Does the studio fix the audio if their voices are a bit raspy or take breaths?
I have never done anything regarding acting except a small role in a play a couple years ago, so this my first time applying for a backround actor role. They are asking to email them a photo of ourselves and contact info. I wear glasses and have a slight mustache and beard, so should I shave and take off the glasses for the picture?
Hi! I'm a 21-year-old aspiring actor who's also dealing with a myriad of mental health problems. I was prescribed SSRI type antidepressant previously. While I was on those meds, I was kinda nonchalant, and not someone who wears their heart on their sleeves (as it is required when you are an actor). As I quit my meds, I have been more expressive lately. However, some of my problems have resurfaced and have been bothering me to the level that I am considering going back to medication. I'm pretty sure that there must be actors with mental health problems, who also happen to be on medication. If you're one of them, how do you manage to emote?
Hey everyone! Over quarantine, I was lucky enough to sign with a manager in Los Angeles, and since then, have gotten a lot of great self tape auditions! I live about two hours away from LA, but since we’ve been in a pandemic, I’ve only been sent self tape requests for obvious reasons, however, last week I received my first in person audition (commercial) with less than 24 hour notice. I passed on the audition because I had a work meeting scheduled for the time of that audition. I suppose this isn’t surprising, because I understand that, during normal life, actors are expected to be able to get to an in person audition at the drop of the hat, however I’m curious to hear from more seasoned actors if they think that there will be a permanent shift back to in person auditions, or if you think that the industry will mostly continue to rely on self tapes for those first initial auditions? I am ready to make that adjustment to relying primarily on in person auditions, but it hasn’t even been a thought in my mind due to the pandemic. Im very new to auditioning for professional projects, so it would be great to hear the perspective of others. Thanks!
Sup! Thanks for reading. Im from Argentina studying acting, but kind of feel more comfortable directing i guess I dunno yet. The point is, I still love acting and would love to work abroad, specially UK, and I keep seeing "Agent this...Agent that" posts in this sub, and wanted to know, what does your agents do? That you cant do yourselves, I mean I know a lot of actors, and very few(just one) have agents, I guess since I live in a 10th world country is not that common to just act, you'll probably end up teaching smth. And how much do they cost? Well thanks. Lov
I'm curious how you all label your clips on Actors Access. Has anyone heard any specifics from casting professionals in regards to what is most helpful for them?
Hello everyone. I auditioned (self-tape) for a huge movie this week from a big production company in the industry right now. I submitted Saturday and it was due today. Any ideas on when I would hear back, if I do? I'm trying to stay optimistic but everyday that goes by from now on is going to make me wrecked with nerves wondering if they'll contact my agent yet! (Trying to stay true to the audition and forget rule, though!) It starts production later this year, when should they start contacting actors who have received a callback?
Hi! I’m a voice performer and have been for some time now, the thing is that I’m from a small country with a tiny population so the market is small. With the impact of pandemic the rates have been pushed down by the largest players and the tendency has been there for some years now. And I’ve been hearing a lot of actors (most of whom are also theater actors) talking that something needs to be done regarding this. There is a local union for people working in the field of culture, but it isn’t particularly active. My question is - where I could find some reading material to understand how this system should work, and then see if some aspects could be implemented in my home country. How unions and guilds are capable to negotiate any deals and find leverage (so far it seams there is none). Cheers in advance!
I've noticed my slate shot is always attached to my main picture. I'm given the option to select a different picture instead but then it looks like the slate shot never goes with it. And then of course I can select up to as many other clips I want to send along with that picture. But my question is mainly about the pictures- how many pictures does the casting director see of me- just the one I send- and if I am not sending the main one with the slate shot attached, then they just see one other picture and do not hear my voice unless they click on video clips?
