I am a realtive newbie in the industry, because I have played lead roles in student projects both on stage and film, but nothing proffesional per se, also I live in an Eastern European country. I would like to build a resume with more official roles and I feel like the best step right now would be a Backstage subscription (I’m thinking 6 months) and multiple other sites where there is a limited, but free memebership. If I manage to get jobs and earn a bit of money/experience, then I’d like to subscribe to Actors Access too, but not right away, before any pro credits. Is this a good plan? And once I have the means is it worth it to be subscribed to all the casting sites or are 1 or 2 enough?
I'm looking for 4 voice actors (maybe less if I hire one to play multiple characters) The characters are an American couple male and female in their mid twenties, a narrator, and a slightly older construction worker. It's a short 30-ish second commercial being animated by myself. Entire script is around 60 words. First time hiring VAs so not sure what more info I should provide. Email me your reels & rates [placidoarts@gmail.com](mailto:placidoarts@gmail.com) Budget 30\~50USD
A well-known Hollywood actor Armie Hammer makes headlines over leaked DMs about cannibalism and sex acts! This Hollywood Actor Is A Cannibal! Just watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXtWYfjfB6o&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXtWYfjfB6o&t=2s)
When an actor applies for a role, do they get the script beforehand? How do they get the script?
Does anyone have any recommendations on where to start? Personally I've been looking into a coaching program called "Such a Voice" in which I'd be put into a year long session costing around 5k. I feel as if I'd be better having a singular personal coach rather than an entire company with multiple coaches, that and more affordable options are always pleasing. I'm opened to any ideas and such!
Hey I have a quick question. It might seem like a obvious answer. But can Actra members still be apart of sag-aftra projects? Like for example there is a casting call for a project and the union for that project is sag and the actor is actra can they be apart of it ?
Hi everyone, I am currently in the process of trying to decide which private acting school to apply for in Sydney, Australia. I have whittled it down to two that I like the look of and they are TAFTA and Screenwise. The TAFTA Full time program runs for 6 months from Feb and July each year and in the final term you create a showreel, hoping to showcase your talents as an actor for agents to see. During the 6 months you attend 3 full days a week (Mon, Weds and Friday) from 10am - 5pm, totalling around 418 hours (on their website) of teaching and practical work. Screenwise is a 12 month course and is 1 full day a week or two evenings a week and the website doesn't note how many hours but an estimated guess would be somewhere around the 300 hour mark. 44 weeks\*6.5 hours a week. The final term at screenwise also is producing a showreel. The course is in fact called the showreel course. ​ I am very drawn the the TAFTA course as I am lucky enough to be in the position to be able to take 6 months off work and enroll Full time, but I am struggling to find anything online around the reputation of the company or any reviews. Screenwise has a great alumni and great reviews but the hours of teaching are much more attractive at TAFTA. I must note also that both courses are nearly identical in price, circa $9,500 AUD. ​ Does anyone out there have any insight, recommendations or experience with one or both of these companies? Thanks in advanced. ​ Jim
Before the pandemic I had career making jobs lined up but I also had so much passion. Now i have no jobs and i have absolutely no passion. I mean I still wanna act, but it's just so hard to keep my head up right now. We were 6 months through rehearsals, and now the project is dead. And i have nothing now. Like i don't even want a job right now I just want that job back. Do any of you fellow actors and actress have any advice for a relatively young actor?
