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Question about IMDb's credits by Maps_and_Sauce  •  last post Jun 1st

On IMDb, if an actor does not have (uncredited) next to their "character" does that mean that they did in fact have a speaking role, even if only a minor one? I've seen times where some people will have (uncredited) next to their name, yet other actors with the same role won't have that. Does that mean they did speak as that character? For example, let's say the role is "employee" and several people have "employee (uncredited)" while several others just have "employee." Does that mean they did have a line?

Do you need to be a part of your country's union to apply for an O1? by sailor_melody  •  last post Jun 1st

Background: I'm an actress in Toronto who is non-union, but I just shot a principal role for a non-union feature film with distribution in the US. I also just shot an actor role on a TV show produced by a big name director. I assume being on ACTRA makes you a stronger candidate for O1, but is it completely necessary? Other request, are there any Toronto/Canadian lawyers you're familiar with who would do a free consultation on a roadmap to an O1?

Toronto actors, has it been slow for you lately? by cuppypake  •  last post Jun 1st

I’m wondering if it’s because of the stay at home order, and I’m hoping things will pick up after this week. But have other Toronto actors been getting very few auditions the last little while? I’ve only had 3 auditions since April. I was auditioning quite a bit and booking before then so I’m curious if others have felt a huge drop in auditions lately.

Had my first audition in over a year-and-a-half since covid started, and I absolutely fucked it. by PineappleLubricant  •  last post Jun 1st

It was actually a callback, first time in-person auditioning since the world shut down. And it was literally just reactions, *not even any dialogue.* The second I got in the room with the casting directors and the project’s directors, the nerves RUSHED BACK and I ended up making myself look like a fucking idiot instead of doing a normal job. Yknow. Like a normal person. Idk why I’m posting this. I think I’m just venting. I haven’t been acting *in almost over 2 years* while covid’s been a thing. And I live in Colorado so the scene is fucked anyway, there’s some *shite* that comes through my agents office, mostly commercials and training videos, I just... ugh. In the four years+ I’ve been signed with them, I’ve gotten exactly two jobs that were like *actual acting*. A real story, emotions to feel, goals for each scene, yknow?? But they’re all Air Force training videos that won’t see the light of day. There’s *nothing* here that lets me flex actual acting, which is another reason I’m just in a weird headspace or something, I... I... I... just don’t know. *Fuck.* I can’t believe I screwed that audition up so bad since it was my first opportunity for some decent work in what feels like a very long time, and I know I’m not gonna get it. I need to move to LA but don’t have the money. I have no connections with students to try and get into those films, I just... idk. Am I even a good actor? Should I be doing this? Cause I love doing it, but that was some absolute dogshit I just did in that room. *I’m pissed off and bitter and all I wanna do is act and make stories, and I can’t even do that right apparently.* Anyway, sorry for the long post. Just needed to get that out there.

Background Acting Woes by faarrquaadd  •  last post Jun 1st

Hey everyone. I recently started background acting on the side just to get acquainted with professional sets until I have enough connections to do other jobs in film (props/set design), and I have a couple questions. 1.) How long does it usually take to get paid for an extras gig and at what point should I be concerned about my check? I did a BG gig almost a month ago and still haven't received a check for it. Idk if that's normal, I've done gigs in the past and they almost always get the check to me in about two weeks so this is weird in my experience. If a month *is* a concerning amount of time, who do I even contact about my paycheck? Not the casting company, I assume? Any advice is appreciated. 2.) I've worked on a Netflix show recently and the experience has been.... Interesting to say the least. The actual time spent on set is fine but the communication between me and the BG casting team has been terrible. I've been sent wrong addresses for Covid tests, I've been straight up forgotten about in terms of getting me information for a shoot which left me sending email after email and text after text just to get some information, and there was one day that I was hired for that I had received no shoot info at all for (I waited all night and all morning for them to send me info; I knew it was an afternoon shoot but it was 11am and I had heard nothing and had been emailing them. I finally got hold of one of the casting team through a phone number only to be told the shoot had been cancelled and that they didn't tell me). Is this normal behavior for a casting company??? I get that info can go out late sometimes if a previous shoot wraps really late or something but to be totally forgotten about so many times just feels wrong, especially coming from the casting company that's *literally responsible for the background actors*. Should I just avoid this specific BG company or is this type of behavior normal?? I've worked with other BG companies in my area and it hasn't been quite like this so I just wanted input. Thanks in advance for any input, and I live in Atlanta btw (if that means anything lol).

