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I'm just so drained by danish_throwaway  •  last post Feb 10th

I haven't acted in over a year because of covid 19 i have lost 6 jobs do to no budgets or covid-19. i've lost a golden opportunity to attend a prestigious youth class because now i'm too old. And It seems a lot of actors my age (20) seem to be doing great and thriving. Like am I just not made for an acting career? Do any of you people have any advice?

Managers representing Working Actors and One TV Star by SabReale12  •  last post Feb 10th

There’s often plenty conversations about talent agencies and MGMT groups in terms of ranking and where actors looking for rep would have a better shot at, but there’s something in particular I’ve been curious about: What’s your opinion of managers that don’t have a whole team and work alone, representing not a very vast number of talent (like 10-15 actors) and most of them are working actors but they do have one huge star? For example, there’s this manager who has represented a celebrity name since day one (she has never done a lot of projects but became famous in a very known teen TV drama that ended a few years ago). Not sure if he’s still representing her now, but even if he is, she’s basically retired, so I doubt she still keeps him super busy. Anyway, in a case like this, do you think the other clients are “left behind” when their manager got a major success case tied to his name?

Question about castings by dfdfdsf423  •  last post Feb 9th

Not an aspiring actor, just curious and ignorant. Are movie castings announced somewhere so that anyone can audition, or do you only get auditions through agents? Or are they announced somewhere but you still need agents to get auditions? And when is it audition tapes as opposed to live auditions? Or do you need a tape to get a live audition? Thanks in advance.

man I am so beyond tired of shitty agents and managers wasting my time, I don't know how to escape this but it's making me want to give up on acting altogether by throwawayfuck9999  •  last post Feb 9th

I mean it's really insane at this point. I just signed with somebody that looks great on imdb! like fantastic actors on tons of shows, series regs, the whole 9. and these people have barely communicated with me and have not gotten me a single audition since we "starting working together" in fucking December!!! like this is not acceptable!!! meanwhile my other 3 shitty shitty reps combined have gotten me 9 auditions, which is less than what 1 semi-decent non-shitty rep should be getting an actor in a month. I mean this whole fucking situation is such a joke and I've been mentally forced to accept it otherwise... what, I don't act? I do not understand why these agents and managers are even able to have a business license when they literally lie to you and blow smoke up your ass and barely communicate with you. Why sign me? why waste my fucking time like that? I'm sorry but I've had like 6 reps that fucking suck so bad at this point and every time I think I'm "leveling up" its just the same bullshit all over again, horrible communication, no support, no strategy, and more time wasted. Its just so unfair how some people's experiences get to be so pleasant and make sense to them, meanwhile people like me have to fucking claw our way for every breadcrumb, and have people take advantage of us and treat us like garbage the entire way. I really wish I didn't love acting so much because I fucking hate this process more than anything. more than anything. sorry this is basically a rage post. because I've just fucking had it with people Bill Murray is my idol. because he doesn't have reps. because fuck reps. he has a lawyer, thats it. I want to be bill Murray

Screenplay for Lead Actress by mosbo9  •  last post Feb 9th

Just throwing this out there—it’ll probably get thrown back. But—I recently wrote a contest winning/microbudget screenplay with an extra-juicy part for an actress. If any producing/directing/actress has the wherewithal (translation: $) and can get this off the ground better than the Hindenburg, please contact me. Thanks!

How do you find others to create projects? by chthonic_persephone  •  last post Feb 9th

I am really curious. I am having a hard time finding other actors/directors, etc. to collaborate and make a project, just a short film even being shot using a phone. I am not the most social person but I try to be. All this time I have met people who agree to the initial idea and then disappear. Or I shot something short with someone and never got the scene. I do not attend a class right now and even when I did, it seems majority lacked the motivation, especially with making no money. But yeah, I try reaching out to others to collaborate, not sure if it's just that they don't like me and they avoid. Any advice?

I hate that self-tapes are becoming the norm by poliwhirldude  •  last post Feb 9th

