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We have found 19,377 posts across 4 actor forums:

POC/mixed race actors - do you think it's easier/more difficult to book jobs nowadays? by slazour  •  last post Jan 7th

I see more and more representation of minority races onscreen - what do you think of the current industry climate in terms of diversity, are you at an advantage being POC/mixed race?

Does every actor need to read Shakespeare? by RandomUsernameeeee  •  last post Jan 7th

I've tried, hundreds of times. I just can't do it. I'm not one of those people that understands Shakespeare's text at all, it feels like I'm reading gibberish and it's always a hassle to finish a sentence. I know there are some actors like Joaquin Phoenix that have never read Shakespeare, but I know almost every talented actor has had some classical training involving Shakespeare. I've tried using websites like No Fear Shakespeare, but I still feel like an idiot reading the text's translations and because of that I don't enjoy the story as much. I really want to like and understand Shakespeare, but it is very difficult for me. Can I be a good actor if I can't even understand Shakespeare? Does anyone have any tips? Much appreciated!

Is the film industry good in Miami? by Small_Tangerine29696  •  last post Jan 7th

At some point I know that if I want to make a living as a professional actor moving to L.A or NYC will have to be a must but, right now I cannot afford such a luxury. I’m just wondering if there is any other big U.S cities besides those with cheaper rent and less competition worth moving to.

Questions about the Process by Dragonite4  •  last post Jan 7th

Hi everyone! I am a new voice actor and I'm just about ready to start trying out for some gigs, but I wanted to know more about what the process is like for everyone else. What I mean by this is, assuming that you've finished soundproofing/buying a microphone and are good to go for recording, what process do you do to record lines, edit the clips, compile the clips to send? Specifically, can you tell me more about the routine that you go through while recording and also the editing process? I'm brand new and I don't know anything about the process, so any tips are appreciated!

Which acting resource has worked best for you? by dilaterrr  •  last post Jan 7th

I just read "A Practical Handbook for the Actor" and it really made sense to me. I feel like it will be my main resource moving forward. I have learned so much from lots of different books and various YouTube videos etc. I'm keen to know, what has worked best for you? What did you like about it?

Speech Disability Actor? by LevelPension  •  last post Jan 7th

For many years, I've had a speech disability. No matter how I speak I always have issues in some way. I do sometimes get criticism on my Gaming Youtube channel for my narration style although not as often as my ToastMaster meetings. The reason being is because my content I write is more informative rather than trying to voice act or roleplay or live act a character. Is the speech unbearable/unlistenable? Depends on who you ask but it's for the most part average. I've been thinking since the 2020 lockdown to maybe get into acting. However, I feel that my speech disability is holding me back. It's not like I'm inexperienced at narration or public speaking. It's also not like I'm "nervous" with anything. It's just I have trouble gathering my thoughts most of the time. I tend to say words in a choppy manner. I really don't know how I can get into acting if I never get rid of this speech disability. Does anyone have a speech disability but still became a serviceable actor?

Are there any other cities that are popping besides New York and la? by CPacting  •  last post Jan 7th

Additional question: if you live in cities that production companies film in for tax breaks are you ever hired (aka local talent)? Or are actors always hired from people based in la or New York? I don’t have an agent and I’ve only seen postings for extras so not sure if they are ever casting characters in local markets.

Ready to start chasing a dream. by BIGG_KAT  •  last post Jan 7th

First time poster, longtime dreamer. I've been wanting do be a voice over artist for as long as I can remember now. Back in 2004, my best friend and I made a bet to see if we could audition and make it to the advanced choir class for our eighth grade year. (We were in the advanced band class, so we made fun of the idea.) Unfortunately, he didn't pass the audition and explained that he was happier in band anyways. I on the other hand, had to make a decision and discuss with our music teacher my possible transition from band to choir. It was a difficult topic because all of my friends played instruments at the time with myself at the tuba. Which made it an even more difficult talk on my teacher as I was the bass/base of the advanced band. It was decided, I'd start in the Advanced choir the following year. Things changed for me, I had a voice that people liked and they wanted to hear more of it. I was shy as hell at first, but I soon broke out of my shell. It followed me throughout high school as well when I joined the choir there. My teacher heard and saw a lot from me and wanted more for me. And it took me only until last year to realize that I wanted more too. I wanted to do something with my voice and make a living out of it. As a kid, like most of you, I was raised by a television due to both of my parents working and leaving my siblings and I to be looked after by our grandparents. Cartoons, sitcoms, music videos, movies, and old video games were at my disposal and I took well advantage of it. I'd listen to the voices and try to imitate the characters on the screen. I would play a game where I'd try to match a voice of a character from one show and compare them to a character from another channel/show. (i.e. "I know that voice!") For too long now, I've let everything get in the way of my dream and I've made too many excuses. I want to be a voice actor. I want to be able to bring life to a character that someone could either learn from or love to hate. I've taken a few classes through online zoom sessions from our local acting school that was taught by Aliki Theofilopoulos. I was hooked, and I still am. So world, be ready, because I am going to be doing my best to get myself out there and making my voice heard. Thank you if you've made it this far into my rambling. I just want to be able to build up a demo reel so I can have something to get me through the door. If you have any advice to give, please feel free to message me or leave a comment, or whatever you feel is best! \-BIGG\_KAT **tl;dr version:** I wanna make a career out of my voice and enjoy what I want to do because everybody deserves a chance at their dream.