I can’t find any decent monologues and I’m freaking out. by honeydew525600  •  last post Jun 1st

I’ve got college auditions coming up (self taped, which is also freaking me out as I have only an iPhone, no tripod, and no decent lighting, but that’s a story for a different time). I have to perform two contrasting monologues (I’m assuming that means comedic and dramatic), both contemporary, and the 60 second time limit must be strictly adhered to. The 60 seconds includes the slate, so I’d have about 45-50 seconds to impress these people. That’s so overwhelming already, and the fact that I can’t find a single decent monologue that can showcase my abilities as an actor that I can cut down to the time limit scares me. The only ones I can find as far as comedic goes aren’t funny and I can’t connect with them, and the dramatic ones are all about divorcing husbands or what have you. I’m a 17 y/o female student, I can’t relate to any of the content I’m finding. I’ve been hunting for a monologue book, but I don’t have one yet so I’m stuck with the terrible results Google gives me. I’ve wanted acceptance into this specific program for so long, and I’m afraid that if I choose bad monologues they won’t even consider me. Plus, I don’t have real headshots. I’ve done student and community theatre for (going on) five years now, so I’ve got the drive and the passion for this kind of thing. I don’t know what’s going to happen if I don’t get through these auditions. Advice? Please leave it!

Meetings With Agents? by AmetrisB  •  last post May 31st

When an actor has their initial interview/meeting with an agent before a signing, does the agent ever ask what kind of scenes actors are not willing to perform? Is this a common topic asked about in agent-actor meetings or relationships? How does one go about this when meeting with a potential agent?

Can't stop feeling like I've wasted A LOT of time by Impact525  •  last post May 31st

Hey everyone, I'm a 25 year old actor living in LA. I moved to Los Angeles in January of 2020 and almost a year and a half later, I can't shake this feeling that I've wasted so much time in regards to my career. Shortly after I moved to LA, the pandemic hit and the entire film/TV industry shut down. During 2020 and the beginning of 2021, I suffered many bouts of paralyzing depression that cause me to isolate myself in my tiny apartment and just eat junk food and slob around. It not only caused a 20 pound weight gain but an almost complete lack of friends or real connections in LA. My 25th birthday was just a few days ago and I've decided that looking back on my missteps and failures won't help me achieve my goals. I know that going forward I have to be motivated and keep myself ambitious and driven. However, I can't stop obsessing over the fact that I've virtually squandered an entire year and a half of my career. It hasn't been all bad, of course. I did score some low-budget independent films and got my first agent last month. I just had higher expectations for myself professionally & time-management wise. Can anybody relate or have any tips? P.S. I know a lot of people have lost a lot more than just "time" during this pandemic so I know I can't complain forever. However, we all have a free license to complain just a bit, right? :P

Getting started by pleasure_dolphin  •  last post May 31st

I'm just asking for advice to get into being a voice actor. I've always wanted to do it since I was kid and now I can actually pursue it. I just don't know how to go about it. Any suggestions?

Rate question by Must-ache  •  last post May 31st

I’m looking at hiring a voice actor for a children’s audiobook. The rates I’m seeing are all over the place. points to [Gravy for the Brain]( Apparently rates for audiobooks are $100-$400 per finished hour. []( recommends a rate of $1500+ for an hour. Any idea on why there is such a discrepancy and what a realistic budget for this would be?

duologue scene resources- self taping for an american manager- any advice by IrishActor  •  last post May 31st

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for databases for film duologues? I'm an irish actor and I may be getting signed by an American manager. Long story short I want to put something on tape to send to them which Ill shoot in an american accent just to demonstrate my ability for american projects. Does anyone have any advice? Best wishes!