Warning: Venty, whiny post incoming. Understandably, with the pandemic, more and more auditions have been required to move towards self-tapes in order to be safe, and I get that and I'm on board with being safe. But it seemed like auditions were already heavily trending towards self-tape even before the pandemic began and I'm worried it's going to continue this way even after it's safe to be in person again. (I'm mostly talking about theater, by the way. I realize that self-taping has been the norm in film for quite a while.) I feel like I'm at such a disadvantage when I do a self-tape. Back in the in-person days, there was something about physically going to a location- warming up in the car and getting in the zone in the waiting room and physically performing for a panel- that got me able to do my best work. I feel so self-conscious when I'm doing a self-tape at home. Here I am belting or yelling obscenities or just being very emotionally open to my camera, with the knowledge that my girlfriend/parents/neighbors/etc. can hear all of it. I hate that, especially since, when I self-tape, I have the tendency to do take upon take upon take (and drive myself crazy with it) since I have the option. I feel like I never get the best results from home, and the magic/adrenaline/privacy of the audition room that I crave is gone. It's also just physically such a hassle. I don't live somewhere where I have access to decorate how I want, so I don't have a blank wall to do self-tapes. If I end up doing a self-tape, I have to take time and effort to take down all the picture frames and move the furniture and everything until I finally do get a blank wall. I then have to ask that everyone in my house be quiet/leave/ignore me for the half hour/hour and a half/however long it takes to get the self-tape done. Or, if audition sides require dialogue (which many film auditions do) I have to go to the effort of getting someone to take time to read for me as I do take after take after take. And then, of course, there are the added jobs of cinematographer, lighting designer and editor that actors are now saddled with when they do self-tapes. Getting my iPhone videos to my PC is a hassle and half, not to mention editing itself takes forever too since Microsoft ditched movie maker. And, of course, a lot of these self-tapes are expected with such little notice, to the point where I've neglected to go for more roles than I'd like to admit simply because it's too much damn work to do the self-tape. Again, I get that we can't do auditions in person, but why not over Zoom? I've had several great auditions over there, where I could read with someone on the panel in real-time, and I definitely felt the audition room adrenaline like I'd hoped. It's not a perfect substitute for in-person, but it's a whole lot better than self-tapes and I don't know why we don't do more of these instead. I get that this is a very small-potatoes problem in the midst of a pandemic, and I should be happy to get to audition for anything at all, but it's just so frustrating since I feel like I can't showcase myself nearly as well over a self-tape, and I'm worried that casting directors are going to come out of the pandemic realizing that they have more room than they previously thought to be lazy and not have to organize anything and just have actors do all of the work via self-tapes. Can't there be a better way?

Casting Offices + Actors: Any luck sending auditions sooner than later? by CuspChaser111  •  last post Feb 9th

I guess the good thing about this time is that I've learned how to set up my home for stronger tapes and also just get those acting reps in. I'm getting compliments about the tapes I'm sending in from rep & more traction and I am proud of them. Have you noticed with bookings sending in sooner than later helps for you because if they like you you will be the one to beat? Would love any feedback on this. Obviously it's about the work at end of day but I do wonder about the time element. Thanks!

New Voice Actor - Growl and Nasal by XavIsGay  •  last post Feb 9th

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for getting into the practise of using a growl or nasally voice. I'm going into the game development field as my career choice after I graduate and I wanted to be able to incorporate voice acting into my own games so I don't need to seek out other individuals, as it has always been something I'm interested in doing. There's a character in a game I'm currently making which has a very growl-nasally voice which isn't particularly deep. (For an example I'd say Qrow Branwen from Volume 7 - Volume 8 of RWBY as an accurate comparison) The way I usually apply "growl" or "gravel" onto my voice is to almost talk while I'm clearing my throat, and I always drink plenty of water but I still don't think I'm at the desired effect I'd like.

Best Acting Classes in Los Angeles? by thislifestuffwack  •  last post Feb 9th

Trying to figure out some of the best ones but with everything being online, I'm more so trying to filter it in a way where I won't break my wallet but also know this class actually helped some aspiring actors / actresses get to where they are now. Tips on what to search? Or names of acting classes? Thanks!

How do these Zoom Open Calls (for lifestyle actor/model work) for BMG models work? by watch1122  •  last post Feb 9th

Do I need to prepare something? Are we doing a cold read?

On Camera And Behind The Scenes At the Same Time by S_Gertie  •  last post Feb 9th

I saw this posted on another sub and thought people here might like it too: []( It is from the TV show Kidding (awesome show!) with a scene that is a one-shot montage. No camera cuts. So the camera is just panning around the room while the crew is quickly moving the scenery and the actors are hitting their marks at the correct times. A lot of coordination involved in this kind of shot and everyone needs to pay attention and work together. But, the end effect looks smooth.

Hear me out... Could TikTok be beneficial in getting some kind of exposure? by rhinostallion  •  last post Feb 9th

I'm not talking about lip syncing to a scene that already exists and was worked on tirelessly by many talented writers and actors, but rather creating original monologues myself and acting those out. There are literally billions of people on TikTok, so it seems like it couldn't hurt right? A lot of posts on the Acting hashtag though are people just y'know, stealing content without properly crediting the original creators, so that's a thing I definitely will not be doing haha

Best acting colleges in Canada by dbsQhal23270403  •  last post Feb 9th

Hello. I’m a student from Korea who wants to be an actor in Hollywood. I searched lots of schools in the U.S and I realized that the tuition is very expensive. I searched a lot and finally I decided to go to acting school in Canada. Can you please recommend me the best acting colleges in Canada you’ve ever heard? I have to extend my visa so it should be a college(should have a degree). (If you know anything about these school’s acting program, please tell me about it: Niagara college, Langara college studio 58, Centennial college, Seneca college etc) Thanks for reading !

