So I am not into acting whatsoever but my friend is and she asked me for a ride to go to a audition but when we got there it wasn't what I expected at all. It felt more like they were trying to hire for a MLM, having a conference about how hard it is to get auditions and having a actor tell you the same stuff for 3 hours, the "auditions" were getting everybody in a big room one at a time stand up and say the line they prepared. She seemed really excited about it but as a 3rd party I'm worried I'm seeing through the facade. Has anybody done this? have you heard of it? Is it worth the money?"
I’ve always dreamed of becoming a professional actors despite being a isolated Brazilian dude. And one of the most stereotypical skills an actor must have is the ability to cry, right? More specifically the ability to invoke emotions. So for the past 3 weeks I was determined to learn how to cry… like a pro. I researched both physical (blinking, onions etc.) and emotional methods (Meisner, Emotion Recall...) to do so while experimenting all of them with myself. I think the result is something that can be useful for the acting nerds like myself ahaha. If not, at the very least is somewhat funny. The whole process is documented in video here: [\_OlyNQ9Gf4U]( Please tell me what you think! ;)
Thanks for helping!
I’ve applied for a few roles through but it seems like the video I uploaded (demos) aren’t actually attaching to the application? It’s just my pdf CV. anyone know what I’m doing wrong? When I apply for a new role - all the previous files are there but then when I view my applications only the pdf is downloadable. It’s really frustrating if I haven’t actually attached what I’m meant to.. anyone know what I’m talking about at all?
Granted I only just received training last summer and I have almost no experience— but some others in that boat who graduated with me got agents, and almost everyone got an agent in total. I’m really stressing out!
Best places to meet casting directors and other industry folk? Especially for something that has just landed in LA wanting to make connections and get a referral to a good agency?
I've been thinking about the current systems in place for becoming SAG eligible. I see a lot of good and bad points to the current system when it comes to principal performers. When it comes to background actors, however, I think the system can be improved. Since the union does seem to be interested in finding ways to improve this sort of thing, maybe it's worth discussing some possible improvements. Maybe in a decade or so there may be a better system in place for new people if we talk about it now. The current system for becoming eligible via background vouchers is to collect three vouchers from jobs worked on SAG projects. The problem is, whether or not you receive a SAG voucher when you work on a SAG project seems to be almost pure luck. You could work 3 days and become eligible or you could work 300 days and not. It's pretty similar to the loot box system used in video games. You might collect 300 vouchers in around 120 days worked "on average" but there's no reliability to it. Do you have any ideas on how this system could be improved? I would think that maybe there could be a new type of voucher that you always receive if you work non-union background on a SAG-AFTRA project. If you collect enough of these vouchers, say 100, you become eligible that way. I don't know what the number would be. I just used 100 as an example. the real number could be 75, 120, 150, or anything really. I guess ideally they'd want the number to be whatever keeps new members becoming eligible at the same rate they do now. In my idea, this new voucher would replace the old one. Alternatively, the new voucher could be used alongside the old one. In that case you would need an exceedingly large number of them to become eligible. At that point it would just be to make sure someone doesn't devote many years to this and happen to get shafted by never becoming eligible. It seems like it makes sense from a producer's standpoint. Under my system, if you book a SAG background actor you'd know they had at least x number of days experience. This seems fair to me. Anyone have thoughts or ideas on the subject?
***HEY!*** I was wondering if any aspiring actors wanted to follow each other on Instagram and possibly form a group chat where we can support one another, give advice, tips, network, etc! Preferably anyone at the ages of 13-20. **BTW**... I'm 17, a black girl, and live in California
Hi all! I’m a writer-director prepping a project soon. I have an incredible cast, but my lead actor has a couple moments where the lines she delivers doesn’t feel “real”. What I mean is that it feels devoid of emotional truth, almost melodramatic/wooden. As actors, what are ways a director can help make you feel more comfortable and encourage an adjustment to have delivery come across feeling authentic and not “wooden”.
We are making a fan game based on Avatar The last Airbender (you can see footage in the post history for this account) , and we are looking for a voice actor to play the role of a caster. Everyone on the team is doing this for free so there is no pay.