Which crop of American voice actors have the widest ranges of voices and characters? by StorytellerAli  •  last post May 31st

They can work in animation or video games, but basically, who in American voiceover acting today do you feel have a large variety of voices for a large variety of different characters today? As an aspiring actor, I'm very interested in the concept of "character acting". Specifically, how (voice) actors can find characters that vary in circumstance, personality, appearance, morality or so on. And how this affects the type of voice you'd use. Who are voice actors who have made a name as great character actors? I'd love to see how they go about their craft. It would be great to hear your choices to learn about how they go about their craft!

NYC VO actors - home studio tips? by eileenoftroy  •  last post May 31st

Hi! I'm planning to move to NYC in August - probably Manhattan or Brooklyn. I'm also planning to start submitting for VO and audiobook narration projects. I'm a trained actor with an agent - just haven't booked anything yet. My agency also has a VO department. And I'm applying for a VO mentorship program through Penguin. So for now I feel pretty solid about my performative / technical skills, and industry connections and am not looking for advice on those fronts. What I'm worried about is creating a home studio. I'll most likely have a limited space with a lot of outside traffic noise to contend with. NYC VO actors with small apartments in noisy neighborhoods ... can you tell me about your home studio setups? I've been looking at little mic isolation boxes (like the kaotica eyeball and similar things), full on portable/collapsible recording booths, and I've also considered padding the inside of a closet assuming I can get one that's big enough to stand inside of. I figure I'll end up with something that I need to set up and tear down for every recording session, and that's fine - but mostly I just want something that's going to work. Thank you!

Could this person have a chance at being a successful actor? by pizzastank420  •  last post May 31st

A rich 20 something who’s worked with some of the hottest music producers (to mediocre but above average success) and is decent looking (not brad Pitt but not hideous) He doesn’t have to worry about auditions not working out because he has money to fall on but he does take his acting craft seriously because he works with a coach.

Does an actor must fill out one’s social security number on a Talent Agreement form? by infobang  •  last post May 31st

I am a new non-union actor without an agent and recently got cast for a guest star (1 day) role in a low budget indie drama series. The producer then sent me a pdf of Talent Agreement form and asked me to sign and email him back. However, there’s a field in the form to fill out my social security number. I am always skeptical when it comes to writing down my security number on a form. Is it a common practice to ask for the (not represented) actor’s social security by producers/management agencies? Should I give it out?

Who is this actor? He looks so familiar.. Thanks in advance! by mondaysleep  •  last post May 31st

Becoming a Famous on Screen Actor from Voice Actor? by rimzimblim  •  last post May 31st

I'm just curious, but are there any voice actors who started out as voice actors and then went on to become famous on screen actors (perhaps through their voice acting experience)? It just seems like it's more common to see it happening the other way around where people start out as on screen actors, become really famous, then do voice acting. So I was just curious about if there were any people who that happened with.

Solos is a unique limited series and I highly recommend it for the acting community. by peanutbuttermuffs  •  last post May 30th

The show basically takes place in the future, ranging from a few years in the future to several decades. Almost every single episode (exception of one) is a one-man-show with Name actors in a singular set. The acting is phenomenal, with interesting stories that have a lot of heart. Seems like a phenomenal resource for monologues as much of the episode is a monologue. This is a limited series on Amazon Prime- 6 episodes I believe? Anyhow, I just wanted you guys to know about it, I think some of you might really like it. I’m really enjoying it so far!

Looking for representation in Madrid, Spain by AndrewMcGuirkDotNet  •  last post May 30th

Hi, Everyone, I am an actor in the UK and I'm moving to live in Madrid in July. I shall maintain a base in London for UK work but, obviously, shall be looking for work in Madrid. Can anyone recommend agents or other contacts in Madrid? For film, TV, theatre or radio. Thanks. [Home -]( ​