For anyone who likes acting – my new YouTube series about the best film performances! by manilazic  •  last post Feb 9th

Hey all, hope it's ok for me to do a bit of self-promotion on here! I'm a film critic, actress and podcaster and I just started a new YT series where I break down the best/weirdest/most interesting performances in cinema – and to start things off, I talk about Matt Damon in The Talented Mr. Ripley! Have a look, hope fellow actors and acting fans will enjoy!! [](

My college experience made me hate acting and I don’t know how to love it again by letheatredude  •  last post Feb 8th

I thought that college was going to be such a great learning experience for me. That was a lie Those two years I was a musical theatre major were some of the worst years of my life. I quickly learned that our program director (we’ll call this person Arnold) was a narcissist, picked favorites, and had a huge ego. I had a meeting with Arnold after auditions for spring shows in my junior year, and he told me that my face sucked when I was singing, no director would ever want to work with me, and that I needed to go to therapy. Mind you, I had spent the entire semester in a performance class with this man and this was the first time he'd ever mentioned something like that. The next semester, Arnold made me audition for a show I was uncomfortable with (it was a drag heavy show, and I’m uncomfortable with it for personal reasons). Initially, he understood and said that I would just do the audition for a grade for our auditions class. Then he tried to get me to change my mind. When I told him no, he told me that I shouldn't have turned it down and threw me under the bus to a professional director and said it was my fault I auditioned. During the show we were doing that spring, he spent an hour one night screaming and swearing at us about how we all sucked and how awful our rehearsal was and how we would never work professionally and "why aren't you answering, blink blink? You all look like cows in a field, blink blink. Someone give me a REAL answer, blink blink." I got a bad midterm grade because my face apparently looked miserable all the time and I was told I needed to “keep my eyebrows up” to make everyone think I was happy. And in my senior year, I was the only senior (there were 6 of us) to not get a lead in any of the shows. My classmates weren't much better. All of my closest friends graduated after my sophomore year, so I spent junior and senior years basically alone. I came into the major late, so the people in my year didn't want to hang out with me. I took classes with the year below me, and they wouldn't give me the time of day. We went to NYC in the spring of my junior year for a senior showcase, and everyone was paired up with someone to share a room with, and I slept on the couch. A lot of them would never talk to me. I tried to be friends with them, it's not like I'm a total hermit. But I knew I was screwed when I came back early for a show and four of us made a group chat, then the other guys made a new group chat without me and were hanging out without me. I remember parties where I would say hi to them, and they'd roll their eyes at me without saying anything. We were supposed to go to NYC in March, and they all planned their transportation down there without me. The real kicker is everyone that I graduated with moved down to NYC and they never asked me if I wanted to live with them even though I asked them if they wanted to look for places together. My whole time at school, I never felt like I was actually there. Out of all of the professors I had, only 2 really wanted to see me succeed. If I asked Arnold for help on something, he wouldn't. He'd tell me to figure it out myself because he said if he gave me an answer, it wouldn't work for me and then I'd have a meltdown about not knowing what to do. During shows, I never got feedback on my acting, it would always be "be more social" or "don't get a concussion." It wasn't until fall of my senior year when I finally took a class with a professor who understood the way I function as an actor and worked with me to find things that made sense in my brain. Since graduating, I've held a lot of resentment towards my experience. It's killed my love for theatre and acting, and I've since decided that maybe I don't want to pursue it professionally. I don’t know how to love it again. I want to, but anything related to theatre makes me think of all of the bad things I’ve experienced instead of the joy that it used to bring me. TLDR: Had a terrible experience in a performance program in college and now I’m jaded that I don’t love performing the way I used to.

Dying Hair As An Actor? by pixi127  •  last post Feb 8th

Hey I’ve been doing on screen/film acting for around 3 years now and i have never really changed my hair color. Recently I have been wanting to dye my hair an unnatural color, and i’m wondering if that’s even okay as a film actor. Obviously I’m going to need to talk to my agents about this but before I do I just wanted to know if it’s okay to have an unnatural hair color in the film industry and if that would affect my chances in an audition, if it’s seen as unprofessional or something then i don’t want to bother my agents asking about it... please let me know what knowledge you have about this! thank you!!

PSA: We’re all from small towns. by CaliforniaStoked  •  last post Feb 8th

Partly a vent post but mostly a post of encouragement. I see a lot of posts on here from people who ask how they can get into acting if they are from a small town, or if they don’t know anyone in the business, or if they’re a teenager, or still in school, or can’t move to a big city, etc. Just a friendly reminder, that we all have been there. That’s everyone’s story. If you want something bad enough, you make it work. And the ones who want it bad enough and make it work, are the ones who are going to succeed. You have to make sacrifices. For those of you who are from small towns, you might not be aware that mostly everyone who lives in the big cities, like LA or NYC, are also from small towns. They made the jump and moved out to LA/NYC in order to give themselves the best possible chance of making it in this industry. We were all teenagers in high school who once dreamed of becoming entertainers. We didn’t know anybody famous either. The actors you see on your favorite TV shows, watch on the big screen at movie theaters, or are winning Oscars, were also mostly actors from a small town with a dream. The secret is- you turn 18, and then that’s when your dreams can really take shape. So for now, watch lots of movies, read lots of scripts, audition for school plays, or just memorize monologues. You’re not too old and it’s not too late.