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Base-level actor PR. Like. The next step after social media. Anyone have any insights or recommendations? by WeirdNum3ers  •  last post Jun 18th

Recently got a manager and my prospects looked up. Really want some PR of some kind, but (am in UK btw) really wouldn't know what to do without paying ridiculous money to a big PR house that might not actually 'get me' anyway. Halp & advice dispensed, v appreciated!

I feel like I am terrible and I never get compliments. by No_Satisfaction5038  •  last post Jun 18th

Hello all. I am fairly new to acting and I have sort of been out of practice for a few years. I recently had this audition where I had to read a poem out of a play and I did terrible at it I was all fake sounding and didn't even show emotion right. I used to be fairly good and got a few compliments but now I am losing my touch. To make matters worse I was followed by an excellent nsinger and a really good actress to aced the audition and blew people away. No body commented on me. It means I am bad. I am devastated as I hate the thought of giving up my dream.

Aspiring yet clueless actress by Jessa4724  •  last post Jun 18th

Hello everyone! I have always loved acting but due to being in a very abusive household growing up, I was never allowed to explore or learn about anything liked. I am now moved out but completely clueless on how to start a resume etc with no experience whatsoever. Would anyone be able to give me a few tips? What should I include in auditions, etc. I got a job as a lifeguard on set of a movie in my city, and just being around everything gave me such a rush! I sadly was only there for a few hours and wasn't able to mingle that much with the crew. Thank you so much!! I am planning on getting headshots taken within the next few weeks!

Why you are not getting hired or, my experience hiring a voice actor from Reddit today. by TheJessaChannel  •  last post Jun 18th

Why you are not getting hired or, my experience hiring a voice actor from Reddit today. *** Hey there, I run a channel called The Grand Dames and we are a group of four Grandma Gamers who have monthly tea party livestreams and talk %!&@# about games. Next month, we are coming to Twitch and I need to create an announcement for that. So I went to /r/VoiceActing and /r/recordthis and put a detailed request for what I needed, including a video that said EXACTLY what to do to apply for the job. Edit: To clarify, I was paying $30 for about a minute of recording. The first take was 53 seconds and the second take with silence added was 1:07. Fair for $30 in my opinion. I got around 15 applicants who were interested and only THREE, just three, followed the directions to submit their applications. The third one, /u/MickyV123, I hired because he was able to improv to bring the character to life (only one other person did this) and he was able to make the character funny. His sound quality was great as well. We met on Discord, I explained the character of Luigi and he completed the job in less than an hour, did another take with some changes in about 15 minutes and I paid him. He was kind and professional and knew I needed the job done quickly and well. It was a very pleasant experience. But the others? Man. You guys. First many, many of them just messaged me here asking me: * For the email address to send it to (I stated it TWICE in the video) * For a script (I acted out the **entire** part and then asked you to record a few, just a few, similar lines and improv something into it because I wanted a voice ACTOR, not a voice READER) * To tell me you would love to work with me (wonderful, then why not apply and stop wasting my time?) * To tell me you had a demo (and one did not even link to it after telling me that! Plus, I did not want a demo, I wanted to know if you could **do what I needed**) * To let me know you could do it in a few days (I expressly said I need a quick turnaround and I am supposed to wait for your audition for days just to see if you are a good fit? Really?) * To ask me where I lived and tell me where you lived (Just, umm, what??) And here is the kicker. After I replied with a general: > > Hi! Please follow the instructions in the video I put in the post to apply, thank you! No one actually then followed up and one of the applicants argued with me. LOL It is like, do you even want a job? The person who got the job is happily paid and hopefully spending his new found wealth (okay, well it was not that much) at the local pub and I have my voice lines. What I am looking for is someone who is: Professional Kind Quick Can follow directions, especially simple ones And can do the part (sound like the Luigi I am hearing my head)! So yeah, that was my experience hiring from the pool of talent here and maybe one of you could have done the voice even better than the actor I hired (who was wonderful don't get me wrong), **but I will never know because so many of you could not follow instructions**! I am writing this because I thought it would help some of you understand how to up your game and what it is like on this side of the hiring process. TL:DR - Follow Directions. Be quick and professional. Get hired. Get paid. Go drink.

