I've been contemplating on getting an MA/MFA in acting/theatre next year (or whenever this covid situation gets better, the sooner the better), but I would like to know an inside opinion for this, since I'm going to be an international student. Is RADA great? Between RADA and Yale, which one should I go to? Which offers a more natural style of acting, in terms of what they taught? Which one will help me the most on connecting with the right people? Also if I already have the requirements to file an O-1B/Tier 5, should I just skip MA/MFA or should I just do it first, then launch my career abroad after I finish it, changing my visa from F1 to O1/Tier 4 to Tier 5? Thanks for the help, actors of Reddit. I wish you all the best in your journeys!
Which actors/actresses inspire you? I'll start. I love Aubrey Plaza, Henry Cavill, and Tom Hiddleston. Amazing actors, amazing people. What about you?
I found this MGMT on Instagram and they represent a lot of actors that are indeed booking, some with verified accounts even. But I’m not sure if they’re legit because they posted that they also represent tik tokers now, so...
Title of this post is a little confusing, I didn’t know exactly how to word it. Basically I graduated recently with a degree in Communications but have struggled to find work I won’t absolutely abhor (while potentially trying to pursue acting, I’m taking a class right now to get back into it). I realized that with as much as I love tv/film and storytelling/creative work, I could potentially mesh that with my degree to find work in the industry to make money and gain experience. At the same time, it would offer a behind the scenes, new perspective on how things are done and help me build up connections too (because connections are everything). Is this a good idea? Because I really need to work and I think I’d actually enjoy this kind of work (and am even applying to positions right now!), but also I am interested in acting and wonder if I could essentially help get myself into the industry by at least starting to work in it in other positions. Or would it be too difficult to break from non-acting/production type work to be seen as an actor too?
I'm 15 years old and aspire to be an actor. My father is in the film business and wants me to attend drama school eventually, if I want to be an actor. Therefore I'm curious as to what one needs to do to prepare for drama school. I hate to say it, but taking classes would be tough, due to lack of time. I also live in Europe and don't get a chance to act much in school. I have however had some experience on stage in my former school from ages 7-12 in front of around 300 people , not all entailing acting, however this experience has made me comfortable on stage. Currently I'm reading books about acting( meisner, esper etc.) and plays. As to which schools I would like to attend, the schools are mainly in the United Kingdom. Therefore I would like to get advice from people who've had experience with drama school, especially in the uk. I'm also curious where everybody auditioned for and which ones they attended and what advice you could give me moving forward. Thank you!
Hi guys. I've never done voice acting but it's been a lifetime wish to do it. Finally I wanna get serious and give it my best. At the moment, I only have a shitty Steelseries Arctis 3 mic so I'm looking into buying one. Since it's my first try in voice acting, and im also a student, I'm looking for the most budget friendly mic possible. I'm studying in Slovenia so mics like Fifine aren't really available here. I'm also going to go for a USB mic (I know yall hate that) but I just need something to get me started. So the microphones I've considered: Razer Seiren Mini - about 60 euro, Behringer C1U USB - 35 euro, Superlux E205UMKII - 54 euro, Lewitz C100USB-W - 55 euro. I'm looking for the most bang for buck. I'm going to start working soon (not as a voice actor), so I'm going to do voice acting as a hobby, but if I get any luck in it, or if I get better, I'm definitely going to invest more money into a microphone. I'm also probably going to try streaming sometime, so the microphone should be good enough for that too. If none of these are considerable, I can link the sites from where you can see which mics are available. Thank you in advance!
Hi, can anyone explain what the following acting terms/words mean? I've heard them loads and dont quite get what they mean. SAG/non-SAG (is that a thing??) Union and non-union SAG-AFTRA and whats the actors guild? what does it do? are there any other terms i should know if i want to go into film/tv acting?
