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The “Original Broadway Cast Did It This Way” Syndrome by sonofawitch1983  •  last post Jun 7th

Hi everyone! As some of you may know, I recently started a theatre podcast that is primarily geared towards teen and young adult actors. This week we covered what is know in the community as the “Original Broadway Cast Did It This Way” syndrome. This is the idea that all subsequent productions of a show should be almost exact replicas of the original Broadway production. This could be in set design, costumes, or even choreography/blocking. It’s something you sometimes see in community theatre and it can be a very divisive topic. If you get a chance, give it a listen and let me know your thoughts on the topic. You can leave also questions, thoughts, and future topic ideas through the Message feature on our Anchor page and have them featured on future episodes! Sound off below or on our Anchor homepage.

what motivates you in your current stage of acting? by MaveInfinite  •  last post Jun 7th

when the idea sparked in my head to become an actor, I can't even remember what motivated me..I always loved TV, movies, the overall entertainment world. I was a big fan of Kevin Smith and his films. As I got older, I loved ranchy comedians: Superbad, Harold and Kumar, Knocked Up, Pineapple Express. I was a big Judd Apatow guy. But I also wanted to do one of those indie movies that blows up..something like Slumdog millionaire. Now, I hate to say it but, the big top shows are motivating me. Something along the lines of The Boys, Stranger Things, even 13 Reasons Why. I think I got into acting because I lived a boring life. I never went on any adventure or have done anything fun in my life. But with acting, everything is an adventure. I filmed an indie feature and those were memories. Filming commercials are memories. I truly feel movies/tv are an art forms - so maybe I can do good with acting. What keeps me going and why I havent given up is a different story...I feel I'm close to breaking my ceiling, the next level in acting. Co-starts and lead roles. At the same time, we only have one life to live..I'd rather do it pursuring acting and seeing how far it can take me..instead of living a random boring life. Which I can't hate on, but it's not what I want. end rant.

Tip of my tongue... Am I crazy, or is this a real thing? Some type of "mastermind" for actors, videographers, and other people who want to be in "the industry"? by TheMarketingNerd  •  last post Jun 7th

I feel like it's run by a lady with grey hair and glasses? I think the concept was that it's not *only* acting but more of an "industry mastermind group"? So it wasn't just actors, but also videographers and maybe even like... Production assistants? It may be called something "Tribe" or something short and snappy name? Have you heard about this, or is this just a fever dream of mine?? I'm trying to remember what it's called because I wanted to look at the website again

Do you think actors in intimate scenes weather kissing or sex are using their own moves? by Layden75  •  last post Jun 7th

Or is it all choreography? Like I notice some actors who hold a woman’s face a certain way in multiple movies/tv shows. Is they bringing their own to the scenes?

Self-Tape Discord Server by stoopid_rowan  •  last post Jun 7th

So basically, I made a discord server for actors with no one to read with in Self-Tapes, so no one has to miss any opportunities! This server will allow you to find people who will be willing to read with you. [](

Auction Items with Voice Acting opportunities by RedFive-GoingIn  •  last post Jun 7th

Hello everyone. I would like to let you know about two opportunities for items at a charity auction. This is for a 501c(3) horse rescue called "*Win Place Home*". **The auction ends on Saturday, 12 June at 8pm PST**. \~ [ZOOM **Voice Over Workshop** "Focusing on Acting for Animation and Games" with veteran Performance, Casting & VO Director Kris Zimmerman Salter]( Kris Zimmerman Salter got her start at Hanna Barbera where she fell in love with Voice Acting. She went on to direct hundreds of animated episodes including REGULAR SHOW, BILLY & MANDY, COW & CHICKEN, SCOOBY-DOO, and CURIOUS GEORGE. She is currently directing the Cartoon Network primetime series CLOSE ENOUGH for HBO MAX. Kris has directed over 100 game titles including MARVEL'S SPIDERMAN, SPIDERMAN - MILES MORALES, NO MORE HEROES, BAYONETTA, MAD MAX, and GOD OF WAR II-IV. \- [**Voice-Over Voice Actor**: The Extended Edition by Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt (Signed)]( Interested in Pursuing a Career in VO? Curious what goes on behind the scenes in a business where people talk funny for money? This updated edition of the award-winning first book offers a fun and comprehensive look at what it takes, what goes on, and what it's like behind the mic from two (still) working pros who started from scratch. In this book, you will discover: The ins and outs of auditioning? Vocal warm-ups and exercises? Tips for reading copy to maximum effect? Hints to help you stand out? Advice for setting up your own home studio? Keys to marketing yourself: demo > agent > job? What to expect when you book the job? A bonus workbook to hone your skills? Performance capture, podcasting, & more! ​ Learn more about the charity on the [Win Place Home website]( *FYI: Permission was granted by moderators to post.*

Aspiring actor/writer. Which side should I focus on? by actresswhowrites  •  last post Jun 6th

Naturally, I’m going to focus and practice both because I love doing both but it takes approximately 10,000 hours to become an expert at something and to do so quickly would take hours of practice every day (it would be kinda hard to do hours of practice of both and manage school.) So here’s where I’m at: writing is definitely more my natural talent. I’ve been writing since I was five years old and I’ve always been complimented on it. I’ve only taken up screen and playwrighting recently. Similarly, I’ve only taken up acting recently (as a serious venture—I did plays and stuff as a little kid). It’s my weaker suit, for sure, but I’m not bad per say. As I head to college and consider majors in college Im asking myself: does it make more sense to give more attention to the thing I’m already good at and become an expert or should I focus on the weaker thing so that I’m good at both. I hope this makes sense: it’s a little rant-y.