Need advice on how to deal with an actress on set. by TimeDoesNotTell  •  last post Jun 18th

I'm actually a PA on a project right now, but I am working towards being an actress myself. I really love this community, and I would like some advice or reassurance or anything from fellow people in the industry. So there's this one actress who is apparently a little more well-known than any of the other actors on the set. I say this because I don't know if it could have an impact on the problem. Because of the pandemic, part of my job is to take the crew's temperatures every other day (as well as the reoccurring actors) and to go around with hand sanitizer approximately every hour since we're all touching the same stuff. Today I was going to take this person's temperature, and she was outside on the phone. It takes a second or two to get a reading on the forehead thermometer thing, and I walk away as I write it down on my sheet. She knows this as she's seen me do it to countless others on set. I walked up to her, didn't say hi or anything because I noticed she was on the phone, but I figured I'd go ahead and get her temperature when I saw her because she runs around set a lot, and I have other tasks to move on to when I'm done with temperatures. She sees me walk up, and I lift the thermometer but she walks away from me very fast. I'm like okay, that's fine. I know I wasn't trying to snoop, and I'm pretty sure she knew it as well, but perhaps she just wasn't wanting me to be in her space right then? Was it wrong of me to go up to her even though I was just trying to get to my other tasks? I've only gotten her temperature once out of the three or four times I've had to take them, and that was her very first day on set. The other times she wasn't on the phone. But she also refuses the hand sanitizer. The other actors let me take their temperatures (I have done this in front of her), and they also take the offered hand sanitizer. By set protocol, it's actually supposed to be *required* to help prevent any illness among the crew and actors (emphasis on help). Even when she has nothing on her hands, she refuses and straight up ignores me. She's super sweet when I'm not trying to do this part of my job, and I know she isn't allergic to the hand sanitizer because I was actually specifically told who the one crew member was that can't have it due to skin irritation problems. I just don't know what to do. I don't know if I crossed a line somewhere, or if she's just being finicky and whatnot. Have I done something wrong? I'll be honest, I have complained about her to a fellow PA just because of her rude behavior at times (there's this and some other things), but she wasn't around, no one else should have been able to hear us, and I always acknowledged that she was nice but was just acting weird in those times. I only told the PA because I wanted them to know what they might experience when dealing with her. We both do this for the other, so we always know what's going on. I want to reiterate that nothing I ever said about her was inherently bad. Am I just worrying for no reason?

What Should an Actor/Host Do During Their Free Time? by FurmidableCat  •  last post Jun 18th

We all had a lot of time off with the pandemic and I am still looking for things to do... I have already taken a lot of classes, watched a lot of series/films, created my own podcasts and vlogs, made like five different demos, etc but I am looking for something that will bring something more beneficial for my career. I keep looking for voice acting jobs online (and got a couple of them), applying for roles or hosting jobs anytime I have the opportunity, being active on social media, etc. But I am looking for a project that would really bring my career to the next level. If possible a professional project that would bring me money and something nice to add to my resume, maybe a new skill to work on that has something to do with acting, something like that... I am tired of doing projects on my own that cost me money and that only a few people ever sees... Any idea? What do actors/hosts do in their free time?

Newer Actor: What happens after a callback? by thatactressspams  •  last post Jun 17th

I just had a really exciting callback today and I wad wondering if anyone could give me some insight on the process that comes after having a call back. Do the CDs watch my initial audition and this new callback together to decide or is it all based on my later performance? Also, if I were to be approached to move forward in the process, what would the next steps be?

[Paid] Voice actor needed to voice a short announcement that The Grand Dames are coming to Twitch. Need done very soon! $30 PayPal by TheJessaChannel  •  last post Jun 17th

[Paid] MALE Voice actor needed to voice a short announcement that The Grand Dames are coming to Twitch. Need done very soon! $30 PayPal I recorded a video on the details of the job and how to submit your audition. It's pretty simple, but I do want someone who can make the voice sound similar to what I did in the video and who can make the character come alive. The voice needed is somewhat bronx/Italian? It will be for a an animated character. The announcement is very short, a minute or two. I do need this done quickly and will give priority to someone who can do a quick turnaround! Thanks!

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback by AutoModerator  •  last post Jun 17th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Searching For Actors/Actresses! by OracleVex4545  •  last post Jun 17th

Me and my team are currently searching for male and female voice actors/actresses. We are developing a concept for a sci fi related series. Need more support. And we are willing to compensate if necessary. Pls DM me if interested or for more info. Thank You! 70$/ per line. will increase pay according to certain lines.

NYC acting communities by Ill-Nefariousness0  •  last post Jun 17th

Hi! The acting collectives, studios, etc. that I have been finding in NYC are pretty expensive (doing Esper now and love studying). Can you all recommend some cheaper classes/studios/communities in NYC where I can study, find community with other actors, make work here. I just moved here, so in person would be so great. Bonus points if it is a good space for POC or a POC or black space. Thanks!

