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We have found 19,320 posts across 4 actor forums:

How can I be a great actor? by Cinderella12354  •  last post Jan 11th

I am 17 and have wanted to act for as long as I can remember, a lot stemming from my obsession with movies lol. Anyway, I am planning to take an acting class really soon. I really really want to be a great actor. Not a good one, a great one. I am in awe of some actors performance's and I really want to learn how to be that incredible at acting. I feel like when I watch a movie it is really easy to recognize the difference between someone who is decent and someone who is great. However, what are the specific qualities that separate the two? What is it that makes you think that this person is great vs just being decent?

Thinking about adding one these clips to my actors access profile. Which would do yall think is better? by theactordude  •  last post Jan 11th

So I currently have no video media on my actors access, and i think it would help me a lot if I added a video. I'm between these two clip (im the guy in plaid): Clip 1: Clip 2: So yeah, which one should I add? Should I add both? Should I cut one of them down? Do they both suck and should I not add either? Please be honest! Thanks yall! Also, shameless plug for where these clips came from: Its a spec TV pilot about car drifting with anime themes, and it was a blast to work on :)

I’m not particularly attractive. Can we create a list of female actors who aren’t cast for their looks? by beezusbooflin  •  last post Jan 11th

I’ll start. Hattie McDaniel. Changed Hollywood forever for the better and didn’t do it as an ingenue. Kathy Bates. Love her so so much. Bridget Everett. Her performance in Patti Cake$ was heartbreaking, which leads me to Danielle MacDonald. Killed it in Patti Cake$. I’m just now realizing all of these women are plus size and that I have some ingrained fatphobia to work on. Lots of OITNB cast members. SNL cast members too. Maya Rudolph, Leslie Jones, Rachel Dratch, to name a few.

Austin Agencies by LinkovitchChmofsky  •  last post Jan 11th

Recently moved to Austin. Looking at agencies in the area but GOOGLE isn’t providing much information. Any represented actors in this area who have recommendations on who to submit to? I am SAG-must-join, if that matters.

When is it a bad actor versus bad casting? by Theurbanalchemist  •  last post Jan 10th

So I’m watching Wonder Woman 84 and disliked it. Started listening to some reviews who praise Gal Gadot (and praised her for her solo movie) but had a different tune during the sequel. Now, excluding just the external parts like writing, directing, etc, and just taking in other actor’s roles, presented me this question: When is it just bad casting or can an actor be flat out bad? What makes a performance bad, what makes a character bad, and what makes an actor bad?

Agents by abbey3009  •  last post Jan 10th

So I live in Brisbane, Australia. Definitely not the hub for film & television. I've been spending lots of time taking a look at different actors agents on IMDB Pro. The most common Agency I see across lesser known actors to very famous actors is William Morris Agency. How would I get into a well known, 'A-List' agency? I do keep in mind that in order for ANY agency, big or small, they have to like me, because if they don't think I'm very good and therefore won't get roles, they won't make money. I'm just still stuck on what the hell I say or do to find and get an agent, especially in Brisbane.

Instead of being very limiting, I feel like the O-1B/EB-1 requirements are actually in favor of the actor. by GlitteringTarget0  •  last post Jan 10th

This is for people who ever thought of wanting to go to America straight away to "chase their dream". No matter how very limiting the visa options are in terms of requirements, it's favoring us as an alien entering the United States. Acting is an expensive dream without any guarantee of success, unless you are, of course, extraordinary, and in order for you to be considered as such by the government officials who might eventually give you your visa, you have to prove that: - You have been in a leading role or starring role of a successful production or be a major part of a successful production such as its director, screenwriter, producer, etc. Hence you will be: - Paid more than those in your fields/have a high salary. And when you got those things combined you will have: - Articles talking about you, having your name be mentioned in an article, etc. Meaning you would have bagged at least a decent enough experience to get yourself: - An agent or a manager willing to be a beneficiary for the visa. And once you have all of that in your pocket you need to: - Have upwards to $7000 in order to get your visa. So basically it ensures that we won't be living a miserable life in USA. When you have experience and land yourself a good agent, you will be able to go to a good audition and if your skills are any good, land a decent role which will pay you enough. It also ensures that we're actually rich enough to sustain ourselves without having a day job, thus we could focus on going to auditions and honing our crafts. Does it feel limiting? Yes, because it is. >"But what if I live in a country where they wouldn't give a lead role unless you have massive social media followers or if you're a YouTube star, etc?" Feels unfair, doesn't it? But that's the showbiz, A BUSINESS, and business needs to make a lot of money, and you know who could make you a lot of money? A person who's proven to be "marketable", meaning those who have found success in their endeavor with social medias and streaming services. >"But most of them are good looking! And I'm not?" You know what else is HIGHLY MARKETABLE? A good look. But one that's also accompanied with TALENT AND SKILLS. In other terms, you need to be "extraordinary". And no, there are people who aren't good looking that are still famous, and those are " extraordinary " too. Be this second one if you can't be the first one. >"But the showbiz won't make exceptions for my religion/belief/etc?" Find a neighboring country which doesn't need a visa to work in, and start your career over there. All in all, the restrictions (or requirements, you choose what to call it) are there to save us from having to go from scratch. So for those who would like to go to the states? Start now. Nothing is impossible and you need perseverance, but you'll get there one day. Oh, and... #Acting isn't for those whose goal are to become famous.

