients to represent?
Just out of curiosity. I was on IMDBPro today, looking at agency rosters, and I saw two people who stood out. An actress signed with Paradigm: a U5 in a TV movie, wasn’t a child. An actor signed with ICM: one low grossing film and a TV pilot, also not a child. I looked up their names and didn’t see any famous relations. They’re also only signed theatrically (meaning they aren’t known for literary work, directing, etc.) So I was just curious: how does this happen? I know it’s not very common, but in the instances it happens, what’s the signing factor?
Anything about yourself you would want me to promote would be featured in the YouTube video credits and description! I am trying to make this a community type thing. If you are interested I will send you a secret link to the song. It is called 'Dancing Without You,' the album titled track! (Electropop) The song is about moving on, finding new life & love and never looking back into the toxic past. I was feeling anyone can do what they want - dress up and vibe to the song, lip sing, dance, or any other cool tricks always welcome!
hellooooo. I recently decided that I wanted to pursue voice acting. any tips or tricks you can offer? I am a fan of anime, adult animation and cartoons; I would love to land a job in one of the 3. if you’re a current voice actor, where did you start? do you free lance?
A big LA agency wants to sign me. I took a chance by asking for a referral through another actor that I kindly met at an industry event (before covid) and something *incredible* came out of it. I didn't think it was going to work because this actor is signed by one of the top agents in Hollywood. They are way ahead of me in the crazy world of acting lol. I thought they were going to turn me down but I guess, they saw something in me that was worth the pitch and the agency liked me as well. I'm so excited but I also don't want to set myself up for disappointment. Nothing spectacular could come out of this. The agent could see me in real life and immediately change their mind. I could sign to this agency and be worse off than I was at my boutique one. I don't know what the universe has in store for me but I am manifesting the best. I will admit that I am very proud of myself. Even if, the "work" was done by another person, I have struggled so much since moving to Los Angeles and I was starting to accept that I would never break through the glass ceiling of the industry. Don't get me wrong, I loved working in everything my ex-agent got for me and I am so privileged to be at a working level as an actor but I think it would be a lie if I said that I never saw better for myself. Never ever give up on your dreams, people lol. Don't give up on the path that you are carving for yourself. Everyone has a space in this industry and a different journey that they'll succeed on. It just takes one opportunity, one connection for your life to change forever. (This is a burner account because I think my main account could be traceable)
The one I'm looking at is pretty reputable and professional but they don't a lot of information available without touring the facility. Is this a red flag? Or is this normal?
So my sister has moved here to the US, and she is super hot. My friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and everybody I know have been telling me to get her to be an actress. We don't live in LA. She is studying business in college. How do I start this process, and how do I get her an agent?
I can think only think of Luke Evans off the top of my head. Jonathan Bayleaf too. Any other ideas please? thank you!
My latest feature ‘Jack’ is now listed on IMDb. It premieres next month and pre-premiere interest would really help with distribution. Thanks.
I’ve always been amazed by how actors are able to memorize their lines, and one of the things that makes me doubt about pursuing acting, is that I won’t be able to memorize as fast or as good as other actors. So if you’ve been an actor for some years, please tell me I’ve you seen a difference on how easy is it for you now to memorize compared to when you first started. I know that memory is a muscle and the more you practice it, the better you become at it. This is not a question about how to memorize stuff.