Hey LA Actresses! by CaliforniaStoked  •  last post Jun 16th

Hello! I wanted to make an Instagram group of fellow LA female actors (preferably 21+), so we can chat, hang out, grab lunch, talk the LA struggle, go hiking, help each other with self tapes/auditions, etc. Hustle inspires hustle, but at the end of the day its just nice to have a down to earth group of actor friends to lean on. One thing nobody told me when I moved to LA, was how many friends you'd make and then how quickly they would all move away. My actors friend group was a solid 10 people, for years, and now has slowly trickled down to me, myself, and I. Friends stopped chasing the dream, couldn't afford LA anymore, or just fell out of love with acting, and moved back to their hometowns. So if you identify as a girl, live in LA and are not flakey, are an actress, and over the age of 21, DM me your IG handle (as well as post here to say hi, so people know others are interested), and I'll create an Instagram group chat for us and we can go from there.

CD workshops- LA actor for NY based CDS? by grahamachilles  •  last post Jun 16th

Question in the title- is it worth it to do workshops with NY offices (I see lots more NY offices than LA ones), or will they always favor NYC talent?

Are there any actors out there who have taken up internship/assistant roles in casting or talent agencies? If so what was your experience? by appreciatorofadvice  •  last post Jun 16th

Hey I’m interested in trying to get some assistant type work at a casting or talent office to get a sense of what goes on behind the scenes and build some relationships. Has anyone done or heard of someone doing this? And if so what was your/their experience. Any sort of insight would be greatly appreciated :)

Paid VO work for an unannounced videogame by ChannelRamsay  •  last post Jun 16th

I am part of a 20 man development team working on an unannounced, fully financed videogame title. Our cast is a mix of known faces and unknown/undiscovered performers. We are currently looking for a voice actor to play the role of a 50-something priest set in the modern day US. The character is a wise, intelligent, weathered-yet-faithful man who serves as the mentor to our young protagonist. We are inviting anybody who thinks they could do this part well to audition for us. The first audition is to read and record a 100-word except of dialogue for us to review. Those who pass this stage will be offered a fuller audition and a call with our game director. The full part, once cast, will be fully paid in line with union standards and practices. The part is significant and would feature heavily, including the character being in the release trailer and on the game's cover. Those who are interested should write to me at: []( with a short description of themselves and links to any existing work. Wishing everybody well and hoping to hear from you. Ronan.

Full-time Voice Actors... Are most voiceover sessions directed? by Sunny_Tree  •  last post Jun 16th

I'm trying to get a better idea of the ratio of directed (in-person or via internet) to non-directed recording sessions (in a home studio, etc.) among full-time voice actors. I imagine most commercial work is directed but would appreciate any info you can offer as I'm fairly new to voice acting. Anyone care to chime in? Thanks!

Connecting actors to filmmakers Discord by siresaix  •  last post Jun 16th

Hey guys, A friend of mine decided to use their free time to open and manage a discord geared towards connecting actors to other members of crew. They aim to create a space that encourages active education pursuit of acting in the meantime making connections to other crew members. A huge benefit they seek to promote is understanding. Sometimes we don't know what other people do and it's a great chance to just ask. Maybe you're an actor who needs help with gear? Editing? I'm sure evetually you'll find someone. It's really neat and the people already in there are so loving and lovely. They even have sections for people looking for readers or even coaching if they reach out to a pro. LINK: []( Hope to see you there.

What online platform are you using to get gigs? by Skdang  •  last post Jun 16th

Hello! I've been feeling a little discouraged lately as bookings has been extremely slow. Just wondering what everyone is using and the success rate of the platforms you're using. Im currently on casting workbook/actor access and Mandy. I usually get most of my gigs from Mandy. Is anyone else on a different platform that seems to be working for them? Thank you so much!

Acting and Social Anxiety by jkdm22  •  last post Jun 16th

Hey all I wanted to ask for advice... basically I have bad social anxiety and it always becomes worse When I am auditioning or on set. I get so nervous that I tense up and can’t get into character. It sometimes ends up sounding very scripted or “bad acting” because all I can think of is anxiety and if I am showing it or not Does anybody else deal with this? I’m wondering if maybe I should just give up acting all together because I can’t seem to freely get into character when I need to. My confidence level is low because of it too. I see other actors as being so passionate about their work but I lack the confidence and am self-conscious every time. Any advice?