Hi! First post here! Nice to meet you all. Myself and a group of friends are taking degrees in Film and Film-related subjects here in the UK. We have written a short comedy film, set entirely on Zoom (so distance is no issue) called “For Taid”. If you’re interested please fill in this form! Thanks again. [“For Taid” Application Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegQGpnQdicTa5vALvEDVGyFV0FxKmVo3DcGEfQS1g--qSqvA/viewform?usp=sf_link)
I’m 16 years old, turning 17. I feel like I’m starting so late because I see all these kid actors on big screens. I’m planning to start when I finish college and seeing actors my age being successful in the industry makes me think that maybe I’m too late for this. I’m still planning to pursue acting because I really love it. I’m just a little scared. Do you guys feel the same way too or am I just overthinking things?
Hi everyone. I'm currently SAG-E, and hope to join SAG very soon! I am very pro-union, and have previously been a long time member of the actors union in my home country. I make this clear as I appreciate the importance of union membership and Global Rule One. However, I am really confused about SAG's position with regards voice-over work. I get a significant amount of voice work from the UK (where I used to be based) and am currently seeing a lot more non-union than union voice work in the US. Global Rule One would prevent me doing both the UK voice over work (which is never on a SAG contract) and the non-union work here. Unlike in film and TV, it seems that in voice over the internet and ease of home recording has completely changed the industry, meaning most voiceovers are now non-union. Of course this has caused a reduction in pay in some jobs, but it also seems many non-union voiceovers keep their pay relatively high in order to attract the best talent. Just judging by the union/non-union split in the auditions I get (through an agent, who excludes low paying jobs) it's something like 80% non-union to 20% union. This is a huge industry that joining SAG would exclude. For me it would reduce my potential work to around 10% of the current amount. I understand that SAG doesn't require SAG contracts for audiobooks -- that they are in some way exempt from Global Rule One ([https://www.suchavoice.com/2018/11/29/four-things-you-didnt-know-about-sag-aftra/](https://www.suchavoice.com/2018/11/29/four-things-you-didnt-know-about-sag-aftra/)). Is SAG even considering altering its stance on other voice-over work? What are people's thoughts on this specific situation, where SAG members are excluded from bread-and-butter jobs that make up a majority of the voice over work in the industry?
I'm an aspiring voice actor and I really need a good microphone, if anyone could link me one or two that'd be awesome! Also I don't know if this info matters but my voice is one the deeper side.
I know most industries have multiple conventions of some sort throughout the US and the world. Is there anything for actors or filmmakers? I'm new to this world so there could be some big, well known event that I never heard of. Obviously there probably wasn't anything in 2020 and probably won't be anything in 2021, but are there any annual events that exist that might start back up eventually?
I've been watching Vincenzo (I love it), and I've been wondering recently if I can become a South Korean actor despite being Argentine-American.
Can someone give me a realistic reason as to why I can't get agents to sniff at me. Should I get more of a commercial headshot? Is it because I'm bald? Am I not trying hard enough? Do I need better clips? I see other people with representation and they aren't at the acting clips aren't exactly the best. I'd like to hear from all actors but really from those who are represented and know what agents are looking for. Here is my actors access: https://resumes.actorsaccess.com/kevinrichardbest
Fact is , we actors are in a profession or hobby where we don’t always get to do the thing we love. So why are you an actor ? What do you love about it? What frustrates you about it? What do you most wish would come true in your acting career ? What scares you the most about pursuing acting?
I’m in love with acting, but i feel like this industry really glorifies youth, especially for women. I’m only 16 now but i feel like my time is ticking away. i spent most of my childhood WISHING i was an actress, but due to social anxiety i never really did anything about it. Looking at all the famous actors in Hollywood, i see a pattern of most of them having their first roles at ages 8-15 or so and all I’ve done is a few school plays. I know I shouldn’t be comparing myself to them but it’s a little disheartening.
(Thinking about the future. Obviously I have to train more, even consider if I want to work outside my current local market, but this is where my mind is at right now) I’m a black, 16 year old, female and I don’t know where I’d want to live in the future. I often consider the idea of living in NY and working in Off-Off-Broadway and Off-Broadway shows (maybe even Broadway) throughout my 20s to build a reputation then move to LA for film/tv but I do know many roles for women in film/tv are meant for young women to play high school and college aged. I also can’t sing (though I can dance some and intend on training in that) so it’s not like musicals are an option in NY. Also is one or the other place better for black actors. Any advice is appreciated!