Every year I sit down and tally up everything film wise that I've done as an actor the previous year to gauge where I am at, where to improve, etc. I present 2020. |YEAR|AUDITIONS|CALLBACKS /PINNED|BOOKINGS|PERCENTAGE OF BOOKING| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |2015|40|1|2|5%| |2016|73|2|4|5.5%| |2017|120|7|7|5.8%| |2018|83|5|2|2.4%| |2019|95|2|0|0%| |2020|63|6|2|3.2%| ​ Of these auditions, they are the following (**BOLD= BOOKINGS)**: |YEAR|FILM|TV|SHORT/STUDENT|COMMERCIAL| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |2015|5|**33**|1|0| |2016|8|**49**|0|10| |2017|11|**58**|26|**22**| |2018|**10**|41|17|11| |2019|6|47|22|11| |2020|**1**|**37**|1|24| ​ And the time of year (**BOLD= BOOKINGS)**: |YR|JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUNE|JULY|AUG|SEPT|OCT|NOV|DEC| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |2015|0|0|0|0|0|1|3|7|**11**|**10**|3|5| |2016|2|6|**1**|2|4|3|11|**9**|7|**12**|6|9| |2017|**7**|12|6|**11**|7|**6**|4|14|**13**|14|**18**|**6**| |2018|12|19|4|0|1|4|6|**12**|11|13|**7**|7| |2019|14|9|13|9|5|4|8|8|7|11|2|5| |2020|10|6|11|5|1|2|2|3|6|8|**6**|4| And lastly, location: |YEAR|LA|NY|ATL|SEA| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |2015|39|0|0|1| |2016|70|0|0|3| |2017|115|0|1|4| |2018|81|0|0|2| |2019|94|0|0|1| |2020|59|4|0|0| **NOTES** I am pleasantly surprised how well I did considering COVID and me switching agents start of 2020. So I count my blessings with that. Moreover, I am ethnically ambiguous, I have stunt experience and I can travel easily and as such audition all over to increase my opportunities. Also, as every path is different for actors, what works for me, might not work for you. I am by no means a statistician. I use excel for all this and just manually track each month as I go along. Take it with a grain of Himalayan salt. **FURTHER NOTES** This does not include financials, which I also keep track of and keep separate from my everyday life (according to the IRS this is just an "expensive hobby"). I could further break this down based upon CDs but I'm too lazy. Quick search shows top 3 CDs: Nicolo/Colloff (13), Wendy O'Brien (9) and Jeanne McCarthy and company (9). I also jot down when I get new headshots, swap reps, or take a new class. I'm sure I can also factor that into this, but again, too lazy. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Hello everyone! I've had my Actors Access profile for a few years now, and I only have one professional headshot on it. I have booked everything on my resume with it, but a casting director recently suggested that I add a few more pictures to show some different looks. My question is: do these other photos need to be professional too? I'm not in a place where I can afford more professional headshots right now, but I have plenty of other good-quality photos that I feel could work, if that's appropriate. My professional shot will still be the one I submit first, and the one I bring to auditions. Any thoughts? Thank you!!
Hello I am an actor under 18 in the chicago land area. I landed an acting agent during quarantine since I had some theatre creds etc on my resume and a decent headshot. I was super excited for our virtual meeting but she was late with no communication so we rescheduled. Since august to january Its been silent. I try my best by actively taking classes, networking on social media, submitting to projects on backstage, actors access and open calls and I do update her on these things. They also are barley active on their instagram and website pages. Do I drop this agent? I don't know what to do because I know acting is a marathon but I haven't gotten a single audition in 6 months/since signing with them and I feel like I am wasting myself and potential growth and time.
Hello everyone!! I can imagine this question is asked quite a lot so I’m sorry :( I’m 18 years old with no background in acting at all. My parents forced me to study engineering but I’ve always wanted to become an actor even though I have never mentioned it to anyone because I’m too shy and probably lack confidence since most people would laugh at me if I had told them. (I’m not good looking or I’m not tall etc.) I recently bought IRREVERENT ACTING by Eric Morris but I’m not sure if it is a good book to start with. Since there is a pandemic, I can’t take any courses so either I have to read books/articles or watch videos. Could you recommend me any books or websites that I can check? Thank you so much, have a great day <3
Hi. I am new here, so I’m not too sure on how to make proper use of Reddit as of yet, so my apologies if this post does not make sense or has been posted somewhere it shouldn’t have been. I am hoping to break into the work of commercial acting.. I have representation, I did a couple workshops last year but of course when Covid hit and turned into a pandemic, everything sort of just stopped. I am hoping to find out if anyone can recommend any workshops/online classes, or can point me in the direction of an actors group where reputable resources/great advice can be discussed (obviously Vancouver area) Thanks so much!
The casting call is still up on actor's access, it was posted January 8th and said that the submissions closed on 01/11/2021. It's the first casting call I've seen that applies to my type which is why I really want to apply if it seems acceptable, but I don't want to make myself seem unprofessional by submitting when I shouldn't. I can't really tell if it is November 1st or January 11th but the casting call is still up 3 days after January 11th. I thought 3 days to cast the main characters of the movie seemed like a small amount but for filming dates it said " o/a Feb 23rd - o/a March 31st" so maybe it is the 11th? I don't really know. I think if the call is still up tomorrow I'm going to record a monologue, take some pictures for headshots and submit because my area only has a few potential acting jobs and most of them are for people of different ethnicities than myself so I can't apply to them. I won't if it seems grossly unprofessional, though, as I don't want to burn the few bridges I have. Anyway I just want input if this seems acceptable or if you'd advise against it - I tried googling but nothing that came up really applied so this is my last resort. All feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I’m a bit worried that I won’t be able to do acting or get an acting career because of this :(
Some sage advice from Don Cheadle on what actors need to do, to have a real shot at a career! #actor #actorlife #actingclass #ActingChallenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qVLxLi_13s