Hello Everyone, I'm just getting started as a voice actor, I have been in some things but nothing I would call serious, think parody's and support roles on YouTube videos. I am looking for some advice on how and where to find more jobs and opportunities.
hi, i’m 16 and looking to getting into acting. i’m looking for acting classes at the moment, but I am still learning about the industry. do you have a chance at being a successful actress if you are not a 9/10 in looks? most of the actresses you see in larger screen productions (which would be my preferred medium) are really good looking. i am not - i’d call myself around a 6 out of 10, so not exactly on the standard of most successful actresses. i don’t particularly want to be type cast as being an ugly girl, but is this unavoidable?
I want to become an actress really badly and I’m willing to take classes and practice my heart out. The only thing is, I’m religious and come from a religious family and I can’t do nudity or sex scenes. Is it possible for me to make it far with these restrictions?
Hey guys. Anyone has a good recommendation of a coach for online one-on-one sessions? I’d love to know from foreign actors in the US because I want to work on the American accent.
Hey people. Im a dentist from Turkey, just opened my own practice in the West Coast, doing mostly dental tourism. Have seen a couple posts here, especially young people who think their teeth is negatively effecting their chance of progressing in their careers. I need a couple people to do a photoshoot for my advertisement, and the new virus and lockdown in UK prevented my plan A from happening. So my offer is, I will give someone a smile makeover(veneers or crowns, implants, whatever needed) who is willing to cover their expenses (flights, hotel, and lab costs). For a photoshoot. Just the face will be seen, nothing else. Everyone is welcomed to shoot me a DM. I dont discriminate any race, religion or gender. Have a nice one.
Any actors currently attending UK drama schools? How has covid impacted the classroom setting? I'm currently applying to UK Master's programs in acting overseas in the UK but I'm questioning whether the pandemic has negatively impacted the drama school setting. I live in Chicago btw. I doubt things will be back to normal by this fall. I've always wanted to train over there in classical acting. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hi! So I’m in a bit of an unusual predicament. I’m an aspiring Egyptian actress who’s a hijabi. The thing is, I can’t really work in Egypt because the film/TV industry here will absolutely not give any chances to hijabi actresses, and nepotism is almost the only way any young actor gets big roles here. Everyone I’ve talked to who works in the acting industry in Egypt keeps telling to take off my hijab if I want to work (which is not gonna happen), so I’ve almost given up hope on acting here. Side note: we don’t have agents in Egypt. I did a lot of theatre at university, but I haven’t been able to get a single audition since I graduated (about a year ago), so I’m thinking I might have a better chance of at least getting auditions in the US or the UK (you know, because they’re trying to be more diverse). My English is pretty fluent and my theatre program at university was mostly in English, so language isn’t a problem for me. But I can’t afford to move abroad, and it’d be difficult to get a visa anyway if I don’t already have guaranteed work there. Would it be possible for me to get an agent in the US/UK and just do self-tape auditions? Isn’t that what everyone’s doing during COVID anyway? And then maybe if I get cast in something, I’d be able to get a visa and then move? (I know, it really sounds like wishful thinking). I know I’d have very limited options, but would any agency even give me the time of day? I’d appreciate if anyone could give me any advice on what to do because I’m feeling very lost and discouraged.
Hey, I'm looking for someone that could do a voice over for my horror stories. You would have to go slow. The horror stories could be wherever between 400 - 700 words. My needs : \-Someone with a deep voice \-looking forward to work long term \-good mic Pricing: I was thinking somewhere between 10$ for each story. Since I’m planning to work long term with you, I cannot pay you more at the early stages of development. I need 10 stories for now. Which I would pay 100$ for. Let me know if you have any questions, or would be willing to work with me!
I just learned that you could actually get an O-1 visa if your agent become a beneficiary for you and that's how most international actors got theirs. Learned it on a site for Australian actors. So actors who have knowledge of this or have experience in this, it is actually possible for agents to pick you up first then issued an O-1B petition for you afterwards, no? It's getting an agent that's the hardest part?