Recommendations for clear, helpful scripts (from the voice actor POV) by Mild_Attitude  •  last post Jan 10th

Hello all, I am planning to hire voice actors to record short voice clips for a game. I have checked the libraries and resources for sample scripts, but I am not a voice actor (alas) so I don’t have a good sense of what the difference is between a script that makes you nod and say “right, I get what they are looking for” vs. one that makes you want to tear your hair out. I would be grateful for recommendations to sample short scripts (and/or tips) that make your jobs easier! If context helps, the script I am drafting is one where each in a series of 30-60 second voice messages is played as the player makes progressive choices in a story branch.

Looking for actors who shot their own reel (and also short films) for feedback by ivawolf  •  last post Jan 10th

Like the title says, I'm looking for actors who shoot their own material to create a reel. I'm currently at a point where I could use a reel but don't have one, partially due to not having received any footage from the short and student films I acted in yet. I looked into reel companies and while I have the financial means to go that route, I'm not so sure if it's really worth it (I heard mixed things about how they are perceived by CDs). So, now I'm wondering if I should ask some of my actor friends to join forces and write and produce our own reel material (not sure how that is received by CDs haha). I personally only know people who created their reel with reel companies, so I'm hoping to find some people here who produced their own material on best practice tips. Like, what would I need in terms of equipment, did you pay someone to edit your footage, did you specifically write scenes for a reel or did you go all the way to shoot a short or maybe even feature film and used your best scenes for the reel? I think I would benefit from actually producing my own reel, especially since I'm working on a script for a short, I just have absolutely no experience behind the camera and with everything technical going into it and would appreciate any feedback/tips/ideas/best practices etc. Oh, and if anyone is interested in collaborating for short films, feel free to DM me! (Should've added my location, I'm in LA.) Thank you :)

Would you use this app? by JohnnyConatus  •  last post Jan 10th

I am thinking of making an app that lets actors act together as animated characters in real-time. Basically, it would be like Apple's Animoji's but you could record scenes together, import scripts, etc... This is not a money making thing, I just want to see if there is interest in being able to work out scenes and practice together in this manner. I could see it being useful for table reads perhaps too.

Acting 101 kids/adults... by curtisclone  •  last post Jan 10th

I have an opportunity to present/teach/work with kid and adult actors in a smaller town for a local theater company who want to learn more about acting. I will have at least 4 hours for kids and a separate 4 hours for adults. *I’m wondering what you wish you knew early in your acting career/life that may have helped you get further faster or become a more confident performer.* I am planning on touching base with the concepts of memorization, listening, atmosphere, movement and dialogue. Any additional ideas are welcome! Thanks!

What can I except after my first important role ? by Soso_13  •  last post Jan 10th

Hi everyone! I'm a 17 years old girl and I'm currently in my first year of university in Europe. I want to be an actress. I'm pretty sure I will get to play a role soon. I still have to do a last meeting but from what the casting directors told me and my parents I should have it (the meeting is to confirm their choice and discuss some details) It's for a movie that will be released in movie theaters and after that on tv by one of the top distributors in my country and it's produced by a well know production. The role I will play is not the lead but it is an important one and I will have 30 days of shooting. My question is, can I except to get an agent and maybe other roles after that? Or will I go back to my daily life? Would this be enough to launch my career and make things easier for me? Of course I'm not talking about becoming a superstar or stuff like that just having opportunities and maybe make a living out of it. Idk what to expect.

Are any other Actors on Discord? by wondermilktv  •  last post Jan 10th

*Hi!* My name is **Andre**. Only a few of my acting friends on Discord, and that's mainly because of video games and work. Discord is great to run lines together, work on scripts together, meet, practice improv. I want more acting friends to talk to on Discord! I like meeting new creative types, and I'd like to make some friends i can actually talk about plays with. If you're on Discord, send me a friend request: ***PUNCHiE#9914*** I'm on there every day for work and stuff. So just shoot me a message!

Do male actors dye their hair for roles? by Monopoli-Hacker  •  last post Jan 10th

I'm studying to be an actor but my hair's blonde. Like reeeaally blonde. Literally almost white.. And I think if you have brown hair there's more open roles/chance to get a role. Do male actors dye their hair for roles?

Hair crisis by Rogue_Henchman  •  last post Jan 10th

I have alopecia where the hair follicles are scarred. The follicles have been closing but I've been trying a dermaroller to combat this. Not consistently though. I want to know if I should just give up and be bald because if I let it grow it doesn't suit me well marketing wise. At the same time I feel I will lose out on alot of roles because actors with hair get those certain roles. What say you?