Ever heard people say you weren’t good enough? How did you respond? by LucasM1103  •  last post Jun 6th

A while back when I started acting as a hobby, there would be some people that didnt think I was good enough. They wouldnt say it to me though, I would overhear it on set. I’ve had training but had to stop for a while due to work and the cost. I remember hearing “yeah, he can’t act”. Or this one that stuck close “he’s a nice guy, but I really don’t think he’ll ever make it as an artist. In this industry I mean”. This would normally come from crew members, not other actors.

Getting acting experience in Australia by Hairy_Durian6148  •  last post Jun 6th

Any fellow Australians know where to find casting calls for student films/small indie films or any work that would accept an actor with minimal/no experience and has done some classes? (Other than Starnow and Facebook groups?)

If I’m going to film school do I learn how to act and if not do I get to work with actors and form a close bond with them by edarine  •  last post Jun 6th

Because I love acting but if I don’t at film school I was thinking I would pay for someone to help me

Question about salary for different types of roles in a film by jimbosparks91  •  last post Jun 6th

To start, I am not an actor and do not have the skills or looks to become one, but I am a big movie fan and have always wondered what sort of salaries(just general really rough estimates) people make for certain roles. Its easy to find out how much stars and co stars of big block buster movies makes. But how much do the guys who have like 3 minutes of screen time and have only a couple sentences of dialog? How about a really minor character who has a handful of appearances throughout the film with lines of dialog each time? What about a character who has a decent amount of dialog, but not enough to be considered a major character? Or really any other of these types of roles you could think of. It could be for Blockbuster films or straight to DVD anything would interest me. Thanks.

How do film students find actors? by agnesroddy  •  last post Jun 6th

This might be a dumb question but since most film schools have some form of a final year showcase component, or since students just like to film things for their portfolios - how do they often recruit actors? I’ve seen some on backstage etc but certainly not a lot. I live near several universities and I’m interested in being involved. Is it just a matter of meeting people and letting them know? (If you’re a U.K. based film student looking for an actor playing age 26-31 with an American accent who can play the weird friend or evil mom - think Christina Applegate - let me know!)

Headshots/admin/audition by xadrieeex  •  last post Jun 6th

I joined a scene study acting class about 4 months ago. I’ve put up a few monologues, and several scenes with other actors. I am still brand new to the acting world. But, I am wondering how soon should a beginner actor get headshots and begin submitting for auditions? Should I wait until I have more practice/time with acting? Or should I just do it now?

[Paid] Voice Actress Needed for Little Girl by theosavageart  •  last post Jun 6th

​ [The little girl.]( You only have to read one line. That's it. I just need you to sound as child-like as possible. I'm willing to offer $10 USD to anyone interested. **Line:** "Look Jayden! It's a giant Twinkie!" You can send your audition here: **Email:** []( **Discord:** Theo Sav#6314

Looking for a job by Global4L  •  last post Jun 6th

I am an aspiring actor/model. I live in Savannah, Ga. I am willing to travel around Georgia, Sc, and Fl, for any jobs. Please let me know if any of you know any auditions or places to find open calls. Thank you!

Who wanna be an actor too? by jordy_chavez03  •  last post Jun 6th

[View Poll](

Traveling/vacationing/making plans as an actor by taurussagpisces  •  last post Jun 6th

I'm curious how other actors deal with this, since this is something that continuously stresses me out and I'm trying to learn how to navigate it. (And I have not had to deal with this during the worst of the pandemic, so I think that may be why this is a new stressor.) We all know that auditions come in randomly, and sometimes are due the next day or the same day. How do you deal with scheduling plans/vacations/trips when this is the case? I find myself constantly hesitant to plan things because there is the possibility that I am going to get a an audition that I need to film, yet I am out and not able to. (My manager tells me to bring my self-tape equipment with me on trips, and I do, but I worry the content of the sides or whatever may be difficult to do with the people I am on the trip with.) For example, my family is coming to town and wants to do a few day trips to different places in the area. I am really excited for this, but am so anxious that an audition is gonna come in during one of these times, and I am going to have to ruin plans to get them done. For this reason, I don't travel often and really only make plans on the weekends. Does anyone else have a similar experience? Or is this an unnecessary stress to have? Any advice or input?

ISO director/writer by Global4L  •  last post Jun 6th

I live near Savannah, Georgia. I am an aspiring actor and have what i believe to be a good idea for a show. Please get with me if you know anyone around the area who could be of assistance. Thank you!

Background actor question by spikiki  •  last post Jun 6th

Hello! I haven’t done any background acting gigs in a while due to the mandatory quarantines a lot of casting agencies have been requiring conflicting with my regular job. But. I applied for several gigs now and got correspondence back on two of them. They are both asking if I’m available for the day of shooting. Since the gigs are on the same day and in different states, I’m going with the one that is in Georgia. But it is several hours away and they require a COVID test and a fitting, both to be on separate days before the shoot. I am curious about if anybody out there has worked any background acting gigs since COVID began. How likely is it that I’ll get at least a nights notice for anything? Should I start heading toward Georgia sooner rather than later? I’m basically nervous that they’ll end up expecting me to come in for a COVID test tomorrow within a few hours of them contacting me.