Could rapping effect actor role eligibility? by Palahadiin  •  last post Jan 7th

I've been rapping for a couple years and I'm about to release my first EP, as well as maybe 6 to 10 other songs this spring. I consider myself pretty skilled and genuine but I do occasionally rap about substances, hypersexuality and the usual macho shit (since I live in the midst of it). I'm also about to graduate from a credible university with an arts degree. I just worry that because I'm Caucasian and more distant from the culture, my image could be dictated by my music rather than who I am otherwise. Should I really be concerned before people might even know about me and my music or should I carefully consider social media images, etc.? Do casting directors and agents consider it much? Is there a difference between how LA and NYC reps perceive artists trying to act? I also wonder if my music could further define me as a potential actor in a positive way for role eligibility. Or, if the music doesn't pick up steam, that it might be entirely irrelevant.

Are there any videos or articles of successful actors talking about their process and technique? by RandomUsernameeeee  •  last post Jan 7th

I can't seem to find anything on Youtube, does anyone know where I can find somethine like this? Is anyone familiar with a series of videos or something similar that touch on this subject? Maybe some interviews in which actors are asked these types of questions, I don't know. Thanks!

agent for new actress by rob2349  •  last post Jan 7th

best way to email/contact an agent if you are new to the industry... with few or no credits and little training... can you appeal with ambition and proof of intro zoom classes? i began this journey after covid hit so in person training and opportunities have sucked... tips?? i know 'the steps' and i get its nearly (nearly) impossible to stand out this way or get representation with little experience, but i bet some agent/cd somewhere is willing to budge! can you appeal to a CD like this too?

Aspiring actors living in Los Angeles, what do you use for health insurance coverage? Anyone using covered california? by figtarr  •  last post Jan 7th

What are you paying for covered california coverage? For unemployed people, I'm getting differing quotes for monthly costs, $75- 200 roughly.

Body Issues (it has to do with acting, dw) by lolxpop  •  last post Jan 7th

I am sort of chubby, and I'm scared my weight will interfere with my ability to get lead roles in theatre. I feel like the only way I'll be noticed as an actor is if I weigh less. It's always super embarrassing when I have to put my weight on a resume. Any advice? And, no, I don't want those comments like "Ur so beautiful!!!! dont change urself evr!!!!". I understand that its kind of a bad thing to want to change myself, but I'm asking for advice not compliments that are illogical since yall don't even know what I look like.

Questions about Canada (ACTRA / UBCP) by Additional-Support63  •  last post Jan 7th

i was wondering if anyone here could explain how UBCP / ACTRA works from the perspective of a foreigner...? (also are UBCP and ACTRA the same thing....?) let's say a SAG member (someone who's an American national) gets cast in an ACTRA production. i know there are people that are in ACTRA as well as SAG. are there any benefits to joining foreign unions...? (id assume they'd still have to jump through the loopholes of getting a visa to work, and etc.) this was something that i never thought of, knew that there were members of both, but recently came across my mind as to how joining a foreign union would help. (although i've mentioned ACTRA, i explicitly use the phrase "foreign union: cause im assuming there might be similar instances and other actors unions in other countries. if anyone has any experience with anything of the sort, i'd be interested to know!)

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback by AutoModerator  •  last post Jan 7th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

What do you think is the point where you are considered a successful actor? by syd_the_kid_27  •  last post Jan 6th

Ofc there are those famous successful actors that everyone notices, but there are still MANY actors out there that go unseen. I ask this because some may measure success with fame in this industry, even though that’s not what it’s about imo.

A Project by lunchwild  •  last post Jan 6th

[That Circus Show]( is all about navigating the industry through the lens of a working actor. It will contain personal experiences, interviews and AMAs. I’m rounding up as many questions as I can in hopes having some of them answered and I know a lot of us here have a lot of questions. So, what are your questions? Anything from *what’s your worst audition experience*, to *what’s the deal with agents never getting back to me?*. Or maybe even *how did you find your type and play into it?*.

My Interview with aspiring actress inspired by Gothic Romance and History by lawriejaffa  •  last post Jan 6th

I'm producing a YouTube series which interviews indie filmmakers, actors and various artists. I'm an experienced film producer myself and I just wanted to raise some attention on those at the beginning of their careers. I felt that Emily Louise Knutsson, who made the move from the USA to Scotland, born out of a love for history and Gothic Romance - made for a compelling and unique actor! So, here is the interview []( from my series 'Hex Talks'. If you would like to appear on my show, then you can always say hi to me on []( I hope you enjoy the video - and we can and must do more to support new actors.

Forums for LA actors? by tanksandthefunkybun  •  last post Jan 6th

After a meeting with a CD I learned my agent very rarely picks up the phone to pitch actors so I’m now on the hunt for a new one. Does anyone know of forums specifically for LA actors to talk shop?

Looking for any opportunities to perform & learn by Special-Promotion  •  last post Jan 6th

Hi all! I know most people on this sub are professional actors but I am wondering if anyone has any input for a newbie. I am not necessarily looking to act as a career but I love the idea of being on stage (or screen, or zoom I guess in Covid times). I really just want to learn and practice and have fun with it, and I am wondering if anyone has any insight into where I may be able to do that during the pandemic. Community theater in my area is on hiatus due to Covid, so unfortunately that’s not an option for me right now. I am taking virtual classes which are awesome, but I would love to find a space to practice with other artists outside of class without paying sums of money. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!