My whole life (I grew up as a competitive dancer) as a performer and especially now as an actor, I’ve been told that I look like I’m thinking or that I’m too in my head and I need to let go. Any advice about how to achieve “letting go” or get out of my head? I’ve never been able to do it and it’s holding me back, especially with Meisner stuff. If anyone could advise about what it feels like to be in your head versus out of your head or what worked for you, it would be so, so helpful!
I am a German actor and want to get into game VA(localisation). But I have no demo material whatsoever. I was wondering if someone knows sources for videos like cutscenes, trailers etc. Which I can use to record my voice on an upload them to my home page. So basically free to use an edit or even public domain videos.
For my fellow older actors (*could apply to anyone though) who on a typical take medications before bed … —that if you take too late will screw up your next day —but you can’t take on time for a night shoot because the meds induce sleep… what do you do about it for a night shoot? I’ll probably talk to doctor about modifying or temporary changing. Any suggestions?
Hey everyone, so I’m an writer/actor/comedian and I had a meeting with a great, well-known agency about a month ago after a friend referral and sending them some tape/scripts. The meeting went super well — their head of comedy told me it sounded like I was “knocking on the door and just needed help kicking it in”, and their lead theatrical agent said she definitely wanted to send me sides to put on tape to send back to her. Also, the vibes were just solid. I felt like we really hit it off. I left the meeting and sent thank you notes. After a week, I hadn’t heard anything, so my friend who they rep and who recommended me nudged them by emailing them to thank them for meeting with me. The theatrical agent told him it was their pleasure, I was adorable, and she was “definitely gonna send him something to tape!” That was three weeks ago now. Haven’t heard anything. I emailed her this week just to see if she wanted me to tape still/check in… nothing. Is it time to move on? What’s going on here?
When it’s down to the wire and there’s only 2 or 3 actors for a role, what goes into that final decision? I know what that point that the directors/producers usually have their say, but how do networks and executives decide on an actor? Thanks!!
Have any actors in LA done substitute teaching as a survival job? If so, did you go through a temp agency or approach the schools directly? How did it work out in terms of flexibility and pay? I'm hoping to find something where I short term sub and agree to the job in the morning and pick my days so I'm free to go to callbacks when I need to. How competitive was it to be hired?
I’m deciding between a program offered here and a program offered at the margie harber school, but this one is a little cheaper. Does anyone know if the teaching is good?
I need some advice. I’m 13 and want to become an actress so bad. But I’m extremely shy. I cant even act infront of my parents or even sing. My parents know that I want to become an actor. They believe me and support me but they know that my shyness will not help me at all. I told them I want to take acting classes and they agreed at first. So I signed up. And literally the day that I have my first acting class I ended up not going bc my mom yelled at me saying “the acting industry is hard! You cant even act in front of us and you expect your gonna do it in front of random people! I am the one paying for your classes and I don’t want to pay for it if I don’t see results!” So here I am… literally crying in my room bc idk what to do anymore. I’m taking theater in Highschool but it’s literally summer break rn and I wanted to take classes since I have nothing else to do. I don’t want to have to wait till Highschool. Tbh my family isn’t the typical family people expect. We are the type of family that are not rlly affectionate. Like me and my siblings have never even hugged EVER or said I love you. We are all about humor or whatever. Like I don’t even think they realize this but my family is SO JUDGY. Like the reason I don’t do anything infront of them is because I know I’m gonna get laughed at. If I express my self the tiniest bit I get made fun of. And they ofc my mom yells at me because I don’t act infront of her. Like does she not know how hard it is. It’s like she thinks I don’t want to show her I wanna become an actress but I DO! It’s just my family is so judgmental especially when it comes to the entertainment industry. It’s always “nursing” “military” but never “actress”. And since I’m still 13 they probably don’t even believe in me no matter how many times they say they “support me”. They are so bipolar I swear. It’s like when I say I wanna be come an actress they immediately think of me being “famous” and that’s what makes them say they “support” me. But once they realize that I have to take acting classes and get headshots they immediately change their mind. My family is so confusing. Anyways I need advice so if you guys have any. Feel free to respond. Thanks.
In my opinion I think they should cast more voice actors then celebrities because when they do cast celebrities the voice does not fit the character and can end up being annoying.