I started in background, got my SAG card, acting classes twice a week, film fighting/stunt classes. I’ve read books, listened to audio books, taken notes from huge actors that I admire when I’ve had a chance to listen to them speak or see a Q&A. I was ready or I thought I was. My agent asked me if I was ready. I said I was. And then right after signing the contract I’ve had anxiety and imposter syndrome like I’ve never had before. I just don’t understand where it came from or how to shake it? Has anyone else gone through this? I just don’t know what to do with all this nervous energy and it wasn’t there until it was.
Hey all, I couldn't find anyone else with this experience on the internet, but I feel like I had/have an addiction or at the very least an unhealthy relationship to acting. I grew up watching my alcoholic father and I've always sort of felt like an addict even though I've never had an issue with substances. However, over the years I've caused a lot of damage to myself and others through the way I went about acting. I did a lot of things that went against my core values and who I am as a person just to get the rush of being on screen or on stage. I've tried almost every drug there is and none compared to the rush I'd get when working as an actor. That might sound good, but I was willing to sacrifice everything else to get it, even if that's not what I really wanted to do. It felt like I had no choice and I've definitely done a lot of stuff I seriously regret and have hurt other people immensely through my actions. Sorry this isn't very specific, I'm not really comfortable getting into that. I'm just wondering, has anyone else ever felt this way before? Tl;DR I've had a problematic relationship with acting that caused me to hurt others and go against my values to get the rush of acting. Anyone had a similar experience before?
I see a few workshop companies that focus mainly on NYC Casting Directors. Some of the big LA ones shut down in the last few years when I last did them. Are there any really reputable companies that have LA offices on that anyone can recommend? Also- Would you guys recommend meeting with NYC based CDs as an LA actor if they cast stuff up my alley, or does it put me at a disadvantage since I'll never be able to read for them in person? Much appreciated!
Hi,I(19M) want to be an actor but I have no prior experience and is there any free website on which I can learn acting methods and give me at least a certificate of participation so that when I apply to an acting school,my resume won't be boring?
Recently I decided to start putting effort into following my dreams of becoming a voice actor. One of those things was to start doing weekly recordings to create more of a demo reel. I felt that this one was good enough to share and I hope you agree! Please feel free to let me know what you think, constructive feedback is always appreciated. Youtube Link: [](
Hey, I wrote a play and need help editing it. Would anyone be willing to be an actor for my play? All they would need to do is read lines, over zoom. If interested, please fill out the following Google form. Thank you so much :)
I know smoking weed inhibits performances, but what about if the character is supposed to be high? Does it make it more authentic?
Have you ever felt like despite having this career that you love, you've been told or felt like this industry is against you? That it's always a tougher 'competition' in which you have to work many times harder, and that it's not realistic or sustainable for people like you? How do you manage to deal with that, and should things like this be a factor in choosing a career path?
Hey there, this is a quick question that I am probably overthinking but I just wanted to see if I could get anyone's advice: I got an audition from my agent today on Actors Access, and the casting directors request a selfie of me taken today. I took this and sent it to my agent, asking if I should sent it to the casting director as well (because I know it can be unprofessional for the actor to contact casting directly) but it's been a few hours now and my agent hasn't responded. I want to make sure casting gets the photos as soon as possible, but I don't want to send them directly if it would make my agent look bad. Should I go ahead and email casting directly or wait to hear back from my agent? Thanks!
What are the best courses/classes for acting that are available online for beginner and intermediate actors?
Hello to all professional voice actors who are making a living from this. I just wanted to gauge what experiences other people doing this from 9-5 have. I am a working voice actor who has invested everything into it from the beginning of 2021, I had done a few things before, when home studios where non existant but only put the money into a home studio recently. I have managed to get a few decent jobs such as webex, bentley, oppo and a few others and I am on basically every pay to play site. Im finding it so difficult though to make it full time as I thought I would be good enough to at least make a couple jobs a week as auditioning constantly. But even with constant auditions and with the credits I have I find it difficult to make ends meet. Does anyone feel the same or have any insight to what I could do better? This has been my dream since 12 years old and I am doing it but it is so hard sometimes.