If San Francisco is where you call home, do you think you need to live in L.A. to pursue your dream? I’ve been an Actor/Filmmaker now for almost 30 years. My life has been an adventure to say the least. I love Acting, I love production and I love storytelling. I’m working on producing a live stream specifically for Bay Area Actors, Writers & Crew, to show off their reels produced by yours truly. This week I’m launching the stream. Stay tuned!!
As a black up and coming actor, it’s pretty frustrating ngl to see the same black actors/actresses get all the roles, all the accolades etc. Not to take away from there accomplishments but come on lol every-time theres a black role or a big movie role I can almost guarantee which black actor or actress is going to get it. It's not even a matter of lack of black actors. There's plenty of us who are good enough, and capable of playing these roles but its sooooo discouraging to see these guys select the same guys over and over. The only young black actors being casted in serious roles these days are British black actors. Apperantly because they are better trained which I don’t think is true. I studied at the HB studios and William esper studios, and I know several black friends who studied hard core theatre from childhood who’ve never been casted for anything. It just sucks
Hi! I’m a teenager. 3 years ago I managed to convince my parents to let me audition for a professional acting conservatory, which I got into. I’m now 2 years into the intensive conservatory program, and I am absolutely certain this what I want to dedicate my career to. I’ve improved my skills tremendously and I’m ready to start pursuing acting professionally. But my parents don’t support my dream. I’ve tried explaining to them over and over again that this is what I want to do, but they are adamant about their decision. It’s not the cost or the distance; they’re worried about the commitment and how it will impact my education, social life, and adolescence in general. I understand their point of view, however, I believe that the sacrifice is worth it for me to be able to pursue my dream. At this point, I’m not sure what to do as I don’t have my license and they refuse to drive me to auditions. The times I’ve submitted video auditions and gotten the roles, I’ve had to decline due to having no transportation to filming. I’m at a dead end and I don’t feel that I can continue to follow my passion without my parents support. If there are any actors who have dealt with this that have advice, I would be incredibly grateful. Have a nice day. :)
Hello all, I am Samuel and at the very start of my acting career. The thing is, I am twenty years old and male with a pretty deep voice, but I look really feminine. Especially my face does. I also don't have beard growth yet, so that won't help me with that. Is this a problem? Would I still get cast?
I've read about Casting Call Club for a few months on this sub and finally decided to give it a try and I've been... a bit disappointed. Seems like many projects are poorly organized and services are extremely undervalued. I see one project up now where the organizer touts having a backer and budget for production, but is only willing to pay their editors/music producers/writers, and the voice actors are expected to "Work for free for fun". Is this how it normally is? I'd heard that this was a decent place to get paid jobs but everything I'm seeing is like $10 for an unknown amount of work over an indeterminate amount of time. Is it just a low period right now? I don't mind the competition, thats not the issue, in case that's what you're thinking. I would love to hear thoughts and experiences from people who have been using the site for a while.
I’ve always wanted to be in a play, is there any LA Theatre’s that have plays and cast new actors or hold auditions?
Hi guys! I made this film for #disabilityfilmchallenge and I'm trying to get as many views, likes, and comments as possible. 10 of the 11 actors have disabilities, and approximately a third to a half are autistic. I'm an autistic actor myself and making this was really challenging but I'm super proud of it and I'd really appreciate if you could watch, comment, like, and share on any of these links \[but all 3 would be even better!\] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E61GtSTOK1E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E61GtSTOK1E) [https://fb.watch/4Gcjn5eQQF/](https://fb.watch/4Gcjn5eQQF/) [https://www.instagram.com/tv/CM66jnDJRTf/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CM66jnDJRTf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)
Since I was like 4 year old I’ve liked watching movies. Now I’m 14 and I begin to think a lot about the acting and how amazing it is that you can make a living off of it. I don’t know if this is the right place to like ask questions about acting and stuff, but I find it really interesting (the whole acting thing) I’ve searched about how different actors began their acting careers and a lot of them started like in a kids show and worked their way up. For example I think Leonardo DiCaprio was in a kids show when he was 5! I’m not 5 anymore so isn’t it hard for me to like get into acting? I am aware that you can be lucky to get put in a movie where the movie goes well, and from there you can work your way up. I’m from Denmark and we have an actor called “Mads Mikkelsen” who started making danish movies but he worked his way up to be in English movies, and I really look up to him. Another issue is that you need to be good at English in order to be in international movies I’m pretty sure. My. English. Sucks. I’ve had English in school for the past 4 years. Although I can speak what’s required in order to pass the English exam, I still think I suck. Also I don’t really have an accent and I think I need to have that so the people watching the movie can understand what I’m saying I don’t know if this makes sense nor my explanation makes sense. I also apologize for my English since it’s miserable. I hope some of you guys can/will answer some of my questions. Have a great day